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The petrogenesis of the Edough muscovite orthogneisses, Annaba,

northeast Algeria

y. AHMED_SAID 1, 2 and B. E. LEAKE 1

1Department of Geology and Applied Geology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK

,(Received 25 March 1994; revised version received 2 June 1995)

Abstract- The Edough muscovite orthogneisses, which are restricted to the lower part of a tectonic slice of an-
dalusite metapelit~ and predate the doming of the massif, are well differentiated, S-type metagranites generated
by 10-30% partial melting followed by 50-60% fractional crystallization of a melt derived from the structurally un-
derlying biotite gneisses or a crustal material of a similar composition.These metagranites predate the Ma Tertiary
metamorphism, were isochemicallymetamorphosed, tectonicallyemplaced and preserve syn-collisionalaffinities
and hence are believed to have formed at the end of the M2metamorphism. The composition of these metagranites
and that of the 16-15 Ma post M~ Edough igneous rocks are then used to discuss the tectonic evolution of the
Edough metamorphic core complex.
RSsum~ - Les gneiss/J muscovite de l'Edough, qui sont limit,s/i la base d'une assise tectonique de m~tapelites/~
andalousite et pr6datent la voussuration du massif, sont des metagranites differenci~sdu type S form,s par 10-30%
fusion partielle suJ.vie par 50-60% crystallisation fractionn6e a partir d'un liquide d~riv~ des gneiss/~ biotite de
l'unit~ inf6rieure ou d'un mai~iel crustal de composition s'mtilaire.Ses mdtagranites predatent le m~tamorphisme
Tertiaire M_a,ont subi un m~tamorphism isochimique, et preservent des affinit~ssyntectoniques et donc sont for-
m6s vers la fin du metamorphisme M2. La composition de ces m~tagranites et ceUe des roches magnmtiques post-
m~tamorphiques dat~es 16-15 Ma sont ufilis6espour d~duire l'~volutiont6ctonique de rEdough 'metamorphic core

INTRODUCTION diopside, acfinolite, andradite~green spinel+ankerite

+magnetite marbles. The pelite-lime-stone contacts
The dome-shaped E d o u g h massif is the eastern- are marked by calc-silicates formed by the reaction of
most metamorphic complex of northern Algeria the two lithologies. The upper part of these kyanite
(Hilly, 1962; Vfla, 1970) extending over 40 k m in a pelites becomes strongly mylonitized and have an
northeast-southwest direction (Fig. 1). The core of the extensional tectonic contact (Brunel et al., 1988;
massif consists of strongly deformed a n d metamor- H a m m o r , 1992) with structurally overlying Palaeo-
phosed gneisses a n d is flanked by a series of pelitic zoic (Ilavsky a n d Snopkova, 1987) andalusite-rich
rocks containing layers of marble, quartzite and me- pelites alternating with centimetre to metre thick
tabasic dykes (Ahmed-Said and Leake, 1992, in press). quartzites. In the southeast and southwest (Belelieta
The original relationships between the ortho- and and Barrahal, respectively), separated by another
paragneisses are still w.~ry poorly understood, but tectonic break, are some l o w g r a d e schists and mar-
both are m a d e of similar mineralogy except that the bles containing metabasic dykes (Brunel et al., 1988;
orthogneisses have coaJ'ser textures, contain abun- Caby and H a m m o r , 1992). Above and below the tec-
dant K-feldspar phenocrysts, less biotite, very little or tonic breaks, the rocks display mineral stretching
no garnet and are practically aluminosilicate-free lineation with top-to-northwest (N 140 ° E) shearing of
compared with the paragneisses. These latter gneis- the geometrically upper units (Gleizes et al., 1988;
ses, which are either biotite- or two mica-bearing, can Brunel et al., 1988; Caby and H a m m o r , 1992), al-
be inter-layered with quartzites a n d locally show though remnants of NS-N 60 ° E mineral lineations
signs of incipient melting, whereas the orthogneisses restricted to the lower gneisses have been noted on
are associated with lep~Tnites, which are leucogran- both sides of the dome.
ites (Ahmed-Said, 1993). On top of this gneissic unit The biotite paragneisses and the kyanite and an-
lies the kyanite pelite group, which is inter-layered dalusite pelites were subjected to the same three
with discontinuous layers of calcite, phlogopite, metamorphisms. In the biotite gneisses, especially

2previous address: O u m - t o u b (Skikda), PO Box 56, 21450, Algeria







240 :~I;I:DECHRATi ~ , ,
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0 10 kilt
130-1 BLS~
1000 m o s~a~^

Figure 1. Geological sketch map of the easternmost parts of the Edough massif (Gleizes et al., 1988; Ahmed-Said and Leake, 1993)
showing sample locations.

along Annaba-Barrahal motorway, the assemblage m. This investigation follows an earlier demonstra-
andalusite I + biotite I + muscovite I + garnet and tion of the presence of biotite gneisses of igneous
possibly white mica formed during the M2 metamor- origin, last equilibrated at 750-800°C and 4+1 kb, and
phism, which post-dates an M1 metamorphism repre- of kyanite pelites metamorphosed at 600+30°C and 7-
sented by folded ilmenite and graphite trails in M2 9 kb (Ahmed-Said and Leake, 1993), as well as the
garnets. The rocks were then deformed; the biotite II recognition of the Edough massif as a metamorphic
+ muscovite II + plagioclase + quartz+sillirrtanite~an- core complex possibly of Miocene (hornblende 39Ar-
dalusite II fabric formed during the M3 metamor- 4°Ar 24.1+1.4 Ma; monazite U-Pb 18+5 Ma and biotite
phism giving the main penetrative foliation. In the + muscovite 39Ar-4°Ar 17.4-16 Ma) or maybe Variscan
kyanite pelites, M2 metamorphism is characterized by age (Moni~ et al., 1992; Brunel et al., 1988). Detailed
the staurolite + garnet + kyanite + plagioclase as- petrological studies of rocks from the eastern parts of
semblage, which has overprinted an earlier M1 the massif are combined with the chemical analyses
metamorphism containing andalusite I + biotite I + of 20 samples for both major and trace elements using
muscovite I + Si trails of graphite and ilmenite inside the methods of Leake et al. (1969) and Harvey et al.
the garnet, staurolite and plagioclase porphyroblasts. (1973), except for FeO, H20 and CO2 which were de-
M3 metamorphism is represented by biotite II + mus- termined by conventional wet techniques. Four sam-
covite II+sillimanite-a:andalusite forming the main ples were also analysed for REE using the ICP-MS at
penetrative foliation. The same assemblages formed the Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Cen-
in the andalusite pelites during the M1, M2 and M3 tre, East Kilbride. To account for the grain size vari-
metamorphisms, as in the kyanite pelites, except that ability, rock powders were prepared from 4-10 kg
kyanite has never been present and there is no indi- samples.
cation of muscovite breakdown.
The aim of this account is to study the origin of the MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY
muscovite orthogneisses and their bearing on the
evolution of the Edough metamorphic complex. Throughout the Edough district, the muscovite
These gneisses only occur near the base of the prob- orthogneisses are well foliated leucocratic rocks, in-
able Ordovician-Devonian andalusite-bearing pelites variably concordant with the host andalusite pelites,
(Fig. 1) and range up to a maximum thickness of 100 although they display sharp contacts. The inner parts
The petrogenesis of the Edough muscovite orthogneisses 255

