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Santo Niño School of Roxas

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Long line, Short time: A Quantitative Research on the Recess

Period in Santo Niño School of Roxas

Submitted by

Camille Andrea Fabella

Kyla Nicole Rosuelo

Gwen Gayle Putong

Mark Brian Mariño

Mrs. Yanne B. Abo

Research Adviser



Students, even at a young age already knew how to value the essence of education

needed for their future. Starting from the basic, doing a performance tasks, assignment

and quizzes given by their teacher is one of the practices that a student have to take over

with inside the school. They know the main purpose for being in school is to learn and

that routines are in place precisely to help them focus on that learning. But, school is

more than just a place where children go to study. Rather, it is a place where a child lives

for almost half of his waking hours during twelve formative years of his childhood. The

entire child -body, mind, heart and soul is immersed in the school environment.

School, as a second home for children, have a great responsibility not just for

student’s competencies in learning but also to provide a proper and enough ways of

healthy leaving. A nutrition diet is essential to healthy brain development and directly

connected to one’s mental health. But, students, often let their health fall by the wayside,

allowing academics to overshadow good and bad health habits. If children don’t get

breaks when needed, learning declines and symptoms shown are: fidgeting, restlessness,

waning concentration, and off task behavior (Rebecca Mayes, September 2012). This

practice mostly occurs when students stay up late at night with their school works, having

lack of sleep and eventually will wake up late and skip breakfast in the morning to meet

the scheduled time for school. In this case, students have the urge to freshen up at school

canteen to satisfy their needs before and/or after engaging to academic challenges.

School canteen is not just a place to eat, it is a place to socialize, to study, to relax

and take a break from work. From the perspective of children's health and well ‐being,

recess time should be considered a child's personal time and should not be withheld for
academic or punitive reasons (American Academy of Pediatrics, January 2014). But,

canteen personnel, who take responsible for keeping the facility in a proper shape

towards the satisfaction of students, are not always there to meet the perfect standard of

accommodation service, especially, when there are large number of students to take over

with. Not to mention, the misbehavior of students from line formation to uncontrollable

noise they are giving, that often turns out to be one of the major problem for canteen

personnel in offering a good and fast enough service within the allotted time on recess


Santo Niño School of Roxas, is a Catholic Institution having a total population of

676 students in the school year 2019-2020. It is known to be the “Happy Home” for

everyone, for its long-winded fun events, friendly folks and good educational system.

SNSR school allotted a time of 30 minutes on recess period at exactly 9:20AM in the

morning, whereas an immense number of people fill up the school canteen, having only

three canteen personnel to run the area.

Few of complains were observed during recess period: Cutting of line, slow

service, and insufficient money for changes. Even students are aware in the incapability

of canteeners to accommodate this large number of students within 30 minutes. That is

why, the Campus Marshall Force (CMF), implemented a plan whereas 5 assigned

students for each day will be offering their time in helping the school canteen personnel

in recess period.

But, we cannot assure that volunteer students will consistently offer their full time

effort to help. According to DepEd Order Statement no. 4.1 “School canteens shall be of

two types: (1) School-Managed Canteen; (2) Teachers’ Cooperative-Managed Canteen.

Both shall adhere to professional management and sound business practices as well as to

safety and security measures.” In this case, it is not a responsibility of a student to take

care of, to mention that they also have their own priorities to make inside the school. In

view of that, an action plan from the school administration must be done.

The goal of problem posing to targeted audience is to enable them to clarify and

enlighten themselves from the factors affecting the time allotted for recess period. Hence,

the researchers would like to know the insights of students and canteen personnel of

Santo Niño School of Roxas in concerned with the satisfaction of accommodation service

inside the school canteen.


1. Is it necessarily recquired that recess period is only 30 minutes?

2. Kinds of service rendered by canteen personnel during recess period.

3. The status of school canteen practice as perceived by students and school


4. What enhancement can be proposed concerning the accommodation of service in

school canteen?


Researchers. This study is essential for researchers for it helps them realize the

importance of seeing both positive and negative side of the school canteen
accommodation. This also stands as the path to the researcher to know how school

canteen portrays a vital role in student’s life inside the school.

Students. This study is significant to all students who are involved and part of school

canteen arrangement. This also provides information and helpful facts and details for the


School Personnel. This study is essential for them to be aware from the overall

satisfaction and insights regarding the accommodation service on recess period. In a view

of that, they are open for current issue depicting at school. For they act as the second

parent of students, they will be much aware of what certain needs shall be implemented

and what action plan must be done.

