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Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning Volume 16 Number 4

Tips for managing a remote workforce

Received (in revised form): 21st November 2022

Cary Jasgur
First Vice President, Enterprise Resilience, Amalgamated Bank, USA

Cary Jasgur is the First Vice President, content and productive in whatever environment
Enterprise Resilience for Amalgamated they find themselves working.
Bank. He has over 30 years of experience
in various areas of resilience and recovery, Keywords: remote workforce, work
having managed responses to disaster events from home, business continuity, dis-
both within the USA and globally, including aster recovery, enterprise resilience
the H1N1 pandemic, Super Storm Sandy,
and the COVID-19 pandemic. He is a regular
Cary Jasgur speaker at organisational resilience confer- INTRODUCTION
ences. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree Over the past few years, there have been
in technical management and dual Master of various remote workforce models. Back in
Science degrees in organisational leadership November 2019, when remote working
and project leadership and management. He was considered a privilege rather than a
is also a certified Master Business Continuity practical possibility, everyone was in the
Professional, Fellow of the Business office working and interacting in much
Continuity Institute, and Project Management the same way as they always had.
Professional. Jump ahead to April 2020, and everyone
was working from a remote location due to
Abstract COVID-19, diligently logging into Zoom,
With the initial disruption of COVID-19 now or a similar platform, dressed in office attire
settling down, organisations are finding them- for meetings and other points of business.
selves in a new situation, where some of their Fast-forward to December 2020, and
previously onsite workforce is now fully remote everyone was still working remotely, albeit
or working according to a hybrid model of onsite with a less formal dress code.
and remote work, and some new employees Fast-forward again to July 2021, when
have been hired as fully remote. This new remote work was still the norm, people
model of dispersed employees presents managers, were increasingly reluctant to turn on
supervisors and leaders with fresh challenges their cameras, and in some cases, the
when it comes to checking in on employees and business call or meeting was a ‘monitored
providing them with the guidance, they need to event’ rather than an active environment.
Amalgamated Bank, perform their daily functions. This paper sup- Finally, today, most organisations have
275 7th Avenue, plies key tips for the successful management of transitioned to a new model, commonly
New York, NY 10001,
USA remote workforces. As well as how to balance referred to as ‘hybrid’, where some
Tel +1 212 895 4828;
the team dynamic with employees in multiple employees are onsite working in the office,
E-mail: caryjasgur@ locations and differing work types, such as, others are working remotely, and some do
fully remote, hybrid and onsite, the paper will a combination of both.
Journal of Business Continuity
& Emergency Planning
also explore the use of various technologies and Today’s managers, supervisors and
Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 346–358 methods for ensuring employees are working leaders are left asking themselves two very
© Henry Stewart Publications,
1749–9216 to the best of their ability and continue to be important questions: (1) how do managers,

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supervisors and leaders maintain a connec- and needs of the individuals who work to
tion with their employees, regardless of support business operations. They then
where they are working? and (2) how do use that information to nurture and moti-
managers, supervisors and leaders ensure vate each individual employee. That same
that that business operations in this new insight and management style must be
multi-faceted world are getting done the applied to how they work remotely.
way they should and when they should? Consider this: in a team with 12
This paper will unpack and explore members, there are 12 different sets of
the tools that managers, supervisors and needs to meet. If that team is to perform
leaders can use to ensure business opera- to the best of its ability, it is essential that
tions continue as they should and that everyone is engaged.
employees are engaged at the proper level. This goes for the hours they work, as
It will also explore where resilience pro- well. If one employee prefers to work in
fessionals can aid in implementing and the early hours of the day, encourage it; if
documenting the new workforce models. another is more of a night owl, allow that.
In addition, the paper will uncover some If the work is meeting business require-
of the potential downsides of these new ments and needs, then treat employees as
workforce models. the individuals they are.
The recommended practices, protocols While putting the employee first is
and procedures outlined in this paper do crucial to an organisation’s success, there
not constitute legal advice; rather, they are potential downfalls to the ‘flexible
are intended as suggestions and should schedule’. Most obviously, it reduces the
be altered, where necessary, to fit the overlap needed for proper collaboration
individual organisation, state and national during the workday. This will be explored
requirements, as well as applicable laws. further in due course.

