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Question 1:-Apple Inc. sees a decline in the sale of iPhone in India. They
perceived that the new launches such as foldable smartphones by competitors
are a threat to their products. They hire you in a role of market researcher and
give a task to understand customer preferences for foldable smartphones.
Develop a survey questionnaire that captures consumers' opinions and
features, design, price, and brand reputation.

Ans:- Introduction
Apple Inc., headquartered in Cupertino, California, is a globally renowned
technology company that has played a transformative role in the consumer
electronics, software, and digital services industries. Founded on April 1, 1976,
by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple has evolved from a
small startup to one of the most valuable and influential companies in the

Key Components of Apple Inc.:-

1. Products:
iPhone: Apple's flagship product, the iPhone, revolutionized the smartphone
industry with its innovative design, user-friendly interface (iOS), and
integration of cutting-edge technologies.
iPad: The iPad, introduced in 2010, popularized the tablet market and changed
the way people consume digital content.
Mac: Apple's line of Mac computers is known for its sleek design, powerful
performance, and the macOS operating system.
Apple Watch: Launched in 2015, the Apple Watch has become a leader in the
smartwatch industry, offering health and fitness tracking along with other
AirPods: Apple's wireless earbuds have become synonymous with convenience
and high-quality audio, contributing to the growth of the wearables segment.
Apple TV: Apple's foray into the digital media player and streaming service
market, providing users with access to a wide range of content.

2. Software:
iOS: Apple's mobile operating system powers the iPhone and iPad, known
for its intuitive interface, security features, and seamless integration across
Apple devices.
macOS: The operating system for Mac computers, characterized by its stability,
performance, and user-friendly experience.
watchOS: The operating system for Apple Watch, emphasizing health and
fitness tracking, communication, and customization.
tvOS: Powering the Apple TV, this operating system focuses on delivering a
seamless entertainment experience.

3. Digital Services:
App Store: A marketplace for third-party applications for iOS and macOS
iTunes: Historically a platform for music, iTunes has evolved into Apple Music,
offering music streaming services.
Apple TV+: Apple's original content streaming service, competing with other
major players in the streaming industry.
Apple Arcade: A subscription service providing access to a library of
exclusive games.

4. Retail:
- Apple operates a global network of retail stores known for their distinctive
architecture and customer-centric approach. These stores offer a range of
products, technical support, and services.

Innovations and Design Philosophy:

Apple has been at the forefront of technological innovation and design
aesthetics. The company is renowned for its emphasis on simplicity,
functionality, and a seamless user experience. Key innovations include the
introduction of the graphical user interface, the iPod that revolutionized the
music industry, the iPhone's touch screen and App Store, and the iPad's
contribution to the tablet market.
Apple Inc. stands as a technological giant that has significantly impacted the
way people communicate, work, and consume content. From its humble
beginnings in a garage to its current status as one of the world's most valuable
companies, Apple's journey is characterized by innovation, design excellence,
and a commitment to enhancing the overall user experience. As the
technology landscape continues to evolve, Apple's ability to navigate
challenges and capitalize on opportunities will determine its continued success
in shaping the future of consumer technology.
In the swiftly changing landscape of technology, consumer tastes undergo
constant transformations, driven by advancements and market dynamics.
Apple Inc., renowned for its groundbreaking innovations and stellar brand
image, has detected a potential downturn in iPhone sales in India, citing the
rising appeal of foldable smartphones introduced by competitors. Given the
diverse consumer base and extensive demographic variations in the Indian
market, a thorough exploration of these preferences becomes imperative. A
systematic market research strategy holds the key to unraveling valuable
insights in this context.
As per the Question,
In recent times, Apple Inc. has encountered a decline in the sale of iPhones in
India, with the company perceiving the emergence of foldable smartphones by
competitors as a potential threat to their product line. In response to this
challenge, Apple has enlisted the services of a market researcher to gain a
deeper understanding of customer preferences for foldable smartphones. The
objective is to design a survey questionnaire that comprehensively captures
consumer opinions regarding various aspects such as features, design, price,
and brand reputation. This survey aims to provide valuable insights into the
factors influencing consumer choices in the rapidly evolving smartphone