Future Researcher. This study will be much helpful for the future researcher, for they

can get brief ideas, facts and details to earn knowledge about the proposed study. Hence,

this will be their outline and guide for the improvision of the study.


The respondents of the study will be the Students and Canteen Personnel of Santo Niño

School of Roxas. The current total population of students in Santo Niño School of Roxas

is 676. The researchers decided to gather 15 percent of the percentage which is 101

respondents. These respondents are manually selected, in view of the fact that there are

certain people who partakes a big role for this research.


Chapter 1, Which is the background of the study, that goes in depth to provide a

link between the topic and the thesis questions and is important for the dissertation as it

provides an insight on the proposed study. Under this chapter are Introduction, Research

Problem, Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitation, Methodology, Review of

Related Literature, and the Data Collection.

In Introduction, the researchers stated the general problem of students being

outdated in terms of health concerns. Whereas, some students skipped recess because of

lack of time, and are unable to join the long line due to other responsibilities to take care

of, not to mention the slow service rendered by canteen personnel which first and

foremost a waste of time for students. Considering that recess period should be well

accommodate for this will be a personal time for students to regain their energy before

and/or after engaging to academic challenges. Hence, the researchers would like to know

the insights of students and school personnel of SNSR in concerned with the satisfaction

of accommodation service inside the school canteen.

Research Problem, is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly

literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding

and deliberate investigation. The researcher come up with a questions as follows: 1) Is it

necessarily recquired that recess period is only 30 minutes? 2) Kinds of service rendered
by canteen personnel during recess period. 3) The status of school canteen practice as

perceived by students and school personnel. 4) What enhancement can be proposed

concerning the accommodation service of school canteen?

Scope and Delimitation, explain the way a study is limited, adds credibility to

research and are control factors that narrows the scope of the study. The researcher

decided to gather 15 percent of the percentage, which is 101 respondents, from the total

population of 676 students of Santo Niño School of Roxas. Random sampling was used

in view of the fact that there are certain people who partakes a significant role for this


The third branch in Background of the Study, is the Methodology, that describes

the broad philosophical underpinning of the chosen research methods. This allows the

readers to analyze and evaluate the overall relevance and significance of the study.

A comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic will fall under Review

of Related Literature, whereas the selection and annotation of available documents, both

published and unpublished, contain information, ideas, data and evidence related to the

proposed study. The reviews of literature that were gathered from foreign studies are as

follows; The Health Development of a Child, Duration and time for Recess Period, and

well organized arrangement of a school canteen. As for local studies, stated that Canteen

is a place which provides not only food to eat but also emotional learning and

development for children by offering them a time to engage in peer interactions in which

they practice and role play essential social skills.

Data Collection, on the other hand, discusses the research method used and how

researcher collected and selected the data needed for the study. For the conduction of this

research, survey and in-depth interview will be use as a research methodology. Whereas

students will undergo survey as for them to give accurate answers and far from being

pressured. And personal interview, will be done for School Personnel for the researchers

to use flexible and open-ended questions whose aim is to explore the deeper insights and

feelings of a respondent on a particular idea or situation. Data were carefully gathered

from selected respondents who partakes a significant role in evaluating the school

canteen accommodation.

Chapter 4, which is the Data Analysis is the process of systematically

applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and

recap, and evaluate data. 15 graphs for each survey questions were shown including the

number of respondents gathered from the total population of Santo Niño School of

Roxas, both from Junior and Senior High School. Frequencies and percentage were

presented on each choices allotted for the given questions. Answers from each questions

were carefully collected, wherein results from Junior High School are computed and

discussed separately from Senior High School, therefore can give clarification for the

overall total from each data.

The researchers also provided a separate set of questions for canteen personnel

who went on face-to-face interview, since students are not the only concern of this study,

researchers decided to undergo two-sided interview. In this case, insights from canteen

personnel would be a great benefit for additional information and to strengthen the

research. Guide questions and answers from the interviewee were shown
Chapter 5, The Conclusion. This chapter will provide a summary of the purpose,

methodology, and results of this study. Conclusions will also be discussed based on

researcher’s insights gained regarding the study findings and limitations. In addition to,

recommendations were given regarding matter related to the topic. The study revealed

conflicting insights of students and every respondent gave an excellent point both in

positive and negative way with regards to the time allotted for recess period and from

what factors it is affected. There is nothing wrong with the 30 minutes allotted time for

recess period, unless, there are no factors that could affect it. But as shown from the

findings, researchers therefore conclude, that the problem comes in when misbehavior of

students went in line as it has a huge impact to the school canteen system.



