Aiaa/Sae/Asme 20th Joint Propulsion Conference

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I AI AA-84- 1439

Factors Wbicb Affect The Accuracy of Burn Rate

Calculation of BatcA Check Motor Firings
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M. P. Friedlander, 111 and F. W. Jordan,

and D. F. Hazelette, Jr.
Atlantic Research Corporation

20th Joint Propulsion Conference
June 11-13, 1984/Cincinnati, Ohio
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
t:. P. Friedlander, 111, and F. I..'. Jordan, and 0. F. Hazelette, Jr.
Atlantic Research Corporation
Gainesville, Virginia 22065
ABSTRACT a the measurement of the grain bore two inches
in from the end of the grain to avoid ther-
Atlantic Research Corporation has developed a mal distortion errors;
cunputerized method of analyzing batch check motors a the identification of the correct web thick-
which has revealed a number of industry comnon data ness by assessing the sliver content;
measurement inadequacies which increase the uncertaintv
of solid propellant burn rate detenm'nation. Among a the correction of the grain dimensions for
those factors which contribute to burn rate determi- thermal deformation;
nation uncertainty or inaccuracy are: the identification of the beginning and end-
failure to account for casting mandrel off- tng of web burn time with fractions of the
set; pressure integral; and,
failure to account for mandrel and/or case a the elimination of data measurement errors
oval ity; by cunputer cunparative analyses.
failure to measure grain bore at the proper The cunparative analyses can accurately' identi-
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location; fy and quantify data measurement errors in:

failure to account for grain deformation 0 the pressure history;
with conditioning temperature;
failure to account for propellant cure a the thrust history;
shrinkage; a the propellant weight;
failure to accurately determine the end of a the grain dimensions;
burning; a the nozzle throat dimensions; and,
failure to accurately determine the begin- erroneous propellant composition.
ning of burning; and,
pressure measurement error. DISCUSSION
In addition to the above contributors to Cmputeri zed Analysis
inaccuracy, Atlantic Research has found that the
extreme accuracy potential of this sophisticated It is possible to calculate solid propellant
method cannot be fully realized unless thrust Surn rates frun batch check motors to an accuracy
measurement errors, nozzle throat diameter measure- greater than 99 percent by computer if the input
ment errors, propellant weight measurement errors, data is carefully analyzed and measurement errors arc
grain length measurement errors and erroneous case identified and corrected. Before data errors can be
serial numhers are eliminated. corrected they must be identified and the discussion
and figures that follow demonstrate a part of this
INTRODUCTION process. Figure 1 presents a typical pressure and
thrust history produced by a Rohm and Haas (REH)
Atlantic Research Corporation (ARC) has deve- designated 6C4-11.3 batch check motor. Analysis be-
loped a computerized method of analyzing batch check gins with a cursory review of these traces. A de-
motor firings which quite accurately identifies data tailed analysis is subsequently made using the ARC
measurement errors. In the process of analyzing a developed Static Firing Analysis (SFA) computer
large number of batch check motors, the effect of routine.
data measurement errors and techniques on solid pro-
pellant burn rate accuracy have becune quite obvious To ensure proper nozzle throat diameter measure-
To identify and quantify the various contributors to ments, the nozzle throat area histories are calcu-
burn rate inaccuracy ARC uses a wbination of indi- lated by the SFA routine and plotted as shown in
vidual firing analyses and group canparative analy- Fig. 2. The trace denoted by square symbols is
ses. For the individual motor analyses a combina- calculated from the pressure and thrust histories
tion of numerical values and graphs are used along (backed out) and the trace denoted bv the circle sym-
with canparison with historical data banks. For the bols is calculated from the pre- and post firing nozzle
cunparative analyses, a combination of graphs, sta-
tistics and a canparative cunputer routine is used.
The use of these tools in the analyses of a large
throat diameters inout). A mismatch reveals either
a pre- or post f ring nozzle throat diameter measure-
ment error. Having the proper trace shape here is a
number of batch check motors has resulted in the key in being able to understand subsequent aspects
identification of eight key parameters plus a few of the analysis.
others which affect the precision with which solid
propellant burn rate can be determined. Figure 3 presents three versions of a burning
surface area versus web distance burned (surface-web)
SUMMARY trace calculated by the SFA routine. The trace de-
noted by the square symbols is calculated using the
The ARC cunputerized burn rate analysis method backed out nozzle throat area history and the trace
has led to: denoted by the circle symbols is calculated using
d the input nozzle throat area history. The surface-
Rlla+dtaAIAA I O p m b l b b l ~ s 1 ~ f 0 ~ . I ~
Copyl(gbl0 ~ m e r h lullbe
n of A ~ U O U Qand
A.$lma.ulla.Inr.. 15% All dibunsmcd.
k b trace denoted by the triangle symbols is calcu-
lated by computer from grain dimensions. ldentify-
ing mismatches in these traces is the key to knowing
if the calculated burn rate is correct or to what
degree of inaccuracy it is incorrect.