Ask the employee what makes them

In what follows, this paper explores the Ask employees what makes them produc-
following five steps to successfully man- tive in a remote environment and follow
aging one’s remote workforce: up by asking what makes them produc-
tive when working onsite. Based on this
• Putting the employee first; feedback, task a small committee with
• Setting the stage; creating an innovative solution to bring
• Equipping the team; those things that make employees more
• Making it work; and productive while onsite into the remote
• Continuous improvement. environment.
When designing a productive plan for
remote employees, keep the following
Putting the employee first three criteria in mind:

‘Take care of your employees and they • They get through their work and finish
will take care of your business. It is as a reasonable quantity of tasks. This
simple as that!’1 means they are meeting deadlines and
not spending too much time on any
Successful managers, supervisors and one thing;
leaders can show the strengths, weaknesses • They do quality work. The finished

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Tips for managing a remote workforce

results meet or exceed the organisation’s renewed vigour in how they perform their
expectations; assigned work.
• They do not waste time on things that
are lower priorities. Instead, they use Offer encouragement and emotional
time and effort efficiently. support
Isolation is a problem that can affect the
While it may not be possible to meet every psychological wellbeing of employees.
employee’s needs for productivity, be sure Especially in the context of an abrupt
to meet as many as possible across the shift to remote work, it is important
entire employee base. for managers, supervisors and leaders to
acknowledge stress, listen to employees’
Focus on employees’ professional anxieties and concerns, and sympathise
growth with their struggles.
For a manager, supervisor or leader to If a remote employee is clearly strug-
develop a positive employee experience, gling but not communicating stress or
they must invest in each employee’s growth anxiety, ask them how they are doing.
and development. This needs to be built Even a general question such as ‘How is
on a foundation of transparency, owner- this remote work situation working out for
ship over the process and connection to a you so far?’ can elicit vital information that
purpose. might not otherwise be heard. Having asked
Focus more on employees’ professional the question, be sure to listen carefully to
growth and achievements than on how the response before briefly restating it back
to supervise them. If the organisation is to the employee to ensure they have been
helping employees grow their skill sets, it correctly understood. Let the employee’s
will be easier for them to meet or exceed stress or concerns, rather than your own,
expectations with their accomplishments. be the focus of this conversation.
Do not worry about what they are doing;
worry about how well they get things done. Do not neglect one-on-ones
The first step in developing a better Team camaraderie is important, but so is
employee experience is unlocking a being available to talk to employees on
mindset that the workplace, whether onsite a one-to-one basis. This gives employees
or remote, is not just a place to complete the chance to address any issues they might
tasks, collaborate on projects or churn be afraid to bring up in group meetings, or
out products. It is also a place to train, do not want to discuss via e-mail for fear
learn and grow. Employees should be able of being misunderstood.
to see their organisation as a pathway to In addition to providing a suitable
developing skills to improve their whole forum to air issues that employees might
self while also building stability in their not want to discuss elsewhere, one-on-one
careers. conversations also provide a terrific way to
Developing and supporting professional check in with employees about their role
growth may prove to be more difficult and how it is aligning with their overall
with fully remote employees. Here, it career goals.
is especially important have a clear idea
about how they learn best, whether that Understand common remote work
be onsite training or virtual training, challenges
and provide them the tools to be suc- To start, managers, supervisors and leaders
cessful. They will return the favour with a need to understand factors that can make

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remote work especially challenging. Clarify the mission and overcommunicate it