Recess is at the heart of a vigorous debate over the role of schools in promoting

the optimal development of the whole child. A growing trend toward reallocating time in

school to accentuate the more academic subjects has put this important facet of a child’s

school day at risk. Recess serves as a necessary break from the rigors of concentrated,

academic challenges in the classroom. But equally important is the fact that safe and

well-supervised recess offers cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits that may

not be fully appreciated when a decision is made to diminish it. Recess is unique from,

and a complement to, physical education—not a substitute for it. The American Academy

of Pediatrics believes that recess is a crucial and necessary component of a child’s

development and, as such, it should not be withheld for punitive or academic reasons.

The Benefits of Recess for the Whole Child. The Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention defines recess as “regularly scheduled periods within the elementary school

day for unstructured physical activity and play.” The literature examining the global

benefits of recess for a child’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and social well-being has
recently been reviewed. Yet, recent surveys and studies have indicated a trend toward

reducing recess to accommodate additional time for academic subjects in addition to its

withdrawal for punitive or behavioral reasons. Furthermore, the period allotted to recess

decreases as the child ages and is less abundant among children of lower socioeconomic

status and in the urban setting.

Just as physical education and physical fitness have well-recognized benefits for personal

and academic performance, recess offers its own, unique benefits. Recess represents an

essential, planned respite from rigorous cognitive tasks. It affords a time to rest, play,

imagine, think, move, and socialize. After recess, for children or after a corresponding

break time for adolescents, students are more attentive and better able to perform

cognitively. In addition, recess helps young children to develop social skills that are

otherwise not acquired in the more structured classroom environment.

Cognitive/Academic Benefits. Children develop intellectual constructs and cognitive

understanding through interactive, manipulative experiences. This type of exploratory

experience is a feature of play in an unstructured social environment. Optimal cognitive

processing in a child necessitates a period of interruption after a period of concentrated

instruction. The benefits of these interruptions are best served by unstructured breaks

rather than by merely shifting from 1 cognitive task to another to diminish stresses and

distractions that interfere with cognitive processing. Several studies demonstrated that

recess, whether performed indoors or outdoors, made children more attentive and more

productive in the classroom. This finding was true even though, in many cases, the

students spent much of their recess time socializing. In fact, a student’s ability to refocus

cognitively was shown to be stimulated more by the break from the classroom than by the
mode of activity that occurred during that break; any type of activity at recess benefited

cognitive performance afterward. Although specified time afforded for recess diminishes

with age, the benefits of periodic breaks in the academic day to optimize cognitive

processing applies equally to adolescents and to younger children.

Social and Emotional Benefits. Recess promotes social and emotional learning and

development for children by offering them a time to engage in peer interactions in which

they practice and role play essential social skills. This type of activity, under adult

supervision, extends teaching in the classroom to augment the school’s social climate.

Through play at recess, children learn valuable communication skills, including

negotiation, cooperation, sharing, and problem solving as well as coping skills, such as

perseverance and self-control. These skills become fundamental, lifelong personal tools.

Recess offers a child a necessary, socially structured means for managing stress. By

adapting and adjusting to the complex school environment, children augment and extend

their cognitive development in the classroom.

Duration and Timing of Recess. In the United States, the duration and timing of recess

periods vary by age, grade, school district, and sometimes by building. The majority of

elementary schools that offer lunch-time recess do so after the students eat lunch. Many

school wellness councils have adopted the “Recess Before Lunch” concept which stems

from studies that examined food waste by students in relation to the timing of their

recess. When students have recess before lunch, more time is taken for lunch and less

food is wasted. In addition, teachers and researchers noted an improvement in the student

behavior at meal time, which carried into the classroom in the afternoon. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention and the US Department of Agriculture support the

concept of scheduling recess before lunch as part of a school’s wellness policy.

Peer-reviewed research has examined the timing and type of activity during recess and

chronicled the many benefits of recess for children, without establishing an optimal

required duration. There is consensus about the need for regularly scheduled recess based

on national guidelines, even though the length of the recess period has not been firmly

established. In schools, the length specified for recess ranges widely, from 20 to 60

minutes per day. In other countries, such as Japan, primary school-aged children have a

10- to 15-minute break every hour, and this is thought to reflect the fact that attention

spans begin to wane after 40 to 50 minutes of intense instruction. On the basis of this

premise, to maximize cognitive benefits, recess should be scheduled at regular intervals,

providing children sufficient time to regain their focus before instruction continues

(American Academy of Pediatrics, 2013).