I Thrust
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figure 3. T*ical Backcd Out and S C m t r i C Burning Surface

* n a Traces for a Rw 6C4-11.3 Batch Check Mto?.

: I , ,,

Figure 1.
C.65 i .2c

Tmical Pressure and Thiust Histories

for RW 6C4-11.3 h t c h Check b t 0 r
\ ;-e0
Casting 'Mandrel Offset
For many years the most used method' of deter-
mining burn rate frun batch check motors was to take
the elapsed time from ten percent of the maximm
pressure on ignition to the tangent bi-sector of the
chamber pressure history at tail-off as the burn
time. The web burned in that time was one half the
difference between the case inside diameter and the
grain bore diameter. Lack of concentricity between
t 0
the case inside and the bore inside was not taken
into account. The reduction in web thickness due to
casting mandrel misalignment was not included in the
burn rate calculation. Hence the true'web, or the
web consistent with the burn time, was not used.
0 ARC has found that that error can be as high as eight
- percent, always resulting in a high burn rate value.
Figure 4 presents this concept graphically. Figure 5
presents a typical pressure and thrust history
for a badly offset mandrel in a R&H 6C4-11.3 motor.
% Figure 6 presents the typical influence of a badly
60 offset mandrel on the surface-reb trace.
Mandrel and/or Case Ovality
.a Although the geanetry is not the same for the
<o O h p u t At
case of a lack of inside-to-outside grain surface
121 OBackcd Out At
concentricity, the effect on the surface-trace is
< essentially the same. In the case of a full length
D mandrel offset, the surface-trace tail-off is essen-
tially linear. If the mandrel offset is different
121 at one end of the grain than at the other the tail-
rr off is not quite linear. There is also non-linear-
ity associated with the tail-off of a grain having
N non-concentricity due to bore taper, case taper.
0 bore ovality or case ovality. The nature and degree
of this non-linearity is impossible to determine
frun a practical point of view. As it turns out
that is not too important so long as the sliver
fraction resulting 'can be determined and the
0.00 0.80 I .20 1'.60 necessary web correction made. That is a part of
TIMEO.~EC, the task performed by the ARC computer analysis.
F i g w e 2. T m i c a l Backed Out a d lmut Nozzle
e Thmat Area Hirtcder for Rw 6c4-11.3
h t c h Check Motors

centered Mandrel
Neb 1.0''
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Figure 5 . Typical Rerrure and Thrust HiStOTles

for t RMI 6C4-11.3 notor w i t h tn Offset

fMurr 4 . Typical RbH €4411.3 O f f s e t Mandrel

Ucb Burn (krt P i t t e r n

Grain Bore Measurement Location

Another p a r t o f burn r a t e determination i n a c -
curacy t h a t has n o t been addressed h i s t o r i c a l l y i s
the g r a i n dimension inaccuracy of measuring the
g r a i n bore diameter a t t h e end o f t h e g r a i n . F i g u r e
7 presents, i n an exaggerated form, t h e shape of the
g r a i n a t t h e ambient c o n d i t i o n i n g temperature s t a t e 1 b
when i t was c a s t and cured a t sane o t h e r temperature
conditions. P a r t o f t h i s g r a i n deformation i s t h e
r e s u l t of g r a i n cure shrinkage, and p a r t due t o F~PYIC 6. l r p i c t l tapvter Cnmctad Burnlng Surface Area
thermal deformation. The g r a i n bore diameter i s T ~ E C Sfor I RLH M4-11.3 Batch C k k having an
reasonably r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h e g r a i n Mfset M n d r e l
characteristics f o r the particular conditioning
temperature a t which i t i s measured a t a p o s i t i o n ness a t t h e p a r t i c u l a r c o n d i t i o n i n g temperature a t
of approximately two inches i n from t h e end of which <ti s f i r e d . One o f t h e causes of t h e d i f f e r -
t h e g r a i n . F i g u r e 8 presents a t y p i c a l s e t o f w a i n ence between t h e g r a i n bore diameter a t t h e end of
bore measurements taken a t t h e end o f t h e g r a i n s t h e g r a i n and a t some mid g r a i n p o i n t i s t h e g r a i n dP-
and a t a o o s i t i o n two inches i n t o t h e bore. It can formation as a f u n c t i o n o f t h e a c t u a l c o n d i t i o n i n g
be seen t k a t t h e r e i s approximately a one percent web temperature. Normally g r a i n dimensions a r e measured
t h i c k n e s s e r r o r associated w i t h t h e difference i n a t an ambient c o n d i t i o n i n g temperature and t h e motors
measurement p o s i t i o n s . a r e subsequently c o n d i t i o n e d t o sane other tempera-
t u r e before t h e y a r e f i r e d . Because t h e g r a i n i s
Grain T h e n a l Deformation bonded t o t h e case (ARC used m o s t l y case bonded
g r a i n s ) , t h e g r a i n deformation w i t h temperature i s
I n connection w i t h the above e r r o r i s t h e e r r o r b o t h a s t r u c t u r a l and a thermal c o n s i d e r a t i o n . An
of n o t accounting f o r t h e a c t u a l g r a i n web t h i c k - exaggeration of t h i s g r a i n deformation i s presented
End of Burning Determination