Survey Questionnaire: Understanding Consumer Preferences for Foldable


Section 1: Demographic Information

1. Age:
- Under 18
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55-64
- 65 and above

2. Gender:
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Prefer not to say
3. Occupation:
- Student
- Professional
- Homemaker
- Retired
- Other (please specify)

4. Income Level:
- Less than $20,000
- $20,000 - $40,000
- $40,000 - $60,000
- $60,000 - $80,000
- $80,000 and above

Section 2: Current Smartphone Usage

5. Current Smartphone Brand:

- Apple
- Samsung
- Huawei
- Xiaomi
- OnePlus
- Other (please specify)
6. How satisfied are you with your current smartphone?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied

7. What features do you consider most important in a smartphone? (Select up

to three)
- Battery life
- Camera quality
- Processing speed
- Storage capacity
- Display quality
- Design
- Operating system
- Brand reputation
- Other (please specify)

Section 3: Foldable Smartphone Awareness

8. Are you aware of foldable smartphones?

- Yes
- No
9. If yes, please specify the brands/models you are aware of.

10. Have you ever used or owned a foldable smartphone?

- Yes
- No

Section 4: Foldable Smartphone Preferences

11. How likely are you to consider purchasing a foldable smartphone in the
- Very likely
- Likely
- Neutral
- Unlikely
- Very unlikely

12. What factors would influence your decision to purchase a foldable

smartphone? (Select up to three)
- Design
- Features
- Price
- Brand reputation
- Durability
- Battery life
- Camera quality
- Other (please specify)
13. Rank the following features in terms of importance when considering a
foldable smartphone:
- Design
- Features
- Price
- Brand reputation
- Durability
- Battery life
- Camera quality

14. What type of foldable design do you find most appealing?

- Clamshell
- Outward folding
- Inward folding
- Rollable
- Other (please specify)

Section 5: Price Sensitivity

15. What price range would you consider reasonable for a foldable
- Less than $1,000
- $1,000 - $1,500
- $1,500 - $2,000
- $2,000 - $2,500
- $2,500 and above

16. Would you be willing to pay a premium for a foldable smartphone from a
well-known brand?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe

Section 6: Brand Reputation

17. How important is brand reputation when considering a foldable

- Very important
- Important
- Neutral
- Not very important
- Not important at all

18. Which brand(s) do you associate with high-quality smartphones?

Section 7: Additional Comments

19. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding foldable


In conclusion, the survey questionnaire is designed to gather comprehensive
insights into the preferences of consumers in India regarding foldable
smartphones. By examining demographic information, current smartphone
usage, awareness of foldable smartphones, and preferences related to design,
features, price, and brand reputation, the survey aims to provide Apple Inc.
with valuable data to inform its strategy in the Indian market. The results of
this survey will enable Apple to tailor their products to meet the specific
preferences of Indian consumers, potentially reversing the decline in iPhone
sales and ensuring a more competitive position in the dynamic smartphone
market. The insights gained from this survey will not only benefit Apple but will
also contribute to a better understanding of consumer trends in the evolving
landscape of mobile technology.

Question 2:-Fab India wants to introduce a new clothing line targeting

millennial. As a market researcher, develop a questionnaire to conduct in-
depth interviews with a representative sample of millennial to understand
their fashion preferences, lifestyle, and purchasing behavior. List down the
questions and analyze them using thematic analysis

Ans:- Introduction
FabIndia, a pioneering brand in the Indian retail landscape, emerged with a
unique vision that seamlessly blends tradition with contemporary style.
Established in 1960 by John Bissell, an American, the brand set out on a
journey to celebrate the rich heritage of Indian craftsmanship and promote
sustainable, handcrafted products. Over the decades, FabIndia has evolved into
a distinctive lifestyle retail destination, becoming synonymous with
authenticity, craftsmanship, and a commitment to ethical practices.
FabIndia, a trailblazing brand synonymous with celebrating Indian
craftsmanship, is poised to introduce a new clothing line specifically tailored for
millennials. Recognizing the dynamic nature of millennial preferences,
lifestyles, and purchasing behavior, FabIndia has commissioned a
comprehensive market research study.
FabIndia stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of tradition and
modernity. From its humble beginnings as an exporter to its current status as a
beloved lifestyle brand, FabIndia continues to celebrate the essence of Indian
craftsmanship. With a commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and a
diverse product range, FabIndia not only offers products but also encapsulates
a cultural ethos that resonates with consumers seeking a connection to India's
rich heritage.
As per the Question,
As a market researcher, the aim is to conduct in-depth interviews with a
representative sample of millennials, delving into their fashion preferences,
lifestyle choices, and factors influencing their purchasing decisions.
The following questionnaire has been designed to gather nuanced insights to
inform the development of a clothing line that resonates with the distinctive
tastes of this demographic.