Sidem \ \ ,,'IX \ I Muscovite Altot = 6
phyl]ite / /
\ \ / I x \ /
\ ~, \ ~. oo
\ // \ I \ / 8~
X/ \ I \//
/ \ \ I / \ \
Eastonite / . / . . .\ . qli \ i / / \ \\ X. Phengite Altot = 4

I \ x-\
/ \ I \ //
\ I \/ \\
Phlogopite r / / ~ \ I //\.
Annite \i / \ - - Altot = 2

Y=6 Y--4
(T:fio-octahedral) (Dio-octahedral)
~ Biotitein matrix megacrysts[

K-feldsparJ @ ~ 139
_] ~ / • Na20 I
Na K
I - _ . _ CaO1
• _ 0 , 0 ~
Na 2s - ~0- - 2s K

Figure 2. (a) Composition of biotites and muscovites from the Edough muscovite orthogneis-
ses (Deer et al., 1992). (b) Ca-Na-K ternary plot showing the composition of plagioclase and K-
feldspar. (c) A traverse across a 3.8x5.0 cm K-feldspar megacryst.

of certain large masses, such as those exposed at Sidi grained rocks containing abundant augen of K-
Ali E1 Kalai and Dechrat E1 Akdam (Fig. 1), are less feldspar megacrysts (average 1.8xl.2 cm but up to a
foliated and occasionally preserve massive textures, maximum of 8x5.8 cm in diameter), but gradation to
which become increasingly foliated outward towards quartz-rich fine-grained varieties is not uncommon.
the country rock. This indicate~s that the rocks were They have a monotonous composition of quartz + K-
either syn-metamorphically emplaced or else they feldspar + plagioclase + muscovite + biotite+ilmenite
were subjected to only low degrees of metamorphism +tourmaline and accessory apatite and zircon.
during a short period of time (see later). Like the Biotite (1.7x0.9 mm) is fresh to slightly chloritized,
country rock andalusite pelites, the muscovite or- light brown-reddish flakes of eastonitic composition
thogneisses are strongly sheared rocks displaying (Fig. 2a, Table 1) and contains small inclusions of zir-
mineral stretching lineations and CS structures in- con and apatite; pleochroic haloes around zircon are
dicative of ductile deformation with top-to-northwest common. Biotites are roughly of the same composi-
extensional movement. The presence of these struc- tion whether they are in the matrix or inside K-
tures on the north and. south sides of the massif is feldspar megacrysts; having XFe[iOns (Fe/Fe+Mg)] =
evidence of predoming movements. Metre-sized 0.64-0.82, AI(W)=2.42-2.73 a.p.f.u. (atoms per formula
lenses similar to the muscovite gneisses are ubiqui- unit), Ti=0.27-0.40 a.p.f.u, with moderate amounts of
tous throughout the Edough massif, as are masses of F (1.20-1.98 wt%) and low CI contents (0.08-0.21
mainly quartz-K-feldspar-tourmaline-muscovite±bio- wt%). Muscovite (1.8x0.8 mm) is a flaky-tabular, in-
rite pegmatites, but it is still not clear whether these clusion-free, mixed phengite to muscovite and like
rocks are genetically related to the muscovite gneisses biotite, has a uniform major element composition
and hence their description is deferred to a later pa- (Fig. 2a, Table 1). Plagioclase (2.5xl.2 mm), which
per. contains up to 0.12 wt% P205, is both albite and carls-
The muscovite gneisses are medium- to coarse- bad-albite twinned, practically unzoned and has fresh

T a b l e 1. Mineral c h e m i s t r y

Biotite Muscovite Plagioclase K-feldspar Ilmenite

Oxides X c R c~ ~ r~ 1 2 ~ c
SiO2 34.15 0.52 46.37 0.61 67.29 0.32 64.17 66.07 - -
TiO2 2.56 0.23 0.74 0.03 . . . . 53.25 0.75
Al203 19.80 0.17 31.46 0.26 21.10 0.25 20.48 18.02 - -
FeO* 23.66 0.16 2.74 0.20 T - T - 42.52 0.09
MgO 5.09 0.11 1.28 0.13 - - - 0.03 0.01
MnO 0.19 0.05 T . . . . . 0.59 0.01
CaO . . . . 0.50 0.09 0 0.08 - -
Na20 0.22 0.05 0.49 0.02 10.84 0.15 1.92 1.93 - -
K20 9.38 0.14 10.45 0.10 0.21 0.04 14.07 12.94 - -
F 1.50 0.43 1.24 0.23 - - - V205 2.71 0.01
CI 0.11 0.07 T . . . . . ZnO 0.03 0.01
O~--F 0.63 0.43 0.52 0.23 . . . . . .
O~--C1 0.03 0.07 . . . . . . . .
H20 3.66 0.31 3.82 0 . . . . . .
Total 99.66 98.08 99.97 100.67 99.34 99.13
Cations on the basis of 24(0, O H , F, C1) for the micas, 32 O for the feldspars a n d 6 0 for the ilmenite
Si 5.332 0.041 6.341 0.039 11.721 0.027 11.705 12.020
AI(IV) 2.667 0.041 1.658 0.039 4.399 0.040 4.402 3.902
A10FI) 0.977 0.030 3.412 0.034 . . . . .
Ti 0.300 0.025 0.075 0.004 . . . . 2.038
Fe 3.090 0.040 0.313 0.021 - - - 0.012 1.809
Mg 1.184 0.016 0.260 0.025 . . . . 0.002
Mn 0.024 0.006 . . . . . . 0.020
Ca - - - 0.092 0.018 0 0.028 V 0.036
Na 0.066 0.014 0.131 0.007 3.634 0.055 0.680 0.683 Zn 0.001
K 1.869 0.041 1.822 0.005 0.045 0.009 3.273 3.029
The minerals were analysed in the Department of Geology and Applied Geology, University of Glasgow, using a Camecax 50 micro-
probe. All analyses were performed with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV (30 kV for V and Zn), sample current of 5 ~A, counting time of
10-50 seconds using a beam of 5 lam in diameter. ZAF corrections were applied to all apparent concentrations. The above analyses were
undertaken on a fresh sample (AS133) consisting of quartz-plagioclase-K-feldspar-muscovite-biotite-ilmenite and rare tourmaline except
analysis 2 of K-feldspar, which is a representative composition of a K-feldspar megacryst. ~ is the average of four minerals with four ana-
lysed spots per mineral. Plagioclase and K-feldspar I contain 0.01 wt% BaO and 0.02 wt% PzOs, K-feldspar 2 contains 0.12 wt% BaO and
0.10 wt% P2Os.

