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w Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines Related Topics Table 4. Related Topics in This Publication ‘The fable Tats other topics in the manual that contain information related to this Topic. Refer to the applicable topics to complete your procedures. Where applicable the text in this section contains cross references to this ‘page to help you find the correct information. Some machines have different systems and devices, Make sure you refer to the correct topic, refer to Section 1 - Applications, ‘Sections | Tople Tiles ‘Sub Tiles 7 General information Fuel z ALL (Gare and Sate” ALL (1) You must obey aif of the relevant care and safely procedures 3-24 '980873760-05 (2-20-00) 3-24 w Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines Introduction Introduction ‘A badly maintained machine is a danger to the operator and the people working around him. Make sure that the regular maintenance and lubrication jobs listed In the service schedules are dane to keep the machine in a safe ‘and efcient working canciton WARNING Maintenance must be done only by suitably qualified and competent persons. Before doing any ‘maintenance make sure the machine is safe. it should be correctly parked on firm level ground To prevent anyone starting the engine, remove the starter key. Disconnect the battery and block the wheels when you are working beneath the machine If you do not take these precautions you could be killed or injured. ‘Apart from the daily jobs, the schedules are based on machine running hours. Keep a regular check on the hourmeter readings to coreclly gauge service intervals, Do not use a machine which is due for a service, Make sure any defects found during the regular maintenance cheeks are recified immediately Fuel System Important: 820 Biodiesel must only be used in engines but ater January 2007 only. 1 Biodiesel fuel is used there ate addtional service procedures which must be carried out fo prevent engine damage. Fallure to adhere to these addlional procedures may invalidate the warranty For these additional procedures see K_ Related Topics (3-2-4) How to Use the Service Schedules Inthe example shown, A shows all service requirements to be carried out every 10 hours and B shows the requirements to be carried out every 500 hours. Important: Services should be carried out at either the ‘hourly interval or calendir interval, whichever occurs frst Referto K. jvalents ( 3-2-2 A 8B Fig Calendar Equivalents Every 10 Hours = Daily Every 50 Hours = Weekly Every 500 Hours = SixMonths Every 1000 Hours = Yearly Every 2000 Hours Every 6000 Hours =6 Years 2Years 3-2-2 '80875760-05 (2-20-00) 3-2-2 Ww Ser Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance ice Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels re-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels Operation 10 80 1900 800 1000 2000 6000 ENGINE ‘oolant Gualiy and Level “ek OO oO a oO Goong System Dram and Rat 7 oO Citever Tore Grand Faam “Change 7 oo oO Tir Greanar Dust Vane ~Chean Do oo Tir Cleaner Outer lament “orange ooo 0 Thr Cleaner Inner Elamant ~ Change oo Pre Cleaner ed) “Check a Water Separator and Engine Fuel Fier “Drain ooo oo 0 Water Separator Foal Fite ~ohange Do oo Engine Fuel Fier ~Ohange oo Oo ont End Recor ve PEROT TOheak oo oo Front Ena Rocessary Dive (FEAD] Bal Change o Engine Mounting Bos for Tignes ~ Chea Doooo TA Hiases = Conaivon "Chek Dooodo Raciator ~Crean oo oo Breather Gauze Wied) ~Ghean oo Valve Clearanaes™ ~ Cheek and Agjust oo ‘Oi Filer and Dipaex Seals “Change ao Rocker Cover and ijecior Seal? “Change ao wmecio ~ Change o Testor) Leak OF Ra “Change a igh Pressure Fusl Lines Change a TRANSWISSION, AXLES AND STEERING “Transmission Mount Seouriy ~ Check a “Transmission Ol Level ~orek OOO “Tanamission OFF “Grange ooo “Transmission OW FATer Change Doooo 323 Se0aa7E0-05 2000) 323 Ww Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines re-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels Operation 10 50 490m 500 1000 2000 6000 Tale Mount Secariy ~Check oa Bale OT Tevet The ao Baie OF ~Change oo 0 0 Hub O7 Level (Without OW immersed Brakes) ~Check oa Hub OF (Without Oi Immersed Brakes)” ~Change ooo Hub OF Wh Ol immersed Brakes)” “Change ooo oOo 0 Tate Breathe) “Check ooo oOo 0 TTrunnion Bearings” ~CheckAgjust cd oooo ‘STeering Stops (Wied) = Security ooo 0 Oo Front Hub Bearings ~ Check ooo oo Wheel Nut Security “mex O OF O O oO oO O Tyre Pressures/Condlion “mek O O oO oO oOo oO oO Wheel Rignment “mer O OO Oo oo oO “Tananiasion Svainer ~Ciean ooo Drive Shafls and Universal Jans" SecuTiy and Grease ooo 0 Oo Tle Pols ard Linkages “Grease ooocoUlmolUo HYDRAULICS ‘Oiteve! ~Check oo 0 0 OT Sample, Change 7 oO ONF HER “Change oooo Uo Sustion Svainer ~ Clean oo Prot Fer (1 ted) ~Change ooo oo RAKES Brake System Fad Level “tek O O oF oO oO Brake System Flud “Changs oo Brake Plate Condon “Check oo 0 ELECTRICS Baliery Eocvayte Level (Fapplcabie) “Check oo oo Wiring or ChatingiRoutng ~ Check oooco Uo Batlery Terminals for Condon and ~ Check oooo Oo Tighiness BODYWORK AND CAB 24 19806376006 (2-20-00) 3-2-4 Ww Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines re-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels Operation 10 50 4900 $00 1000 2000 6000 LiftDisplacement/TilSteer Ram Pivot Pins = Grease, o oO 0 0 0 Extension Ram Piston Rod Pivot Pin = Grease oOo 0 TA Other Patines ~Gase To oo oo Fire Extinguisher (if fitted) -Chek OO oo 0 0 Wing Mirrors Condition and Security -Chek OO oo 0 0 ROPSIFOPS Structure -cek O OF OF OF 0 O 0D Doors and Hinges = Lubricate | oO o0000 0 ‘Control Lever Linkages = Lubricate oo0 0 UO Windscreen Washer Fla Level “ek O OF oO oO oO oO O ‘Cab Heater Fresh Air Filter (if fitted) = Change oo 0 0 ‘Cab Heater Re-Circulation Filter (iffitted) = Change oO Oo 0 0 ‘Boom Wear Pad Runways = Waxoyl oO Oo 0 0 Inner Boom Hoses = Grease oO 00 0 ‘Boom Wear Pad Clearance 1 = Check/Adjust oOo 0 0 Boom Wear Pad Condon and Securly “Cheat 7 ooo Oo (Replace required) "ATTACHMENTS: ‘Carriage Lock Pins = Grease o oO oO 0 0 Hydraulic Tow Hitch Inner Leg (if fitted) = Waxoyl oO 0 0 0 Fyre Tow Hitch Pot Pin GF ted) “Grease oo oo Fyaraulie Tow Wich Release CablerR@timh Cheek a To oo Spring Retaining Latch (i fited) REGISTRATIONICERTIFICATION "SWI Stickers (UK) and Flip Chart -RenewasRewired CT O O OF O O ODO (1). First 100 Hours Service ony, tobe completed by your JCB Distributor. @) operating under arduous conditions, do an engine oil fush (use the normal recommended engine oil) every 250 ‘hours. Change the engine ol and fiter every 250 hours. (9). The oll service interval wil be affected if thore is @ high sulphur content in the fuel. Refer to Fuel System for more information (4) When the engine is operated with 20% biodiesel change the engine ol and iter every 250 hours. Refer to Fuel System or more information (9) More frequently ifoperating in dusty working environments. (6) Ifthe engine is dificult o start or tho ongine has poor performance, fit now