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Congenital Anomalies of the

Upper Urinary Tract: A Compre-
hensive Review
Abdallah P. Houat, MD
Cassia T. S. Guimarães, MD The upper urinary tract is the most common human system affected
Marcelo S. Takahashi, MD by congenital anomalies. Congenital anomalies of the kidneys and
Gustavo P. Rodi, MD ureters comprise a wide spectrum of disorders ranging from simple
Taísa P. D. Gasparetto, MD, PhD variants with no clinical significance to complex anomalies that may
Roberto Blasbalg, MD, PhD lead to severe complications and end-stage renal disease. They may
Fernanda G.Velloni, MD be classified as anomalies of renal form, which are subclassified as
structural anomalies (eg, persistent fetal lobulation, hypertrophied
Abbreviations: CRE = crossed renal ectopia, column of Bertin, and dromedary hump) and fusion anomalies (eg,
SK = supernumerary kidney, UPJ = ureteropel-
vic junction, UPJO = ureteropelvic junction ob-
horseshoe kidney and pancake kidney); anomalies of renal posi-
struction, VCUG = voiding cystourethrography, tion (eg, renal malrotation, simple renal ectopia, and crossed renal
URA = unilateral renal agenesis ectopia) and renal number (eg, renal agenesis and supernumerary
RadioGraphics 2021; 41:462–486 kidney); and abnormalities in development of the urinary collecting system (eg, pyelocaliceal diverticulum, megacalycosis, ureteropelvic
junction obstruction, duplex collecting system, megaureter, ectopic
Content Code:
ureter, and ureterocele). US is usually the first imaging modality
From the Department of Radiology, Diagnósti-
cos da América SA (DASA), Av Juruá 434,
used because of its low cost, wide availability, and absence of ionizing
Alphaville Industrial, Barueri, SP 06455-010, radiation. Intravenous urography and voiding cystourethrography
Brazil. Presented as an education exhibit at the are also useful, mainly for characterization of the collecting system
2019 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received April 19,
2020; revision requested June 25 and received and vesicoureteral reflux. However, intravenous urography has been
July 23; accepted August 4. For this journal- replaced by CT urography and MR urography. These imaging meth-
based SA-CME activity, the authors, editor, and
reviewers have disclosed no relevant relation-
ods not only allow direct visualization of the collecting system but
ships. Address correspondence to A.P.H. (e- also demonstrate the function of the kidneys, the vascular anatomy,
mail: adjacent structures, and complications. Comprehension of congenital
RSNA, 2021 anomalies of the upper urinary tract is crucial for an accurate diag-
nosis and correct management. The authors discuss the spectrum of
SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES these anomalies, with emphasis on embryologic development, imag-
After completing this journal-based SA-CME ing findings, clinical manifestations, and complications.
activity, participants will be able to:
Online supplemental material is available for this article.
„ Describe the normal anatomy and em-
bryology of the kidneys and ureters. ©
RSNA, 2021 •
„ Identify the spectrum of radiologic
findings related to congenital anomalies
of the kidneys and ureters.
„ Discuss the clinical manifestations and Introduction
potential complications associated with
congenital anomalies of the kidneys and
Congenital anomalies of the upper urinary tract correspond to a wide
ureters. spectrum of disorders that are related to embryonic defects with spo-
radic, genetic, and environmental causes. They occur in 3%–11% of
the population, accounting for 50% of all congenital abnormalities (1).
They are frequently associated with genital tract malformations due to
the common embryologic origin of these structures and show a broad
variety of phenotypes, ranging from a complete absence of renal tissue
to minor alterations of the structural parenchyma. Approximately two-
thirds of patients with congenital anomalies of the upper urinary tract
have associated anomalies of other organ systems such as the skeletal,
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems.
Congenital anomalies of the upper urinary tract may be classi-
fied according to embryologic development as anomalies of renal
form, position, and number and abnormalities in development of
An earlier incorrect version of this article the urinary collecting system. Thus, understanding the embryologic
appeared online and in print. This article
was corrected on August 13, 2021.
development and knowing the anatomic structures of the upper
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 463

lower poles. The right kidney is 1–2 cm lower ow-

TEACHING POINTS ing to displacement caused by the liver. Usually,
„ Although many congenital anomalies of the upper urinary
the kidneys are 10–12 cm long and 3–5 cm wide.
tract are diagnosed in the prenatal and neonatal periods, de-
tection also occurs frequently in children or adults as either
The adrenal glands lie superior and medial to the
an incidental finding in asymptomatic individuals or a com- kidneys. The liver, hepatic flexure of the colon,
plication (eg, related to upper urinary tract obstruction, stone and duodenum are in close contact with the right
formation, infection, hypertension, or renal failure). kidney, while the tail of the pancreas, splenic flex-
„ Anomalies of renal form comprise structural anomalies and ure of the colon, and spleen abut the left kidney.
fusion anomalies. Structural anomalies are anatomic variants The renal parenchyma is composed of the cortex
that are related to embryologic defects during the final stages
and the medulla. The cortex is the outer part that
of kidney development, including persistent fetal lobulation,
a hypertrophied column of Bertin, and a dromedary hump. contains glomeruli and the proximal portion of the
Fusion anomalies occur during the cranial migration of the collecting tubules. The medulla corresponds to the
kidneys from the pelvis to the lumbar region. The kidneys inner part and contains the renal pyramids and the
cross the umbilical arteries, and any change in arterial position distal portion of the collecting tubules. The papilla
may cause fusion of nephrogenic blastema. The fusion may
is the apex of the renal pyramids, and each papilla
be partial (eg, horseshoe kidney and crossed renal ectopia
with fusion) or total (ie, pancake kidney). indents to a minor calyx. Approximately 2–4
„ Anomalies of renal position occur because of defects in the
minor calyces merge to form a major calyx, and
cranial migration of the kidneys from the pelvis to the lumbar 2–3 major calyces merge to form the renal pelvis,
region, which begins in the 4th week and ends in the 9th a funnel-shaped structure in the renal hilum that
week of gestation. They include renal malrotation, simple re- drains to the ureters (Fig 1a).
nal ectopia, and crossed renal ectopia. Ureters are thin muscular tubes that are 25–30
„ Anomalies of renal number occur due to defects in the devel- cm long, coursing along the retroperitoneum,
opment of the ureteric bud or its interaction with the meta-
originating from the ureteropelvic junction, and
nephric blastema at approximately the 5th week of gestation.
These anomalies include renal agenesis and supernumerary lying on the psoas muscles in the upper abdo-
kidney (SK). men. They deviate anteriorly, cross the common
„ Congenital anomalies of the urinary collecting system are or external iliac vessels, and run along the lateral
related to defects in the embryologic development of the pelvic wall near the internal iliac vessels until the
ureteric bud starting during the 5th week of gestation and in- ureterovesical junction. At this level, they pass
clude pyelocaliceal diverticulum, megacalycosis, ureteopelvic obliquely through the muscular bladder wall,
junction obstruction, duplex collecting system, megaureter,
ectopic ureter, and ureterocele.
creating a valve mechanism that prevents urine
reflux (Fig 1b).