to only v e r y slightly sericitized albite (Fig. 2b). K- c o m p o s i t i o n of all biotites s u g g e s t s the recrystalli-
feldspar in the g r o u n d m a s s occurs as orthoclase zation of mica. Both biotite a n d m u s c o v i t e are stable
perthite a n d microperthite solid solutions b e t w e e n a n d there is no indication of m u s c o v i t e b r e a k i n g
orthoclase a n d albite (Fig. 2b), b u t microcline is rare. d o w n to K - f e l d s p a r a n d quartz, w h i c h limits the
U p to 0.12 wt% P205 w a s o b t a i n e d f r o m K-feldspar metamorphic grade to the muscovite-biotite
analysis. The K-feldspar m e g a c r y s t s (Fig. 2c) are un- isogrades. T o u r m a l i n e is b o t h p r e - a n d post-
z o n e d c a r l s b a d - t w i n n e d perthites, rich in apatite, zir- m e t a m o r p h i c , b u t b o t h t o u r m a l i n e s h a v e the s a m e
con, albite, biotite, m u s c o v i t e a n d q u a r t z inclusions c h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n . T h e m u s c o v i t e orthogneisses,
a n d contain a significant a m o u n t of Ba (BaO=up to w h i c h w e r e o n l y subjected to M3 m e t a m o r p h i s m ,
0.20 wt%) a n d P (P2Osffiup to 0.37 wt%). Late quartz p r e s e r v e d the i g n e o u s f e l d s p a r s either b e c a u s e t h e y
veins a n d s h i m m e r a g g r e g a t e s are c o m m o n inside w e r e syll-M3 e m p l a c e d or else t h e y w e r e post-M2
these megacrysts. Q u a r t z occurs as b o t h strained a n d m e t a m o r p h i s m b u t the s u b s e q u e n t M3 m e t a m o r -
unstrained grains. Ilmenite is V- a n d to a lesser extent p h i s m w a s l o w e r t h a n the t e m p e r a t u r e of crystalli-
Zn-rich (Table 1). zation of plagioclase a n d o c c u r r e d d u r i n g a s h o r t
The f e l d s p a r s p r e d a t e the sole b i o t i t e - m u s c o v i t e - p e r i o d of time. T h e fact t h a t M3 in the a n d a l u s i t e
q u a r t z p e n e t r a t i v e foliation, as d o their disorien- pelites r e a c h e d a m a x i m u m of 600°C a n d 2-3 k b
t a t e d biotite a n d m u s c o v i t e inclusions, a n d there is a r o u n d 20+2 M a a g o d r o p p i n g to <<400°C a n d 0.5
no e v i d e n c e w h i c h indicates f e l d s p a r recrystalliza- kb a b o u t 16-15 M a a g o (see b e l o w ) f a v o u r s the sec-
tion d u r i n g m e t a m o r p h i s m . T h e similar c h e m i c a l o n d possibility.
The petrogenesis of the Edough muscovite orthogneisses 257


The muscovite orthogneisses are characterized by

high Si (SIO2=75.71+1.64 wt%) and K (K20=4.60+ 0.55
• | • •
wt%), low Mg (MGO=0.37+0.29 wt%), moderate XFe
2.0 !
(Fe/Fe+Mg=0.55+0.21) and have K20/Na20>I with
the sum of normative Qz+Ab+Or amounting to
87.7±3.7. This strongly differentiated character of the
O ~ Ab, Ksp . rocks is further supported by the trace elements:
1.6 "
453±153 ppm Rb; 122±64 p p m Ba; 98±31 ppm Zr;
48±16 ppm Sr; 17+13 p p m Ni and 3+2 p p m Co with
1.4 ua the ratios of K/Ti at 31.64 and K/Mg at 14.30, which
0:~8(~ ~Hde, An should be compared with the average K/Ti and
1.2 Ms, Bio K/Mg ratios of 578 S-type granites of 11.4 and 3.84,
respectively (Whalen et al., 1987).
1.0 The average K/Rb ratio at 90±30 is clearly much
lower than typical crustal matter (average 249, Taylor
ft.8 | I |

0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 L6 L8 2.0 and McLennan, 1985; average 258, Wedepohl, 1991)
A/CNK and also falls outside the normal range (160-300;
Heier and Billings, 1970). Low K/Rb ratios, which are
O MUSCOVITEGNEISSES] characteristic of some strongly differentiated granites
• SA_._.2. . . . . . .
and applogranites (Bea et al., 1994), are probably re-
lated to the fractionation of the major phases, such as
the crystallization of a little biotite, which would
leave the residual liquid low in K/Rb ratios.
The muscovite orthogneisses are strongly differ-
Edou~ entiated peraluminous metagranites (Fig. 3) of calc-
alkaline affinities in the sense of Irvine and Baragar
(1971; Fig. 3c). Whether these orthogneisses were ex-
tracted from the melting of a crustal material and
hence are S-type in the sense of White and Chappell
(1983) or whether they were evolved from an igneous
protholith through recycling processes in the lower
crust and hence are A-type granites in the sense of
Whalen et al. (1987) is examined next as the chemis-
A 5O M
try, particularly the A/CNK values (Fig. 3a) and the
Rb modelling performed later, strongly rule out M- or I-
type granites.
Whalen et al. (1987) and Eby (1990) summarized
the main geochemical characteristics of A-type gran-
ites and suggested discriminating diagrams to distin-
guish I-, M- and S-types from A-type granites. Table 2
shows that the Edough muscovite orthogneisses have
lower FeO* (total Fe as FeO), Ga, Zr, Ce and Y but
higher Na20+K20, K20/Na20 than the A-type gran-
ites with the data matching best with S-type granites.
/ \ Figure 3. (a) A/CNK [mol AI2Ch/(CaO+Na20 + KaO)] vs A/NK
[(mol AI2Cb/(Na20+K20)] plot showing the strongly peralu-
ruinous character of the rocks (sample AS123 has A/CNK=3.73
and A/NK=4.25 and hence is not shown; see text for details). Vec-
tors show the qualitative compositional change of the residual
Ba I 50 St liquid produced by the fractionation of the respective minerals:
Differentiation trends
Ab-albite, Ksp-K-feldspar, Bio-biotite, Ms-muscovite, Hde-hom-
blende, An-anorthite. (b) AFM (A-Na20+K20, F-FeO+ 0.9Fe203,
M-MgO) showing the strongly fractionated and calc-alkaline char-
acter in the sense of Irvine and Baragar (1971). The field of arkoses
is after van de Kamp et al. (1976). (c) Rb-Ba-Sr ternary plot (El
Bouseily and E1Sokkary, 1975) showing the strongly differentiated
nature of the orthgneisses.
258 Y. AHMED-SAID a n d B. E. LEAKE

÷ © 150 ÷ ®



0 L_3
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
10000 Ga/AI 10000 Ga/AI

100 ~ g I-&s-typegranites (~ (D
. o,, l l ' ~ r ave~'ageof578s--typegmnites [
o~,fl .[. a~ageof148A.ty~granitasl
2 r ~ GRANrr~s

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Z r + N b + Ce + Y Z r + N b + Ce + Y

Figure 4. Discrimination diagrams for A-type granites (a-e: Whalen et al., 1987, f: Eby, 1990).
FG-fractionated I- a n d S-type granites a n d OGT-normal granites.