Stanford research published in the “Journal of School Health” shows the benefits

to children and the school climate when well-organized recess is part of the school day.

In an interview, McLaughlin said, “Recess isn’t normally considered part of school

climate, and often is shortchanged in tight fiscal times, but our research shows that can be

a critical contributor to positive school climate in low-income elementary schools.”

(Clifton B. Parker, 2015)

“When schools choose to cut recess, they should consider the benefits they are

cutting also and evaluate if the reasons for cutting recess outweigh these benefits,” says

Marie Conti, head of The Wetherill School and member of the American Montessori

Society board of directors.


As we all know, food is a basic necessity for a person. Food is one of the basic

needs that we must obtain in order to fulfill our hunger. Food does not only end the

hunger but it also gives the much needed vitamins and nutrients for our body to function

and develop properly. According to Ginger Arboleda (2010), she said that food industries

are inevitable especially in a country of endless works. We need a place where we can eat

while we work and study. A school is a place where there are many activities that uses up

its student’s energy. A school provides a canteen as a place where students can eat and

relax and regain the energy for the rest of the day. She also said that ambiance and

atmosphere is a very important attribute that a canteen must have.

In running a canteen, there are certain rules to be followed. There must be a

potable drinking water and facilities for washing, a clean and ventilated environment,

food covers and containers to maintain its cleanliness and for safekeeping. These rules

would help in making students comfortable and satisfied especially when it comes to

food safety standards. (DepEd, 2007)

According to Arlen Maniquiz (2009), she said that the effectiveness of the

cafeteria management does not only reflect the quality of its food but also it is reflected

by the quality of its service. Duality service that are characterized by being courteous,

friendly, democratic, and fair. In this statement, it shows the characteristics that can

satisfy the students when it comes to service.

"Recess as a Favorite Subject" May Sound Funny, But Seriously, It Is Important.

(Philippine Basic Education, 2013).


In the conduction of this study, two research methods were used, whereas students

undergone survey and canteen personnel went in-depth interview. Surveys are useful in

describing the characteristics of a large population, where respondents do not feel

pressured, therefore can answer when they have time and giving more accurate answers.

No other research method can provide this broad capability, which ensures a more

accurate sample to gather targeted results in which to draw conclusions and make

important decisions. (Susan E. De Franzo, 2012). In-depth interview is a

qualitative research technique which is used to conduct intensive

individual interviews where numbers of respondents are less and is typically done face-

to-face and uses flexible, open-ended questions, whose aim is to explore the respondent's

perspectives, point of view, experiences and feelings on a particular idea or situation.

Respondents of this study were Junior and Senior High School students wherein random

sampling were used to manually select students who will partake a big role for this

research. The total population of students in Santo Niño School of Roxas is 676,

researchers decided to gather 15% of the percentage, which is 101 respondents, 50

respondents from Junior High School and 51 respondents from Senior High School.

Since, students are not the only concern here, researchers decided to approach a canteen

personnel who will undergo in-depth interview.

Researchers went on an advantageous journey during the collection of data.

Although, rush hours and hectic class schedule went in line, it became no hindrance at all

especially most of the selected respondents were participative and attentive. But, few of

them gave a challenging experience to the researchers for some of these respondents were

not being serious enough from what is being asked, to mention that the result of this

study will rate the performance of the canteeners with regards to how accommodation is

being done inside the school canteen system.

The collection of necessary information needed by the study involved a separate

guide questions that were used for personal interview as an outline to prolong the

objectivity of the research. A canteen personnel were approached and was asked with few

questions to add up relevant information, which was beneficial as it strengthen the

proposed study most specifically two aspects were cultivated.