urinary tract are extremely important for com- Three germ layers are present at the beginning
plete comprehension of these anomalies. of morphogenesis: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and
Although many congenital anomalies of the endoderm. The urogenital ridge arises from the
upper urinary tract are diagnosed in the prena- intermediate mesoderm during the 4th week of
tal and neonatal periods, detection also occurs intrauterine life, giving rise to the nephrogenic
frequently in children or adults as either an cord. Three successive kidneys form rostrally and
incidental finding in asymptomatic individuals or progress caudally over a few weeks in the neph-
a complication (eg, related to upper urinary tract rogenic cord: the pronephros, mesonephros, and
obstruction, stone formation, infection, hyperten- metanephros.
sion, or renal failure). At the beginning of the 4th week, the proneph-
In this article, we describe the embryologic de- ros, a nonfunctional primitive kidney that totally
velopment, anatomic structures, defects, and find- regresses by day 25, forms at the cervical region.
ings related to congenital anomalies of the kidneys At the end of the 4th week, the intermediate
and ureters with different imaging methods. mesoderm condenses to form the mesonephros
in the thoracolumbar region. The mesoneph-
Normal Anatomy of the Kidneys and ros is functional for a brief period and develops
Ureters excretory tubules, which drain into the meso-
The kidneys are paired bean-shaped retroperi- nephric duct, which is also called the wolffian
toneal organs that are covered by a fibrous cap- duct. The mesonephric duct grows toward the
sule and surrounded by perirenal fat, which is caudal region and fuses with the cloaca during
encompassed by the renal fascia (Gerota fascia). the 5th week of embryogenesis, giving origin to
They lie on quadratus lumborum muscles at the primordial renal tissue known as the metanephric
level of T12–L3, lateral to the psoas muscle. The blastema from the sacral intermediate mesoderm.
oblique course of the psoas muscle results in the Later, the mesonephros and mesonephric duct
upper poles oriented medially in relation to the develop into the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal
464 March-April 2021

Figure 1. Anatomy of a healthy kidney (a) and ureter (b). UPJ = ureteropelvic junction, UVJ = ureterovesical junction.

vesicles, and ejaculatory duct in males, and they

degenerate in females.
At the 5th week, the metanephros forms in
the sacral region and persists as the permanent
kidney (Fig 2). At this moment, the primordial
renal tissue metanephric blastema begins the
secretion of a protein that stimulates the lateral
growth of the ureteric bud in the mesonephric
duct (2), invading the metanephric blastema
and leading to reciprocal interactions between
both, called the induction of the kidney. The
metanephric blastema then forms the nephrons
(ie, the glomeruli, proximal tubules, and distal
tubules) and the ureteric bud starts to branch,
creating the collecting tubules. The first bifurca-
tion forms the renal pelvis as well as the cranial
and caudal lobes of the kidney. The next bifur-
cations continue until the 32nd week, progres-
Figure 2. Embryologic illustration shows that in the
sively forming the major calyces and minor 5th week, the kidneys begin to develop by means of
calyces and then forming approximately 1–3 fusion of the ureteric bud with the metanephric blas-
million collecting tubules (3). tema of the intermediate mesoderm.
Initially, the kidneys are located close to each
other in the sacral region of the embryo, with the
hila directed anterior in the pelvis. As the abdomen anteromedially. The ureters elongate, opening into
and pelvis grow, the kidneys are drawn apart and the bladder superiorly (Fig 3).
gradually ascend to the lumbar region, reaching
their adult position adjacent to the adrenal gland Imaging Techniques
by the 9th week of gestation. During ascension, The first imaging modality that is usually per-
the renal arterial supply undergoes a continuous formed for anomalies of the urinary tract system
process of replacement, receiving irrigation from is US because it is noninvasive, widely available,
successively higher branches, first from common low cost, and lacks ionizing radiation. However,
iliac arteries and later from the aorta, while caudal US is limited by its operator and patient depen-
branches continue to degenerate. Once the kidneys dence and limited visualization of the entire col-
reach their final position, one branch becomes the lecting system. Contrast-enhanced US, and more
main renal artery, and the rest regress. Less com- specifically voiding urosonography, is a technique
monly, more than one branch persists, giving rise that is gaining popularity, especially for pediat-
to accessory renal arteries. As the kidneys ascend, ric patients, for the evaluation of vesicoureteral
they rotate medially almost 90°, directing the hila reflux and urethral abnormalities.
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 465

Figure 3. Embryology of the urinary system. During the 6th week, the primitive kidneys are close to each other in the
pelvis. Later, the kidneys migrate upward, move apart, and rotate medially almost 90 degrees, reaching the definitive
position close to the adrenal glands by approximately the 9th week of gestation. The development of the renal pelvis,
calyces, and collecting tubules occurs from the sequential branching of the ureteric bud during the 5th to 8th weeks. B =
bladder, K = kidney, S = suprarenal gland.

The use of intravenous urography as a diag- Classification of Congenital Anomalies

nostic tool has drastically decreased in recent of the Upper Urinary Tract
decades, especially because of improvements in The Table provides a comprehensive overview
other modalities. Currently, it is almost always of the classification of anomalies of the upper
used as a second or third choice when other urinary tract, which include renal anomalies of
examinations are either inconclusive or not avail- form, position, and number and anomalies in the
able for the patient. development of the urinary collecting system.
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is an
established method for diagnosing both vesicoure- Anomalies of Renal Form
teral reflux and urethral abnormalities. Recently, Anomalies of renal form comprise structural
specialized centers have begun performing voiding anomalies (Fig 4) and fusion anomalies (Fig 5).
urosonography as a reliable first-line alternative to Structural anomalies are anatomic variants that
VCUG for both vesicoureteral reflux and urethral are related to embryologic defects during the final
evaluation. Both examinations require bladder stages of kidney development, including persistent
catheterization, but voiding urosonography has the fetal lobulation, a hypertrophied column of Bertin,
advantage of being a radiation-free examination and a dromedary hump. Fusion anomalies occur
that allows simultaneous evaluation of morpho- during the cranial migration of the kidneys from
logic features and reflux, while VCUG has the the pelvis to the lumbar region. The kidneys cross
advantage of depicting the whole collecting system the umbilical arteries, and any change in arterial
at once. position may cause fusion of nephrogenic blastema.
CT and MRI are excellent modalities for The fusion may be partial (eg, horseshoe kidney
identification of anomalies of the upper urinary and crossed renal ectopia with fusion) or total (ie,
tract because they allow direct characterization of pancake kidney). Crossed renal ectopia is explained
renal vascularity, adjacent abdominal and pelvic in the section on anomalies of renal position.
structures, and complications (eg, renal stones,
infection, and malignancies). MRI is limited in Structural Anomalies
characterization of nonobstructive renal stones.
CT and MR urography have been increasingly Persistent Fetal Lobulation.—Persistent fetal
used to assess the upper urinary tract because lobulation, which is also known simply as loba-
they allow visualization of the entire collecting tion, is characterized by fine linear and smooth
system anatomy in great detail. MRI also pro- indentations of the renal outline between the
vides information about perfusion and excretion pyramids (Fig 4) (4). It is difficult to estimate its
functions. MR urography may be preferable for real incidence because anomalies of no clini-
pediatric patients and those who need frequent cal significance are often not reported or even
repeated imaging, because the modality does not detected. Despite that, it has been estimated to
involve exposure to ionizing radiation, and in be present in 4% of the population (5).
individuals with a history of allergy to iodinated Embryologically, fetal kidneys are divided
contrast agents. into lobes that are made of a medullary pyramid
466 March-April 2021

Classification of Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Urinary Tract

Type of Renal Anomaly Key Features

Renal form
Persistent fetal lobulation Smooth indentations of the renal outline between the pyramids
Hypertrophied column of Bertin Hypertrophied cortical tissue projecting into the renal sinus
Dromedary hump Focal bulge on the lateral contour of the left kidney
Horseshoe kidney Fusion across the midline of two distinct functioning kidneys
Pancake kidney Complete fusion of both kidneys in the pelvic cavity
Renal position
Renal malrotation Abnormal position of the kidneys in relation to the hilum
Ectopic kidney Abnormal kidney location: simple ectopia or crossed ectopia
Crossed renal ectopia Kidney is located on the opposite side and its ureter has normal insertion
Renal number
Renal agenesis Complete absence of one or both renal tissue
Supernumerary kidney Accessory organ (typically one additional kidney)
Development of the urinary collecting
Pyelocaliceal diverticulum Cystic dilatation of renal pelvis or calyces
Megacalycosis Enlargement of the renal calices without renal pelvis dilatation
UPJO Obstruction of the normal flow of urine in the UPJ
Duplex collecting system Two separate pyelocaliceal systems: complete or incomplete
Megaureter Ureteral dilatation with or without pyelocaliceal dilatation
Ectopic ureter Ureter with an insertion beyond the bladder trigone
Ureterocele Cystic dilatation of the intravesical segment of the distal ureter
Note.—UPJ = ureteropelvic junction, UPJO = ureteropelvic junction obstruction.