fiers. (2) Jobs which should only be done by a specialist. (8) ‘Attor a major transmission repair, the now oll should be run to operating tomperature and changed again o remove ‘any contemination which entered during the repair. Change the oil and fiter after @ further 100 hours if the oll was heavily contaminated because of, or from the failure (@.g. water contamination) za5 3803776005 9.2000) 323 \ Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels (9) Arter @ hub repair, the new oll should be run to operating temperature and changed again fo remove any contamination which entered during the repair. Change the oll ter a further 100 hours fo remove any bedding-in wear. This is particularly important new brake plates have been fitted, (10) The axles and driveshafts are factory greased with a high performance grease, if during service a standard grease is used, then the interval must be reduced to every 50 hours, contact your JCB Distributor for advice. (11) An additional canister fitersfited to machines with the variable flow pump option. You must change both fiters atthe Intorvals shown in tho Service Schedule. (12) tfeperating under arduous conditions, check the boom wear pads every 250 hours. 26 1980376006 (2-20-00) 3-2-4 Ww Ser Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance ice Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines Functional Test and Final Inspection Functional Test and Final Inspection Operation 10 50 yoo 500 1000 2000 6000 ENGINE Tale Spood ~ Cheek and AGqust ooo oo "Toraue Converior Stal Speed™ “Check ooo 0 0 Wax, No-Load Speed ~ Check and Agjust oo 000 Exhaust Smoke ~Gheck ooo o0o0 0 Exhaust System Socuriya “Cheek oo 00 0 “ir Talat System Securly "Check ooo 0 0 “Throtfe System and Conval Cable™ "Check os Engine for VibravoniNoWse TRANSMISSION, AKLES AND STEERING ‘Sieorng - Operation’Phasing “ree O O oO O oO oO O DWDIAWD Selection (ited) ~oheck oo 000 "Tranamission Operation “ek O O OF OF OF OF O Forward Raverse/Gear - Selection! “Check os Operation “Torque Converter Main Line Pressure™ “Check ooo 00 Neutral Stan Operation ~Gheck ooo o 0 ‘Gluich Disconnecl/Dume PedalBution “Oreck 7 ooo oO HYDRAULICS MR Pressure al Max RPM ~ Check and Agjust ooo 00 ‘Operation af A Senows me Oo oO oO Oo oO oO 0 Tose Burst Protecion Valves (Wed) “Check ooo oo "ARW Pressure at 750 RPM ~ Check and Agjust ooo 0 0 ‘Steer Creu RV Pressure ~ Check and Adjust oo 000 Fan Motor Speed (ited) = Oheck oo oO “ilachment Operalion’Remote Serve (7 “Cheek ooo 0 0 fitted) Piston Rods Gwrome ~ Check oo 0 0 0 Boom Extenslon/Phasing (3 saga boom) “ee O OF OF OF OF O O Parallel Lower ~ Check oo 000 ‘Stabilizer Leg Cut-out (iffitted)™ = Check oo 0 00 3-2-7 '980873760-05 (2-20-00) 32-3 Ww Ser Section 3-2 - Routine Maintenance ice Schedules - Machines with SD and SF Engines Functional Test and Final Inspection Operation 10 50 1000) $00 1000 2000 6000 ‘Chassis Leveling Sway) Guout ted ~ Check ao ooo 0 RAKES Foal brake Oporation “ex OO oO oO Oo oO oO Park Brake “east OO O oO OF O O ELECTRICS ‘Saree Wotor ~ Check ooo oo ‘Aerator Output Check oo oo oO ‘A Eietical Equipment Operation, (waring "Cheak oooo Oo lights, beacon, alarms, hor, wipers ate) Toad Moment Indieator™ ~oeatcaate OO O O oO oO O ‘Sabie ndestors “ek oO oO og oO oO oO oO BODYWORK AND CAB Taainomater (Fated) "Che oo oo 0 ‘Ciazng Tor Coneet FULCaS “Che a SealSear Bats “mek O OF O O oO oO O ‘ir Conaivoning (Fited) ~ Check ao ooo 0 Forks “Fitana Check] ao ooo 0 Secuty ‘General for damage, leaks and wear = Check Toooo (1) Fits 100 Hours Serv only, tobe completed by your JCB Distributor. (2) Jobs which shoud only bo dono by a specialist. 