Otherwise, high-performing employees Get clarity on the mission from senior
may experience a decline in job per- leadership and then overcommunicate it to
formance and engagement when they all employees regardless of where they are
begin working remotely, especially in the working. Today’s remote employees need
absence of preparation and training. to be reminded that the mission was never
Challenges inherent in remote work about offices or work hours. How people
include: (1) lack of face time with co- work together might have changed, but
workers, managers, supervisors and the mission — the reason for the work
leaders, (2) lack of access to information, in the first place — has not changed.
(3) social isolation, (4) surrounding dis- Remote employees need that infusion of
tractions, (5) communication breakdowns purpose.
and bottlenecks, and (6) video fatigue. Employ the activities discussed in the
earlier section to ensure that leadership’s
Closing the loop connection with its employees still is
While the success of any organisation strong and bi-directional.
depends on its employees, it is important
to understand that the activities described Establish rules of engagement
in this section do not represent a one-and- Remote work becomes more efficient and
done task list. They must be continually satisfying when managers, supervisors and
updated to meet the ever-changing needs leaders set expectations for the frequency,
of both the employees and the organisa- means and ideal timing of communica-
tion itself. Failure to do this could lead to tion with employees. For example, ‘We
employee dissatisfaction and higher than use videoconferencing for daily check-in
normal turnover. meetings, but we use instant messaging
when something is urgent’.
Setting the stage It is also advisable to let employees
know the best way and time to reach you
‘If you create the stage setting and it is during the workday (eg ‘I tend to be more
grand, everyone who enters will play available late in the day for ad hoc phone
their part.’2 or video conversations, but if there is an
emergency earlier in the day, send me a
Many organisations have made a switch text’).
from onsite to hybrid or fully remote Finally, keep an eye on communication
workforces over the last few years. While among employees, to the extent proper, to
remote and hybrid models have many ensure that they are sharing information as
benefits, managing employees from a needed.
distance can present new challenges for It is recommended that managers,
managers, supervisors and leaders. For supervisors and leaders set up these ‘rules
example, it can be difficult to keep track of engagement’ (as they are known in
of performance and productivity while the military) with employees as soon as
helping remote employees feel connected possible, ideally during the first online
and part of the team. check-in meeting. While some choices
Leading a remote team sometimes about specific expectations may be better
requires loosening the reins a little while than others, the most crucial factor is that
finding ways to continue to hold employees all employees share the same set of expec-
accountable. tations for communication.

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Tips for managing a remote workforce

Remote workers may be allowed to onboarding process and may include such
choose different schedules for how they things as: (1) how the team prefers to com-
work — not to slack, but to fit when they municate — e-mail versus text message
are most productive during the day. versus chat versus phone versus video
Because everyone is different, having conferencing; (2) when the team prefers
some set standards to concentrate on and to communicate, regular meetings, certain
measure productivity can be useful. days or times (not forgetting to adjust for
Set timeframes. These could be daily, different time zones); (3) expected e-mail,
weekly, or monthly. It should not matter or other communication turnaround
what times employees choose to work, times; and (4) information on heads-down
unless for example, they are offering cus- days, if the organisation utilises them.
tomer support. It also should not matter in Communication is one area where the
which time zone they are working. resilience team can aid in increasing or
Define key performance indicators; for defining communications. Often, commu-
example, you may want a content writer nication methods are outlined in business
to send a certain word count every week. resilience plans. Work with the resilience
Set milestones for tasks or for overall team to ensure communication methods
projects. Bigger tasks can especially benefit and timelines are properly outlined in the
from this as it not only makes things easier plan and understood by everyone within
but can also help with the collection of the department.
data for future planning.
It is important to set clear expectations Be sensitive to overworking and
when discussing productivity standards overloading
with employees. Some productivity stand- This is about both good management and
ards will vary with the job; others may be good self-management.
standard across the organisation. As a manager, supervisor or leader, it is
Although documenting productivity important not to assign too much work or
standards may seem like too much of an to impose excessively tight deadlines on
extra effort, it can help with spotting employees. Be open to discussion with all
trends that need to be addressed. It can employees, regardless of where they work
also help to spot burnout or the need for from. If they feel like they are under too
added training to fix a bottleneck that is much pressure, be prepared to adjust work
affecting productivity. to make things a little easier for them.
As a remote employee, (1) set time
Create clear communication guidelines limits on how long you work without
If working remotely, it is easy to let commu- a break; (2) make a conscious effort to
nication fall by the wayside and let employees prevent work–life boundaries from blur-
work independently. This is important to ring by ensuring there is a clear divide
avoid. The aim is to create a virtual team between work and non-work activities
presence where all feel comfortable. — this should also take into consideration
This can get complicated in larger where your work location is, to ensure
organisations, where some employees are it is separate from your home life, such
remote and others are not, or there are as working from a dedicated office space
multiple remote employees working in rather than the dining-room table; and
various locations or time zones. (3) take regular exercise — this could
Communication guidelines should be be as simple as taking the dog for a
shared with new hires as part of their walk a few times a day — even if that

