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PRAVEEN KUMAR K Mobile: 9701620190

Profile Summary

Having 3.5Years of experience in Web Application Development using JAVA/JEE technologies , Spring
MVC, Spring Boot.

● Experience in Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Restful web services, and Micro Services.
● Experience in developing Microservices using Spring Boot, Netflix OSS (Zuul, Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix).
● Developed all REST APIs using Hystrix commands and Feign clients for efficient fault tolerance and
handling fallback mechanisms.
● Hands on Experience in developing Restful Web Services using Spring Boot.
● Hands on Experience in Web MVC frameworks like Spring MVC.
● Strong Knowledge on Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
● Well experienced with IDE tools like Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite(STS),IntelliJ.
● Hands on experience in handling GIT and SVN.
● Good analytical and problem-solving skills with ability to communicate effectively with peers.

Technical Skills

Platforms Windows 2000/XP/7

Languages JAVA 1.8
J2EE Technologies Restful Web Services 2.0 JAX-WS , JDBC
Spring Technologies Spring IO, Spring MVC, Spring Boot , Spring Data , Microservices
ORM Frame work Hibernate, Spring Data JPA
App/Web Servers Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.0/7.0
Database Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.0/5.5
Tools Log4j, GIT, JIRA, JUnit, Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite ,Maven

Professional Experience
Currently working as Project Engineer for Wipro Limited - May 2020 till date.


● Bachelor of science (MEC’s) in Rayalaseema University & secured 70%

● Board of Intermediate Education in Sri Chaitanya Jr college & secured 92%

● Board of secondary Education in Surya Vidyaniketan & secured 8.3CGPA


1. Project Name AirPurifier Addon Client: Carrier Role: Lead Engineer

Environment Spring Boot, Java 8, Gradle, WebCTRL , Micro Services
Project Description Carrier Building Solutions Group (BSG) is developing a solution
comprising IAQ sensing and a control sequence of operations (SOO) in
the ALC WebCTRL product that optimizes IAQ and energy consumption.
Room air purifiers are integrated to the WebCTRL BMS using the existing
wifi radio to enable bidirectional communications. The room air purifiers
are able to communicate their status, IAQ readings, and other diagnostic
information back to the BMS.
Responsibilities ● Publishing an API that the BSG HRDC team can develop against it
for mobile development.
● Hosting of the necessary infrastructure for customer
● Involved in Development and Enhancement.

● Field testing of the integration of Addon in HRDC team.

● Involved in issue fixing.

2.Project Name LBG Client : PRODUCT Role : Developer

Tech Stack Java, Spring Boot, Spring Scheduling, Maven, Jenkins, Windows, Tomcat,
Web Services, JUnit.
Project Description Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) As a part of Java Vulnerability, Open
Banking has many journeys like Account services and payment services
(AISP & PISP) on that note all services are upgrading Spring Boot and
removing security vulnerabilities.
● Developed the Controller and Service Layer Components using

Spring framework.
● Used Spring Framework for dependency Injection.
● Interacting with the onshore team to discuss about releases
and requirement analysis.
● Attending the daily standup scrum calls to update the task
● Involved in application deployment in QA, UAT
environments and fixed

I hereby declare that the particulars provided are true the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date: (K. Praveen Kumar Goud)

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