Assessing The Socio-Economy - The Impact of Ecotourism

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Panpacific University

Panpacific Business School


Assessing the Socio-Economy: The Impact of Ecotourism

Development of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan

CHAPTER I: Introduction


Ecotourism has gained significant attention in recent years as a sustainable approach to

economic development, conservation of natural resources, and the promotion of local culture and

heritage. According to the UNWTO's, Ecotourism are all nature-based forms of tourism in which

the main motivation of the tourists is the observation and appreciation of nature as well as the

traditional cultures prevailing in natural areas.

Sta. Maria, a municipality located in the province of Pangasinan, Philippines, Named

after its Patron Saint, the Virgin Mary, Sta. Maria was formerly a barrio of Tayug, Pangasinan.

It became a town in 1863 but was fused to Tayug later because of its inability to maintain

financial stability. In 1877, upon the application and granting of the inhabitants for separation

from the mother town, Sta. Maria became a separate town. The local government and

stakeholders have increasingly embraced ecotourism as a tactic for promoting socio-economic

progress and environmental preservation as they have come to appreciate the value of its natural

Several factors contribute to the relevance and significance of assessing the socio-economic

impact of ecotourism in Sta. Maria:

Proximity and Interdependence: The geographical proximity of Sta. Maria suggests that the

two municipalities are interconnected in various ways, making it crucial to examine how

developments in one municipality may affect the other. Asingan residents may seek employment

in ecotourism-related activities in Sta. Maria, and resources shared between the two

municipalities may also be impacted.

Economic Diversification: Various municipalities in Eastern Pangasinan have traditionally

relied on agriculture as its primary economic activity. The introduction of ecotourism could

potentially diversify the local economy, create new income opportunities, and reduce the

community's vulnerability to fluctuations in agricultural markets.

Economic diversification is defined by the United Nations as “the process of shifting an

economy away from a single income source toward multiple sources from a growing range of

sectors and markets.”

Community Well-being: Assessing the socio-economic impact of ecotourism in Sta. Maria

allows for an examination of its effects on the overall well-being of the local population. This

includes income levels, employment opportunities, access to education and healthcare, and

overall quality of life.

In light of these considerations, this study aims to comprehensively assess ecotourism in Sta.

Maria influences the municipality’s socio-economic development. By analyzing data, conducting

surveys, and engaging with local communities, the research intends to provide valuable insights
that can contribute to informed decision-making and sustainable development in both


This background section provides the rationale for the study, outlines the interconnectedness

of the two municipalities, and highlights the potential benefits and challenges associated with

ecotourism development. Researchers would proceed to conduct their study by collecting data,

conducting surveys, and analyzing the socio-economic impact of ecotourism in the specific

context of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan.


This research study aims to analyze the Socio-Economic development of Sta Maria,

Pangasinan as affected by its Ecotourism programs. by answering the following questions:

1. What is the perceived extent of ecotourism’s impact on the socio-economic development

of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan as assessed by respondents in terms of:

a. Environmental Effects;

b. Economic Effects;

c. Socio-cultural Effects; and

d. Development and Marketing?

2. What are the problems encountered in the development of Ecotourism in Sta. Maria Eco

Park as perceived by the respondents?

3. What is the significant difference between the respondents’ perception on the impact of

ecotourism to the socio-economic development of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan?

4. What action plan may be proposed to improve the ecotourism programs of Sta. Maria,


Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the respondents’ perception on the

impact of ecotourism to the socio-economic development of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan.


Social economics is otherwise called socioeconomics, it studies how economic factors

influence certain groups in society and how societal norms and philosophies affect consumer

behavior. As a result of diverse philosophies and ethics that shape human behavior in the society,

those ethics directly or indirectly have an impact on the economy. The socio-economic impact

refers to the effects that a particular event, activity, or policy has on the social and economic

aspects of a community, region, or society as a whole. It involves analyzing how various factors

interact and change as a result of the event or activity. Economic impact focuses on changes in

economic indicators such as income, employment, business revenue, and tax revenue. Positive

economic impacts can include increased income for local residents, job creation, and economic

growth. Assessing the socio-economic impact of an event, policy, or activity is crucial for

making informed decisions, planning for sustainable development, and ensuring that the benefits

are maximized while minimizing negative consequences. It often involves a multidisciplinary

approach that combines economic, social, cultural, and environmental assessments.