Figure 3 presents the surface-web trace for the
case of a properly chosen value for FPIT, defined as
the fraction of total pressure integral which occurs
prior to web burnout. Figure 9 presents the case
where the value of FPIT selected was approximately
two percent too low. Although the SFA permits the
user to select any value he chooses, the default
causes the c m p u t e r routine to analyze the sliver
fraction to determine what value should be used and
to make the proper correction for the web thickness.
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4.01 B

3 3.99

Figure 9. T r p l c i l RLH M4-11.3 Batch C k k b t o r

3 97 I B v l n t n ~surface Area Trace havlng the
1 2 1 4 Vilw of FPIT Set T*o Percent T o o High

in Fig. 7. Failure to properly account for the

grain deformation with temperature can result in
quite inaccurate temperature sensitivity data.
Propellant Cure Shrinkaqe
The mandrels used by ARC to form the bore of
R&H 6C4-11.3 grains are 4.00 inches. Over a large
number of grain bore diameter measurements at room
temperature we have found the grain bore diameter
to be approximately 4.027 inches. Structural/
thermal calculations show this diameter to be 4.008
inches at a propellant cure temperature of 135°F.
This indicates that the propellant cure shrinkage
is approximately 0.50 percent. This propellant 0.;' c'. 1: C'.FC G.SL i .3[1
cure shrinkage is a part of the potentlal burn rate dEE B U ? ' . E D 111..
error that can be accumulated, along with the Figwe 10. T m l c a l RUI €44-11.3 Batch Check Mtor
i, others if proper account is not taken of its exis- Surfact Area Trace h v i n g the
tence. Value of FP1T Set T*o Percent Tw La
Beginning of Burning Determination oarameters are available to evaluate and how manv
motors are in the particular group of motors being
Figure 3 presents the case of a properly analyzed.
chosen value for FPII, defined as the fraction of
total pressure integral which occurs prior to full
ignition of the initial burning surface. Figure 11
presents the case of an improperly selected value
for FPII, with the value being too low. Figure 12 Steady Burn
c IIiIUtCh
presents the case of an improperly selected value
for FPII with the value of FPII being too high.
The SFA permits the user to select any value he
chooses but the default causes the computer routine
to determine what value should be used from the
ignition rise characteristics. The selection of
a value of FPII that essentially matches the slope
of the pressure trace on ignition rise is designed
to approximate the mass contribution of the igniter
without accounting for it in t e n s of web burned
off the grain. This function could be more
accurately modeled but the additional computer time
reauired to include this function in the analvsis is
not warranted considering the magnitude of the
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W c
,. c
Supporting Data
._ Figure 13 presents a typical In-ratelln-pressure
matrix over which a series of batch check motors
might be fired. In this instance, two motors are
fired at each point on the matrix. Table I presents
a sumnary of the batch mean burn rates (ROTP) for
forty-three batches, and demonstrates the accuracy
Of the method when averaged over a batch and the
batch is characterized by a single number. Table I1
presents a burn rate sumnary for a selected batch
check group and demonstrates the accuracy o f the
method within the same batch. Table 111 presents
the data for all the motors fired at a particular
point on the In-rate/ln-pressure matrix and
demonstrates the accuracy of the method on an
individual motor basis over the same group of batches.
Pressure Measurement Error Table I V presents the burn rate data for a t.ypica1
batch check motor (selected by motor case serial
After having corrected the grain dimensions for rimber) and provides a sample of the motor data
all of the above factors which might result in a base that is kept. Table V presents the burn rate
burning rate error, there is still one more that can data for a selected "last ten batches" evaluation
result in a burn rate error. That factor is pres- and demonstrates the effect of the "learning curve"
sure measurement error. Identifying a pressure mea- in both manufacturing and analysis. The degree of
surement error is more difficult than identifying accuracy can easily be seen from these data.
the previous errors. To identify a pressure measure-
ment error of low magnitude and know for certain
that it is truly an error requires a detailed analy-
s i s of the thrust efficiency, nozzle throat effi-
ciency, impulse efficiency, backed out nozzle
throat area history, burn rate, propellant weight,
propellant density and historical data bank. The
certainty with which a pressure measurement error
can be determined depends upon how many of these
S €462 Y) ETA1 ETAF
21 1 1 606 0 9215 0 9361
21 l i 286 0.9255 G 9457
t 2:
1 1 326
I ! 5bC
i 92GC
2 923:
C 9277
G 9411
1 1 2%
7j;L t F42I
2: 1 3 466 ii 027i c 93i,c
21 1 1 Mo 0 9274 c 5345
21 1 1 5% G 92CE C 9331

