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Chemistry Question Bank 2nd Unit Test

1. What is IsomerIsm?
2. Name type of adsorption in which compound is formed.
3. What are the main natural sources of alkane?
4. Draw all the no-bond resonance structures of isopropyl carbocation.
5. Distinguish :
A. Inductive effect and resonance effect
B. Electrophile and nucleophile
6. Explain the structure of methyl carbanion
7. What are alkenes? write their general formula .
8. Name two reagents used for acylation of benzene.
9. What is the action of following on ethyl iodide ?
a. alc, KOH
b. Zn, HCl

10. What are the factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids?

11. Write the uses of alkane.
12.Draw labelled diagram of Tyndall effect.
13.Write all the possible products for pyrolysis of butane
14.Explain electrophoresis diagramatically. what are it's application ?
15. Explain geomerical isomerisn in alkenes
16. Explain Homolytic fission.
17.Explain Electrophoresis in brief with the help of diagram. What are its applications ?
18.Explain why finely divided substance is more effective as adsorbent?
19.What is the adsorption Isotherm?
20.Give four uses of adsorption.
21. Explain Bredig's arc method.
22. Explain the term emulsions and types of emulsions.
23.Explain two applications of adsorption.
24. Explain micelle formation in soap solution.
25. Draw labelled diagrams of the following :
a. Tyndall effect
b. Dialysis
c. Bredig's arc method
d. Soap micelle
26. Draw the resonance structure of following
a) Phenol
b) Benzaldehyde
27.What is the difference in the properties of a surface & the bulk or a phase?
28.Write characteristics of adsorption.
29. Distinguish between Lyophobic and Lyophilic sols.
30. Read the following reaction and answer the questions given below.
CH3 - C = CH2
CH3 + HBr peroxide CH3 - CH - CH2 Br
a. Write IUPAC name of the product.
b. State the rule that governs formation of this product

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