Santo Niño School of Roxas
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Name (Optional):
This survey is being conducted for the selected students of SNSR regarding to the long
line short time on the recess period of SNSR.
Directions: Read the following questions and check your answer on the provided line

1. How often do you take recess?

____ Always
____ Most of the time
____ During recess time only
____ Whenever I feel hungry
____ I don’t take recess

2. How much time do you spend in line?

____ 3 – 5 minutes
____ 6 – 8 minutes
____ 8 – 10 minutes
Others please specify _____________

3. What do you do during recess time?

____ Doing school works
____ Taking recess
____ Socializing
____ Using mobile phones
Others please specify _____________
4. Have you noticed that the canteeners can’t accommodate all students?
____ Yes ____ No

5. Are you aware that some of the students do not take recess due to the long line at
the canteen?
____ Yes ____ No

6. When do you use the canteen?

____ Breakfast
____ Recess
____ Lunch
____ Vacant time

7. How would you rate the accommodation of the school canteeners?

____ Poor
____ Fair
____ Good
____ Excellent
8. Are you satisfied on how canteeners process the food?
____ Yes
____ No
____ Sometimes
9. Do you agree with the time given for recess period?
____ Yes
____ No
10. Do you think CMF/CSC can help organize the school canteen system?
____ Yes
____ No

11. Who do you think needs to adjust more in the issue of SNSR’s school canteen
with regard to “Long line; Short time”?
____ Students Others please specify _______________
____ Canteeners
____ School Administration

12. What action plan do you prefer to have good accommodation in the school
canteen of SNSR? (You can choose 2 or more)
____ Hire more school canteeners
____ Widen the school canteen that fits to all students
____ Discipline the students
____ Explain what should be the proper behaviour inside the canteen
____ Ask help from the CMF’s
Others please specify _______________

13. Are you aware that students are not allowed to go to the canteen when it is not
recess time due to the preparation of foods for recess?
____ Yes
____ No

14. Do you think this research will help the school canteen to have improvements?
____ Yes

____ No

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data findings based on

the specified questions given in Chapter 3.

Table 1. This table shows the frequency and percentage of the respondents involved in

the research.


Junior High School 50 50%
Senior High School 51 50%
TOTAL 101 100%

The current population of Junior High School is 538 while Senior High School is

138. The table shows that the researchers decided to gather 15% respondents of the total

population, which is 101 respondents, to which 50 respondents were gathered from the

Junior High School and 51 respondents coming from the Senior High School.

Table 2. How often do you take recess?

28.71 The graph shows in the first

series, which is the Junior High

School, that a total of 6 students or


5.94% said they always take recess

5.944.95 6.93 5.94 5.94 2.97
at school, 5 students or 4.95% are

having their recess most of the


Always Most of the time time, 15 or 14.85% of students does

During recess time only Whenever I feel hungry
I don't take recess only take their recess during recess

time, 21 students or 20.79% only take recess whenever they feel hungry, while 3 or

2.97% of junior high school students doesn’t take recess.

The second series, which is the Senior High School, shows that 7 or 6.93% of

students always take their recess, 6 students or 5.94% are having their recess most of the

time, 6 students or 5.94% take their recess during recess time only as well, 29 or 28.71%

of students only take their recess whenever they feel hungry and 3 students or 2.97%

doesn’t take recess.

In summary, a total of 13 or 12.87 % of students said they always take their

recess, 11 or 10.89% of students are having their recess most of the time, 21 students or

20.85% does only take their recess during recess time, 50 or 49.5% of students only take

recess whenever they feel hungry, while 6 students or 5.94% of the total respondents

doesn’t take recess.

Table 3. How much time do you spend in line?

23.76 The graph shows in the first

16.83 series, which is Junior High school,

14.85 14.85
that a total of 15 students or 14.85%

6.93 said that they are spending 3 – 5

0 0 minutes in line, 17 students or

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 16.83% spend 6 – 8 minutes in line,
3-5 minutes 6-8 minutes
8-10 minutes Others while 15 or 14.85% of Junior High

School students spend 8 – 10 minutes in line.

In second series, which is the Senior High School shows that 24 or 23.76% of

students are spending 3- 5 minutes in line. 7 students or 6.93% spend 6 – 8 minutes in

line, while 14 students or 13.86% spend 8 – 10 minutes in line.

In summary, 39 or 38.61% of the respondents spends 3-5 minutes in line, 24 or

31.68% of the respondents spends 6-8 minutes, while 29 students or 28.71% said that

they are spending 8-10 minutes in line during recess period.

Table 4. What do you do during recess time?

The graph shows in the
first series, which is the Junior
17.82 High School, that a total of 10

11.88 students or 9.90% are doing

9.90 8.91
their assignments during
recess time, 21 students or

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 20.79% are taking the recess,
Doing school works Taking Recess Socializing
Using mobile phones Others
31 students or 30.69% are

socializing, while 9 students or 8.21% are using their mobile phones during recess time.