Gallium, considered a crucially important element in limited degrees of fractionation. Throughout the ac-
distinguishing S- from A-type granites, at 19-&2 ppm, count, sample AS123, which was collected from a 1.5
is closer to S-types than to A-type granites but the x5 m layer of a rock similar to the common muscovite
Ga/A1 ratios are indecisive (Table 1; Fig. 4). How- orthogneisses, but richer in tourmaline overprinting
ever, the rocks fall well within the field of S-type the biotite-muscovite main fabric, is depleted in K,
granites in terms of their Zr+Nb+Ce+Y content (Fig. Na and Rb and has an exceptionally high normative
4e, f), Fetot versus SiO2 (not shown), peraluminous corundum (c -- 10.4). This sample will be used as a
nature (Fig. 3a), moderate C1 and low F contents of reference for the degree of metasomatism of the mus-
the micas (Table 1) compared with higher values in covite orthogneisses (see Table 1).
micas from A-type granites, the absence of any Sn, The normative corundum decreases with increas-
Mo, Bi and W mineralization, which is common in A- ing differentiation (Fig. 6a), which agrees with the
type granites (Pitcher, 1983), the high alumina but experimental data (Clemens and Wall, 1981; Burn-
low Na contents (A12Oa=12.91+0.63 wt%, Na20 = ham and Nekvasil, 1986), follows the predicted geo-
2.28+0.28 wt%) and the high normative corundum chemical trends for S-type granites (e.g. White and
(c=3.99+0.8), are all consistent with S-type granites Chappell, 1977) and is indicative of isochemical
(see later). The high P contents of feldspars (up to metamorphism, making reliable petrogenetic model-
0.37 wt% P2Os) also seems to be a characteristic of S- ling possible.
type granites (London et al., 1990, 1992). The fresh orthogneisses have REE (Fig. 7, Table 2)
Harker-type diagrams and selected trace elements which fall within a very narrow range, display a
versus SiO2 plots (Fig. 5) are clearly what would be relatively steep distribution pattern (La/Yb)cN =
expected in differentiated granites produced by the 14.26+2.30) and have moderate negative Eu anoma-
fractionation of mainly sodic plagioclase (+K-feldspar lies (Eu/Eu*=0.459-~0.048). The Eu/Eu* ratios exhibit
+biotite), although the gentle slopes indicate only a negative correlation with SiO2 (not shown) as
Table 2. Representative rock chemistry of the Edough gneisses and S-, A- and felsic S-type granites
1 2 3 4 5
AS121 AS122 AS124 AS126 AS129 AS130 AS132 AS133 AS134 AS135 AS123
M a j o r elements
SiO2 75.01 75.83 77.46 76.14 74.75 72.55 75.78 75.35 73.76 76.22 74.06 77.15 1.60 71.30 2.41 71.48 2.83 74.41 74.51 3.25
TiO2 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.17 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.28 0.49 0.20 0.11 0.59 0.16 0.49 0.18 0.28 0.26 0.18
13.23 13.09 13.00 12.08 13.02 14.15 12.17 12.47 13.62 13.61 13.50 13.20 0.61 15.04 0.90 14.34 0.70 13.64 12.52 1.40
Fe203 0.63 0.58 0.70 0.63 0.31 0.62 0.90 0.52 0.92 1.57 3.05 0.93 0.58 0.85 0.30 0.57 0.37 0.37 1.25 1.13
FeO 0.53 0.61 0.29 0.49 0.74 0.48 1.15 1.38 1.19 0.61 1.15 . .
u.o~ . . u . o. v . . o. . t , ~. . . u . .~ o . . ~. . 7 1. A.u7 1.75 t~.,,,,
~n ~.~,
MnO 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.04
MgO 0.15 0.35 0.18 0.24 0.35 0.46 0.91 0.74 0.90 0.68 1.60 0.44 0138 0.87 0.50 1.45 0.76 0.59 0.20 0.24
CaO 0.27 0.28 0.44 0.24 0.23 0.45 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.33 0.27 0.37 0.08 1.66 0.59 2.07 0.85 1.30 0.76 0.60
Halo 2.58 2.74 2.68 2.26 2.46 2.5 2.00 2.49 2.17 2.03 0.58 2.26 0.45 2.22 0.40 2.45 0.46 2.85 4.11 0.66
K,~ 4.88 4.67 4.61 4.56 5.02 4.67 3.68 3.61 3.75 4.07 2.01 4.57 0.76 4.22 0.80 4.03 0.64 4.63 4.69 0.49
P~ 0.20 0.20 0.23 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.22 0.18 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.15 0.05 0.14 0.04 0.06
LOI 2.00 1.90 0.9 2.65 2.25 2.95 2.38 2.40 2.38 0.72 2.50
Total 99.59 100.4 100.6 99.57 99.38 99.23 99.77 99.78 99.55 100.32 99.77 100 - 100 - 100 - 100 100 oq
Trace elements
Rb 415 868 606 523 151 411 276 316 280 407 226 417 167 177 36 217 89 277 169 76
Ba 83 29 66 54 92 153 180 185 157 107 140 120 60 440 36 468 182 388 352 281 o
La nd nd nd nd nd 9.0 nd nd 14.1 13.9 4.8 12.4" 2.06 29 6 nd nd nd
Ce nd nd nd nd nd 20.0 nd nd 30.1 30.1 8.98 27.24" 4.24 64 12 64 ~ 53 137
Y 0 0 8 9 32 13 16 13 17 15 19 9 8 23 8 32 25 53 75 29
Zr 91 58 64 82 272 87 136 134 140 123 183 109 48 202 34 165 44 136 528 414
Sr 25 34 46 36 149 54 48 74 47 45 30 52 23 126 36 120 42 81 48 52
Ga 23 21 25 19 23 18 17 20 21 20 25 19 2 18 1 17 2 17 24.6 6
Co 1 0 1 5 9 4 4 4 2 7 9 •3 2 8 3 nd nd nd _
Ni 17 47 37 24 34 21 13 17 10 31 22 18 12 14 4 13 9 4 <1 _ 3
Cr 6 0 10 43 106 44 12 281 24 41 87 48 70 39 15 nd _ nd nd _
AS130 AS131 AS134 AS135 AS123
Rare E a r t h Elements o
La 8.966 12.888 14.079 13.862 4.795 All i n d i v i d u a l l y n u m b e r e d s a m p l e s are m u s c o v i t e gneisses.
Ce 19.97 28.692 30.152 30.150 8.982 1 = a v e r a g e of 20 m u s c o v i t e gneisses (seven analyses are t a k e n f r o m A h m e d - S a i d a n d Leake, 1993).
Pr 2.214 3.162 3.414 3.261 1.085 2 = a v e r a g e of 27 biotite gneisses ( A h m e d - S a i d a n d Leake, 1993).
Nd 8.5400 12.798 13.440 13.281 4.599 3 ffi a v e r a g e of 578 S-type g r a n i t e s (Whalen e t a l . , 1987).
Sm 2.281 3A63 3.434 3.310 1.219 4 = a v e r a g e of 205 felsic S-type g r a n i t e s (Whalen et al., 1987).
Eu 0.410 0.432 0.488 0.503 0.138 5 = a v e r a g e of 148 A - t y p e g r a n i t e s (Whalen e t a l . , 1987).
Gd 2.384 3.193 3.633 3.381 1.368 LOI = Loss O n Ignition, n d ffi n o t d e t e r m i n e d , * a v e r a g e of f o u r s a m p l e s only.
Tr 0.349 0.465 0.486 0.507 0.216
Dy 1.814 2.392 2.467 2.506 1.128
Ho 0.267 0.353 0.366 0.348 0.182
Er 0.671 0.817 0.853 0.769 0.456
Tm 0.074 0.098 0.101 0.090 0.057
Yb 0.552 0.642 0.619 0.544 0.377
Lu 0.065 0.077 0.083 0.074 0.049
(La/Yb)c 10.971 13.542 15.334 17.198 8.574
Eu/Eu* 0.538 0.416 0.422 0.460 0.327
s u m REE 48.557 71.172 73.615 72.586 24.615

,® g K-fsp
3 14
0 0 --oO ~Bt 6c amp.
~13 . °'oo+ ; oo
OJ Fe-Ti oxi.
o qO
o cpO~co ° 000 6)0
-0 ~2 " 0

0 11 . II . II . I I * II . II = il .