=wli 45: G 925; 0 Vi47 0 9338 0 566

SD 0 131 0 OM5 0 GC55 0 0053 0 001
c ~ r 147. c 4301 0 S3F2 C hbb 0 251


DTREF-0.885 CTPEFi 70
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1 o m 0.901 0 . 5 7 8 0 S7E 0 606
1 o w 0. 098 0 . 5 5 7 0 s57 0 36L
2 om5 0.900 0. Sb7 0 M7 0 579
2 om5 0.901 0.5& 0 Mb 0 580
3 om5 0.696 0 . 5 7 2 0 S72 0 589
3 0885 0 909 0. 571 0 571 0 590
4 0 m3 0.899 0.w4 0 s44 0 s42
4 0m3 0 698 0. 552 0 552 0 553
5 oms 0 PO6 0.577 O.S7? 0 601
5 0 883 0.904 0 . 3 7 8 0. 576 0 601
6 0 185 o e99 0. S69 o 569 o 589
6 0 085 0 903 0 s73 0 . 5 7 3 0 592
7 0985 0 902 0. S78 0.576 0.604
7 0985 0 912 0 579 0 S79 0 601
E 0885 0 908 0 . 5 7 7 0. 577 0 604
EEOB . ... - . ... 6 0885 0 908 0. s 7 3 0 575
0. s 7 3 0 573
0 s99
1 : Go396 0 9269 9589 o wse S-&7 9 0 685 0.903 0.596
2 I 06416 0 9Z72 9771 0 9214 0 566 9 om5 0.901 0 . 5 9 0 0. S90 0.613
3 ,I 0 6 4 4 t 0 5334 9867 0 9386 0 371 10 0.85 0 905 0.561 0. M l 0 572
'-' 4 3 06398 0 930a C5G1 0 9466 0 548 10 oms 0 905 0. 572 o 572 o 593
5 ,>06386 0 0259 9995 0 9412 0 376 11 ow5 0 904 0. S63 0 . 5 6 3 0 575
6 i 063iP 0 F3i.Z 9934 0 9398 0 571 11 O B 5 0 902 0.563 0 565 G 560
7 G ObbG7 0 9288 9984 0 9431 0 579 I2 om5 0 9G6 0. M 3 0. 563 0 571
8 0 06425 0 9207 9447 0 9415 0 576 12 O88r 0 857 0 M2 0.%2 0 572
9 i. 04434 0 9241 0012 0 9410 0 582 12 ow3 0 900 0.s59 0.559 0 557
10 C Ob424 0 9319 $763 0 9442 0. 54b 12 ow3 0 896 0 558 0 . 5 5 8 0 555
11 i 06404 0 93GG 9971 0 9431 0 MS 13 0985 0.909 0 584 0.584 0 615
12 i, 6 926+ 0038 0.9481 0 5M) 13 oms 0.909 0 sei o 587 0 . 6 1 9
13 i. 06389 0 935.C P964 0.9444 0 5Eb 14 O W 5 0 901 0. S67 0. 567 0 582
14 0 06433 0 0221 0051 0.9426 0 Sbb 14 oms 0 900 0. 564 0 564 0 576
'3 G 04394 0 9237 GO31 0 9423 0 5W 13 0-4 0 . 6 9 9 0 577 0 . 3 7 7 0 601
16 i. ob445 o 92a5 OC35 G 9474 0 %O 15 O18b 0 899 0. s79 0.579 0 603
