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Teacher Houda KC Language Centre Date :



I. Reading comprehension (50 points)

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year (generally referred to as Lunar New Year globally) is the Chinese festival that celebrates
the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The festival is usually referred to as the Spring
Festival in mainland China and is one of several Lunar New Years in Asia.

Celebrations traditionally occur from the evening preceding the first day of the year to the Lantern Festival,
held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of the Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears
between 21 January and 20 February. In 2019, the Chinese New Year's first day was Tuesday, 5 February,
initiating the Year of the Pig.

Chinese New Year is a major holiday in Greater China and has strongly influenced Lunar New Year
celebrations of China’s neighboring cultures, including the Korean New Year (seol), the Tết of Vietnam, and
the Losar of Tibet. It is also celebrated worldwide in regions and countries with significant Overseas Chinese
populations, including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines,
Mauritius, and many in North America and Europe.

Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs. The festival was traditionally a time to honor
divinities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the
New Year vary widely, and the evening preceding Chinese New Year’s Day is frequently regarded as an
occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. It is also traditional for every family to
thoroughly clean their house, to sweep away any ill fortune, and to make way for incoming good luck. Another
custom is the decoration of windows and doors with red paper-cuts and two-line poems. Popular themes among
these paper-cuts and two-line poems include that of good fortune or happiness, wealth, and longevity. Other
activities include lighting firecrackers and giving money in red paper envelopes. For the northern regions of
China, dumplings are featured prominently in meals celebrating the festival. It often serves as the first meal of
the year.

Answer the following questions.

1. What do people in China call the Chinese New Year?

People in China call the Chinese New Year the " Lunar New Year”.

2. The New Year in China Begins in ….

The New Year in China begins on the new moon that appears between 21 January and
20 February.

3. The Korean New Year, the Tết of Vietnam, and the Losar of Tibet are…

Lunar New Year celebrations of China’s neighboring cultures.

Teacher Houda KC Language Centre Date :

4. Chinese New Year ….

a. Is celebrated in different ways depending on the region.

b. Is a very religious celebration nowadays.
c. Was celebrated with music in the past.

5. Why do the Chinese clean their houses?

Chinese clean their houses to sweep away any ill fortune and make way for incoming good
6. The text talks about traditions in the Northern regions of China related to…

a. Parties
b. Food
c. music

II. Grammar section

Part A: Complete this passage with the verbs below. Use modals, infinitive, past
simple, present simple, present perfect, or future tense. (16 points )

adapt - communicate - discover - operate - rely on x2 - transform - visualize - exchange -

want - wait - deliver - find - continue - allow

In recent decades, technology has transformed the way we communicate. Back in the day,

people relied on to face-to-face conversations to exchange information and ideas. However,

with the rise of the internet, everything has changed People now exchange messages instantly

and communicate on various digital platforms. This convenience has dramatically adapted the

traditional communication methods.

In the past, if you wanted news, you often had to wait for the newspaper to deliver it.

Nowadays, you can easily find the information you need with a simple online search. Once you

had found what you want, you can share it instantly and communicate your friends and family.
Teacher Houda KC Language Centre Date :
In the future, experts predict that technology will continue to evolve the way we visualize

information. Virtual reality allows us to visit data in three dimensions without operating physical

screens. People may even be able to discove complex concepts by simply interacting with

holographic projections. The possibilities are endless, and the future of communication is exciting.

Part B: Fill in the Gaps with the following tenses: Conditional sentences with if
clauses & unreal conditional (10 points)

Conditional with if clauses:

1. She would feel (feel) more confident if she took (take) public speaking classes.

2. If she eats ( eat ) healthier, she will have (have) more energy.

3. Unless you study (study) for the exam, you won't (will) pass.

Unreal conditional :
4. If I had known ( know) you were coming, I would have baked ( bake) a cake.
5. If they had invested (invest) in the stock market years ago, they would be (be) wealthy now.

Part C: Participles as adjectives - choose the Right Answer (10 points )

The Enigma of the Emerald Heist

This mystery film is quite ______________ (intrigued / intriguing). It features perplexing

detective work and several ______________ (surprised/surprising) twists in the plot. However,
the characters are somewhat ______________ (annoyed/annoying), especially the main
antagonist. I believe the movie would have been more ______________ (enjoyed / enjoyable)
with stronger character development.

The Lost Symphony

Teacher Houda KC Language Centre Date :
This musical documentary tells the ______________ (fascinated / fascinating) journey of a lost
symphony discovered in an ancient library. The archival footage is truly ______________
(captivated / captivating), providing a glimpse into the world of classical music. While some might
find documentaries ______________ (bored/boring), this one manages to be both informative
and ______________ (entertained / entertaining). I was particularly ______________ (touched /

touching) by the interviews with the musicians involved in restoring the lost masterpiece.

III. Writing :

Choose one topic and write about it ( 14 points )

1. Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different
from your parents' generation? Explain and give examples to support your opinion.

Generational differences are inevitable, driven by evolving societal norms,

technological advancements, and changing perspectives. As a member of the
younger generation, I find several distinct characteristics that set us apart from
our parents' generation.
One significant difference lies in the approach to technology. My
generation has grown up in the digital age, surrounded by smartphones, social
media, and instant connectivity. We effortlessly navigate the virtual realm,
relying on technology for communication, information, and entertainment. In
contrast, our parents' generation witnessed the emergence of these
technologies and had to adapt to them. The digital divide often manifests in
varying degrees of comfort and familiarity with the rapidly evolving tech
Moreover, our attitudes toward work and career paths exhibit notable
distinctions. Traditional career structures were more prevalent in our parents'
generation, with an emphasis on job stability and long-term commitments. In
contrast, my generation tends to prioritize flexibility, valuing experiences and
personal fulfillment. The gig economy and remote work options are more
appealing to us, allowing for a blend of professional and personal pursuits.
Cultural attitudes and social norms also contribute to the generation gap.
For instance, societal views on marriage, family, and gender roles have evolved
over time. My generation tends to embrace diversity and inclusivity,
challenging traditional norms and advocating for equality in all aspects of life.
This shift is evident in changing perspectives on issues such as LGBTQ+ rights,
gender equality, and cultural diversity.
Teacher Houda KC Language Centre Date :
The pace of life and information consumption is another area of
distinction. The rapid flow of information in the digital era has shaped the way
my generation absorbs and processes knowledge. We are accustomed to
quick access to information, fostering a desire for instant gratification and
efficiency. In contrast, our parents' generation may place a higher value on
patience, delayed gratification, and more deliberate decision-making
In conclusion, the differences between my generation and my parents'
generation are multifaceted and span various aspects of life. Technological
advancements, shifting career paradigms, evolving cultural attitudes, and the
pace of information flow all contribute to the unique characteristics that define
each generation. Embracing these differences and understanding the
perspectives of both generations can lead to a richer and more harmonious
societal landscape.

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