328 Se0aa7=0-05 2000) 324 w Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Related Topics ‘Table 1. Related Topics in This Publication The table Tels other topes inthe manual that contain information related to this topic. Refer fo the applicable topics fo complete your procedures, Where applicable the toxin this section contains cross references to this page te help you find| the correct information. Some machines have differnt systems and devices, Make sure you refer tothe correct topic, refe| to Section 1 - Applications. ‘Sections | Topie Titles ‘Sub Tite 7 General Information Fuel z TALL (Gare and Sateiyy AL z Safety Check List ‘Common Rail (SE Engine) Specie (1) You must obey all of the relevant care and safety procedures 3-34 1920873760-05 (2-21-00) 3-3-1 ws Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Introduction Introduction ‘A badly maintained machine is a danger to the operator and the people working around him. Make sure that the regular maintenance and lubrication jobs sted in the service schedules are done to keap the machine in a safe ‘and efcient working condition WARNING Maintenance must be done only by suitably qualified and competent persons. doing any maintenance make sure the machine it should be correctly parked on level ground. To pres starter kay. Disconnect the battery when you are not nt anyone starting the engine, remove the using electrical power. If you do not take these precautions you could be killed or injured. ‘Apart trom the daily jobs, the schedules are based on machine running hours. Keep a regular check on the hourmeter readings to correctly gauge service Intervals. Do not use a machine whicn is due for @ service. Make sure any defects found during the regular maintenance, checks are rectited immediately, Calendar Equivalents Calendar equivalents: Every 10 Hours = Daily Every 50 Hours = Weekly Every 500 Hou Every 1000 Hours = Yearly Every 2000 Hours = 2 Years, Every 8000 Hours = 8 Years i Months Note: Services should be caried out at ether the hourly interval or calendar interval, whichever occurs fist. How to Use the Service Schedules Inthe example shown, A shows all service requirements to be carried out every 10 hours and B shows the Fequitements to be carried out every 500 hours. Important: Services should be cared out at either the hourly interval or calenciar interval, whichever occurs frst valent Referto K. Fuel System Important: 820 Biodiose! must only be used in engines built after January 2007 only. VF Biodiesel fuel is used there are addtional service procedures which must be carried out fo prevent engine ‘damage. Failure to adhere to these additional procedures. ‘may invalidate the warranty ‘or these addtional Topics (13-34 Procedures see K_ Related SE Engines In adaiton tothe general safety notices and general good workshop practices issued inthis section and throughout, the manual, there are speciic points to note when completing maintenance on SE engine equipment, Refer to K Related Tog 334 3-3-2 1920873760-05 (2-21-00) 3-3-2 w Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels Introduction Operation 10 50 4000 500 1000 2000 6000 ENGINE Coolant Gualy and Level ee OOo ‘Cooling System = Drain and Refill o 0 Oitever “Ghek OO Oil and Filter®™=x = Change oO 0 0 0 Air Cleaner Dust Valve = Clean oO 0 0 0 ‘Air Cleaner Outer Element® ~~ Change oo 0 Ti Cleaner ner Bement “Change o_o