In second series, which is the Senior High School, shows that 3 students or

2.79% are doing school works, 18 students or 17.82% are taking recess, 27 students or

26.73% are socializing, 12 students or 11.88 are using their mobile phones, while there

are 3 students who specified their answer out of the given choices, they said that they are

just chilling and doing nothing during recess time.

In summary, a total 13 or 12.87% of the respondents said they are doing school

works, 39 or 38.61% of respondents are only taking recess, 58 or 57.42% of students are

socializing, and 21 or 20.79% of respondents are using their mobile phones during recess

period. While, 3 or 2.97% of the respondents pointed out what they really do during

recess as stated from the second series.

Table 5. Have you noticed that the canteeners can’t accommodate all students?
The graph shows that a total

34.65 of 78 students or 77.22% said that

they have noticed that the canteneers


can’t accommodate all students.

7.92 While 23 students or 22.77% said

that they haven’t noticed that the

canteeners can’t accommodate all

Table 6. Are you aware that some of the students do not take recess due to the long line

at the canteen?

48.51 48.51
The graph show

some of the students do not take


recess due to the long line at the

canteen. While, 3 students or 2. 97%

0.99 1.98 are not aware that some of the

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL students do not take recess due to

YES NO long line at the canteen.

Table 7. When do you use the canteen?

The graph shows in the first series, which is the Junior High School, that a

total of 6 students or 5.94% said that they only use the canteen during breakfast, 36

students or 35.64% during recess, 10 students or 9.90% during lunch, while 16 or 15.84%

of Junior High School students during their vacants.

In second series, which is
the Senior High School shows

that 2 or 1.98% of students are


15.84 using the canteen during
breakfast, 37 students or 36.63%
1.98 1.98
during recess, 2 students or
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1.98% during lunch, while 18
Breakfast Recess Lunch Vacant Time
students or 17.82% during their


To summarize, 8 or 7.92% of students are using canteen for breakfast, 73 or

72.28% uses the canteen for recess, 12 or 11.88% are using canteen for lunch, while 34 or

33.66% of the total respondents uses canteen on their vacant time.

Table 8. How would you rate the accommodation of the school canteeners?
The graph shows in the first

series that 8 or 7.92% of the


Junior High School respondents

8.91 gave a poor rate performance to
7.92 7.92

2.9 3.96 canteeners, 10 or 9.90% said it is

fair, 29 or 28.71% gave a good

rate, while only 3 or 2.9% of the
Poor Fair Good Excellent

junior high respondents find the canteneer’s performance, excellent.

The second series, on the other hand, shows that 9 or 8.91% of the Senior High

School respondents gave poor rate performance to canteeners, 8 or 7.92% said it is fair,

30 or 29.70% gave a good rate, while only 4 or 3.96% of the senior high respondents find

the canteneer’s performance, excellent.

In summary, this graph shows that a total of 17 students or 16.83% answered that

the accommodation of the school canteeners are poor, 18 students or 17.82% answered

fair, 59 students or 58.41% answered good, while 7 students or 6.93% answered


Table 9. Are you satisfied on how canteeners process the food?

This graph shows the total

23.76 of 37 students or 36.63% are


16.83 satisfied on how canteeners

process the food, 7 students or

6.93% are not satisfied on how
canteneers process the food,

YES NO Sometimes
while 57 students or 56.43% are

sometimes satisfied on how the canteeners process the foods.

Table 10. Do you agree with the time given for recess period?
25.74 The graph shows that a total
of 46 or 45.54% students agreed on
the allotted time given for recess

period. While, a total of 55 students

or 54.45% disagreed on the time

given for recess period.


YES NO Table 11. Do you think CMF can

help organize the school canteen

46.53 The graph shows that a total

of 89 or 88.11% students agreed that

the CMF is a big help to organize

the canteen. While, a total of 12

2.97 students or 11.88% think that CMFs

is not really that helpful in school


YES NO canteen system..

Table 12. Who do you think needs to adjust more in the issue of SNSR’s school canteen

with regard to “Long line; Short time”?

The graph shows in the first series, which is the Junior High School, that a total of

12 students or 11.88% said that student themselves are the one who needs to adjust more

to enable canteeners for fast and good service, 18 students or 17.82% believed that
28.718.71 canteeners need to adjust more,
while 29 or 28.71% said that it
should be the school

The second series, which

0 0

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL is the Senior High School, that a

Students Canteeners total of 21 students or 20.79%

School Administration Others

said that student themselves are the one who needs to adjust more to enable canteeners

for fast and good service, 14 students or 13.86% believed that canteeners need to adjust

more, while 24 or 23.76% said that it should be the school administration.

