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Name: _____________________________ Score: ______________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and Understand the following questions.

1. What do you call the process of guiding the person during a stage of life when reassessment or decisions have to be made about himself or
herself and his or her life course?
a. human anatomy b. discipline of counseling c. psychological d. counseling manner
2. _______ is the heart of the heart of the guidance services.
a. classroom adviser b. psychology c. guidance counselors d. school principal
3. Which item below is NOT the context and the basic concepts of counseling?
a. peer as context b. neighborhood as context c. teacher as context d. counseling as context
4. It is the GOAL of Disciplines of Counseling.
a. Counseling is aimed at empowering a client c. Counseling is the power to make choice.
b. Counseling is empowering the teacher d. Counseling is the power within you.
5. What major goal of counseling helps individuals to cope with new situations and challenges?
a. behavior chance b. enhancing coping skills c. promote decision making d. none of these
6. Which of the following below is NOT a Type of Counseling?
a. individual counseling b. couples counseling c. family counseling d. judges counseling
7. _____________ is often sought due to a life change or stress negatively affecting one or all areas of family closeness, family structure (rules
and roles) or communication style. This mode of counseling can take a variety of forms. Sometimes it is best to see an entire family together for
several sessions.
a. family counseling b. peer counseling c. marital counseling d. relationship counseling
8. _____________ is a personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in life. Individual counseling can
help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship challenges,
parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes etc.
a. individual counseling b. peer counseling c. spiritual counseling d. guidance counseling
9. What is the primary duty of a counselor?
a. counselors’ duty of care is to their clients c. counselors’ duty is asking big payment
b. counselors’ duty is to tell clients secrets d. none of the above
10. This type of counseling can help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and
relationship challenges, parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes etc.
a. individual counseling b. family counseling c. peer counseling d. group counseling
II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write only the letter of the correct answer in a space provider.

A. both statements are correct

B. statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is wrong
C. statement 1 is wrong and statement 2 is correct
D. both statements are wrong
11. I. Counselling is a process and a relationship between the client and the counsellor.
II. A guidance counsellor is someone who should be registered and licensed by a legitimate state and has specialized training to be one.
12. I. One of the roles of the counsellor is to assist the client in realizing change in behaviour and attitude
II. Only people with mental and emotional problems need the help of a counsellor.
13. I. The guidance counsellor’s functions include the use of approaches to help client develop potentials to the fullest.
II. A counsellor should be able to facilitate going deeper into the problem, asking more leading questions.
14. I. A counselor administers a shorter range of services.
II. A counsellor needs to be able to differentiate between symptoms and the problem itself.
15. I. Counselling is something new and recent.
II. Your teacher cannot be your guidance counsellor.

III. Read and analyze the following sentences. Choose the letter of your answer from the text box.
A. Cognitive Goals B. Development Goals
C. Exploratory Goals D. Psychological Goals E. Reinforcement Goals
_____ 16. Assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and
physical wellness.
_____ 17. Examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
_____ 18. Aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control, and developing positive self – concept.
_____ 19. Helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine
_____ 20. Involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills.

A. Acquisition of Social Skills B. Behavior change

C. Empowerment D. Insight E. Generality
21. Working on skills, awareness, and knowledge that will enable to client to take control of his or her own life.
22. The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self- destructive patterns of behavior.
23. Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for others and pass on knowledge and to
contribute to the collective good through political engagement.
24. Learning and mastering social and interpersonal skills such as maintenance of eye contact, turn taking
in conversations, assertive, or anger control.
25. Understanding of the origins and development of emotional difficulties, leading to an increased capacity to take rational control over feelings
and actions.
A. Conceptual ability B. Interpersonal Skills C. Mastery of Techniques
D. Openness to learning and inquiry E. Personal beliefs and Attitude

26. Counselors who are competent display ability to listen, communicate; empathize; be present; aware
of nonverbal communication; sensitive to voice quality, responsive to expressions of emotion, turn taking, structure of time and use of language.
27. Counselors have the capacity to accept others, belief in potential of change, awareness of ethical
and moral choices and sensitive to values held by client and self.
28. Counselors have the ability to understand and assess client’s problem; to anticipate future problems;
make sense of immediate process in terms of wider conceptual scheme to remember information
about the client.
29. Counselors must have a knowledge of when and how to carry out specific interventions, ability to
assess effectiveness of the interventions, understanding the rationale behind techniques, possession of
wide repertoire of intervention
30. Counselors must have the capacity to be curious about client’s backgrounds and problems; being
open to new knowledge

IV. Matching Type: Match the items in column A with items in column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

______ 31. Client welfare A. Counselors do not engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture, disability, ethnic
group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status and socio-economic status
______ 32. Client Rights B. Prior to entering the counseling relationship, the counselors clearly explain the clients all
financial arrangements
______ 33. Dual Relationships C. Counselor’s primary responsibility is to respect the dignity and promote the welfare of
clients. They are also expected to encourage client’s growth.
_____ 34. Fees D. Counselors are aware of their influential position over their clients avoid the exploiting the
trust and dependency of the clients.
_____ 35. Respecting Diversity E. Counselors shall disclose the purposes, goals, techniques, procedures, limitations, potential
risks, benefits of the services to be performed and other pertinent information to the client
throughout the counseling process.