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means borrowing one from a neighbour day in any way that suits them. Flexibility
or friend. is important not only for employees, but
also for managers, supervisors and leaders.
Trust your employees When it comes to collaborating with
While it is not possible to watch over remote employees, the key is to allow flex-
one’s employees when they work remotely ible hours to keep consistency. Although
in the same way as one can if they are a concrete plan is necessary, it is essential
working onsite, this does not mean they to adjust strategies as needed. Whether
are not getting the job done. If you cannot employees choose to put in their hours in
trust them, ask yourself why you hired the morning or evening should not matter
them in the first place or what happened if the work gets completed and is of high
that caused you to lose trust in them. quality.
Organisations need to embrace trust. The big challenge is that every team
Trust your employees and set up metrics to member will have a different home envi-
hold them accountable. Working remotely ronment. Some will have spouses and
may entail having to work at times that children; some will not. Some will have
are more conducive to your personal pro- private home offices, while some will be
ductivity and what works for your home taking meetings from the closet, bedroom,
life. If having 9-to-5 office hours does kitchen, living room or bathroom. Some
not make you productive, think about the may be at Starbucks or their favourite coffee
amount of unproductive time spent in the house. Some may be experiencing chal-
office between meetings. lenges in their relationships. The important
As a manager, supervisor or leader, it is thing is to be sympathetic to the unique
vital to have the utmost trust and confi- circumstances of each employee. Inside the
dence that one’s employees will do the right office or out, nothing is perfect — and this
thing — and they will, if provided with a is normal. However, if society can endure
supportive structure. Managers, supervi- global pandemics, social unrest, economic
sors and leaders may be concerned and downturns, fires, hurricanes, locusts and
even frustrated about losing the constant meteors, then managing remote employees
visibility of their employees they once had, sounds simple, does it not?
but micromanagement is not the solution.
That results only in disengagement and Equipping the team
fatigue among already stressed employees.
Do not fixate on perceived performance ‘Great leaders focus on equipping their
problems; lean on established performance team. It is unfair to expect what you did
management systems if necessary. not equip.’3

Be organised and flexible When team members are working

It is not always easy to manage a remote remotely, they tend to lack access to the
workforce. With some roles — contact full range of tools and equipment they
centre employees, for example — it may would have if working onsite. The tools
be more difficult to exercise flexibility. and equipment they will need will vary by
However, this does not mean the answer industry and their responsibilities.
lies in micromanaging remote employees.
For example, if they have a set number Provide resources
of hours to work in a five-day period, then, No great battlefield commander sends
if possible, allow them to structure their their troops into the fray without proper

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Tips for managing a remote workforce