In summary, 33 or 32.67% of students said that student themselves are the one

who needs to adjust more to enable canteeners for fast and good service, 32 or 31.68% of

students believed that canteeners needs to adjust more, while 53 or 52.47% said that it

should be the school administration.

Table 13. What action plan do you prefer to have good accommodation in the school

canteen of SNSR? (You can choose 2 or more)


24.75 25.74




Hire more school canteener

Widen the school canteen that fits to all students
Discipline the students
Explain what should be the proper behaviour inside the canteen
Ask help from the CMF's
Others please specify

The graph presents, In the first series, that a total of 33 or 32.67% of the Junior

High School respondents preferred to hire more school canteeners for a better

accommodation inside the school canteen. 25 or 24.74% of the respondents have thought

that widening of school canteen would help them serve with good accommodation. 26 or

25.74% prefer students to be well-disciplined, 10 or 9.90% prefer students to be given a

lecture about what should be the proper behavior inside the canteen, 9 or 8.91% prefer to

ask help from the Campus Marshall Force (CMF). None of these respondents have given

different suggestions aside from the given choices.

The second series, on the other hand, shows a total of 26 or 25.74% of the Senior

High School respondents preferred to hire more school canteeners for a better

accommodation inside the school canteen. 21 or 20.79% of the respondents have thought

of widening the school canteen, 27 or 26.73% prefer students to be well-disciplined, 16

or 15.84% prefer students to be given a lecture about what should be the proper behavior
inside the canteen, 12 or 11.88% prefer students to ask help from the Campus Marshall

Force (CMF), while there are 3 or 2.97% of the respondents who suggested a higher time

duration for recess and to provide an additional canteen for Senior High School students.

To summarize, 59 or 58.41% of respondents from Both Junior and Senior High

School, prefer to hire more school canteeners. 46 or 45.54% had the thought of widening

the school canteen, 53 or 52.47% prefer students to be well-disciplined, 26 or 25.74%

wanted students to learn what should be the proper behavior inside canteen, while, 3 or

2.97% of the respondents pointed out their suggestions as already stated above.

Table 14. Are you aware that students are not allowed to go to the canteen when it is not

recess time due to the preparation of foods for recess?

The graph shows that a total

of 91 or 90.09% of students are

unaware that they are not allowed to


go to canteen when It is not yet

6.93 recess time. While, a total of 10 or

9.9% of students are aware.


Table 15. Do you think this research will help the school canteen to have improvements?

The graph shows that a total of 95 or 94.05% of students think that this research

would be a great help to the school canteen improvements. While, a total of 10 or 9.9% of
48.51 4.95 students doesn’t that this research

would offer a big help regarding the

45.54 matter.


Aside from the data
gathered from survey, In-depth

interview were also used to prolong the objectivity of this research. Since, students are

not the only concern here, researchers decided to approach canteen personnel who will

undergo in-depth interview. There is a separate guide questions provided for the

canteeners and was asked with few open-ended questions to add up a relevant and factful


Daisy Joy R. Malubay, 44 years old, a devoted canteener of Santo Niño School of

Roxas, were asked by the researchers to go through In-depth interview with regards the

topic being studied. The following are the guide questions and answers from the


1. How many years have you work at Santo Niño School of Roxas?

“11 years”

2. Can you accommodate 676 students?

“No, it is really hard to handle these huge number of students especially we are

only 3 canteeners, serving.”

3.What are the strategies you used in accommodating students?

“Sometimes I ask help from students in their vacant times, but not all the time

they are here to help because they also have their priorities to take.”

4. If you were to ask, do you want to add canteneers that will help you accommodate

students? Why or why not?

“There’s no problem on having additional canteeners, and it is still on the hand

of the school administration.”

5.How can you manage preparing foods at the recess?

“early in the morning, I adjust my time in preparing the food for students, I also

make sandwiches then the other canteeners are processing the food to prepare

everything before the recess time..”

6.Is your salary enough?

“I guess 7,000 is okay, it is a big help to support our daily needs and expenses”

7. Do you agree on the 30 minutes time for recess?

“Definitely not”

8. What are the problems you’ve encountered?

“The students, even if it’s not yet recess time, they're already at the canteen. We

don’t allow them to buy as we are following the etiquette of the school principal,

some students cannot understand and even put the blame on us and throwing

hurtful words at us.”