______ 36. Guidance counseling for students at risks A. Counselors in Schools
______ 37. Abandoned children and elderly B. Counselors in the Community Setting
______ 38. Private Psycho-counseling services for drug addicts and C. Counselors in the Private Sector
other related delinquencies
_____ 39. Rendering counseling program for victims of Woman’s D. Counselors in the Government
_____ 40. Social welfare counseling services of DSWD
Name: _____________________________ Score: ______________
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and Understand the following questions.
1. Which of the following below is NOT a Type of Counseling?
a. individual counseling b. couples counseling c. family counseling d. judges counseling
2. _____________ is often sought due to a life change or stress negatively affecting one or all areas of family closeness, family structure (rules
and roles) or communication style. This mode of counseling can take a variety of forms. Sometimes it is best to see an entire family together for
several sessions.
a. family counseling b. peer counseling c. marital counseling d. relationship counseling
3. _____________ is a personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in life. Individual counseling can
help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship challenges,
parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes etc.
a. individual counseling b. peer counseling c. spiritual counseling d. guidance counseling
4. What is the primary duty of a counselor?
a. counselors’ duty of care is to their clients c. counselors’ duty is asking big payment
b. counselors’ duty is to tell clients secrets d. none of the above
5. This type of counseling can help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and
relationship challenges, parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes etc.
a. individual counseling b. family counseling c. peer counseling d. group counseling
6. What do you call the process of guiding the person during a stage of life when reassessment or decisions have to be made about himself or
herself and his or her life course?
a. human anatomy b. discipline of counseling c. psychological d. counseling manner
7. _______ is the heart of the heart of the guidance services.
a. classroom adviser b. psychology c. guidance counselors d. school principal
8. Which item below is NOT the context and the basic concepts of counseling?
a. peer as context b. neighborhood as context c. teacher as context d. counseling as context
9. It is the GOAL of Disciplines of Counseling.
a. Counseling is aimed at empowering a client c. Counseling is the power to make choice.
b. Counseling is empowering the teacher d. Counseling is the power within you.
10. What major goal of counseling helps individuals to cope with new situations and challenges?
a. behavior chance b. enhancing coping skills c. promote decision making d. none of these
II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write only the letter of the correct answer in a space provider.

A. both statements are correct

B. statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is wrong
C. statement 1 is wrong and statement 2 is correct
D. both statements are wrong
11. I. The guidance counsellor’s functions include the use of approaches to help client develop potentials to the fullest.
II. A counsellor should be able to facilitate going deeper into the problem, asking more leading questions.
12. I. A counselor administers a shorter range of services.
II. A counsellor needs to be able to differentiate between symptoms and the problem itself.
13. I. Counselling is something new and recent.
II. Your teacher cannot be your guidance counsellor.
14. I. Counselling is a process and a relationship between the client and the counsellor.
II. A guidance counsellor is someone who should be registered and licensed by a legitimate state and has specialized training to be one.
15. I. One of the roles of the counsellor is to assist the client in realizing change in behaviour and attitude
II. Only people with mental and emotional problems need the help of a counsellor.

III. Read and analyze the following sentences. Choose the letter of your answer from the text box.
A. Exploratory Goals B. Psychological Goals C Reinforcement Goals
D. Cognitive Goals E. Development Goals
_____ 16. Assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and
physical wellness.
_____ 17. Examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
_____ 18. Aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control, and developing positive self – concept.
_____ 19. Helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine
_____ 20. Involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills.

A. Acquisition of Social Skills B. Behavior change

C. Empowerment D. Insight E. Generality
21. Learning and mastering social and interpersonal skills such as maintenance of eye contact, turn taking
in conversations, assertive, or anger control.
22. Understanding of the origins and development of emotional difficulties, leading to an increased capacity to take rational control over feelings
and actions.
23. Working on skills, awareness, and knowledge that will enable to client to take control of his or her own life.
24. The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self- destructive patterns of behavior.
25. Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for others and pass on knowledge and to
contribute to the collective good through political engagement.

A. Openness to learning and inquiry B. Personal beliefs and Attitude
C. Conceptual ability D. Interpersonal Skills E. Mastery of Techniques

26. Counselors have the capacity to accept others, belief in potential of change, awareness of ethical
and moral choices and sensitive to values held by client and self.
27. Counselors have the ability to understand and assess client’s problem; to anticipate future problems;
make sense of immediate process in terms of wider conceptual scheme to remember information
about the client.
28. Counselors who are competent display ability to listen, communicate; empathize; be present; aware
of nonverbal communication; sensitive to voice quality, responsive to expressions of emotion, turn taking, structure of time and use of language.
29. Counselors must have the capacity to be curious about client’s backgrounds and problems; being
open to new knowledge
30. Counselors must have a knowledge of when and how to carry out specific interventions, ability to
assess effectiveness of the interventions, understanding the rationale behind techniques, possession of
wide repertoire of intervention

IV. Matching Type: Match the items in column A with items in column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

______ 31. Client welfare A. Prior to entering the counseling relationship, the counselors clearly explain the clients
all financial arrangements
______ 32. Client Rights B. Counselors shall disclose the purposes, goals, techniques, procedures, limitations,
potential risks, benefits of the services to be performed and other pertinent information
to the client throughout the counseling process.
______ 33. Dual Relationships C. Counselor’s primary responsibility is to respect the dignity and promote the welfare of
clients. They are also expected to encourage client’s growth.
_____ 34. Fees D. Counselors are aware of their influential position over their clients avoid the exploiting
the trust and dependency of the clients.
_____ 35. Respecting Diversity E. Counselors do not engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture, disability,
ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status and socio-
economic status


______ 36. Guidance counseling for students at risks A. Counselors in Schools
______ 37. Abandoned children and elderly B. Counselors in the Community Setting
______ 38. Private Psycho-counseling services for drug addicts and C. Counselors in the Private Sector
other related delinquencies
_____ 39. Rendering counseling program for victims of Woman’s D. Counselors in the Government
_____ 40. Social welfare counseling services of DSWD

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