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One player is SKORNE the devil prince: commander of 3:1 All actions are taken simultaneously.
demon rulers and their armies. The other players are 3:2 Damage is dealt in hits: one hit for simple weapons, two
renegades, part of mankind’s insurrection against the for martial weapons, three for devastating weapons, four for
darkness that reigns. Overthrow the evil Tyrants. Free deadly weapons. Damage is instant, no roll required.
chained captives. Fight to the last man. 3:3 Good positions and clever tactics increase damage dealt.
To play, bring these rules, scratch paper, writing 3:4 Renegades have hits equal to six plus their Strength.
instruments, and at least two six-sided dice (2d6). These rules Armor provides one additional hit to the wearer but is a
will be marked up during play if not outright destroyed. bulky item. Shields also provide one additional hit but
Bring also a source of fire and a brazier of any size. Use require one hand to use.
them to dispose of discarded notes and rules, and the sheets 3:5 When a character is out of hits, they are incapacitated. If
of dead renegades. they go below zero hits, they are slain.
3:6 When a renegade dies, do not linger but instead call forth
a new, determined soul.
1:1 There are three abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower.
3:7 Humans recover one hit after a night or day of resting.
1:2 Strength is lifting, grappling, enduring. Meals help recover an additional hit.
1:3 Dexterity is dodging, balancing, fleeing. 3:8 People carry as much as makes sense, but carrying three
1:4 Willpower is persuading, deceiving, using Powers. bulky items will hinder them.
3:9 Time and fate make fools of us all.
2:1 The vast majority of actions described require a quick RULES IV:MAGIC
judgement call to resolve. Renegades who leverage their 4:1 Magic is corruption.
environment, use their items and common sense, and clearly
4:2 Any soul may wield Fire as their Power.
declare their actions often receive success. The consequences
of any described actions follow accordingly. 4:3 Using a Power is an uncertain action.
2:2 When a renegade takes an uncertain action, Skorne rolls 4:4 Instead of rolling 2d6, the player rolls as many d6s as they
2d6. If the action is against another character, add the dare and adds Willpower.
appropriate ability of that opponent. 4:5 Each die that shows ‘6’ is a disaster. Folly and distortion
2:3The player then rolls 2d6 and adds the appropriate ability. are not without consequence.
2:4 If the player rolls higher, they pass. If Skorne rolls 4:6 If two or more dice show ‘6’, the next of the seven seals is
higher, something nefarious comes to pass. If tied, do both broken. Roll on the broken seal table. When the seventh
or roll again. seal is broken, the world is ruined and the game
ends. Tear the rules into seven pieces and burn them.
The following passage is an example of a session underway. It has no
direct bearing on your game:
Skorne: Having travelled three days on your way to Gutscar
Keep, you come to a fork in the road. A tall horned demon
stands guard in full gold plate armor resting a skull club on
his shoulder. What do you do?
Clovis: Should we just sneak around?
Bianca: No good. That old woman warned us to stay on the
path. Don’t disregard decrepit fortunetellers.
Clovis: Got it. I step forward and say, “We are willing to pay
for safe passage. Would 70 Gold Crowns do?”
Skorne: The giant stands in silence.
Clovis: I quickly charge. That’s Dexterity, right?
Skorne: Right. I’m going to say that this has decreased risk
because the demon’s bulky armor slows him down. A minus
one for him. [Rolls 2d6] 6 total.
Clovis: [Rolls 2d6] 3 and 4 plus 1 is 8. I move behind him.
Skorne: You do that. Bianca, what do you do?
Bianca: I’ll use the power of fire. I have a feeling we’ll need
magic for this fight. Just a giant blast directly at him. I’ll roll
three dice.
Clovis: Please be careful. We can’t break another seal…
Bianca: You’ll be fine. You’re behind him, right?
Skorne: [Rolls 2d6] That’s a 10.
Bianca: [Rolls 3d6] Adding Willpower... that’s 11 total.
Skorne: The demon is engulfed in flames, taking 3 hits. He
only has four left. He roars loudly and you smell his charred
flesh. I see you rolled a “6” there too. Here’s the disaster:
Clovis, you catch fire. Take 1 hit.
Clovis: “You’ll be fine.” I’ll choke him from behind, still on
fire. Strength roll?
Skorne: No, he’s distracted. The outcome seems pretty
certain here. You’re gripping him from behind and can take
him down. His arms are flailing around as he curses.
Bianca: I move to strike him in the chest with my knife.
Skorne: His eyes burn with rage as he swings wildly and
smacks you with the club, sending you flying back... and off
the road.
Bianca and Clovis: Oh no...
Skorne: A dead hand bursts from the earth and grips your
wrist, pulling with fearsome strength. The demon continues
to rage as he takes another hit from his burns. And Clovis,
you’re still on fire. What do you do?
Here ends our reading… What happened next is up to your