training and resources. OK, that might and coach employees on when and how to
not be entirely correct, but you get the escalate ineffective virtual exchanges. For
general idea. Remote employees need example, if an issue has not been settled
new laptops, decent Wi-Fi and modern within six e-mails, the conversation may
technologies such as multiple monitors, need to shift to a virtual meeting to get
external keyboards and mice, headsets and closure.
webcams. This may mean shifting already Encourage employees to be on camera
strained budgets towards crucial tools. Set when using collaboration platforms — not
the team up for success. only does this allow the team to support
This is another area where the resil- a ‘visual’ connection, but it also serves
ience team can help. Review the resource to ensure the employee is engaged in the
requirements section of the resilience plan discussion.
to ensure that all employee needs are
accounted for, regardless of whether they Remove obstacles
are remote or onsite. Consider what an Remote employees may face a number
onsite employee would need to work from of unforeseen obstacles. These include
a remote location. but are not limited to: (1) physical and
emotional isolation; (2) distractions at
Take advantage of technology home pulling them in multiple directions;
Make sure employees have the technology (3) children engaged in home-schooling;
they need to be successful, bearing in and (4) Amazon ringing the doorbell
mind that this may entail more than just every hour.
a mobile phone and laptop. If employees On top of this, certain issues faced by
are expected to attend virtual meetings, do the organisation may be placing undue
they have adequate cameras? Even in the pressure on remote employees. These may
absence of extensive technology and col- include: (1) change; (2) new silos; (3) fear;
laboration tools, it is still possible to equip and (4) complexity. Managers, supervisors
employees to function effectively when and leaders are responsible for protecting
remote. But do not assume that people their employees so that they can focus on
know how to work with virtual commu- their immediate responsibilities. Remove
nications or are comfortable in the virtual as many obstacles as possible while still
environment. supporting crucial business operations.
By now, most office workers have been Other sections within this paper offer
forced down a path of digital transforma- solutions for removing such obstacles on
tion that would once have taken most an employee-by-employee basis.
organisations months, if not years, to adopt.
Popular collaboration tools such as Zoom, Ensure the proper tools are available and
Google Meet and Microsoft Teams offer accessible
simple but effective platforms for day-to- As discussed, it is important to ensure
day interactions, offering much more than remote employees have easy access to all
the limited capabilities of mobile phones the tools they need. To this end, managers,
and text messaging. supervisors and leaders may have to col-
Acknowledge that virtual commu- laborate with employees to identify exactly
nications are different and will not be what is needed to ease remote working.
perfect but should still be professional and Remote employees need access to the
respectful. Be mindful that they may be same things as onsite employees. This may
less comfortable and effective for some, include but is not limited to: (1) policy

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and procedure manuals, (2) presentation supply mobile-enabled individual mes-

templates and supplies, (3) mail supplies saging functionality, like Slack, Zoom or
and stationery, (4) applications and soft- Microsoft Teams, which can be used for
ware, and, if applicable, (5) corporate simpler, less formal conversations, as well
credit card. as time-sensitive communication.
Most remote work can be conducted Supplying a shared document, or repos-
with little more than a computer, internet itory, such as Microsoft SharePoint or
access, a phone and a headset. However, Teams, which tracks work activities is
there may be additional tools and resources a way managers, supervisors and leaders
to help employees remain productive, such can stay apprised of what their employees
as: (1) access to digital communication are doing. It is a good exercise, even
tools and files; (2) a small printer or an when employees are onsite, and it helps
account at a local copy shop or mail managers, supervisors and leaders refine
services centre, all with clearly commu- their expectations and responsibilities with
nicated spending limits; (3) organisational respect to employees. An added benefit
provided laptops; (4) reliable internet con- to this type of platform is that it supplies
nection, access to a co-working space or system of record for the team’s docu-
personal hotspot; and (5) digital video- mentation. In this respect, it is important
conferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft to collaborate with the resilience team
Teams. to ensure the location of vital records is
documented in the resilience plan.
Provide a way to collaborate It is also important that the team agree
E-mail alone is insufficient as a collabora- on standards of acceptable behaviour for
tion tool. Remote workers benefit from virtual collaboration, such as how quickly
having a ‘richer’ technology experience, to respond to messages from colleagues. Is
such as video conferencing, which gives it all right, for example, to send a quick
participants many of the visual cues that message to say ‘I will call you back’ if
they would have if they were face-to-face. you are focused deeply on something else
Video conferencing has many advan- when a co-worker reaches out?
tages, especially for smaller groups. For
example, visual cues allow for increased Making it work
‘mutual knowledge’ about co-workers and
help reduce the sense of isolation among ‘If you really want something you can
teams. Video is also particularly useful for figure out how to make it happen.’
complex or sensitive conversations, as it (Cher)
feels more personal than written or audio-
only communication. Increased organisations with physical
However, video fatigue is a clear down- locations are starting to build out their
side to using collaboration tools. Ensure remote teams. It is important for such
that remote employees have a balance organisations to recognise that not all the
between on and off ‘screen time’. This management challenges associated with
will ensure that remote employees are remote work are new. In fact, many of the
less likely to be overwhelmed by video- same principles associated with managing
conference meetings. an onsite team still hold true.
There are other circumstances when The key lies in finding the right balance
quick collaboration is more important between onsite employees and remote
than visual detail. For these situations, employees.