2 ~ K-fsp 6
• Qz~..~ &pl. 0 0 (~ (~

1 . ~Bt& 5 O O O00 (~0(~O O

o o:Ooo o

~o ®°o °o°o °®o • ~ • o O0 Qz ~PI.

3 ~ B t ,

-1 - , - , - , - , . , - , - , - 2 . , . . . , , . , . , ,K-f,.p

3 ( ~ ) 3oo L ( ~

2.5 - 0
oCl~ 0 0 o 250- 0
O 0
~ 2 t 0
200 m

0 0 0 ~ 150 0
~ :1.5 ~) 0
Qz Pl. ~ 100 00 O0
0 0 0 0
1 ~~----~Bt 50 0
K-.fsp. . , . , .O, .0
0.5 . l . • . l . l . I
0 -'-I.I.
o ®
• 7OO i

. 0
b 70 0 0

N 130 0 O0 o 0 ~500 0 0 0 0
0 0 ~400 '.o o o oo
90 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 C~)0 0
5O , . , .o, . d ~ . ° , o p. , 200 I . • . a . I . l . n . l .

O O 250.

"I o o
o° Oomo
~ 2o0
. ~
~20 ~'s0 x mxx x
0 _ran, . a . - I •

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
S i O 2 wt% SiO 2 wt%

Figure 5. Harker-type diagrams showing the fractionation trends of the muscovite orthogneisses. Note the
position of the highly metasomatized sample (AS123; filled circle), which is depleted in IG Na and Rb, but
slightly enriched in Fe, is mostly conta/ned in tourmaline. Vectors show the qualitative composi-
tional change of ti~e residual liquid as bhe stated minerals fractionate. Bt-bioWe, Hde-hornblende K-fsp-K-
feldspar, Pl-plagioclase, Qz-quartz, amp/amph-amphibole.
The petrogenesis of the Edough muscovite orthogneisses 261

"----O---- AS131H
11 AS13411

1 I I I I I I I I I i i I

La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

• o Figure 7. Chondrite-normalized (Boynton, 1984) REE plot. Note

the clustering of the fresh samples and the insignificant removal of
!. 0.1 ° o Oo o ° mainly LREE from the metasomatized AS123.
I o--oo°_2 o__
o o ° 8- oo Table 3. Zircon solubilities in the Edough orthogneis-

72 74 76 78 80 SiO2 A/CNK Zrm Zrc Tz,
SiO 2 wt% 78.0 1.16 85 78 757
76.7 1.26 74 73 751
77.0 1.21 132 78 795

°t . oo °° o o o
°i I
77.5 1.18 64 79 733
73.7 1.24 109 79 777
76.1 1.27 82 76 757
73.8 1.35 89 73 767
1.0 1.1 1.2 13 1.4 1.5 1.6 74.8 1.26 70 78 742
A/CNK 72.5 1.31 87 75 763
75.2 1.23 106 78 778
Figure 6. Binary plots of (a) normative corundum c vs SiO2. (lo) 75.8 1.44 136 67 811
P205 vs SiO2. (c) P205 vs A / C N K (AI/Na+K+2Ca) molar. Filled 75.3 1.34 134 73 804
circle-AS123. 73.8 1.52 140 66 816
76.2 1.52 123 66 804
would be expected for a series of rocks formed by A / C N K = (AI/Na+K+2Ca) molar; Zrm and Zrc=measured and
fractionation where plagioclase is removed. The gen- computed Zr concenixations (Watson and Harrison, 1983). Zrc was
eral depletion of the HREE is attributed to the frac- calculated for a temperature of 750°C. Tz~=zircon saturation tem-
peratures calculated using the formulation of Watson and H a m -
tionation of zircon and apatite, which indicates that son 0983): lnDzr~'~/~l~{-3.8 - [0.85 (IV[ - 1)]} + 12900/T, where
the original igneous signature is stiU preserved. lnDz~o~/ ratio of Zr in stoichiometric zircon
AS123 seems to have lost only very little LREE. (taken as 49.8%) to that in the melt (measured Zr contents in the
rocks), T=absolute temperature and M= (Na+K+2Ca)/(AIxSi)
Zirconium decreases systematically with differen- cations. SiO2=weight fraction of silica in the melt (measure SiO2 in
tiation (Fig. 5g), indicating the continuous fractiona- the rocks).
tion of zircon, which, combined with the low Zr con-
tents of the rocks (Zr = 98+31 ppm), rule out the shown in Table 3 do not differ significantly and in-
presence of restite (inherited) zircon and hence in- deed the average calculated zircon saturation tem-
creases the confidence in using Zr in petrogenetic perature of 744+28°C is probably not significantly dif-
modelling. The saturation model of Watson and Har- ferent from the magmatic temperature as the
rison (1983) has been applied to derive the zircon metamorphism of the host andalusite pelites never
saturation temperatures, the expected zircon contents reached such a high temperature. Watson and Harri-
at the water saturated granite minimum of 700+50°C son (1983) also noted that if the Zr concentration in
and to estimate the zircon contents of the source the source rocks is higher than the calculated satura-
rocks. The measured and calculated Zr contents as tion levels, the melt would be saturated in Zr at all