6:1 In the beginning, give your renegade a name, though it
will not save them. Names have power. Older names have
even more power.
6:2 Roll 2d6 for each of the three abilities. A result of two or
three subtracts two. Four or five subtracts one. Six to eight is
nothing. Nine or ten adds one. Eleven or more adds two.
6:3 Gain 2d6 x 10 Gold Crowns (GC), enough for a week of
hired labor of varying quality.
6:4 Go to the next page. Add the abilities together to find
which row to roll on. Then roll 1d6 to find the column and
take that renegade package. Mark that package used.
6:5 If another renegade has taken that package, take the next
unused package to the left and so on. Move to the rightmost
package on next row up if this is not possible.
6:6 If a player rolls and is unable to get an unused package,
there is no one left alive. Humanity has lost and the
game ends. Burn the rules as the world is consumed.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Power: Death Power: Shadow Power: Bone Power: Blood Power: Stars Power: Tar
-5 Garrote Poison Spiked club Longbow Flail Longaxe, bone
Knife Grapple hook Full armor Royal flag Lantern Sack
or Boltcutters Waterskin Torch
Cloak Rope Horse
less Crucifix, wooden Cataracts, spreading Missing finger Steel wire Double-jointed Crucifix, silver

Power: Gust Power: Ash Power: Sea Power: Bark Power: Ice Power: Fungus
-3 Billhook Halberd Spear Oar, chewed Knife Hammer
Lantern Fire oil Shield Crucifix, wooden Net Full armor
or Torch Fishhook and line Mule
Blastpowder Metal ingot Medicine box
-4 Missing eye Idiot twin Authored book Clothing, old-time Love letter Cart, wooden

Power: Rain Power: Stone Power: Corrosion Power: Glass Power: Thunder Power: Metal
-1 Zweihander Morningstar Flail Halberd Longspear Twin blades
Minor fame Fake jewelry Blastpowder Flute Full armor Skeleton key
or Grapple hook Manacles Medicine box
Mirror Clothing, formal Glue
-2 Locket, silver Missing arm Tattoos Guild credentials Soothing herbs Book of Scriptures

Sword Spear Mattock Longaxe Bow Claymore

Buckler Horse Pet hound Hide armor Clothing, smuggler Liquor
Ring, noble’s Antitoxin Torch Mallet Grease Lockpick tools
0 Navigational charts Rope Crucifix, silver
Fishhook and line Bear trap Sack
Yellow teeth Brewing kit 200 Crown debt Shouting helm Spyglass Shiverless

Throwing knives Hatchet Mace Longbow Throwing axes Morningstar

+1 Blastpowder Shield Horn Pet hawk Liquor Drum
Smokedust Alchemical fire Spyglass Fire oil Meat Poison
or Salt Manacles Meat
Land deed Manacles Dice set, stolen
+2 Burnt face Favor coin Dog bite Ventriloquist Linguist Toxin-immune

Shovel, serrated Pitchfork Power: Dream Whip Warhammer Wooden club

+3 Net Grease Horse Skeleton key Hacksaw Shield
Lantern Medicine box Mandolin Snare Knife Lantern
or Mirror Boltcutters Medicine box
Meat Crucifix, silver Waterskin
+4 Never sleeps Mute Always dirty Admired looks Elderly 120 Crowns, fake