Questionnaire for in-depth interview:-

1. Demographic Information:
a. Age:
b. Gender:
c. Occupation:
d. Location (urban, suburban, rural):

2. Fashion Preferences:
a. How would you describe your personal style? (e.g., casual, formal,
bohemian, sporty)
b. Which fashion influencers or celebrities do you follow for style inspiration?
c. Are there specific colors, patterns, or fabrics you prefer in clothing? Why?
d. What factors influence your clothing choices? (e.g., comfort, trends, brand,
e. Do you prefer timeless classics or trendy, fast-fashion pieces?

Thematic Analysis:
- The responses to these questions will help identify overarching themes
related to individual style, influencers, color and fabric preferences, factors
influencing choices, and the preference for classic or trendy styles.

3. Lifestyle:
a. How would you describe your daily lifestyle? (e.g., busy, active, relaxed)
b. What activities or hobbies do you engage in regularly?
c. Do you consider sustainability important in your lifestyle choices, including

Thematic Analysis:
- The lifestyle questions aim to uncover patterns related to daily activities,
hobbies, and the importance of sustainability, providing insights into the
intersection of lifestyle and fashion choices.

4. Purchasing Behavior:
a. Where do you usually shop for clothing? (physical stores, online platforms,
specific brands)
b. What factors influence your decision to purchase clothing from a particular
brand or store?
c. How often do you buy new clothes? What prompts you to make a purchase?
d. Do you prefer shopping for fashion items online or in physical stores? Why?
e. Have you ever purchased clothing from Fab India? If yes, what influenced
your decision?

Thematic Analysis:
- The purchasing behavior questions aim to identify patterns related to
preferred shopping channels, decision-making factors, frequency of purchases,
and the influence of past experiences with Fab India.

5. Brand Loyalty:
a. Are you loyal to specific clothing brands? Why or why not?
b. What would make you more likely to become loyal to a new clothing brand?
c. How important is brand reputation and values in your purchasing decisions?

Thematic Analysis:
- Exploring brand loyalty aims to understand the factors influencing brand
preferences, the potential for loyalty to a new brand, and the role of brand
reputation and values in decision-making.

6. Social Media and Fashion:

a. How do you use social media platforms in relation to fashion? (e.g., for
inspiration, product discovery, following brands)
b. Have you ever made a fashion-related purchase influenced by social media?
c. How important is it for brands to have a strong social media presence?

Thematic Analysis:
- These questions explore the impact of social media on fashion-related
decisions, including the role of platforms, the influence of social media on
purchasing, and the importance of a brand's social media presence.

7. Sustainable Fashion:
a. How important is sustainability in your clothing choices?
b. Have you ever purchased sustainable or eco-friendly clothing? Why or why
c. What would motivate you to choose a sustainable fashion brand?

Thematic Analysis:
- The sustainability-focused questions aim to understand the importance of
sustainable fashion, past behaviors, and motivators for choosing sustainable

Thematic analysis involves identifying and interpreting recurring patterns or
themes within qualitative data. After conducting in-depth interviews with
millennials using the provided questionnaire, the analysis would involve
categorizing responses into thematic areas based on commonalities and
trends. Here's an illustrative breakdown:

1. Fashion Preferences:
- Style Preferences: Classic vs. Trendy
- Influencers: Key figures influencing style choices
- Preference Factors: Comfort, trends, brand affinity

2. Lifestyle:
- Daily Activities: Patterns in daily routines
- Hobbies: Common activities and interests
- Sustainability: Attitudes towards sustainable living