Qz in terms of their Qz-Ab-Or contents. From the work

of Ebadi and Johannes (1991), the Qz-Ab-Or ternary
plot can be used to constrain the path(s) of crystalli-
zation of granitic melts in the system Qz-Ab-Or-
(H20-CO2). At a constant total pressure, the quartz
content of minimum melts does not change with aH2o
but rather the O r / A b ratio increases with decreasing
water activity. Thus, if crystallization occurs in an as-
cending magma, the change in composition of the re-
sidual liquid will be very different in H20-saturated
and undersaturated magmas. In H20-saturated
magmas, the Or content of the minimum melt com-
position is roughly the same in the range 1-10 kb,
which means that the Qz content increases at the ex-
pense of Ab in residual melts. In H20-undersaturated
magmas, the aH2o increases when a magma starts
Ab 50 Or crystalizing during the ascent. This means that the Ab
content of the residual melts remains constant but Qz
Figure 8. The muscovite orth0gneisses projected in terms of their increases at the expense of Or. The present plots sug-
normative Qz-Ab-Or. Also shown are the loci eutectic composi- gest that no major fractionation has taken place and
tions with changing total pressure and water activities (Tuttle and that water-poor magmas were involvedl
Bowen, 1958; Luth et al., 1964; Ebadi and Johannes, 1991). The
fields of the Edough biotite gneisses, kyanite pelites, granulites
(Johannes and Holtz, 1990) and the 86% frequency of 1190 granites PETROGENESIS
taken from Winkler (1976) are also shown for comparison.
The above constraints, especially the fact that the
times, irrespective of the degree of partial melting, rocks still preserve their orginal igneous trends, al-
and hence the residual Zr would increase with in- lows confident petrogenetic modelling of these S-type
creasing partial melting. If the Zr contents are lower, metagranites. The crucial question is were they pro-
however, then the melts would be saturated in Zr duced by the local melting of the Edough country
only for a certain time span until the Zr in the source rocks or from deeper sources? The muscovite or-
is exhausted and hence the extracted liquids would thogneisses are modelled in terms of fractional crys-
be gradually Zr depleted. Therefore, the compatibil- tallization of a differentiating granitic magma and
ity of Zr and its low measured concentrations in the partial melting of the Edough country rocks, namely,
present rocks indicate that the source rocks were Zr the biotite gneisses, the kyanite and andalusite pelites
saturated but with 219+41 ppm Zr in the biotite and a greywacke composition, as well as the average
gneisses and 202~34 ppm in the kyanite pelites it is continental crust. The models are based on Rb, Ba, Sr
not possible to ident~y whether one of the two was and Zr and the computations used partition coeffi-
the source rock or if there was some other parent. cient data from Ewart (1982), Henderson (1982), Ma-
P205 does not follow the theoretical models of hood and Hfldreth (1983) and Nash and Crecraft
Harrison and Watson (1984) and Pichavant et al. (1985).
(1992) when plotted against SiO2 and A / C N K (Fig.
6b, c), but it is well recognized (Pichavant et al., 1992) Fractional crystallization
that peraluminous rocks pose special problems and
hence they are not discussed further. Magmas generated by fractional crystallization or
A projection of the muscovite orthogneisses in by partial melting follow different trends (Cocherie,
terms of Qz-Ab-Or are shown in Fig. 8 together with 1986; see also the equations given in the caption of
eutectic compositions over 1-10 kb total pressure at Fig. 9) and these differences could be enhanced by
two values of water activities (Tuttle and Bowen, plotting compatible versus incompatible elements.
1958; Luth et al., 1964; Ebadi and Johannes, 1991). Strontium, Ba and Zr behave compatibly and thus
Also shown are the fields of the Edough biotite gneis- show negative slopes when plotted against the highly
ses and kyanite pelites, the 86% frequency of 1190 incompatible Rb (Fig. 9), which indicates that frac-
granites taken from Winkler (1976) and the field of tionation did take place, although the observed slopes
granulites considered by Johannes and Holtz (1990). are much smaller than in typical magmatic fractiona-
The muscovite orthogneisses plot in a restricted area tion, whether using Rb, SiO2, the differentiation index
towards the quartz-rich apex, suggesting that the (1/3 SiO2+K20-CaO-MgO) or Fetot as differentiation
analysed samples may reasonably be regarded as indices. The volume of the parental liquid was
representing the primary liquid compositions, at least probably smaller than typical magmas and hence
The petrogenesis of the Edough muscovite orthogneisses 263

'~ Sr ppm Zr ppm Ba ppm "~


/ -~0~ ~ I/ N°'e'idual
zi'~°~""~0J i i ~ Jl
k. Rb p p m Rb p p m Rb p p m )

Figure 9. Measured and modelled values of Rb versus (a) Sr, (b) Zr and (c) Ba for the Edough muscovite orthogneisses. The fractiona-
tion curves (crosses) are computed for a near 'ternary minimum' composition dominated by plagioclase, K-feldspar and quartz frac-
tionation using the Rayleigh distillation equation (CL/Co = fD-1). The calctdations assume fractional crystalliTation from a starling
composition shown by the asterisks (Rb = 160 ppm, Sr = 300 ppm, Ba = 650 ppm, Zr = 130 ppm). The Ds', Dzr and Dea shown on the re-
spective curves are calculated for varying f values (0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) with DRbheld constant at 0.28. Note that the measured Sr, Zr
and Ba fall more smoothly with increasing Rb than is expected in typical magmatic fractionation.
Melting models (pluses) are constrained by a plagioclase-dominated residual assemblage using the equations of Consolmagno and
Drake (1979) [CL/Co=I/F + D(1-F)] and taking the average of 32 kyanite pelites (curves 1), 15 andalusite pelites (curves 2), 27 biotite
gneisses (curves 3), average greywackes (curves 4) and the continental crust (curves 5) as staring compositions. The computations are
performed for DRb= 0.36, Dsr = 1.80 (curves 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and 3.36 (curves la, 2a, 3a, 4a and 5a), De- = 1.50 (curves 1, 2, 3, 4and 5) and
3.00 (curves la, 2a, 3a, 4a and 5a) and Dzr = 2 (residual zircon) for varying values of F (0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8; direction of ar-
row). The starting compositions are: biotite gneisses (Rb = 177 ppm, Sr = 126 ppm, Ba = 440 ppm, Zr = 202 ppm); kyanite pelites (Rb =
206 ppm, Sr = 186 ppm, Ba = 543 ppm, Zr ffi 220 ppm); andalusite pelites (Rb = 224 ppm, Sr = 71 ppm, Ba = 348 ppm, Zr = 236 ppm);
greywackes (Rb = 46 ppm, C;r = 400 ppm, Ba = 316 ppm, Zr = 387 ppm); the continental crust (Rb = 71 ppm, Sr = 337 ppm, Ba = 783
ppm, Zr = 197 ppm; Wedepohl, 1991). The length of the thick curves represent 60% fractional crystallization after 40% partial crystalli-
zation of the biotite gneisses and taking the same bulk partition coefficients as given above for fractional crystallization. CL = concen-
tration of an element in the forming melt or residual liquid, Co = concentration of the element in the initial solid or initial magma, F(f)
= degree of partial melting ~nd fractional crystallization, respectively, D = bulk partition coefficient.

c o u l d h a v e b e e n locally d e r i v e d . T h e r e are a n u m b e r ined, especially as Fig. 10 s h o w s the gneisses to fall

of s u p p o r t i n g a r g u m e n t s . T h e m u s c o v i t e o r t h o g n e i s - w i t h i n the field of anatectic g r a n i t e s (Batchelor a n d
ses are a b s e n t f r o m all the u n d e r l y i n g f o r m a t i o n s , B b w d e n , 1985). T h e m e l t i n g m o d e l s d i s c u s s e d b e l o w
there is a total a b s e n c e of c o n t a c t m e t a m o r p h i s m of are p e r f o r m e d for the m i n e r a l a s s e m b l a g e s of the re-
the i m m e d i a t e l y a d j o i n i n g c o u n t r y rocks a n d there spective E d o u g h f o r m a t i o n s , t a k i n g their a v e r a g e
are n o n e a r b y b a s i c - i n t e r m e d i a t e or acid intrusions c o m p o s i t i o n s in the e l e m e n t s c o n c e r n e d in all c o m p u -
rocks f r o m w h i c h t h e y c o u l d h a v e e v o l v e d . T h e bi- tations a n d u s i n g the e q u a t i o n s of C o n s o l m a g n o a n d
otite o r t h o g n e i s s e s cavmot h a v e b e e n a p a r e n t a l D r a k e (1979). T h e s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n s of the m i n e r a l
m a g m a b e c a u s e t h e y are p r e syn-M2 m e t a m o r p h i s m . a s s e m b l a g e s are a c c o u n t e d for a n d t h u s the melt
c o m p o s i t i o n s are p e r f o r m e d for a r a n g e o f calculated
Partial m e l t i n g b u l k p a r t i t i o n coefficients r a t h e r t h a n a v e r a g e values.
F i g u r e 9 s h o w s t h a t the m e l t i n g of the k y a n i t e
T h e c h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n a n d characteristics pelites w o u l d g e n e r a t e melts richer in Ba, Sr a n d , to a
(high Si, A / C N K a n d n o r m a t i v e c o r u n d u m , the ab- lesser extent, Zr t h a n t h a t f r o m w h i c h the m u s c o v i t e
sence of a s t r o n g correl.ation b e t w e e n the transition gneisses w e r e d e r i v e d , as d o e s a s t a r t i n g c o m p o s i t i o n
metals Cr, Ni, C o etc. a n d the differentiation index, or m a d e u p of a c o m b i n a t i o n of b o t h the k y a n i t e a n d
SiO2, or Rb), c o u p l e d w i t h e x h a u s t i v e m o d e l l i n g , rule a n d a l u s i t e pelites. F u r t h e r m o r e , Moni~ et al. (1992)
o u t a m a n t l e source. T h u s , o n l y m e l t i n g of crustal s h o w e d t h a t anatectites d e r i v e d f r o m the kyanite
sources, s u c h as the E d o u g h c o u n t r y rocks, a g r e y - pelites consist of q u a r t z , oligoclase antiperthite, silli-
w a c k e c o m p o s i t i o n a n d the c o n t i n e n t a l crust, is e x a m - m a n i t e a n d andalusite, w h i c h are a p p r e c i a b l y differ-