surrounded by a cortex and separated by inter- tissue is often located in the middle one-third of
lobular grooves. The lobulation usually remains the kidney between the upper and middle calyces.
until the end of the fetal period, becoming un- It more commonly occurs on the left side (7,8).
noticeable during the 3rd trimester and resulting A hypertrophied column of Bertin is a normal
in a smooth renal surface. Incomplete fusion of variant with no exact incidence, although some
interlobular folds can result in the appearance of authors (10) state that it can be present in almost
persistent fetal lobulation (4,6). 50% of the population, and 20% of those diag-
Persistent fetal lobulation does not have any nosed have hypertrophied columns of Bertin in
clinical implication and can mimic other abnor- both kidneys. Double hypertrophied columns of
malities at diagnostic imaging, such as scarring or Bertin in one kidney are rare, occurring in approx-
kidney tumors. At US, uniform vascular distribu- imately 5% of individuals (10). The cause is an
tion is observed in the parenchyma (7). At CT incomplete fusion of the fetal lobes, resulting from
(Fig 6a) and MRI, attenuation and signal intensity, the merging of two adjacent septa into a large
respectively, are similar to those of the cortex, as column with double thickness (11,12).
is contrast enhancement (7–9). However, renal A hypertrophied column of Bertin has no clini-
scarring is not smooth, appears as a loss of renal cal importance. At US, it appears as a well-defined
cortex, and is located overlying the medullary indentation in the renal sinus in continuity with
pyramids (7,8). Parenchymal tumors show differ- and with similar echogenicity as the adjacent renal
ent enhancement in at least one of the phases (9). parenchyma (Fig 6b) (13). However, sometimes
it can have hyperechoic areas in the side that
Hypertrophied Column of Bertin.—A hypertro- represent interlobular vessels (11,12) and have
phied column of Bertin, or focal cortical hyperplasia, similar vascularity to that of the renal parenchyma
is characterized by hypertrophied cortical tissue (13). In some patients, a hypertrophied column
located between the pyramids of the renal me- of Bertin can have an indefinite appearance at US
dulla, projecting into the renal sinus (Fig 4). The and can mimic a renal mass. In these cases, CT
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 467

Figure 4. Anomalies of
renal form. Illustration
shows structural anom-
alies of the kidneys.

Figure 5. Anomalies of renal form. Il-

lustration shows fusion anomalies of the

or MRI can be diagnostic, preventing an unneces- ation, and/or enhancement during at least one of
sary invasive procedure and showing, respectively, the phases of the imaging study (14,15).
attenuation and signal intensity similar to that
of the parenchyma on nonenhanced images and Fusion Anomalies
enhancement identical to that of the renal paren-
chyma on contrast-enhanced images (8,12). Horseshoe Kidney.—A horseshoe kidney is formed
by fusion of two distinct functioning kidneys,
Dromedary Hump.—A dromedary hump is a focal one on each side of the midline (Fig 5) (16).
bulge on the lateral contour of the left kidney (Fig Horseshoe kidney is the most common congeni-
4). It is caused by the splenic impression on the tal anomaly of the upper urinary tract and can
superolateral kidney (8,14). Its frequency has been be found in one in 400 adults (17). It is twice as
estimated at 0.5% (5). common in men than it is in women (18).
Similar to other renal variants, a dromedary The theory of mechanical fusion suggests that
hump shows characteristics identical to those of the metanephric blastema of the two kidneys come
the renal parenchyma at imaging, regardless of in contact in the fetal pelvis during the 4th week of
the imaging modality (Fig 6c). Although a drom- gestation. This may be a consequence of abnormal
edary hump can also mimic renal masses, tumors flexion or growth of the fetal spine and pelvic or-
commonly show different signal intensity, attenu- gans. At this stage, because of the lack of the renal
468 March-April 2021

Figure 6. Structural anomalies of the kidney in three patients. (a) Coronal nonenhanced CT image in a 36-year-old
woman shows a persistent fetal lobulation (arrow). (b) US image in a 30-year-old woman shows a hypertrophied col-
umn of Bertin (*). (c) Coronal T2-weighted MR image in a 40-year-old man shows a dromedary hump (arrowhead)
from the splenic impression (curved arrow).

capsule, the blastema of the immature kidneys fuse of the collecting system and vascular anatomy.
at the point of contact, resulting in the forma- Functional analysis with MRI helps in differen-
tion of a fibrous isthmus. As the horseshoe kidney tiation of a functioning isthmus from fibrous tis-
ascends, the isthmus is trapped under the inferior sue and in early detection of complications. Al-
mesenteric artery, arresting further ascent and ro- though MRI has advantages, including its ability
tation, resulting in a lower location of the kidneys to show high soft-tissue contrast and the absence
and an anteriorly facing pelvis (16). of radiation, complications related to stones and
In almost 90% of cases, the fusion is between trauma are better evaluated with CT (19).
the lower poles. In the other 10%, the superior or
both the superior and inferior poles are fused. The Pancake Kidney.—A pancake kidney is character-
most common position of the pelvis and ureters is ized by an absence of a renal capsule and com-
anterior (18). The isthmus (fused portion) may lie plete fusion of the superior, middle, and inferior
over the midline (ie, symmetric horseshoe kidney) poles of both kidneys in the pelvic cavity (Fig 5)
or lateral to the midline (ie, asymmetric horseshoe (22). Each kidney has its own excretory system,
kidney). Depending on the degree of fusion, the with two ureters that do not cross the midline
isthmus can be composed of renal parenchyma and are not connected with each other. The in-
or a fibrous band. The blood supply of the fused sertion of the ureters into the bladder is normal
kidney is variable and may come from the iliac ar- (22,23). Pancake kidney is rare, with an esti-
teries, aorta, and less often from the middle sacral mated incidence of one in 65 000–375 000 indi-
and hypogastric arteries. Horseshoe kidney can be viduals (24) and is often associated with other
isolated in 30% of those who have this anomaly, genitourinary and vertebral anomalies (22). It
although a wide variety of other anomalies are is possible that pancake kidney arises during
frequently associated with it (19). development, when the umbilical arteries press
The majority of patients with a horseshoe the nephrogenic primordia, and the kidneys fuse
kidney are asymptomatic (20), although some in the pelvis and do not ascend (23,25).
complications can occur such as ureteropelvic The blood supply can be anomalous in the
junction obstruction (UPJO), lithiasis (20%–60% number and origin of arteries. The arteries
of patients with horseshoe kidney) (Fig E1) (21), originate from the distal aorta or iliac artery.
and renal infections (27%–41% of patients with The collecting systems are normally rotated to
horseshoe kidney). In patients with a horseshoe face anteriorly and can be associated with many
kidney, there is a higher risk of renal lesions after configurations (24,25).
abdominal trauma and an increased incidence of Most cases are asymptomatic, although patients
renal malignancies (although they are rare) such with pancake kidney are prone to recurrent urinary
as renal cell carcinoma, transition cell carcinoma, tract infections and stone formation, given the like-
Wilms tumors, and, less commonly, carcinoid lihood of anomalous collecting system rotation and
tumors (Fig E2) (18). the potential for stasis or obstruction (25).
US can be useful for diagnosis and to estab- US shows a large and lobulated renal mass
lish the presence of the isthmus and its continu- located in the pelvic cavity, consisting of the two
ity with the lower poles (Fig 7a). CT (Fig 7b, fused lateral lobes, without an intervening sep-
7c) and MRI can help in mapping the anatomy tum (Fig E3). Each lobe usually has a separate
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 469

Figure 7. Fusion anomalies of the kidneys: horseshoe kidney in two patients. (a) US image in a 10-week-old
infant girl shows fusion of the renal parenchyma, with two distinct kidneys on each side of the midline (*). The
aorta is seen posteriorly (arrow). (b, c) Axial corticomedullary phase (b) and coronal volume-rendered (c) CT
images in a 31-year-old man show fusion of the renal parenchyma across the midline (*) of two distinct kidneys.
Arrow in b = aorta.