17 G 06402 0 9253 0CtQ 0 9516 0 S77 16 O W 5 0 901 0. SB3 0.583 0 605
i6 G 04362 0 9358 0001 0 9488 0 575 16 0 1 8 4 0.900 0. s77 0 . 5 7 7 0 600
19 5 0m9e 0 9257 0026 0 9481 0 578 17 0 8Bh 0 902 0 S7b 0 . 5 7 6 0 590
20 G 06387 0 9277 5942 0 9380 0 570 17 0 . 9 4 0 . 9 0 2 0. S76 0 . 5 7 6 0 593
21 ,? 06392 0 9235. 9547 0 9358 0 568 16 o w a s 0 . 9 0 0 0. 571 0 . 5 7 1 0 . 5 9 4
22 i 0638; o o2an 9958 0 9398 0 Sb7 18 o w 5 0. WE 0. S76 0 . 5 7 6 0 . 5 9 1
23 C 0-425 0 92% 9q68 0 4428 0 571 19 o s 4 0 9G2 0 . 5 7 s 0 . 5 7 5 0 592
24 i 04413 0 9236 501: 0 940s 0 576 19 O W 5 0 903 0. S8l 0 . 5 8 1 0 604
23 i W44.j 0 9214 0044 0 9412 0 570 2G 0.64 0 902 0 570 0 . 5 7 0 0 57s
2b I OA405 0 9Z1' t5.E" G 9397 0 559 20 Ow5 0.903 0. S71 0 . 5 7 1 0 588
;7 i Oh425 0 C.66 3015 0 93Si 0 575 21 om5 0 901 0. 569 0:MP 0.S69
28 i Ob432 0 9256 05.04 0 9448 0 S72 21 0 8Bh 0 . 9 0 0 0. 566 0. M E 0. SE3
29 i 0.543: 0 721- 3501 0 9373 0 564 22 0.8s 0. WE 0. M9 O . M 9 0 . 5 8 s
30 L Ob416 0 91S7 9?95 0 9349 0 571 22 om5 0 899 0 s65 0 565 0 561
21 : 0640; G 9212 5GG7 0 9375 0 570 23 0 8Bh 0 . 9 0 7 0 574 0. 574 0 588
32 i 06417 0 9156 9046 0 93b6 0 574 23 0m6 0. 846 0. 571 0 , 5 7 1 0.S90
33 i, Ob436 0 9259 4927 a 9347 o ~ L V 24 ow5 0 WE 0 . S76 0.S7b 0 605
34 G Gbll; 0 9:7Z 9930 0 9371 0 57s 24 0 . 6 4 0 B96 0. 579 0 . s 7 9 0 . 6 0 5
33 i 06414 0 5247 9694 0 9305 0 574 as o w 0. 902 0. M9 0 . M 9 0 (182
36 G G395 0 9507 9976 0 9443 0 573 25 .u 0 % 0. ¶71 0.S71 0 583
37 G Ob421 0 9309 9919 0 9391 0 570 Y ...a O W 0. -1 0.s61 0 567
38 i 0640; 0 9542 9945 0 9449 0 57a
39 i Ob394 0 9319 9951 0 9432 0 572
40 C 06394 0 9342 9940 0 944s 0 573
i 04404 0 9316 9991 0 9466 0 S78
42 0 Ob402 0 9331 99SO 0 9442 0 574 (Continued on next page).
43 i, 06417 G 9264 9919 0 9566 0 S70
MEAN0 04410 0 9275 0 9968 G 9402 0 572
SP i W02G 0 0G44 0 GOBO 5 0076 0 007
4 C Y C 3W11 0 4736 0 8047 0 Bo87 1 160