/ A / [O muscovitegneisses ]
• . . sampleAS123
Field of amphlbohtes ~ ~ Edough biotite gneisses [
\ / ~ L~ Edough kyanitepelites /
k ,~,~) Hde ['~" Edough andalusitepelitesJ
2000 [• granite-gneiss ]

Ab'0~3 ~ / k
• 1000
AbsoZ~m,llll~--~ield of meta-pelites

I ' ' Y , , ' , , ' R1

-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Figure 10. R1-R2 plot (de la Roche et al., 1980; Batchelor and Bowden, 1985); RI=4Si - 11(Na
+ K) - 2(Fe + Ti) and R2=6Ca + 2Mg + Al. The samples plot in the field of anatectic granites.
The average Edough biotite gneisses and kyanite and andalusite pelites are also shown to-
gether with the fields of the published meta-pelites, amphibolites and greywackes
(BaChelor and Bowden, 1985). 1-mantle differentiates; 2-destructive plate margin magma-
tism, calc-alkalic and trondhjemitic; 3-post-collisional, high potassic calc-alkalic; 4-late oro-
genic, sub-alkalic; 5-anorogenic, alkalic; 6-syn-orogenic, anat~ctic; 7-post-orogenic, anat~c-
tic. Ab-albite, An-anorthite, Hde-hornblende, Or-orthoclase, Qz-quartz, Mo-monazite.

Nb ppm Rb ppm (~

too lo
0 ,~ 0 O0 O0

lO VAG / 1
~ &VAG

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • .]

10 100 1000 10 100 1000 70 75 80

¥ ppm Y+Nb ppm Si02 we/.

Figure 11. Tectonic setting for the Edough muscovite orthogneisses [(a) and (b) after Pearce et al., 1984 and (c) after Harris et al., 1986].
ORG-Ocean Ridge Granites, SYN-COLG-Syn-CoUisional Granites, VAG-Volcanic Arc Granites, WPG-Within Plate Granites. AS123-
filled circle.

ent from the composition of the muscovite or- mobilisates within these rocks. Although model
thogneisses. Clearly, the conditions of melting of this melting of greywackes is inaccurate, mainly due to
reported composition of the anatectites must have their variable trace elements, and although no grey-
been significantly different from those which caused wackes have yet been reported from the Edough dis-
the melting of the protolith from which the muscovite trict or northeast Algeria, modelling the average
gneisses were derived, as were their initial composi- greywackes (Rb=46 ppm, Ba--316 ppm, Sr=400 ppm,
tions or the fractionation of these anatectites would Zr=387 ppm; Wedepohl, 1977), or indeed the average
give a comparable composition to that of the gneisses. Proterozoic Hoggar greywackes, central Algeria (Rb
Melting of the andalusite pelites alone is also improb- --41 ppm, Ba--743 ppm, Sr=383 ppm, Zr=not given;
able as any melts derived thereof would have been Caby et al., 1977), was tested and from Fig. 9 it is ob-
richer in Ba and Zr than the parental liquid of the vious that the melting of greywackes would generate
muscovite gneisses, but also these rocks were never liquids far too low in Rb to be the parental liquid of
subjected to P T conditions sufficient for incipient the muscovite orthogneisses nor would assumed
melting, as is supported by the total absence of any fractional crystallization after melting allow the re-
The petrogenesisof the Edoughmuscoviteorthogneisses 265