Pre-Cleaner (if fitted) = Check Oo ‘Water Separator = Check for contamination o oO oO oO 0 andDrain Water Separator Fuel Fier Change ooo Engine Fuel Fier “Change 7 oo rank End Accessory Dive (FEAD] Bal “Check To oo Condon Front End Accessory Drive (FEAD) Belt = Change o Powertrain Mounting Bolts for Tightness = Check Oo 00 0 0 ‘AI Hees = Conaon “Check a7 ooo 0 Radiator® ~ Clean oo 0 0 ‘Crankcase Ventilation Filter (iffitted) = Change oO oO 0 ‘Valve Clearances” = Check and Adjust o 0 ‘Oil Filler and Dipstick Seals = Change oO ecto ~ Change o Testor) Leak OF Rai “Change a High Pressure Fuel Lines!” = Change o TRANSMISSION, ARLES AND STEERING “Tranamission Wount Securly “Cha a “Transmission OW Lvl Tore Oo “Transmission Oil® ~~ Change o oO 0 “Transmission Oil Fitter ~~ Change oO oOo 0 0 0 Fae Mount Secariy ~Cheak a 33-3 '20873760-05 (2-21-00) 3-3-3 w Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Introduction Operation 10 50 4900 $00 1000 2000 8000 Pale] OT Level ~Check ao Bae OT “charge 7 oo 0 Fab OF Level (Without OT mersed “Chee a Brakes) Hub 1 (Without O7 immersed Brakes) “Change oo 0 Hub O1 (With Ol immersed Brakes)™ “Change aoo0o0 0 Fale Brealhere) “Check ooo 0 0 ‘Searing Stops Wied) ~Seauriy oooo U0 Wheal Nut Securiy “mek O OF O O oO oO O “Tyre PressuresICondlion “ek O O oO oO oO oO O Wheel Alignment “ek O O oO oo oO “Transmission Siainer ~Giean oo 0 Drive Shafis and Universal Jonis™ ~Sacariy and Grease ooo 0 0 Tale Pras and Linkages™ “Grease ooocoUlUmolo HYDRAULICS ‘OiLevel ~Check oo oo OTF “Sample, Change o_o OIF ERT ~hange ooo oO 0 Suction Strainer “Clean oo Plat Fifer (Wed) ~Change oo oo 0 BRAKES Brake System FludLovel “ek O O oO oF Oo Brake System Flug “Change oo ELECTRICS Battery Electrolyte Level ranplcable) “Check ooo 0 Battery Terminals for Condon and ~ Check oo oo 0 Tighiness BODYWORK AND CAB TilDisplacament/TWUSieer Ram Pivot "Grease a ooo 0 Pins Extension Ram Piston Rod Prat Pin ~ Grease ooo ‘Al Other Pwot Pins 7 Grease Doo colo Fire Extinguisher (ited) ~Check OO ooo 0 Wing Mirars Condlion and Securiy “Check OO ooo 0 334 990815760-05 21-00) 33-4 Ww Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Introduction Operation 10 50 400 500 1000 2000 8000 ROPSFFOPS Siuclure “tek O O OF OF OF O OD Doors and Hinges Lapreate ao ooo oO ‘Contr Laver Linkages abe oo 00 0 Windscreen Washer Find Level “ek O OF OF OF OF O OD ‘Cab Heater Fresh Ai Fitar ited) 7 Change oo oO Oo Boom Wear Pad Runways ~Waxoyl oo oOo 6 inner Boom Hoses "Grease oo oOo Oo Boom Wear Pad Clearance 7 ~GheckiAgjust ooo 0 Boom Wear Pad Condlion and Securly ~ ChecRAGUSt ooo oO 0 (Replace if required)? “ATTACHMENTS Cariage Lock Pins "Grease a ooo 0 Tiyaraulie Tow Hiteh Inner Leg (Pied) = Waxoyl ooo 0 Fiyeraute Tow Fitch Pvat Pin (ified "Grease oo oO oO yaraulis Tow Hitch Release Cable? ~ Chek a oo oo Relum SpringiRetaining Latch (ified) REGISTRATION/GERTIFICATION ‘SWL Stickers (UK) and Flp Chart -Reewaskeured O O O O O oO O (1). First 100 Hours Sorvice only, to be comploted by your JCB Distributor. @) operating under arduous conditions, do an engine oil fush (use the normal recommended engine ail) every 250 ‘hours. Change the engino ol and fitr every 250 hours. (9) The all service interval willbe affected if there is a high sulphur content in the fuel. Refer to Fuel System for more information (4) Wen the engine is operated with 20% biodlesol change the engine oil and iter every 250 hours. Refer fo Fuel System or more information (5). More frequently ifoperating in dusty working environments. (6)_Ifthe