3. Purchasing Behavior:
- Shopping Channels: Preference for physical stores or online platforms
- Decision Factors: Influencing factors in choosing brands or stores
- Frequency of Purchases: Patterns in buying behavior
- Fab India Experience: Insights into past interactions with Fab India

4. Brand Loyalty:
- Brand Preferences: Factors influencing loyalty
- Loyalty to New Brands: Conditions for developing loyalty
- Brand Reputation: Significance of reputation and values

5. Social Media and Fashion:

- Social Media Usage: Purpose and frequency of social media use
- Social Media Influence: Instances of social media impacting fashion choices
- Importance of Social Media Presence: Perspectives on brand visibility online

6. Sustainable Fashion:
- Importance of Sustainability: Attitudes towards sustainable fashion
- Purchase Behavior: History of buying sustainable or eco-friendly clothing
- Motivators for Sustainable Choices: Factors encouraging sustainable fashion
By systematically organizing responses into these thematic areas, Fab
India can gain a nuanced understanding of millennials' preferences, lifestyles,
and purchasing behaviors. This analysis serves as a valuable foundation for
tailoring the new clothing line to align with the target demographic's desires
and expectations.
The questionnaire responses provide valuable insights into the nuanced world
of millennial fashion preferences, lifestyles, and purchasing behavior. The
identified themes will guide FabIndia in tailoring its new clothing line to align
seamlessly with the expectations and values of this dynamic demographic. By
understanding the significance of comfort, sustainability, and cultural elements,
FabIndia can strategically position its new offerings to resonate authentically
with the millennial consumer, fostering brand loyalty and market success.

Question 3(a):-UrbanHomes Developers, a renowned real estate company, is

exploring the idea of building a new and innovative housing project in the
bustling city of Navi Mumbai, India. The vision is to create a modern living
haven that combines contemporary design, sustainable features, and a vibrant
community lifestyle. As the project's market researcher, the goal is to
understand potential buyers' preferences, budget constraints, and location
preferences to shape the development according to their needs and

a. As a market researcher, design a survey-based questionnaire to assess

potential buyers' preferences, budget constraints, and location preferences for
the new housing development. The survey must include both qualitative and
quantitative questions.

Ans :- Introduction:
UrbanHomes Developers is embarking on an innovative housing project in Navi
Mumbai, India, aiming to create a modern living space that seamlessly blends
contemporary design, sustainable features, and a vibrant community lifestyle.
As the market researcher for this project, I have designed a comprehensive
survey questionnaire to gain insights into potential buyers' preferences, budget
constraints, and location preferences. The survey incorporates both qualitative
and quantitative questions to ensure a thorough understanding of the target

Survey Questionnaire: Assessing Buyer Preferences, Budgets, and Location

Section 1: Demographic Information

1. Age:
- Under 25
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55 and above

2. Occupation:
- Working Professional
- Business Owner
- Student
- Homemaker
- Retired

3. Monthly Household Income:

- Less than $1,000
- $1,000 - $2,500
- $2,500 - $5,000
- $5,000 - $7,500
- $7,500 and above

Section 2: Housing Preferences

4. What type of housing are you currently residing in?

- Apartment
- House
- Villa
- Other (please specify)

5. What features are essential for your ideal home? (Select up to three)
- Modern design
- Sustainable features (e.g., energy-efficient appliances, green spaces)
- Community amenities (e.g., parks, fitness centers)
- Smart home technology
- Accessibility features
- Other (please specify)

6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is community engagement and social

interaction in your living environment?

Section 3: Budget Constraints

7. What is your budget range for purchasing a new home?
- Less than $100,000
- $100,000 - $250,000
- $250,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $750,000
- $750,000 and above

8. What financing options are you considering for purchasing a new home?
- Bank loan
- Government housing schemes
- Personal savings
- Other (please specify)

Section 4: Location Preferences

9. How important is proximity to workplaces, schools, and recreational areas in

your choice of location?

10. Which factors influence your choice of a residential location the most?
(Select up to three)
- Proximity to work
- Safety
- Public transportation availability
- Nearby schools and educational institutions
- Shopping and entertainment options
- Other (please specify)

11. On a scale of 1 to 10, how crucial is environmental sustainability and green

spaces in your preferred location?