'v SEI?! OlW rnAF w ROT RP

ZL 0 866 0 900 0.558 0 5S8
17 0 865 0 097 0.577 0 577 0 398 IMPULSE THROAT THRUST B 70°F DENSITY
27 0 BE4 0 90s 0 5750.575 0 594 EFT
:6 0 BE5 0 900 0.5720 . ~ 7 2o 582 EFF EFF lIN/S) (LeallN*+3)
26 0 865 0 899 0.572 0.572 0 591
25 0 864 0 899 0.563 0.563 0.576 0.9275 0.9427 0.w0
2; 0 864 0 899 0.565 0 565 0.581 0,9994 0.573
3t 0 865 0 899 0.571 0.571 0.588 0.9306 0.9976 0.9442 0.576 0.0639
30 0.864 0 e99 0.574 0.374 0 592 0.9270 0.9988 0.9416 0.574 0.w2
31 0 864 0 900 0.57G 0.570 0.587
21 0.885 0 900 0 570 0 570 0.S8S 0.9310 0.9965 0.9435 0.575 0.0641
?! 0 865 0 899 0.574 0 574 0.595
0 BE4
o 884
o e97 0.574
o e99 0.566
0 574 0.595
0.566 0 585
i d 0 864 0 904 0.571 0.571 0.591 0.9953 0.9428 0.575 0.0640
34 0 865 0 905 0.579 0.575 0.399 0.9313
35 0 Bi.5 0 908 0.573 0.573 0 592 0.9300 0.9953 0.9413 0.574 0.0639
3L 0 EBi 0 902 0.57s 0.575 0 392
56 0.Ban 0 8% 0 572 0 572 0,591 0.9273 0.9991 0.9422 0.579 0.0641
37 0 864 0 905 C. 5690.569 0.592 0.9310 1.W 0.9473 0.573 0.0640
i7 0 864 0 9CC 0 571 0.571 0.592
36 0 BE5 0 963 0.573 0 573 0.592
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3E O.BE5 0 9c5 0.573 0 573 0.595 *EM 0.9286 0.9979 0.9424 0.575 0,0640
0 8ii 0 8S9 0.571 0 571 0,591
3i 0 68G 0 904 0 573 0 573 0.591 SIWA 0.0040 0.0019 0.W54 0.W18 0.w01
i G O.BE4 0 9G1
.. 0.5730 573 0 595 C.V. I 0.4315 0.1903 0.3634 0.3095 0.1613
i: 0 . 8 8 4 0 9il 0.573 0.573 0 595
i i 0 82C 0 900 0 577 0.577 0 601
ii o eE; G 889 0.577 0 577 0.606
i: 0 6E3 0 901 0 575 0 575 0.600
: 0.8E2 0 899 0 574 0.574 0.59t
._ 0 8;; 0 699 0.570 0.570 0 592
-2 0 822 C 89s 0.569 0.569 0 392 CONCLUSIONS
MEAN 0 G 501 0 571 0.571 0 589
SO 0 0 Gi4 C 007 0 007 0 014 I n conclusion, i t i s p o s s i b l e t o achieve q u i t e
CY G 0 400 1 272 1 272 2 336 accurate burn r a t e data frun most any batch check
motor p r o v i d i n g :

TABLE IV e the g r a i n design i s simple enough t o

g e t accurate meaningful g r a i n dimen-
s i o n measurements;
o t h e measurements a r e taken i n such a
p o s i t i o n as e l i m i n a t e t h e influence
o f cure shrinkage and thennal defor-
2 mation;
XSEG ID OD OC Y B ROTP a sone method i s used t o i d e n t i f y and
23 3.940 4 . W 11. 3 8 1 1.Om 0 572
44 4.027 5 . W 5 1 1 315 0 . W 4 0 571 account f o r mandrel offset, case o r
112 4.016 5.998 11.319 0.986 0 5 6 5 bore o v a l i t y and case o r bore taper;
190 4 . 0 4 3 6.016 11.224 0.- 0569
W 4 . 0 4 1 6.005 1 1 330 0.902 0 575 t h e burning surface area versus web
300 b . 0 1 4 6 003 11.315 0,989 0 573 d i s t a n c e burned t r a c e can be accurate-
Y. 4.042 4.009 11.350 0.984 0.575
l y calculated;
MEM 4 020 4 W4 1 1 316 0 992 0 571 a proper account i s taken o f t h e begin-
BD 00% 0 007 O M 7 D O 1 7 0 004 n i n g and end of burning by accounting
CV 0 906 0 117 0 413 1 722 0 628 for i g n i t i o n material contribution,
flame spread and s l i v e r ;
a g r a i n measurement e r r o r s a r e i d e n t i -
f i e d and c o r r e c t e d by use o f burning
surface matching , propel 1a n t d e n s i t y
matching and review h i s t o r i c a l d a t a
bases; and
careful analysis eliminates potential
pressure measurement e r r o r .

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