Figure 8. Fusion anomalies: pancake kidney in a 59-year-old man. Coronal (left) and axial (right) portal venous
phase CT images show complete fusion of both kidneys in the pelvic cavity (arrows).

pelvicalyceal system. The renal pelvis is anteri- the pelvis to the lumbar region, which begins in
orly placed with usually short ureters entering the 4th week and ends in the 9th week of gesta-
normally into the bladder, without crossing the tion. They include renal malrotation, simple
midline. CT (Fig 8) and MR urography can renal ectopia, and crossed renal ectopia (Fig 9).
allow confirmation of the diagnosis and are bet-
ter choices than US for evaluation of vascular Renal Malrotation.—Renal malrotation is de-
anatomy, complications, and other associated fined as an abnormal position of the kidneys in
abnormalities (25). relation to the hilum. It can be unilateral or bi-
lateral and is usually related to other anomalies.
Anomalies of Renal Position It is more common in male individuals and has
Anomalies of renal position occur because of de- a prevalence of one in 2000 autopsies, but this is
fects in the cranial migration of the kidneys from probably underestimated, because many patients
470 March-April 2021

Figure 9. Anomalies of renal position. Il-

lustration shows simple and crossed renal

have no clinical symptoms (26,27). It may occur of the kidneys and occurs when the kidney fails
when the ureteric bud inserts into an abnormal to ascend to the retroperitoneal renal fossa dur-
region of the metanephric blastema. Because of ing embryologic development (30,31). Ectopic
its association with renal ectopia, the process of kidney can be simple (ie, when it is located at
ascent and rotation are probably related (28). the same side of the ureter) or crossed (ie, when
Renal malrotation is asymptomatic in most the kidney is on the opposite side of the ureteric
patients. Diagnosis is usually made inciden- orifice) and unilateral or bilateral. Simple renal
tally with US, CT, or MRI during evaluation ectopia, in order of frequency, can be located in
of abdominal pain or urinary abnormalities the pelvis, iliac region, abdomen, or chest (1).
(eg, hydronephrosis, urinary tract infection, or A pelvic kidney (Fig 9) is the most common
hematuria) (29). form of simple renal ectopia. The incidence is
Renal malrotation consists of nonrotation or between one in 2200 to one in 3000 autopsies, and
incomplete rotation, reverse rotation, hyperrota- it usually occurs between the 6th and 9th week of
tion or excessive rotation, and sagittal rotation gestation. It can be bilateral (Fig E4) in 10% of
(Fig 10) (28). those who have it and can be mistaken for a horse-
Incomplete rotation and nonrotation are the shoe kidney or pancake kidney (1,30). The blood
most common, in which the hilum is in an anterior supply is usually from the iliac or infrarenal aorta
position or between the anterior and normal medial with multiple arteries. It is prone to poor drainage.
position, with the ureter located laterally (Fig 11). The most common position is opposite the sacrum
Reverse rotation and hyperrotation are also com- and below the aortic bifurcation (Fig 12a) (30).
mon types. Reverse rotation is characterized by The position of the kidney in renal ectopia
lateral pelvic rotation, with renal vessels crossing the can be higher in the body, as in racic or subdia-
kidney anteriorly to reach the hilum and the ureter phragmatic kidney (Fig 13). Renal ascension
located laterally. In hyperrotation, the kidney is ro- ends when the kidneys reach the adrenal glands
tated more than 180°, but less than 360°. The renal and are physically hindered from ascending to a
pelvis faces laterally, but the renal vessels are carried higher position. Also, the ascension of the right
posteriorly into the hilum (26,29). Sagittal rotation kidney can also be prevented, to some extent, by
is rare, and only a few cases have been described in the liver. When changes in the development of the
the literature in which the kidney rotates around its adrenal glands and liver occur, with the coexis-
hilum in the sagittal plane with its long axis in the tence of intrinsic factors in the kidney such as
horizontal plane (28). persistence of the nephrogenic cord, the devel-
oping kidney may rise to a higher location (32).
Simple Renal Ectopia.—Ectopic kidney or renal An intrathoracic ectopic kidney is a partial or
ectopia is characterized by an abnormal location complete renal protrusion above the level of the
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 471

Figure 10. Illustration shows the different types of renal malrotation.

Figure 11. Anomalies of renal position: renal malrota-

tion in a 68-year-old man. Axial portal venous phase (a)
and coronal volume-rendered (b) CT images show
bilateral renal malrotation, in which the hilum faces
anteriorly (arrows).

diaphragm, while the subdiaphragmatic kidney A patient with simple renal ectopia has normal
has a location higher than normal but below the function and no symptoms and the ectopia is fre-
diaphragm. High renal ectopia is a rare condi- quently noticed as an incidental imaging finding
tion, with few cases described, and intrathoracic (35). The risk of hydronephrosis may be higher
kidneys represent less than 5% of all cases of in patients with renal ectopia because of malrota-
renal ectopia, and the incidence is less than five tion of the kidney and an anteriorly placed renal
in 1 000 000 births. High renal ectopia shows pelvis, leading to impaired urinary drainage (Fig
male predominance and occurs more commonly 12b) (30,35). Infection and renal stones can
on the left, probably because of early fusion of affect the ectopic kidney, leading to nonflank
the pleural-peritoneal channel on the right and pain. Ectopic kidneys are also prone to traumatic
by the presence of the liver as a physical barrier. injuries because of their abnormal location in the
Almost 10% of cases can be bilateral (33,34). retroperitoneum (35).
472 March-April 2021

Figure 12. Anomalies of renal position: simple renal ectopia in two patients. (a) US image in a 5-month-
old male infant shows a pelvic kidney that is located posterior to the bladder (curved arrow, upper image)
and anterior to the lumbosacral vertebrae (arrowhead, lower image). (b) Sagittal portal venous phase
CT image in a 93-year-old man shows a pelvic kidney with abnormal rotation, in which the hilum faces
anteriorly (*). There is associated UPJO (arrow).

Once a simple renal ectopia is detected, evalua-

tion should include a careful physical examination
in search of other anomalies. Radiologic imaging is
recommended to detect other urologic abnormali-
ties that may affect renal function. Imaging often
leads to the discovery of a small and abnormally
rotated pelvic kidney. CT can give details of the
anatomy, mainly the vascular anatomy (30,35).