engine is dificult o start or the engine has poor performance, fit new fiters. (7) Jobs which should only be done by a specialist. (8) ‘Alter @ maja transmission repar, the new oll should be run to operating temperature and changed again to remove any contamination which entered during the repair. Change the oil and fiter after @ further 100 hours if the oll was heavily contaminated because of, or from the failure (e.g. water contamination) (9). Ator@ hub repair, the new ol shouldbe run to operating temperature and changed again fo remove any contamination which entered during the repair. Change the oll after a further 100 hours fo remove any bedding-in wear. This is particularly important fnew brake plates have been fitted, (10) The axles and driveshaits are factory greased with a high performance grease, if during service @ standard grease is used, then the interval must be reduced fo every 50 hours, contact your JCB Distnbulor for advice. (11) An additional canister fiterisfited to machines with the variable flow pump option. You must change both fiters atthe intervals shown in the Service Schedule, (12) tfeperating under arduous conditions, check the boom wear pads every 260 hours. yas 3803776005 9-21-00) 333 Ww Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Introduction Functional Test and Final Inspection Operation 10 50 rao 500 1000 2000 8000 ENGINE Idle Speed = Check and Adjust oo06dc0 0 Tara Coat aT Spaod™ che o-oo Max. No-Load Speed® ~ Check and Adjust oo 00 0 Exhaust System Security” = Check oo 00 8 Air Inlet System Security ~~ Check oo06d0O 0 TRANSMISSION, AXLES AND STEERING ‘Steering - Operation/Phasing -cek O OF OF O OF O 0 ‘2WDI4WD Selection (iffitted) ~~ Check oo 060 0 Transmission Operation “tek 0 OF DO O 0 0 0 ForwardRevareiGoar- Salen Grek ooo Operation Torque Converter Main Line Pressure®! = Check oo 00 8 ‘Neutral Start Operation ~~ Check oo06d0O 0 ‘Cluich DisconnecDump Button = Check oO 00 0 0 AORAULICS MRV Pressure at Max RPM® = Check and Adjust oo0o06d0 0 ‘Operation of All Services -ceké O OF OF OF 0 0 0 awa Bat Proctor Vas (oy cree o_o ooo ‘ARV Prowsure 1750 RPM 7 Check and Aghst ooo 0 oc ‘Steer Circuit MRV Pressure™ ~ Check and Adjust oO oO 0 0 0 Fan Motor Speed (If fitted)” ~~ Check oo 0 0 ‘Aitachment Operation/Remote Servo (if = Check oo 060 0 fe) Pilon Rais OHS “ee oo ooo Boom Extension/Phasing (Bstage “tek O OF OF OF OF O 0 Paral Lower “Sheek oo ooo ‘Stabiliser Leg Cut-out (iffitted)” ~~ Check oO oO 0 0 0 ‘Chassis Levelling (Sway) Cut-out (if = Check oo 060 0 fea 336 19806376005 (2-21-00) 3-3-4 Ww Section 3-3 - Routine Maintenance Service Schedules - Machines with SE Engines Introduction Operation 10 50 4900 500 1000 2000 000 BRAKES Foot Brake - Operation “ek O OF OF OF OF OF O Park Braxe ~cheamngst oO OF OF OF OF O O ELECTRICS “Aerator - Output ~ Check go ooo 0 ‘AilElectcal Equipment Operation “ek O O OF OF OF O O {warning lights, beacon, alarms, hom, wipers otc.) Toad Moment ndicator® “tek OO O OF OF OF OF O ‘Siabiser ndcators "eae OO Oo Oo oO oo BODYWORK AND CAB Tncinometer (Fite) > 7 Gheck ooo Oo Oo ‘Glazing or Corect FUL EARS “Chek o ‘Seat Seat Boks “ek O O OF OF Oo OF O ‘ir Conditioning (ited) ~ Check go ooo 0 Fors vFiendGheaseany Of OF OF OF OF UO O ‘Generally for damage, Teaks and wear “Hex Oo O oO oO oO 0 Oo (1). First 100 Hours Sorvico only, to be completed by your JCB Distributor. (2) Jobs which should only be done by a specialist. 337 19806376005 (2-21-00) 3-3-3

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