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Write the correct answer.

e.g. The boy ____________ going to the park tomorrow. (Affirmative)

The boy is going to the park tomorrow.

The workers ____________ going to work this evening. (Negative)

The workers aren’ t going to work this evening.

1. My family _________ going to visit our relatives this year during Aidilfitri. (Negative)

2. I _________ going to clean my room this morning. (Affirmative)

3. The police officers _________ going to keep our resident safe. (Negative)

4. Marliya and I _________ going to do our homework together. (Affirmative)

5. She __________ going to bake the cookie for her guesses. (Affirmative)

6. Putra and his friends _________ going to play badminton this night. (Negative)

7. He _________ going to watch the match at the stadium. (Negative)

8. The elephants _________ going to take bath at the river. (Affirmative)

9. The men _________ going to build the hut at the orchard. (Negative)

10. We _________ going to have gotong-royong next month. (Affirmative)

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