Crossed Renal Ectopia.—Crossed renal ectopia

(CRE) is defined as a kidney that is located on the
opposite side in relation to its embryologic posi-
tion (Fig 9). Despite the ectopic renal position, the
ureter of an ectopic kidney has normal insertion in Figure 13. Anomalies of renal position: sub-
the bladder (ie, on its original embryologic side). diaphragmatic kidney in a 53-year-old woman.
Patients with renal ectopia have a two to three Coronal portal venous phase T1-weighted MR
image shows the right kidney in a subdiaphrag-
times higher chance of having left-to-right ectopia matic position (arrow).
(36). It is a rare entity that is seen in almost 7.5 of
10 000 newborns, with a male-to-female predomi-
nance of three to two (37). ureteric bud crosses over because of overbend-
Abnormal migration of the ureteric button and ing and rotation of the caudal end of the embryo,
metanephric blastema across the midline culmi- preventing the fusion of the ureteric bud with the
nates in the kidney being located on the opposite metanephric blastema. There is a stimulation of
side of its normal position. There are some theo- the contralateral metanephric blastema while the
ries to explain why this happens, such as an abnor- ipsilateral metanephros regresses (38).
mal position of the umbilical artery influencing the In the majority of cases, patients are asymptom-
cephalic migration of the kidney, which follows the atic. CRE is incidentally diagnosed during exami-
path of least resistance and, consequently, migrates nations performed for other indications. However,
to the contralateral side. Others suggest that the this anomaly may be clinically significant owing to
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 473

Figure 14. Illustration shows the classification of CRE.

complications such as hydronephrosis, infections, (a) inferior crossed fusion kidney (ie, fusion of the
vesicoureteral reflux, and nephrolithiasis (39) or upper pole of the ectopic kidney with the lower
its association with other abnormalities, mainly pole of the normal kidney), (b) sigmoid or S-
skeletal, genital, anorectal, or cardiovascular ab- shaped kidney (ie, the ectopic kidney positioned
normalities. In these cases, follow-up is important inferiorly, with the pelvis directed laterally and the
(40). If any surgical intervention is indicated, then normal kidney with the pelvis turned medially),
CT or MR angiography is extremely important (c) lump kidney (ie, both kidneys completely fused,
to evaluate the blood supply of the CRE, which is forming a lump on one side), (d) L-shaped kidney
prone to variations (41). (ie, ectopic kidney lying transversely and inferiorly
US can show that the kidney is not in its to the normal kidney), (e) disc kidney (ie, kidneys
respective renal fossa, but careful examination of fused along the medial edge of each pole), and
the opposite side reveals its position, mainly in the (f) superiorly crossed fused kidney (ie, ectopic kid-
lumbar or iliac region. CT or MR angiography ney positioned superiorly and its lower pole merg-
also shows the abnormal position of the kidney ing with the upper pole of the normal kidney) (43).
and allows easier identification of the vascular-
ity and details of the collecting system, which are Anomalies of Renal Number
important in cases of surgical procedure planning Anomalies of renal number occur due to defects in
to avoid the added risk of performing catheter the development of the ureteric bud or its interac-
angiography before surgery (42). tion with the metanephric blastema at approxi-
Four types of crossed renal ectopia (Fig 14) mately the 5th week of gestation. These anomalies
can be seen at imaging, mainly at CT and MRI, include renal agenesis and supernumerary kidney
including CRE with fusion characterized by the (SK) (Fig 17).
ectopic kidney crossing over to the opposite side,
with its upper pole fused to the lower pole of the Renal Agenesis.—Renal agenesis is defined as the
normal kidney and its ureter crossing the midline complete absence of one or both kidneys due to
to insert in the usual position in the bladder (Fig unsuccessful formation of the embryonic kidney
15); CRE without fusion, which occurs when the (44). Bilateral agenesis is a rare congenital anom-
kidney crosses to the other side but does not fuse aly that occurs in one of 3000–4000 births. It is
with the other kidney (Fig E5); crossed ectopia of incompatible with life and is most often associ-
a solitary kidney that is associated with unilateral ated with typical facial features (ie, “Potter face”)
renal agenesis (URA) and the kidney crossing to and pulmonary hypoplasia, which is known as
the opposite side; and bilateral CRE. the Potter sequence (45). URA (Fig 17) is not an
The crossed kidney is fused to the normally uncommon anomaly, and the incidence has been
positioned kidney in most cases (approximately estimated as one in 2000 births (46).
90%), with an incidence of one in 2000 cases. Six URA occurs because of failure of the interac-
different forms of fusion have been described (Fig tion between the ureteric bud and metanephric
16) including, in decreasing order of frequency, blastema. Consequently, there is a failure in the
474 March-April 2021

Figure 15. Anomalies of renal po-

sition: CRE with fusion in a 40-year-
old man. Coronal portal venous
phase (a) and coronal volume-
rendered (b) CT images show the
left kidney (straight arrow in a and
b) on the right flank and fused (ar-
rowhead in a and b) with the right
kidney (* in a and b). The ectopic
kidney ureter crosses the midline
(curved arrow in b) to insert into
the normal bladder position.

Figure 16. Illustration

shows the classification
of crossed renal ectopia
with fusion.

induction of the metanephric blastema to form other anomalies in the contralateral kidney (eg,
nephrons (44). UPJO and vesicoureteral reflux, the latter being
URA is usually asymptomatic and is nor- the most commonly reported for almost 25% of
mally found incidentally at imaging performed cases) or other organs (eg, cardiac, genital, or
for other indications. It is often associated with gastrointestinal organs) (44).
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 475

Figure 17. Anomalies of renal number.

Illustration shows renal agenesis and a su-
pernumerary kidney.

Figure 18. Anomalies of renal

number: Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-
Hauser syndrome type II (renal
agenesis) in a 55-year-old woman.
Coronal T2-weighted MR image (a)
shows the absence of the right kid-
ney, and sagittal T2-weighted MR
image (b) shows the absence (ar-
row) of the uterus.

Genital anomalies are also frequently associ- cal form, or Rokitansky sequence), which is char-
ated with URA. In females, these include Mül- acterized by only Müllerian duct anomalies, and
lerian duct anomalies, an absent or hypoplastic type II (ie, atypical form), which includes genital
ovary or fallopian tube, and abnormal external anomalies associated with other malformations,
genitalia (47). The Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster- such as renal, skeletal, or cardiac anomalies (49).
Hauser syndrome is a congenital anomaly of Congenital anomalies of the upper urinary tract
the female genital tract that is characterized by are found in approximately 40% of patients with
complete paramesonephric duct (ie, Müllerian this syndrome, and the most common abnormali-
duct) agenesis. It occurs in approximately one in ties are URA (23–28%) and ectopia of one or both
4500 births, and women present with primary kidneys (17%) (51).
amenorrhea and otherwise normal pubertal Transabdominal US is usually the first im-
development. The findings are the absence or aging investigation performed in patients with
reduced development of the uterus and the up- primary amenorrhea. US shows an absence of
per two-thirds of the vagina (ie, Müllerian duct the uterus and normal ovaries and may show
anomalies), normal external genitalia, ovaries, any associated renal tract anomaly. MRI is more
and female karyotype (ie, 46, XX) (48–50). sensitive and more specific than US and should
The Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syn- be performed when US is inconclusive. MRI (Fig
drome is subdivided into type I (ie, isolated, typi- 18) allows an accurate evaluation of aplasia of the
476 March-April 2021

Figure 19. Anomalies of renal number: Zinner syndrome triad

renal agenesis in a 36-year-old man. (a) Coronal T2-weighted
MR image shows the absence of the right kidney. (b) Axial T2-
weighted MR image shows ipsilateral seminal vesicle cysts (ar-
rows). (c) Sagittal T2-weighted MR image shows ejaculatory duct
dilatation (arrowhead).