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Tips for managing a remote workforce

Weekly review meetings for all reminds everyone they are not working
Conduct review meetings where all team in isolation.
members get to present what they are Good managers, supervisors and
currently working on and the issues they leaders make themselves available to team
are facing on at least a weekly basis. In members. They go above and beyond
addition to such general meetings, man- to keep an open-door policy for remote
agers, supervisors and leaders should also employees, making themselves available
schedule one-on-one meetings. These across multiple time zones and through
meetings should focus on the employee’s multiple channels of communication.
issues and removing any obstacles that
might hinder their performance. ‘Localise’ employees
For remote employees, it may take a Treat the remote workforce as if it is local.
little extra effort to recreate common Invite remote workers to the facility at
workplace water-cooler communication. least once a year. If that is not possible,
When there is a mix of offsite and onsite then make the effort to visit them by
employees, remote managers, supervisors holding a regional meeting near them. In
and leaders should seek team-building addition, let remote employees take part
opportunities to include everyone when- in ‘local’ events such as charity functions
ever possible. and team meetings via Zoom or Microsoft
It may seem artificial or cumbersome at Teams.
first, but it is worth encouraging remote Humans are social animals and 100 per
employees to maintain regular contact cent remote/virtual work compromises
with the team. What constitutes ‘regular real engagement. One solution would be
contact’ depends, of course, on the job to have a combination of remote and
and the tasks that remote employees must onsite workdays. Get teams together phys-
conduct. ically using co-working spaces in locations
where there is no office. Planning small
Create a variety of touch points for cross-functional team meetings can also
everyone help foster broader engagement beyond
Create a variety of touch points with the the digital connections.
remote workforce to promote the flex- Organisations need to incorporate
ibility of social engagements with senior culture and increase positive feedback and
staff and increase presence and visibility. social interactions. Remote work can be
Create a buzz around them to encourage exhausting. Managers, supervisors and
and attract engagement. Align them leaders need to incorporate celebrations
with key issues of interest to employees. such as team wins and successes, and even
Consider also a more tailored approach to a degree of chit-chat to make the remote
work packages and rewards — this will be workplace more like an office. Remote
of keen interest to staff. employees will feel more excited to be
Many workers feel isolated and diso- part of the team and productivity and
riented in this new work reality. It is retention will also increase.
therefore important to build connections Managers, supervisors and leaders can
with employees. also build personal time into meetings,
Share positive feedback, open a fun allowing for 5–10 minutes at the begin-
chat channel, or try and ‘grab coffee’ ning or end of meetings for everyone to
together— whatever helps support a give a personal update. The big upside of
sense of normality and solidarity and using video conferencing for these ideas is

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that it naturally leads to more impromptu, even more Zoom meetings but to carve
unplanned conversations that can often out time for non-work-related conversa-
lead to some of the best ideas from team tions and activities during meetings that
members. have already been scheduled. Then, on
occasion, plan for that happy hour or pizza
Focus on outcomes, not activity party.
This is widely known as a best practice for The easiest way to set up some basic
increasing engagement and empowering social interaction is to leave some time
employees. Rather than micromanage at the beginning of team calls just for
employees, define the goals and desired non-work items (eg ‘We are going to
results as clearly as possible, then allow spend the first few minutes just catching
employees — who have the training and up with each other. How was your
resources to execute — to develop a weekend?’). Other options include virtual
plan of execution, enhanced creativity and pizza parties, in which pizza is delivered to
ownership. all team members at the time of a video
In the remote workforce, where many conference, or virtual office parties, in
people are juggling work and family com- which party ‘care packages’ can be sent
mitments in their own homes, enable in advance to be opened and enjoyed
employees to complete their work however simultaneously.
is easiest and most productive for them. Another alternative is a virtual cooking
The 9 am team meeting may have to go, class. This is where a ‘host’ prepares the
along with the lengthy approval process. dish right along with the employees in
Schedule collaboration at mutually agree- a virtual setting. The recipe is sent out
able times and lean on virtual tools in advance so that employees can gather
wherever possible. Flexibility empowers all the ingredients ahead of time of the
teams to complete their assignments in virtual cooking class. Just find a recipe
their own way. that is interesting, appeals to everyone
As a manager, supervisor or leader, it is and is easy to prepare in the allotted
important to stop paying attention to the timeframe.
process and pay more attention to what While these types of events may sound
things are getting done. Talk to employees artificial or contrived, experienced man-
about what work functions they need to agers, supervisors and leaders of remote
complete. employees, as well as the employees them-
selves, report that virtual events help
Encourage remote social interactions reduce feelings of isolation and promote a
One of the most essential steps a manager, sense of belonging.
supervisor or leader can take is to structure
ways for employees to interact socially, that Continuous improvement
is, to have informal conversations about
non-work topics, while working remotely. ‘We cannot become what we want by
This is true for all remote employees, but remaining where we are.’ (Max Dupree)
particularly so for employees who have
recently transitioned to a fully remote This section shows how to take what has
environment. been built and carry it into the future to
Such events include virtual happy hours, make the remote workforce and organisa-
pizza parties and recognition sessions. The tion more successful to support current
important thing is not to overdo it with and future business operations.