Staff Hefty rock Knife, rusty Oar, broken in two Sling Sharpened stake
+5 Mule Sack Femur Pet rat Liquor Smokedust
Snare Dead bird Flute, silver Antitoxin Poison Metal ingot
or Meat Grapple hook Letter of pardon
Star chart Torch Fishhook and line
more Bloody eye Tunneler vision Clothing, fine fur Illiterate Crucifix, wooden Perfume
d66 Broken Seal
11 Animals die - “Your oxen shall die and herds wither…”
12 Animals transform - “And the land covered with beasts…”
13 Assassination - “Wrenched both by and before their fate…”
14 Betrayal - “Enemies closer… And friends estranged…”
15 Blood rain - “The heavens spill forth essence of sacrifice…”
16 Crops fail - “Food shall inhabit the hues between green and grey…”
21 Deadly fog - “The mists dissuade inhalation… Travel declines…”
22 Demon call - “Hosts arrive and hosts they become…”
23 Disappearances - “Even the closest watches will one dusk tire…”
24 Drought - “Even wealthiest will dream of rainy days…”
25 Endless darkness - “The sun shine not upon any head or horn…”
26 Endless thunder - “The clouds dare not break despite the crashes…”
31 Endless winter - “Time as frozen as the cold earth…”
32 Eruption - “The ground bursts with fire, clumped mudmen clamber…”
33 Famine - “Rotten fruits remain… vermin are reluctantly stewed…”
34 Flooding - “High waters force pilgrims to even higher grounds…”
35 Forgetfulness - “Even the wombed are devoid of fond memories…”
36 Graves open - “Vengeful ancestors bemoan cramps of hunger…”
41 Innocents taken - “Unable to lift a sword, no shackles will be rent…”
42 Intense gusts - “Sailors lost to fickle winds and sinister spirits…”
43 Invaders - “Barbarians seize valuables and cast aside treasured ones…”
44 Iron rusts - “The demons’ vulnerability snatched by cursed fortunes…”
45 Maggots - “The dead are no longer along in being plagued by worms…”
46 Magic doubles - “Arcane multiplication spells certain doom…”
51 Mass aging - “More wrinkled warriors, fewer haired recruits…”

Appendix 52 Mass transform - “An outbreak of horrors and shameful appearances…”

53 Mass nightmares - “Invasive dreams to match each survivor…”
The rest of this book is for Skorne’s eyes. Renegades beware. 54 Mass powers - “Unexplained gifts are never to be trusted…”
55 Monsters grow - “Bestial growth for bestial beings…”
The tables on the following pages each have 36 results. To use 56 Plague - “To answer prayers for wellness and health…”
them, roll 2d6. Use the first die as the tens place and the 61 Portal opens - “No knock, no welcome, no greeting…”
second die as the ones place to match with the entry in that 62 Ritual completes - “Secrecy held, results yielded…”
row. For example, rolling 3 then 4 on the broken seal table on 63 Shadows awaken - “And leap at their keepers to invert power…”
the next page refers to “Flooding.” 64 Stars fall - “A ceremonious collision of majesty and tragedy…”
Bold entries are found on other tables. 65 Vermin appear - “Check under, above, inside, and behind…”
66 Wailing - “A perfuse scream slicks the skin with fright…”
Preparation d66 Domain
11 Abandoned city
12 Ashlands
Start the game with the renegades in a Tyrant’s domain
13 Beast colosseum Bargain Bribery
in a situation (see on the next page). Have them witness an
14 Buried garden Betrayal Brokenness
injustice or have one happen to them. Make a Tyrant directly 15 Council building Brawl Censorship
or indirectly responsible. Then tell them where that Tyrant’s 16 Desert encampment Burial Coercion
makes their domain. 21 Far outpost Capture Corruption
Establish threats and obstacles that stand in the 22 Flagship Ceremony Cruelty
renegades’ way. Present rewards with a cost in a high-risk 23 Flying fortress Coup Curses
situation. Present opportunities to increase the capabilities 24 Forgotten memorial Delivery Disobedience
of the renegades. 25 Frozen north Destruction Displacement

