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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

Name: ___________________________________________________
Palencia, John Lloyd C.
Program, Yr & Block: BSCE
Date Conducted: ___________________________________________
September 13, 2023
Subject Instructor: __________________________________________
Engr. Jalene Panotes



Instruction: Please answer the following questions.

1. Why staffing an important activity?

2. How may human resources needs be determined?
3. What is the implication of the cost of the “wrong decision” in the selection process?
4. How may one determine the qualifications of a job candidate?
5. How may the two general types of training be described?

1. Why staffing an important activity?

• Staffing is a very important activity that involves choosing the right person for the right job or
position. This is very crucial because if it’s done right the overall productivity of the whole
company will improve because you choose the right person to do the job, however if it’s done
halfheartedly and without consideration it may cause the downfall of the whole company
because of choosing the person that’s unqualified to do the specific tasks in the company.
2. How may human resources needs be determined?
• There are three ways or activities a human resource need can be identified and those are
Forecasting, Programming, and Evaluation and Control. Those steps involve the assessment of
the future needs of human resources in relation to the present capabilities of the organization,
translating the assessed future needs to the company’s goal, and lastly monitoring the action
taken by the company and evaluating its success with regards to human resource needs.
3. What is the implication of the cost of the “wrong decision” in the selection process?
• In the selection process it can be either simple or complex depending on the cost of wrong
decisions. It is simple if the “wrong decision” is negligible or rather small, however if the “wrong
decision” that is made by the Human resources department became a huge problem for the
company it is called complex.
4. How may one determine the qualifications of a job candidate?
• There are four ways to determine the qualification of a job candidate and those are application
blanks, references, interviews, and testing. Application blanks consist of the candidate’s
information while references are also called referrals from either the company’s other employee
or the management. Interviews are just series of questioning to gather more relevant information
to determine the candidate’s qualification for the job. And lastly, testing involves evaluating the
future behaviors and performance of an individual, it can be both physical and psychological
5. How may the two general types of training be described?
• Training programs consist of one type for non-managers and another for managers or
executives. The training programs for non-managers are done to increase their skill level and
knowledge to perform a particular job while trainings and education for executives are done to
enhance their managerial capabilities and this involves training in decision-making skills,
interpersonal skills, job knowledge, and organizational knowledge.

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