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Tips for managing a remote workforce

Mentor more than manage make desired changes. These are impor-
The best managers, supervisors and leaders tant rituals for interim assessments of how
mentor and coach more than manage. the cooperation is succeeding and who
They also understand the not-so-subtle can supply especially appreciative feedback
nuances and differences between the disci- on remote, real-time collaboration.
plines of leadership and management. Just Feedback helps show weak points that
because the world is mired in volatility, need adjusting or even things that are not
complexity and ambiguity, does not mean working at all. There are various ways
we should stop developing our remote this can be accomplished: (1) one-on-
workforce and ourselves. Sometimes this ones — if you are already having virtual
requires outside help, new initiatives and meetings with individual employees, use
making the time. them to ask if they feel current processes
Each of the topics previously discussed work well; (2) polls — anonymous polls
in this paper fall into the category of or surveys can gather data on different
simple but not easy. They each need aspects of the remote work model; and
time, attention and consistency. But your (3) workshops — if physical workshops
remote workforce will thank you. The are viable, use them to troubleshoot any
organisation will benefit and the team will potential or existing issues with the remote
be more equipped with the battle gear work model.
necessary to navigate the murky waters of Depending upon the employee and the
change. nature of their job, the level of interaction
Managers, supervisors and leaders should may need to be adjusted. For example,
not have to look over their employees’ one employee may need a call once a
shoulders while they are onsite, and they week while another employee may need
should not have to do it when they daily calls.
are remote either. Regular one-on-one Keeping productive workflows in mind
check-ins help to avoid micromanaging, and as much as schedules permit, man-
while still making it possible to keep a agers, supervisors and leaders should be
pulse on employees and provide them adaptable to employee needs and calendars.
with an opportunity to ensure feedback
goes both ways. Increase recognition
Where employees are communicating Effective recognition motivates the recip-
clearly and meeting goals and deadlines, ient and serves as a strong signal to other
they are being productive and doing their employees of behaviours they should
jobs effectively. emulate. It does not need to be mon-
etary; consider public acknowledgment,
Gather regular feedback tokens of appreciation, development
If moving to a remote model for the first opportunities and low-cost rewards. Take
time, or even if it is an ongoing process, this opportunity to supply development
gathering feedback is essential to ensure opportunities for employees who may not
that it is working well for employees, as normally be recognised due to their work
well as the organisation. location.
Establish transparent feedback rituals Given the lack of visibility in a remote
with a clear focus on what is working environment, improve monitoring tech-
well. Establish small, continuous steps for niques and relationships with direct reports.
further development so that the remote Use simple pulse surveys to ask specific
workforce finds sufficient motivation to questions or track output to collect data