Every prepared encounter of monsters, people, Tyrants,

26 Guildhouse Entertainment Dispossession
31 Hallowed ground Exchange Envy
or anything else should be high impact and able to give
32 Heretical temple Execution Extortion
renegades a scar, transformation, or power. Each moment of
33 Innovating city Festival Fear-mongering
the game should reveal the flavor of the world and give it life. 34 Lawless town Fire Gluttony
While you may start with a prepared situation, do not 35 Lonely island Foe’s entrance Greed
prepare a “plot” or “story.” After presenting the renegades 36 Luxury palace Hiring Hatred
with a situation, ask them to make a choice. Roll dice if their 41 Massive market Imprisonment Indulgence
action is uncertain Always say the impact of their choices. 42 Mountain peak Infiltration Inequality
After the first session, prepare more Tyrants, expanding 43 Ocean depths Invasion Intimidation
the roster of powerful enemies. See Tyrants for further 44 Opulent city Mealtime Kidnapping
creation details, inspiration, procedures, and examples.
45 Overcrowded city Negotiations Lust
46 Overgrown forest Party Poverty
If you want a shorter campaign, simply start the game 51 Profitable mine Proclamation Pride
with some renegade packages already used, a few seals 52 Relic crypt Protection Regulation
already broken, and fewer Tyrants. Be sure to illustrate just 53 Rivertown Ritual Slavery
how dire things have become up to that point. 54 Scarred battlefield Robbery Sloth
55 Slave farm Sabotage Starvation
56 Swampgrounds Scouting Suffocation
61 Tallest tower Stand-off Taboo
62 Travel destination Surrounded Temptation
63 Underground prison Travel Torture
64 Valley crevice Trial Vainglory
65 Wet cavern Warfare Violence
66 Wild jungle Worship Wrath
Be tough, but fair. When the renegades achieve a win, let
them have it, but never, ever pull your punches. For the game
to keep its spine, there must be real challenges to overcome
and opportunities to enact clever solutions.
Give information. You are the eyes and ears of the
renegades. Answer their questions and ask one back. If they
might have misunderstood you, clarify.
Treat the world like a real place. Everything from
locations to people to organizations run on consistent logic.
The logic may be flawed or affected by laws beyond
understanding, but they are consistent. Let the renegades
experience consequences of their choices. Have the world
react to renegades, while also setting its own plans in motion.
The darkness does not sleep.
Stick to the results. When the dice fall, when damage is
dealt, there are no take-backs. Let failure happen honestly.
At worst, renegades will die and then new ones will be called
Reward victory. Use the Valuables table when the
renegades succeed a challenge or defeat an encounter. Roll
three times when they defeat a Tyrant.
Evil is real. Demons, including Skorne and all minions,
are irredeemable manifestations of malevolence. They may
be inclined to turn on one another, as they are certainly a
petty and spiteful bunch. Reckless humans can even choose
to become devils themselves. Any character that sides with
Skorne is lost and a traitor. Call forth a new soul.
Play safe. With the darker themes present, this game
assumes the group already worked out what ‘crosses the line.’
Violence d66 Scar
11 Anxiety
12 Battle scar
Acidic spit
Additional arms Ash
In violent conflicts, there are no dice rolled to attack an
13 Broken arm Additional eyes Bark
opponent. Damage is simply dealt. Just by straight math, any
14 Broken leg Additional legs Blood
player should be able to tell which side will win: the
15 Broken nose Additional power Bone
renegades or their enemies. As Skorne, you always want to 16 Broken rib Additional head Corrosion
give your minions the upper hand. Here are ways to do this: 21 Bruise Animal tail Crystal
• Have dangerous but dumb enemies. Make them 22 Burn Basilisk scales Death
stronger, tougher, bigger, taller, fire-breathing but also 23 Chipped tooth Bestial arms / legs Dreams
with restricted movement, a weak spot, blindness, or just 24 Cold attitude Bestial face Flesh
plain stupid. 25 Dependency Change age Fungus
• Have weak but cunning enemies. Make them have a 26 Fractured skull Corpulence Glass
pitiful offense or defense, but also faster, cleverer, more 31 Hopelessness Demon claws Gust
32 Memory loss Devil horns Ice
savvy, with better positioning, loyal troops, or magic.
33 Missing ear Dragon breath Insects
• Outnumber renegades with trained, pathetic minions. 34 Missing eye Excretes poison Iron
• Telegraph just how dangerous the enemies are. 35 Missing finger Forceful jaws Light
Telegraph how deadly the situation is. Telegraph again 36 Missing foot Frog tongue Lightning
when the stakes are raised and tension increases further. 41 Missing hair Gargoyle wings Magma