uterus (rudimentary uterine bud) and the upper weighted MRI, although it sometimes may show
two-thirds of the vagina and allows characteriza- hyperintensity at T1-weighted MRI because of the
tion of the normal aspect of the ovaries (52,53). presence of hemorrhage or proteinaceous content.
In male patients, renal agenesis includes In addition, sometimes an ectopic ureteral inser-
Zinner syndrome, which comprises the triad of tion into the seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct,
URA, ipsilateral ejaculatory duct obstruction, prostatic urethra, or vas deferens or agenesis of the
and ipsilateral seminal vesicle cysts. It occurs vas deferens may be associated (Fig 19) (57,58).
in two-thirds of male patients with URA and is
usually diagnosed in the 2nd to 3rd decade of Supernumerary Kidney.—An SK is an additional
life. Zinner syndrome is most commonly related accessory organ that manifests most commonly
to dysuria, frequency of micturition, and perineal caudally to the left kidney (Fig 17) (59). SK on
pain (54). Zinner syndrome probably occurs be- the right side (Fig E6) or bilateral SKs are rare,
cause of a failure in the development of the distal with fewer than 100 cases reported in the litera-
part of the mesonephric duct before the 7th week ture (60–62).
of gestation. It causes atresia of the ejaculatory Many theories exist to explain the embryogenesis
duct, leading to obstruction and dilatation of the of SKs. They are thought to arise from abnormal
seminal vesicle, and the ureteric bud leads to re- division of the nephrogenic cord during the 5th
nal agenesis (55). At US, in addition to unilateral to 7th week of gestation, with each branch of the
absence of a kidney, an anechoic structure in the ureteral bud penetrating independently in the meta-
pelvis is found (ie, ejaculatory duct obstruction nephric blastema and resulting in the development
and seminal vesicle cysts), and low-level echoes of two kidneys. Another theory suggests that they
indicating hemorrhagic or thick content can be initiate as two independent ureteral buds, arising
found (56). separately from the mesonephric duct, penetrating
CT can accurately show pelvic anatomy, but the metanephric blastema, and dividing in two. It is
MRI is better than CT for characterization of the also possible that fragmentation of the metaneph-
genital anatomy, owing to its greater tissue con- ric blastema can occur because of linear infarcts,
trast resolution, allowing a detailed assessment. resulting in two independent kidneys (62,63).
CT and MRI show a periprostatic cystic mass ipsi- SK is usually asymptomatic, although it may
lateral to the renal agenesis, without enhancement. manifest as abdominal pain and a palpable mass
The seminal vesicle cyst appears hypointense (59). Urinary complications may occur, such
at T1-weighted MRI and hyperintense at T2- as urinary incontinence, pyelonephritis, pyone-
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 477

Figure 20. Anomalies of renal number:

left supernumerary kidney in a 26-year-
old woman. (a) Coronal portal venous
phase T1-weighted MR image shows a
normal right kidney and two left kidneys
(*) fused by parenchymal tissue and ar-
terial branches from the abdominal aorta
supplying the cranial kidney (arrow) and
from the left common iliac artery supply-
ing the caudal kidney (arrowhead). (b) Axial portal venous phase T1-weighted MR images show venous
drainage via the inferior vena cava to both the cranial (arrow, upper image) and caudal (arrowhead, lower
image) kidneys.

phrosis, renal and ureteral calculi, and malignant Pyelocaliceal Diverticulum.—A pyelocaliceal diver-
changes (ie, Wilms tumor, clear cell carcinoma). ticulum, which is also called a pyelogenic cyst, is a
Management depends on the function, symp- cystic dilatation of the renal pelvis or calyces, with
toms, and complications of the SK (60). SK can narrow collecting system communication, lying in
be associated with many congenital anomalies the renal parenchyma. The incidence is approxi-
(eg, vaginal atresia, duplication of the penis or mately 0.3% of the adult population (67). There
the female urethra, coarctation of the aorta, and is no consensus about the congenital cause of the
other abnormalities) (64,65). pyelocaliceal diverticulum, although proposed
An SK is normally smaller than the native kid- theories relate to failure in the bifurcation and de-
ney and has its own arterial supply originating from generation of ureteric bud branches (67–69).
the aorta or the common iliac artery. The venous Minor calyceal diverticuli are more common
drainage occurs via the inferior vena cava, with a and are often located in the poles and asymptom-
distinct collecting system and an encapsulated pa- atic. Pelvic and major pyelocaliceal diverticuli are
renchyma. It may be completely separated from the generally central, larger, and more associated with
ipsilateral kidney or attached to it by parenchymal symptoms, mainly stones and infection related to
or fibrous tissue. These features can be seen at im- urinary stasis (70). The average size of a pyelocali-
aging, mainly at CT and MRI (Fig 20) (61,62,66). ceal diverticulum is 0.5–7.5 cm. Stones have report-
The main differential diagnosis of the SK includes edly been found in 9.5%–50% of cases (68,71).
evaluation for a duplex collecting system. At imaging, the definitive diagnostic find is the
characterization of the connection with the pelvi-
Abnormalities of the Developing Urinary calyceal system, although the narrow connecting
Collecting System neck may be difficult to characterize. Therefore,
Congenital anomalies of the urinary collecting the more accurate methods are intravenous urog-
system are related to defects in the embryologic raphy or CT and MR urography (Fig 22), which
development of the ureteric bud starting during show the contrast media filling the diverticulum
the 5th week of gestation and include pyelocaliceal during the excretory phase. Often, diverticuli are
diverticulum, megacalycosis, ureteopelvic junction indistinguishable from cysts at US or CT and
obstruction, duplex collecting system, megaureter, MRI without excretory phase imaging. However,
ectopic ureter, and ureterocele (Fig 21). when they are filled with stones, the mobility and
478 March-April 2021

Figure 21. Illustration shows classification of different abnormalities of the developing urinary collecting system. DCS = duplex col-
lecting system.

decubitus change can be a clue for the diagnosis, be performed to exclude obstruction or reflux,
principally at US. respectively, from the differential diagnosis.

Megacalycosis.—Megacalycosis is a congenital Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction.—UPJO

malformation that manifests with enlargement is defined as an obstruction of the normal flow
of the renal calyces, the number of which may of urine from the renal pelvis into the proximal
also be increased, without dilatation of the renal ureter (Fig 21). It is the most common cause of
pelvis (Fig 21). Although there is no established postnatal hydronephrosis and the second most
cause for megacalycosis, one proposed theory is common cause of prenatal hydronephrosis (after
that calyces that develop from a later generation transient or physiologic hydronephrosis), with
of the collecting system than usual result in larger an estimated incidence of one in 750–1500 live
polygonally shaped and more numerous calyces births (74,75). It is more common in males
(72). Megacalycoses are rare, with approximately (male-to-female ratio, 2:1 to 4:1), has a left-sided
100 cases described in the literature (73). They predominance, manifests bilaterally in up to 16%
are usually incidental findings, but reported of the cases, and is often associated with other
symptoms include renal calculi, hematuria, and urologic malformations (15%–20%).
infection. There is no consensus on the cause of UPJO,
Imaging diagnosis is useful for differentiation of which is most likely multifactorial (74). The
megacalycosis from other obstructive or reflexive causes are classically divided into either intrinsic
causes of calyceal dilatation. At imaging, calyces or extinct causes. Intrinsic causes include ureteric
appear enlarged, with flattening of the renal pyra- scarring and ureteric muscular hypoplasia. Ex-
mids and with no or mild pelvic dilatation (Fig trinsic causes include a crossing lower pole renal
23). Functional imaging such as diuretic renogra- vessel, which can compress the ureter and is more
phy or functional MR urography and voiding uro- common in older children (76), and an abnormal
sonography or voiding cystourethrography should course of the ureter related to a high insertion at
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 479

Figure 22. Abnormalities of the developing urinary collecting system: pyelocaliceal diverticu-
lum in a 35-year-old woman. (a) Axial nonenhanced CT image shows a renal cyst with hyper-
attenuating foci, which may correspond to parietal calcification or a stone (arrow). (b) Axial
excretory phase CT image shows infilling of the cyst, which allows confirmation that the cyst is
connected with the collecting system (arrowhead).

nuclear medicine with mercaptuacetyltriglycine

(MAG3) or functional MR urography (79).
After diagnosis, imaging is also helpful in
patient follow-up as an ancillary tool to assess
changes in the degree of dilatation and morpho-
logic parenchymal changes such as thinning or
increased echogenicity that may indicate worsen-
ing obstruction (80,81).