9.Does the Campus Marshall Force a big help for you?

“The CMF serves a big help and that is one thing I am thanked for.”

10.How can you be so sure that they are trusted?

“I trust them, but I usually observed how they assist the students and I always

give a piece of advice on what are the do's and don’t’s inside the canteen.”

11.Does the volunteer canteneers do the right thing inside the canteen?

“I can’t deny that sometimes there are student who will take advantage of being a

volunteer, taking the chance to buy food without our consent. But, I always take

notice to it by approaching and correcting them.”

12.Have you encountered financial problems?

“So far, we haven’t experienced any problem related to financial.”


This chapter will provide a summary of the purpose, methodology, and results of

this study. Conclusions will also be discussed based on researcher’s insights gained

regarding the study findings and limitations. In addition to, recommendations were given

regarding matter related to the topic.

The concern regarding the Long line within a Short amount of time allotted for

recess period had conflicting sides to some of the respondents from Junior High School

and Senior High School. Students must be enlightened about this case and one should

know the importance of seeing both positive and negative side from the overall

satisfaction and insights regarding the accommodation service on recess period.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following: 1. Is it necessarily recquired that

recess period is only 30 minutes? 2. Kinds of service rendered by canteen personnel

during recess period, 3. The status of school canteen as perceived by students, 4. What

enhancement can be proposed concercing the accommodation service in school canteen?

The researchers concluded that the long line in a short amount of time on recess

period can be resolved if students are discipline enough and equipped with good manners

as a student and consumer. Other than that, school administration should hire more

canteeners if they seem not enough to accommodate numbers of students at once,

although there are some volunteer students who are offering their time and effort just to

be part of the whole canteen system, still, they will not consistently offer their full time

effort to help, because, first and foremost, it is not a responsibility of a student for they

also have their own priorities to make inside the school (Malubay, 2019). The research

showed from table 12, that a total of 33 or 32.67% said that students themselves are the

one who needs to adjust more to enable canteeners in providing a fast and good service,

32 or 31.68% believed that it should be the canteeners who’ll adjust more, while 53 or

52.47% said that it should be the school administration. Based on this data, researchers

therefore conclude that the school administration was shown to be the most dominant

answer, followed by the students who are expected to have good manners inside the

canteen. This result strengthened the opinion given by the interviewee, that canteeners are

not the one to be blame for, because they are just doing their job and obeying what the

school administration have ordered them (Malubay, 2019).

Another relevant analysis was shown from table 13, concerning on what action

plan should implement for the improvement of canteen system. A total of 59 or 58.41%

respondents preferred to hire more school canteeners, which is the school administration

should take notice and responsible with. On the other hand, number of respondents once

again preferred students to be well-disciplined, earning a 53 or 52.47% of respondents,

becoming again one of the dominant answers to follow data gathered shown in table 12.
The researchers also concluded that majority of the total respondents disagreed on

the 30 minutes allotted time for recess period, earning 54.45% of the total percentage as

shown from table 10. Which reflected to the complains coming from the students, where

they spend so much time in line but would end up unsatisfied because of lack of time.

Factors affecting this case is visible for everyone’s eyes, according to Daisy Joy R.

Malubay (2019), students who go to canteen even if it’s not yet time for recess, affects

their time for food preparation. But, the findings shown from table 14, majority of the

respondents are not aware that students are prohibited to go to canteen if it’s not yet time

for recess.

The study revealed conflicting insights of students and every respondent gave an

excellent point both in positive and negative way with regards to the time allotted for

recess period and from what factors it is affected. There are many possible factors that

can affect the time allotted for recess period. Nonetheless, in support of 52.47% of

respondents who agreed that the School Administration is the one who should take

action, there is nothing wrong with the 30 minutes allotted time for recess period, unless,

there are no factors that could affect it. But as shown from the findings, researchers

therefore conclude, that the problem comes in when misbehavior of students went in line

as it has a huge impact to school canteen system.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following are hereby recommended:
1. The researchers recommend that students shall be taught proper conduct for a

better and fast accommodation inside the school canteen.

2. Students should focus not only on academic competencies but also on the health

and social benefits one can get in recess period.

3. Health and Educational Program Specialist, School Administration and owners

should use the findings of this study and conduct undertakings.

4. Parents should be more attentive and take responsible to their child’s eating habit

as it affects the mental health that could affect their academic abilities.





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