production of the original composition. Melting of the level (basement gneisses and overlying kyanite pe-
continental crust (Rb=71 ppm, Ba--783 ppm, Sr=337 IRes) and dating techniques (U-Pb, Nd-Sm, 4°Ar/39Ar)
ppm, Zr=197 ppm; Wedepohl, 1991) would again indicating that either all the three recognized meta-
produce melts much ric]her in Sr and Ba than the pa- morphisms are Tertiary in age or an unusually com-
rental liquid of the muscovite gneisses. Although the plete homogenization of the phases due to a major
liquid generated by the melting of the biotite gneisses thermal event occurred during this time. The peak
would agree in terms of Sr~ Zr and Ba, nevertheless temperature reached by the rocks, as indicated by the
Rb concentrations are not well reproduced. minerals with high isotopic closure temperatures
(garnet, zircon, monazite), was at 21+3 Ma. Since T2
DISCUSSION during M2 metamorphism < T3 during M3, which is
>700°C (a similar value to the isotopic closure tem-
The muscovite gneisses plot in the field of syn- perature of garnet, zircon and monazite of 600-
collisional granites (Fig. 11). Harris et al. (1986) 700°C), it is believed that 21+3 Ma represents the age
noted that both the high Himalayan leucogranites of peak ~ metamorphism. Although the data of
(50-10 Ma) and the syntectonic granites of the Her- Hammor (1992) rules out the presence of Variscan
cynides (280-260 Ma) plot within this field with ages in the Edough massif, Boufllin et al. (1984),
Bonin et al. (1993) indicating that these trends are Brunel etal. (1988) and Mahdjoub (1994) suggest that
found in Late Variscart granites in the Alpine do- remnants of the Variscan orogeny are still preserved
main. It therefore follows that the muscovite or- in northeast Algeria and indeed in the Betic-
thogneisses are either Variscan or Tertiary, but there Cordilleras of Spain. The possibility that M2 HP-HT
are no direct age determinations of them or their metamorphism may be due to the Cretaceous-
host andalusite pelites. Their likely age is discussed Paleogene convergence in the Alboran plate (Platt
in terms of the available geochronology on the mas- and Vissers, 1989) as suggested by Moni~ et al., (1992)
sif and the fact that the gneisses are post-M2 but pre- cannot at present be completely ruled out.
M3 metamorphisms. The origin of the muscovite gneisses and Tertiary
The following ages were recently obtained from igneous rocks could provide valuable information on
the various Edough formations: the composition of the protoliths and the PT condi-
i) 4°Ar/39Ar dating e.f biotite and muscovite from tions of crystallization and hence provide further in-
the two mica paragneisses and phlogopite and mus- sight into the conditions of the peak M2 and M3
covite from the kyanite pelites give an age of 17.4-16 metamorphic conditions, especially as both rocks are
Ma (Moni~ et al., 1992), which is similar to the 18+5 S-type in the sense of White and Chappell (1983). The
Ma U-Pb age of monazite from a paragneiss 16-15 Ma granites plot between 5-4 and 0.5 kb on the
(Hammor, 1992) and is only slightly younger than the Qz-Ab-Or ternary diagram between the aH20=0.5 and
24.1+1.4 Ma 4°Ar/39Ar amphibole age from a retro-
0.3 curves of Ebadi and Johannes (1991), suggesting
gressed eclogite (Moni~ et al., 1992). crystallization at --700+50°C (Fig. 8 for the average
ii) U-Pb ages of zircon from the lowermost biotite-
granite; see also Fig. 8 in Ahmed-Said et al., 1993).
bearing paragneisses, which give upper intercepts at
The metamorphic recrystallization of the country
1630~50 Ma and 170+4Ma, respectively, are believed
rocks around these igneous bodies implies that Tcou~t,y
to be due to a loss of radiogenic Pb at 600 or 300 Ma
< Templacementat roughly the same pressure suggesting
and 18 Ma (Hammor, 1992).
that the Tco,,try was probably ,~650°C at the time of
iii) Sm-Nd dating of garnet-whole rock pairs from
crystallization and the emplacement of the intruding
the kyanite pelites and garnet-bearing basement or-
Tertiary magma. The value of 700+50°C approaches
thogneisses gives an age of 22.6+4 Ma and 20.5+2.34
the isotopic closure temperatures of garnet, zircon
Ma, respectively (Hammor, 1992).
iv) Whole rock Rb-Sr dating of the biotite ortho(?)
and monazite and hence is likely to have occurred
gneisses gave an age of 199-~30 Ma (Ahmed-Said and around 21+3 Ma (ages obtained from zircon and
Leake, 1993), but Rb-Sr ages on gneisses have low re- monazite) at the peak of M3 metamorphism. The
liability as the initial ratios of the same samples a r e country rocks reached the temperature of ~500-400°C
often not the same and single minerals have yet to be (i.e. isotopic closure temperature of the micas) about
dated. 17.4-16 Ma ago. It thus follows that the PT of the
v) Whole rock K-Ar of the Edough granitoids country rocks dropped from ~650°C (~5-4kb) to ~500-
gives an age of 16-15 Ma (Marignac and Zimmer- 400°C (--3-2kb) from 21+3 to 16 Ma suggesting a
mann, 1983). cooling rate of up to 50°C Ma 1-. Equally important,
Clearly, all the dated minerals yield ages in the since the emplacement of the igneous rocks was con-
range of 24-16 Ma irrespective of their crystallization trolled by extensional tectonism, especially normal
histories (e.g. garnets and micas formed during M2 faults, the drop of pressure from about 5-4 kb
and M3 metamorphisms, respectively), structural (~700+50°C) from 21+3 to 18 Ma through 2-3 kb

N140~IO°E ~ I~ N140~10°E

• • ,•,~

* gl;;", :I;I; •

'.'. '. * • , I ; I I " ,I;I," '

~ . ; . . y . g/

" Lower
" " * ' ~~N ~ O °*~ * " * *****
7 "':""' * %*'%****%%%*
% * "%% * * ' *

c~ ..:. ..:. ..:..:

. " .. :~..:...- : :...:. ~Ae:~n Oh Se pnnoe sn pc h e r] manman

In'm,~tve T e l ~ ' y igneous rocks

l~_'i_', Naples /14o~1oOE

~rmity llnealio~ found in both unit5
UFl~r m d t : with ~ - t o - N W shearin 8
,~.,~m m u ~ v i t e orthosneisses
low i.n~e faults
I ~ S~li~+s a . a ~ ~'bles lme.ation Iom'ld in lower unit
w i ~ N ~ NE s h ~ ' i n g
[ ~ Ke f lakbal ampl'ul0olit~
low faults
io/anite ~ l t t e s &

Lowe5' m ~

,-~-~ o~ho- & para- 8n,a u e . + k,lay~tes

Figure12. Interpretativegeodynamicmodelfor the Edoughmetamorphiccomplexduringthe Miocene(notto scale).

(~500-400°C) from 18 to 16 Ma ago to about 0.5 kb CONCLUSIONS

(<<400°C) from 16 to 15 Ma ago indicates that the
relatively slow uplift during the Early Miocene i) The muscovite orthogneisses were formed at the
was followed by rapid uplift and exhumation of end of the M2 HP-HT metamorphism, which was
the massif during the final stages of the Alpine overprinted by the M3 Miocene LP-HT metamor-
orogeny. Moni~ et al. (1992) suggested 200-300°C phism during the Alpine orogeny. Peak ~ meta-
Ma 1-. The P-T path of the Tertiary granitoids sug- morphic conditions, which affected all the Edough
gests an uplift rate of 2-4 km Ma 1-. This process of formations and was accompanied by extensional de-
crustal thinning seems also to be responsible for formation, was probably reached about 21+3 Ma just
the outcrop of the Sidi Mohammed eclogites, before the formation of the Mediterranean Sea. Al-
which are spatially associated with basic and ul- though the rocks preserve syn-collisional affinities, it
trabasic rocks, mainly harzbugite (Bossi~re et al., was not possible to precisely constrain the age of
1976)• The eclogites consist of garnet + omphacitiC emplacement and hence the age of the M2 metamor-
pyroxene + rutile + zoisite + quartz, which are phism.
partly to completely replaced by ferroan pargasitic ii) These crustal thinning processes caused dom-
hornblende extending to pargasite and pargasitic- ing of the massif, crustal collapse, rapid isothermal
edenitic hornblende + clinozoisite + plagioclase + decompression of the country rocks and the em-
quartz. Moni~ et al. (1992) reported the occurrence placement of mantle basic a n d ultrabasic rocks and
of sphene with the latter assemblage• These ec- associated eclogites now exposed in the core of the
logites, which were initially metamorphosed under massif. Many of the local basins were formed during
high pressure-medium temperature (P>13.8- this period, as was the southerly displacement of the
14.5+0.9 kb, T=630-648+46"C), were retrogressed Numidian flysch (Wildi, 1983).
under lower pressure but higher temperature iii)The rapidly crystallized 16-15 Ma Edough ig-
(P<12.8+1.9 kb, T>700±67°C) with uplift. These neous rocks, which were controlled by extensional
isothermal decompression processes, the effect of deformation, especially normal faults, formed to-
which is recorded in the three main Edough units, wards the end of the doming of the massif. It could
suggest that extension affected both the crust and therefore be suggested that the 17-16 Ma 4°Ar/39Ar
the mantle. mineral ages obtained by Moni~ et al. (1992) may rep-
The petrogenesisof the Edoughmuscoviteorthogneisses 267

resent the partial overprint of a retrograde metamor- genesis of the Edough amphibolites, Annaba, NE
phism developed during this period. The fact that the Algeria; two unrelated basic magmas and the har-
same ages were obtained using the same minerals zburgite residue of a possible magma source. Min-
from rocks from the Betic CodiIleras of Spain (Moni~ eralogy Petrology.
et al., 1991) suggests a regional event. Ahmed-Said, Y., Leake, B. E. and Rogers, G. 1993.
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