Duplex Collecting System.—A duplex collecting

system is defined by the presence of two separate
Figure 23. Abnormalities of the developing urinary
collecting system: megacalycosis in a 34-year-old man.
pyelocaliceal systems. It can be classified as either
Coronal excretory phase maximum intensity projection complete or incomplete. When complete, each
CT image shows dilated left renal calyces (arrow) with a duplex system has a whole-length distinct ureter
normal-appearing renal pelvis (arrowhead). (Figs 21, 25). Incomplete duplex systems are
those in which these distinct ureters fuse together
before the ureterovesical junction. Incomplete
duplex systems can be further subdivided into a
the renal pelvis, abnormal renal rotation, or other bifid pelvis, in which fusion occurs in the proxi-
more complex congenital abnormalities such as a mal ureters (Figs 21, 26) or a bifid ureter, in
duplex kidney or horseshoe kidney. which the fusion occurs at a more distal point
Most cases of UPJO are diagnosed antenatally (Figs 21, 27) (82). A bifid ureter with a blind-
during routine gestational US. In cases in which ending branch is a rare and important variant,
UPJO diagnosis is delayed, patients may present resulting from a ureteral bud without contact
with intermittent abdominal pain related to dila- with the metanephric blastema (83).
tation of the collecting system, a condition also A duplex collecting system is the most com-
known as a Dietl crisis (77). mon congenital ureteral abnormality, with a
At imaging, UPJO appears as a dilated renal prevalence of 0.8% of the population at autopsy
pelvis with an abrupt thinning of the collecting (84). Embryologically, incomplete duplications
system at the ureteropelvic junction and calyceal are the result of abnormal bifurcation of the ure-
dilatation. Parenchymal thinning and dysplasia ter after its origin from the mesonephric duct,
may be associated with it. US (Fig 24a) is the while complete duplications are a result of two
first-line examination, but CT (Fig 24b) and distinct ureteral buds arising from the meso-
especially MR urography are more suited for a nephric duct.
more detailed evaluation of the ureteropelvic Duplex collecting systems are usually asymp-
junction, especially if proximal ureteral kinking or tomatic, are incidentally diagnosed with no as-
abnormal kidney rotation is suspected. Crossing sociated renal abnormalities, and are considered
vessels should always be evaluated carefully with a normal variant (85). When renal abnormalities
Doppler US, CT, or MRI, not only as a causative are present, they tend to affect the whole kidney
factor but also to facilitate eventual surgical cor- in incomplete duplications and can affect either
rection (78). one or both poles in complete duplications.
Identification and quantification of collecting In complete duplex collecting systems, the lower
system obstruction are key to patient treatment, pole follows the normal anatomic structure, with an
and obstruction is usually evaluated with either orthotopic ureter implantation, while the ureter of
480 March-April 2021

Figure 24. Abnormalities of

the developing urinary collecting
system: UPJO. US image (a) in a
1-month-old male infant and coro-
nal portal venous phase image (b)
in a 40-year-old man show abrupt
narrowing at the ureterovesical
junction (arrow), with pelvicalyceal
dilatation (*) and thinning of the
renal parenchyma (arrowheads).

Figure 25. Abnormalities of the

developing urinary collecting sys-
tem: complete duplex collecting
system. Coronal volume-rendered
CT image in a 35-year-old woman
shows complete ureteral duplica-
tion (arrows).

Figure 26. Abnormalities of the

developing urinary collecting sys-
tem: bifid pelvis in a 32-year-old
woman. Coronal excretory phase
maximum intensity projection CT
image shows two distinct ureters
fusing before the ureterovesical
junction (arrows).
the upper pole has an ectopic bladder implantation,
inferiorly and medially displaced, and, therefore, is
prone to be associated with other abnormalities. parenchyma can be seen crossing the entire
The Weigert-Meyer rule states that the ectopic renal pelvis, separating the upper from the lower
ureter implants itself along an ectopic pathway, moiety. Mild asymmetric pelvicalyceal dilatation
which, in girls, can be either above the external between the upper and lower moiety is also a sign
urethral sphincter (ie, bladder) or beneath the that can suggest a duplex collecting system in an
external urethral sphincter (ie, the urethra [Fig otherwise normal kidney. CT and MR urography
28a, 28b], upper vagina, uterus, or fallopian are useful to determine if the duplication is com-
tubes) and in boys, is always above the external plete or incomplete and also in suspected ureteral
urethral sphincter (ie, the bladder, prostatic ure- ectopic insertion, because the whole ureteral
thra [Fig 28c, 28d]), epididymis, seminal vesicles, trajectory can usually be determined.
vas deferens, or ejaculatory ducts). Abnormalities
that can be related to this ectopic ureter include Megaureter.—Megaureter is a broad term used to
urinary incontinence in girls, renal dysplasia (Fig describe ureteral dilatation with or without asso-
E7), urinary tract dilatation, ureterocele (Fig 29), ciated pyelocaliceal dilatation (Fig 21). Transient
and vesicoureteral reflux (Fig 30) (85). dilatation of the ureter can be seen in healthy
At US, when no renal abnormalities are as- patients and can be considered normal, especially
sociated, the kidney with the duplex collecting when the diameter is less than 0.5 cm. Persistent
system is larger than the normal one. The renal dilatation and, more specifically, ureters with a
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 481

asymptomatic or may be related to urinary tract

infections, hematuria, and flank pain.
The role of imaging in patients with a mega-
ureter is to define whether it is secondary or
primary. In patients with a primary megaureter,
imaging is used to determine if there is associated
obstruction (Fig 31) or reflux (Fig 32). Differen-
tiating between primary and secondary megaure-
ter is generally straightforward. The normal ca-
pacity and shape of the bladder and the absence
of evident obstructive factors indicate that the
cause is most likely a primary megaureter.
For an obstructive megaureter, the imaging
pattern is similar among US, CT, and MR urog-
raphy, which show a diffusely dilated ureter with a
narrow and usually short distal segment near the
ureterovesical junction. Identifying the presence
and degree of obstruction is paramount in deter-
mining treatment options. It is usually done with
functional MR urography or diuretic renography,
(ie, usually with MAG3). A refluxing primary
megaureter is usually associated with some degree
of pyelocaliceal dilatation. Diagnosis can be made
Figure 27. Abnormalities of the developing uri- with either voiding cystourethrography or voiding
nary collecting system: incomplete duplex col- US. In patients with nonrefluxing and nonob-
lecting system in a 48-year-old woman. Coronal structed megaureter, there is no evidence of reflux
volume-rendered CT image shows two distinct ure- or obstruction. The ureter is dilated beginning at
ters on the right (arrows) fusing at the level of the
distal segment, above the ureterovesical junction a point immediately above the bladder.
Ectopic Ureter.—Ectopic ureter is defined as a
ureter with an insertion beyond the bladder tri-
diameter larger than 0.7 cm should be considered gone (Fig 21). It is a relatively rare abnormality,
abnormal (86,87). with a prevalence of approximately one in 1900
Megaureter can be classified as either primary autopsies. It is more common in female patients
or secondary. Primary megaureter encompasses (female-to-male ratio, 5:1). Most ectopic ureters
all cases related to idiopathic congenital abnor- are related to a duplex collecting system, although
malities of the vesicoureteral junction region. up to 20% can be found in a single collecting
It can be further subclassified into obstructive system (88).
megaureter, in which an adynamic short justaves- Ectopic ureters are believed to be a conse-
ical portion of the ureter leads to dilatation of the quence of failure of the ureteral bud to separate
proximal normal ureteral segments (ie, an analog from the mesonephric duct, which leads to a
to achalasia and Hirschsprung disease); refluxing more caudal insertion. Since it is an abnormality
megaureter, in which the vesicoureteral valve is that is related to the embryogenesis of the geni-
incompetent due to a short intravesical segment; tourinary tract, anatomic and clinical manifesta-
a congenital parauteric diverticulum or other tions vary between male and female patients.
abnormalities of the vesicoureteral junction; and In male patients, ectopic ureters always insert
a nonrefluxing and nonobstructed megaureter (in above the external sphincter and, consequently,
which neither vesicoureteral reflux nor focal ste- are not related to urinary incontinence. In these
nosis are present). The latter is the most common patients, abnormal implantation occurs more often
cause of neonatal megaureter. It is usually self- into the bladder, prostatic urethra (Fig 28b), or
limited and thought to be related to physiologic epididymis, but the ureter can also insert into the
immaturity of the ureter. Secondary megaureter seminal vesicles, vas deferens, or ejaculatory ducts.
refers to ureteral dilatation resulting from other In female patients, ectopic ureters occur either
abnormalities such as a neurogenic bladder, pos- above or beyond the external sphincter and can be
terior urethral valve, or ureteral calculus. related to urinary incontinence. Abnormal implan-
Similarly to other upper urinary tract malfor- tation in female patients is more often located in
mations, many cases of megaureter are diagnosed the bladder, urethra, or upper vagina (Fig E8), but
prenatally. In older patients, a megaureter can be it can also insert into the uterus or fallopian tubes
482 March-April 2021