Section 5: Additional Comments

12. Do you have any additional comments or specific features you would like to
see in the new housing development?


Qualitative Analysis:
- Thematic analysis of open-ended questions (e.g., Additional Comments) to
identify recurring themes and specific desires or concerns.
- Understanding qualitative data related to features like community
engagement and environmental sustainability.

Quantitative Analysis:
- Statistical analysis of demographic data to identify trends in age, occupation,
and income.
- Evaluating the importance ratings on a scale for factors like community
engagement, location preferences, and budget constraints.

The designed survey questionnaire aims to capture a comprehensive
understanding of potential buyers' preferences, budget constraints, and
location preferences for UrbanHomes Developers' new housing project in Navi
Mumbai. The combination of qualitative and quantitative questions ensures a
nuanced exploration of the target market, enabling the development to align
closely with the needs and aspirations of future residents. The analysis of the
gathered data will guide decision-making processes, fostering the creation of a
modern and sustainable living haven that resonates with the preferences of the
intended buyers.

Question 3(b):- UrbanHomes Developers, a renowned real estate company, is

exploring the idea of building a new and innovative housing project in the
bustling city of Navi Mumbai, India. The vision is to create a modern living
haven that combines contemporary design, sustainable features, and a vibrant
community lifestyle. As the project's market researcher, the goal is to
understand potential buyers' preferences, budget constraints, and location
preferences to shape the development according to their needs and

b. Identify the Target Market and characteristics of ideal respondents.

Ans:- Introduction:
UrbanHomes Developers is embarking on an innovative housing project in Navi
Mumbai, India, aiming to create a modern living space that seamlessly blends
contemporary design, sustainable features, and a vibrant community lifestyle.
As the market researcher for this project, I have designed a comprehensive
survey questionnaire to gain insights into potential buyers' preferences, budget
constraints, and location preferences. The survey incorporates both qualitative
and quantitative questions to ensure a thorough understanding of the target
As per the Question,
In order to define the target market for UrbanHomes Developers' new housing
project in Navi Mumbai, it is essential to consider various demographic,
psychographic, and behavioral factors. The ideal respondents for this project
can be characterized by the following traits:
1. Demographic Characteristics:
- Age Group: The target market may predominantly include individuals within
the age range of 25 to 45, as this demographic is often actively seeking and
investing in homes.
- Income Level: Prospective buyers with a moderate to high income level,
reflective of those who can afford a property in a prime location with
contemporary design and sustainable features.

2. Lifestyle and Psychographic Characteristics:

- Modern Lifestyle: Individuals who lead a modern and dynamic lifestyle,
appreciating contemporary design and innovative features in their living
- Eco-conscious Consumers: Those who prioritize sustainability and
environmental considerations in their lifestyle choices and are willing to invest
in eco-friendly homes.
- Community-Oriented: Individuals who value community living, seeking a
vibrant and socially engaging environment.

3. Location Preferences:
- Urban Professionals: Targeting professionals working in the bustling city of
Navi Mumbai, who are in search of residences that offer proximity to
workplaces and urban amenities.
- Access to Facilities: Respondents who prioritize accessibility to educational
institutions, healthcare facilities, shopping centers, and recreational areas.

4. Behavioral Characteristics:
- Homeownership Intent: Individuals who exhibit a genuine interest in
homeownership, either as first-time homebuyers or those looking to upgrade
their current living situation.
- Investment Orientation: Prospective buyers who view real estate as a long-
term investment and are willing to invest in a property with potential future
value appreciation.
- Preference for New Developments: Those who prefer newly developed
properties with modern amenities over traditional housing options.


The target market for UrbanHomes Developers' new housing project in Navi
Mumbai comprises individuals within the age range of 25 to 45, with moderate
to high income levels, leading modern lifestyles, and prioritizing sustainability
and community living. The ideal respondents are urban professionals who
value accessibility to facilities and exhibit a genuine interest in homeownership
and real estate investment. Understanding and catering to the preferences,
budget constraints, and location preferences of this target market will be
crucial for shaping the development according to their needs and aspirations.

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