Unit 4 Life Issues 24

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Unit 4 Life issues 4th year arts stream Secondary School Sbitla2

teacher mrs Hrizi

Lesson 1 Life concern 2hs

I Pre- stage:

1 * Life issue : a ………………………….of …………words

Life like:………………………….

Life long: …………………………..

Life style:………………………………. Look at ac1 p193

2 What is an issue? Look at p194 and complete : It is an ………………… t………………/p…………… that

is often di…………..or ar………….about.

3 What are your most life concern?

Life concern

Health issue/healthy diet/disease// stress/ drugs/ smoking.

4 Now do you have a healthy life style? Do you maintain a healthy habit? Fill in this table

How to keep a healthy life style?

6 It might be a good idea to ask a dietitian / /.
7 It is recommended that you eat your “five a day”.
8 If I were you I would avoid smoking.

What is this concept of “five a day”: It is a………………………. based on …………………….from the The
WHO which ……………………..eatig five portions of ………………… and vegetables …………………. to …………….
the risks of ………………….health ………………………. Such as stroke, heart disease and some cancers.

Smoking is a nasty habit 5 Fill in this table

Smoking hazards? Why do teenagers smoke?

*………………………………………………………………………………….. *…………………………………………………………………………………..
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*……………………………………………………………………………….. *………………………………………………………………………………..
6 -Now could you work in groups and think of some solutions

*………………………………………………………………………… *…………………………………………………………………………….


*……………………………………………………………………… *……………………..……………………………………………………….

II While- stage p195 /196

1-focus on the picture and discuss the message they convey Read the text p195

2 -What is the purpose of the text? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3 -fill on the table.

Benefits of quitting smoking How to quit smoking?

*………………………………………………………….. *…………………………………………………………..
*………………………………………………………….. *…………………………………………………………..
*……………………………………………………………… *………………………………………………………………
3Mach the word with its definition

Words definition
Mistaken Stop doing sth, quit sth
Give up v Wrong
Stroke n Topic for discussion
Issue n Sudden serious illness when blood is blocked
Dietitian n An expert in nutrition
Pee vl Cook by means of boiling in water
Steam v Remove skin /strip off

III Post- stage: Let’s write about it

You are shocked by the sharp and stunning increase of the number of teenagers who are
addicted to cigarettes . So you decided to write an article . In this article you will not only
show your concern about the rise of the number of young addicts but also suggest some
effective measures and solutions in order to face and curb this phenomenon.


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