Figure 28. Abnormalities of

the developing urinary collecting
system. (a, b) Complete duplex
system with an ectopic ureter in
a 74-year-old woman. Coronal ex-
cretory phase CT image (a) shows
complete ureteral duplication (ar-
rows). The lack of excreted con-
trast agent in the ectopic ureter
that is associated with upper pole
atrophy (*) suggests obstruction.
T2-weighted MR image (b) shows
ectopic ureter insertion in the
urethra (arrowhead). (c, d) Coro-
nal T2-weighted MR image in a
43-year-old man with a complete
duplex system (c) and illustration
(d) show ureter insertion in the
prostatic urethra (curved arrow in
c, arrowhead in d).

Figure 29. Abnormalities of the developing urinary collecting system: complete duplex sys-
tem with a ureterocele in a 4-month-old female infant. US images show complete ureteral du-
plication (arrowheads, left) associated with a ureterocele on the ectopic ureter (arrow, right).
B = bladder.

(87). Regardless of sex, symptoms also include VCUG can be of diagnostic value only if ureteral
urinary tract obstruction, which may lead to renal insertion is in the bladder or urethra and reflux
urge incontinence, recurrent urinary tract infec- is present. MR urography is an excellent method
tions, and atrophy or dysplasia (in duplex collect- for detection of ectopic ureters, which can often
ing systems, usually of the upper moiety). In atro- be identified without intravenous contrast mate-
phy or dysplasia, the degree of renal impairment is rial (89). CT urography is a useful alternative for
usually related to the degree of ectopia. detection of ectopic ureteral insertion, especially
Detecting the insertion of the ectopic ureter because of the fast examination time that often
is often not possible with US, because a normal does not require sedation but does require injec-
US examination cannot exclude the diagnosis. tion of iodine contrast material and exposure to
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 483

Figure 30. Abnormalities of the devel-

opment of the urinary collecting system:
complete duplex system with vesicoure-
teral reflux in a 3-month-old female in-
fant. VCUG image shows vesicoureteral
reflux (arrowheads), exclusively to the
lower pole of the left kidney, which can
be identified by the absence of contrast
material in the upper calyces (*).

Figure 31. Abnormalities of the development of the urinary collecting system: obstructive megaureter in two
patients. US image (a) in a 3-month-old male infant and coronal T2-weighted MR image (b) in a 1-year-old boy
show left pyelocaliceal dilatation (*), with a diffusely dilated ureter (arrow) that tapers near the ureterovesical
junction (arrowhead). B = bladder.

ionizing radiation. A split-bolus technique for CT coureteral junction) or ectopic ureteroceles (ie,
urography, in which simultaneous nephrographic occurring outside of the expected vesicoureteral
and excretory phase images are acquired, should junction, usually lower and medial).
always be considered, especially in children. At Orthotopic ureteroceles are almost always seen
CT urography, attention should be paid to the in adults. They are usually accidental findings in a
need for a second delayed phase acquisition in simple collecting system and have no substantial
patients with a slow-filling collecting system (77). renal repercussion.
Ectopic ureteroceles are much more common
Ureterocele.—A ureterocele is a congenital malfor- in children (ie, four times more frequent than an
mation characterized by cystic dilatation of the orthotopic ureterocele) and are more frequently
intravesical segment of the distal ureter (Fig 21), related to other abnormalities such as urinary tract
with an estimated incidence of one in 4000 chil- infection, a duplex collecting system (in up to 80%
dren (female-to-male ratio, 4–6:1). Ureteroceles of cases), or urinary tract dilatation. Thus, they are
are classically categorized as either orthotopic more often diagnosed in either routine prenatal
ureteroceles (ie, occurring at the expected vesi- examinations or during workup for urinary tract
484 March-April 2021

Figure 32. Abnormalities of the

development of the urinary col-
lecting system: refluxive megaure-
ter in a 3-month-old male infant.
(a) Color Doppler US images show
mild dilatation of the distal ureter
without tapering and bidirectional
flow at the vesicoureteral junc-
tion (curved arrows), which is di-
agnostic for vesicoureteral reflux.
(b) Contrast-enhanced voiding
subtraction US image shows ure-
teropelvic dilatation (arrows) and
microbubble contrast material
filling the ureter and pelvis (*),
indicating vesicoureteral reflux.
(c) VCUG image shows bilateral
vesicoureteral reflux that is more
pronounced on the left, with ure-
teral tortuosity and dilatation (black
arrowhead) and pyelocaliceal dila-
tation (outlined arrowheads).

Figure 33. Abnormalities of the

development of the urinary collect-
ing system: ureterocele in two pa-
tients. Axial T2-weighted MR im-
age (a) in a 40-year old man and
VCUG image (b) in a 9-year-old
girl show ureteroceles (arrowheads
in a, * in b).

infection. Diagnosis in adults is usually accidental, they manifest as a round filling defect inside the
with the finding of a simple collecting system and bladder. Given the dynamic nature of the ure-
no substantial renal repercussion. terocele, which may change in size and shape
There is no consensus on the cause of uretero- because of filling and emptying, VCUG and
celes, but one of the most widespread theories especially US, which allow continuous imag-
is that they are a consequence of the persistence ing, usually allow more accuracy in making a
of an embryologic membrane around the distal diagnosis. Ureterocele eversion into the ureter
ureter (90). can sometimes happen, simulating a periureteral
Ureteroceles can vary in size from less than a diverticulum at VCUG (91).
centimeter to a large structure that fills the entire
bladder. They can be asymptomatic or related Conclusion
to urinary tract infection, pelvic pain, or ureteral The upper urinary tract is the most common sys-
obstruction, and in extreme cases, they can even tem involved in congenital anomalies. Detection
be related to urethral obstruction. of these anomalies can occur at prenatal US, but
At US (Fig 29), CT, and MRI (Fig 33a), they diagnosis in the postnatal period also occurs fre-
appear as an intravesical cystic structure continu- quently, mainly as an incidental imaging finding
ous with the distal ureter. At VCUG (Fig 33b), and also as a cause of complications. Compre-
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Houat et al 485

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September-October 2021 • Volume 41 • Number 5

Originally published in:

RadioGraphics 2021; 41(2):462–486
Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Urinary Tract: A Comprehensive Review
Abdallah P. Houat, Cassia T. S. Guimarães, Marcelo S. Takahashi, Gustavo P. Rodi, Taísa P. D. Gasparetto,
Roberto Blasbalg, Fernanda G. Velloni

Erratum in:
RadioGraphics 2021; 41(5):E165
Figures 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 16, 17, 21: These figures have been replaced in the online article to correctly depict
the position of the right renal artery.

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