Once the renegades realize they cannot win in a head-on 42 Missing hand Heightened sense Metal
fight, they begin to problem-solve:
43 Missing leg Hunchback Mind
44 Obsession Lycanthrope Poison
• How can we increase our damage? Or our defenses? 45 Paranoia Malleable body Rain
• Can we decrease or even negate the enemy’s damage? 46 Phobia Malleable voice Sand
• Should we try a maneuver of some sort? 51 Punctured organ Mesmerizing eyes Sea
52 Pyromania Noiseless Shadow
• Should we use Fire magic or a special item?
53 Reckless attitude Ogre tumors Smoke
• What other advantages can we leverage here? 54 Second personality Ooze-form Soil
• Are there any favors we can call in? Support to rally? 55 Shaken nerves Power-skin Stars
• Are we in over our heads with our current approach? 56 Shattered ego Prophetic dreams Stone
61 Sleeplessness Skin-shedder Tar
Then critical thinking begins.
62 Slurred speech Spider climb Thunder
When things get grisly, use the scar, transformation, and 63 Soft attitude Sword-form Time
power tables to the right to develop the renegades in odd 64 Splintered mind Troll regeneration Vermin
and interesting ways. Enact change! 65 Unstable attitude Undead flesh Void
66 Vicious attitude Vampirism Water
Seer Troll Eternal Wolf
Enemies • Tough
• Dangerous (stone club)
• Dangerous (bite, claw)
• Powerful, Swift
Remember, players will not remember what stats the • Strong, Brilliant The eternal wolf can only be
monsters had. Players will remember what the monsters did, The grasp of a troll causes the impaired or imprisoned. Its
affected area to turn to stone. hunt can never end, but only
they choices they made, and what impact it had. Do not sweat Beware its grapple. redirected.
the “balance” of their opponents. For more flavor, give them
powers, scars, and transformations of their own. Any Soldier of Toil Devil Boar
unstated ability is assumed to be Average (+0). • Weak, Shielded • Hulking
• Trained (shortsword) • Dangerous (tusk)
To create an enemy, simply describe them, and use the • Nimble, Dimwitted • Powerful, Dimwitted
description to build their stats. You will find this very natural This boned warrior can see with An impaled victim will begin to
during the game to adjudicate ability bonuses and hit totals glowing eyes through darkness, change form into a shadow,
stone, and metal. A “form” of stopped only by ingesting the
just based on how the opponent is described in the world of soldiers refers to a grouping of boar’s horn in powdered form.
the game. six that died in the same battle.
Hits Strength Muted Firebird • Massive
• Tough • Lethal (swallow)
• Pathetic: 1 • Feeble: -1 • Masterful (fires) • Monstrous, Clever
• Weak: 2 • Average: +0 • Feeble, Swift The tunnels it creates shifts the
• Hardy: 4 • Strong: +1 Its fires burn without sound, cities on the earth above into
• Tough: 8 • Powerful: +2 making it a subdued scorcher of faults and sinkholes.
its victims.
• Hulking: 16 • Monstrous: +4 Decayed Titan
• Massive: 20 Carapaced Leech • Titanic
• Titanic: 30 Dexterity • Hulking, Armored • Heavily armored
• Dangerous (teeth) • Masterful (boulder fist)
• Slow: -1 • Monstrous, Slow • Monstrous
Armor • Average: +0 It attaches itself directly to the This giant often detaches an
• Armored: +1 hits • Nimble: +1 chest of its host, often knocking arm to lob at escaping renegades.
• Heavily armored: +2 hits • Swift: +2 the target on their back.
Fallen Valkyrie
• Shielded: +1 hits. • Blurred: +4 Impish Wriggler • Tough
• Pathetic • Armored, Shielded
Damage Willpower • Untrained (bite) • Trained (lance spear)
• Untrained: 1 hit • Dimwitted: -1 • Feeble, Nimble, Clever • Strong, Blurred
A wriggler uses pink, fleshy A “glory kill” for the valkyrie
• Trained: 2 hits • Average: +0 ropes of worms to strangle foes, involves slicing their opponent
• Dangerous: 3 hits • Clever: +1 preferring to hide such nooses with their bladed metallic
• Masterful: 4 hits • Brilliant: +2 around dark corners to snag wings.
• Lethal: 5 hits. • Genius: +4 those fleeing their fears.
Tyrants d66 Concept
11 Abomination
12 Abyssal
Ancestor / Old
Additional domain
Additional power
Tyrants give shape to the campaign. Each session should
13 Angel Artisan Barbarian clan
be directed towards either overthrowing a Tyrant or
14 Barbarian Bandit Conspiracy
obtaining enough resources and information to do so in a 15 Basilisk Collector Craft guild
future session. 16 Blighted Coward Crime family
Tyrants exist in hierarchy beneath Skorne. Establish a 21 Centaur Crow / Raven Dark cult
hierarchy by rolling or choosing at least four Tyrants. See 22 Commoner Deserter Deadly prisoner
the section Sample Tyrants if you want to get started right 23 Corrupted Devout / Cultist Elite soldiers
away. 24 Demon Gravekeeper Explorers’ sect
The concept gives an initial idea about the Tyrant’s form. 25 Devil Heretic Family members