Page 356

and find areas for recognition. By meeting achievements and makes the effort to
with employees virtually and asking what acknowledge them.
barriers they have overcome or how their Celebrating achievement within the
peers have helped them, it is possible to workplace can boost confidence and increase
find elements to recognise and share the motivation. Showing appreciation can also
accomplishments of teams and individuals. boost the organisation’s reputation, improve
retention and help attract top talent.
Encourage innovation Managers, supervisors and leaders
Innovation and risk-taking are important should also look for opportunities to cele-
for employee engagement and organisa- brate the same work milestones that would
tional success. Even when an organisation be celebrated onsite. Employees just might
has constraints on new investments, man- have to switch out their high-five for a
agers, supervisors and leaders can virtual elbow bump.
emphasise the need and supply opportuni- So, how does one acknowledge and
ties for incremental innovation or process applaud success? Here are nine options, all
improvements. of which can be tailored to a team’s spe-
Supply opportunities to share successes cific needs; (1) just say it; (2) share success
and ways to improve on potential failures. stories;(3) pay it forward; (4) give a gift; (5)
Try to highlight the value of employees get together socially; (6) organise a team day
continuing to scale their activities and out; (7) offer extra holidays; (8) set up a hall
ensure that any risks are worthwhile. of fame; and (9) have an awards ceremony.

Remember to listen
The most successful managers, supervisors RESILIENCE FOR A REMOTE
and leaders are good listeners, communicate WORKFORCE
trust and respect, enquire about workload,
progress without micromanaging and err Planning activities for remote workers
on the side of over-communicating. When creating your resilience plans be
Surveys are an often-underutilised sure to include steps, activities or processes
tool. A monthly or quarterly employee that account for the remote workforce as
net promoter score (an indicator of how well as the onsite employees.
likely an employee would be to promote The response and recovery steps for
their organisation to other job seekers), onsite employees may be different from
for example, can be useful, along with those of the remote workforce. For
surveys for a deeper dive into employee example, in the scenario of loss of primary
sentiments. work location, the onsite employee will
If managers, supervisors and leaders simply move to an alternative site, whether
are asking for feedback from employees, that be a home office or a workforce
something needs to be done about it. In recovery location. What about the remote
short, if employees are speaking, managers, worker who is already working from a
supervisors and leaders should be listening. home office — where are they to go?
Consider that there may be other issues
Celebrate success at play for the remote workforce, for
Celebrating a milestone like an anniver- example, has something happened to their
sary, a birthday or an impressive set of home? Is their focus really on completing
grades is a nice feeling, but it is even business tasks? Ensure that plans account
better when someone else notices our for an alternative location for the remote

Page 357
Tips for managing a remote workforce

workforce so that they can continue to that the designed procedures work as they
meet business needs, while addressing any should in case of a disruption. This will
personal issues that may arise. not only increase the inclusion that remote
All managers, supervisors and leaders workers need to be successful but will also
who have a remote workforce should ensure that all plans consider the needs and
collaborate with their resilience team to environment of both remote and onsite
ensure that department-level resilience employees.
plans account for the remote workforce
regardless of the disruption type.
In addition to planning for an alternative CONCLUSION
work location, also consider redundancies This paper has discussed five steps for
for power, internet connection and voice the successful management of a remote
communications. workforce, including some of the down-
sides of being a remote employee, as
Enabling remote workforce well as resilience considerations for remote
preparedness employees. These principles are designed
If not already in place, encourage remote to be adapted to specific organisations,
workers to create a personal or family pre- teams and employees, and where necessary
paredness plan for their home office. This should be adjusted to ensure all employees
would be like creating a shelter-in-place are treated equally and with the respect
plan for onsite workers. To aid in the crea- they deserve.
tion of such plans, resources are available
from such organisations as (in References
the USA), Get Prepared (in Canada) and (1) Yuen, L. (November 2018), ‘Take care
Preparing for Emergencies (in the UK). of you employees and they will take
Alternatively, simply search Google for care of business. It’s as simple as that
‘personal preparedness resources’ within — Richard Branson’, The Life Lesson,
the regional area in question. available at
Tests and exercises for a remote they-will-take-care-of-your-business/
workforce (accessed August 2022).
(2) AZ Quotes, ‘Morris Lapidus’, available
When testing resilience plans, be sure at
to include remote employees in those quote/1122462 (accessed August 2022).
activities. As remote employees will have (3) AZ Quotes, ‘Chris Hogan’, available
different response procedures from those at
working onsite, it is important to ensure quote/1427662 (accessed August 2022).

Page 358
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