The aspect acts a modifier, leveraging a “title-like” element

26 Dragon Hermit / Exile Hollow guards
31 Drake Hexer Heist crew
to invoke a specific flavor. Neither the concept or aspect are
32 Dryad Hound / Hyena Heretical sect
meant to be literal physical or magical traits, but instead hint
33 Elemental Inebriate / Glutton Hired killers
at what a Tyrant could be. The asset gives the Tyrant 34 Fae Inquisitor Huge army
something useful to maintain their hold on power or 35 Gargoyle Jailer Large food supply
threaten the holdings of others. 36 Giant Juggernaut Local militia
Tyrants are the path to increased sovereignty and 41 Golem Lawkeeper Many slaves
liberation for the renegades. Their defeat means more tools, 42 Gorgon Leech Monstrous pet
fewer enemies, and greater belief in the possibility of a true 43 Imp Lion / Tiger Noble house
overthrow of Skorne. Tyrants are never friendly toward 44 Infected Loyalist Persuasive
other Tyrants behind their backs. Not all Tyrants are 45 King / Queen Mystic / Saint Political party
themselves favored by Skorne either. 46 Lich Pawn Religious party
51 Maneater Physician Renegade traitor
Skorne is the final Tyrant. Renegades may attempt to
52 Minotaur Rat / Lurker Right hand
overthrow him before other Tyrants, but will have a tough 53 Nobleborn Serpent / Viper Siege engines
time doing so. Skorne commands any remaining Tyrants to 54 Ooze Silvertongue Skilled court
defend him. 55 Prince / Princess Spider Spy network
56 Rotted Thrallmaster State church
61 Slave Tortoise Street gang
62 Sorcerer Treasurer Trade company
63 Spectre Trickster Transformed men
64 Treant Twin / Triplet Valuables
65 Troll Warden / Protector Vast wealth
66 Witch Warlord Worshippers
Sample Tyrants
Note: the “bloodied” condition triggers once the Tyrant reaches half
of their total hits. It is immediate.
Kryxith, Ice Devil
• Hulking, Heavily armored
• Masterful (trident)
• Strong, Brilliant Dirge, Undead Abomination
The shiver the ice devil causes others humors it immensely… • Hulking, special armor (see Environment)
Environment • Dangerous (gauntlet fists)
• Monstrous, Slow, Dimwitted
• ice rink that causes sliding
• frigid waters beneath Better to rule in the graveyard than serve in the city…
• huge ice blocks littered on the surface Environment
Moves • three spirit obelisks (while standing, each one reduces
• raise and throw ice block incoming damage to Dirge by 1)
• skitter skillfully across ice and on ceilings • pit of dead, grasping things that trip renegades
• create frozen armor (reduces incoming damage by 2) • ghouls rise and frenzy as blood is spilled
• destroy ice beneath a renegade’s feet Moves
• bloodied: releases chilly gust, knocks down renegades • throw ghoul (weak, untrained)
• eat ghoul (regain 4 hits)
Thryl, Shadowhunter Bat • release disease cloud (hold breath or choke)
• bloodied: release disease cloud
• Tough
• Dangerous (claws)
• Blurred (winged flight), Clever Tesslyn, Duchess of the Undead
Thryl’s fellow hunters light up the night sky during their excursions… • Tough, protection from all metals
Environment • Masterful (clawed nails)
• Powerful, Swift, Brilliant
• open area, lots of space to fly
• stone towers with flat tops to act as platforms The storage of lifeforce has never curdled victims more rapidly…
• rickety rope bridges connecting platforms Environment
• broken wooden buildings, shacks • ornately decorated hall
• cave ceiling overhead • swinging chandeliers
Moves • machines for transporting and fusing blood
• fire potion to damage, destroy environment • trap: room’s red carpeting becomes a huge pool of blood
• glue pot to hinder mobile enemies Moves
• lasso tough enemies to drop to their death • bite to sap hits (restores hits for Tesslyn)
• bloodied: shadow teleport to safety, attack from stealth • walk on blood
• bloodied: become mistform to possess the strongest
Rewards d66
Alchemy recipe (enhancement, mutation)
12 5 Alcohol, barrel
13 5-300 Animal (any common or hybrid animal)
14 30 Banner (Skorne or any Tyrant’s)
15 - Blackmail (against a Tyrant or other leader)
16 100-500 Book (art, propaganda, history, law, etc)
21 300+ Bribe (token or food that is enticing)
22 30 Cart (can add beast of burden)
23 30 Clothing (per item)
24 5 Common item (candle, string, needle, etc)
25 5,000 Crown (given to a Tyrant)
26 100 Exceptional food (delicious, reviving)
31 400 Heavy armor (+2 hits)
32 10/day Hireling (varying quality)
33 10-500 Ingredient (herb, spice, animal part, etc)
34 500 Iron ingot (potent, sturdy)
35 500+ Jewel (beauty, energy)
36 300+ Luxury item (mirror, basin, art piece, etc)
41 150 Martial weapon (greataxe, halberd, spear)
42 500 Medical supplies (bandages, poultices)
43 300 Necklace (signet, betrothal, ownership)
44 - Power-scroll
45 10,000+ Land (settled, wild, unknown)
46 150 Ranged weapon (crossbow, rifle, etc)
51 300 Ritual instructions (obtuse guidance)
52 - Secret orders (covert information)
53 75 Shield (wooden, metal, bone, etc)
54 1,000+ Ship (rowboat, galley, warship)
55 1,000+ Siege equipment (trebuchet)
56 50 Simple weapon (knife, sling, club, etc)
61 10 Tool (nail, rope, lockpick, grapple hook, etc)
62 - Transform-potion
63 300+ Trophy (beast part, broken weapon, ring)
64 - Tyrant’s asset
65 - Tyrant’s seal
66 - Tyrant’s weakness
“Dungeons” refers to any adventure site filled with
danger be they underground, in the wild, or anywhere else.
Here is a suggested layout for these to help you get started.
Create and number a 3 by 3 grid or table, like so:

1 2 3
4 5 6

7 8 9
Each space represents a room or area in the dungeon.
The numbering of these spaces can be in any order you
choose, but the lowest number room is the first space and the
highest number is the goal (treasure, hostage, Tyrant, etc,).
Renegades move in the four cardinal directions from one
space to another. This creates loops of spaces to explore
while directing the experience towards a climax.
Here is a checklist of things to include in the dungeon:
• Valuables to take. This is a strong incentive to explore.
• Things to attack. Easy threats instill (false) confidence.
• Things that attack the renegades. Danger lurks.
• Things to experiment with, don’t have to be magical.
• Things that differentiate the ways to go. Create choices!
• Ways to get scars, powers, or transformations.
• Obstacles and hazards. Make them obvious.
• Beings to talk to. Humans, demons, animals, monsters.
• Secrets. Things that are difficult to find or learn.
• Reminders that Skorne is in charge. Because you are.
• Dark Souls
• Darkest Dungeon
• Maze Rats
• Any Planet is Earth
• Into the Odd
• Berserk
• Attack on Titan
• Goblin Slayer
• Vinland Saga
• The Tapestry
• The Witcher
• The Screwtape Letters
• Greta Van Fleet

Special thanks to…

• Caleb Doebler
• Yochai Gal
• Jim Parkin

Created by Sam Doebler (v.1.0 Feb 2022).

Find more at
License for reuse under CC BY4.0

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