Input Process Output

Determining the
Figure 1: IPO model

The conceptual framework of the study, where the input include identifying the extent of

impact of ecotourism to the socio-economic development and the problems encountered in the

development of ecotourism in Sta. Maria Eco Park as perceived by the study’s population and


The process includes determining the significant difference between respondents’

respondents’ perception on the impact of ecotourism to the socio-economic development and

problems encountered in the development of ecotourism in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan through

statistical analysis and interpretation.

The output of this study is to come up with a proposed action plan to improve the

ecotourism programs of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan based on the impact of ecotourism as well as the

problems determined by the respondents.


This study is solely focused on identifying the impact of ecotourism in the socio-economic

development of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan. This includes determining the perception of different

sample groups on how ecotourism affects the socio-economic development of the municipality.

Also, this study would determine the problems encountered in the development of the

ecotourism sector of the municipality.

This study is limited to these domains as perceived by the respondents which would include

tourists, locals, and the local government unit. Any concept the lies outside this scope of the

municipality of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan’s ecotourism programs are not covered in this study.


This study would benefit the following:

Students: This study will provide them an opportunity to understand the baffling

methods and its relationship of developing ecotourism in a specific area through

assessing its socio-economic benefits. By examining the findings of this study, the

students especially those related in Tourism Management courses will be able to enhance

their knowledge in local ecotourism.

Local Residents: This study will help the residents of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan to

understand that Ecotourism can provide local residents with employment opportunities,

both directly and indirectly. This could include jobs such as tour guides, tour operator,

etc. This additional income can improve the economic well-being of the community.
Researchers: The result of this study will encourage researchers to be interested in the

field of Sustainable Tourism and Community Development. This study will serve as the

basis for future research projects. Researchers may study the effects of ecotourism in a

local community, and maximizing Socio-Economic benefits. Researchers have the power

to influence beneficial changes that will support the community and sustainable practices.

Future Researchers: Future Researchers will benefit from the result of this research

study or suggestions for carrying out useful research. This study will give them useful

building guidelines. These individuals can improve their knowledge and share ideas that

will support Sustainable Tourism practices and Socio-Economic impacts.

Chapter II


This study's methodology uses a quantitative method to collect information on the socio-

economic effects of ecotourism in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan. The quantitative survey design was

used to gather substantial data from a representative sample of tourists, locals, and the local

government unit.

Furthermore, this study will use statistical methods to identify answers to the posited research

problems in the preceding chapter. Surveys are an effective way to gather information on

respondents’ perceptions and will be utilized in this study, offering insightful information about

the impact of ecotourism to the socio-economic development and the problems encountered in

the development of ecotourism in Sta. Maria Eco Park, Pangasinan. This research will make use

of quantitative descriptive data to determine answers to this study’s research problems.


This study will utilize different population groups that are affected by the scope of study –

ecotourism in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan.

The populations of this study include local residents who benefit with these ecotourism

programs through employment and business opportunities, tourists who are primarily affected for

tourism program improvements, and the local government unit who implements these ecotourism

programs for the public to consume.

To identify the study’s sample, the researchers will make use of Slovin’s formula to identify

the sample size to be used in the study. The researchers will use data from the local government
unit for number of local residents in barangays nearby ecotourism sites as well as the average

tourist headcount to identify the sample of the study.

The researchers will utilize cluster sampling for tourists and residents depending on locations

of ecotourism facilities in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan, and random sampling for local government

unit officials.


This study will utilize a 4-point Likert-type questionnaire which was recently used in a study

by Orejola et al. (2022) in select localities in Cebu City, Philippines. It has been cited that it was

also adapted from the study of Aguila and Ragot (2014) which focuses on the effects of

ecotourism industry and quality of human experience in Ilijan, Batangas.

The questionnaire consists four main parts with indicators that identify the environmental,

economic, socio-cultural, development and marketing effects of ecotourism industry. Since the

questionnaire has already been utilized in a specific research population and the study has

already been accepted for an international e-publication, the questionnaire is deemed valid and

reliable to use for a study for different locales.


Upon approval of the commencement of data gathering, a letter of request or a consent form

to carry out the study in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan will be ready and provided. The survey

questionnaires will be delivered to the respondents once the researchers have created and

completed them, assessed their effectiveness by the research adviser and coordinator, and

changed them to reflect all of the modifications made to each individual question. To ensure that

every participant meets their predetermined criteria, the researchers will use a straightforward
random sampling and explain to the respondents the significance of the study. The researchers of

this study will randomly select respondents, distribute them evenly among locals, tourists, and

barangay officials, who must be 19 years of age or older. In order to maintain the survey's

accuracy and objectivity, researchers will take precautions to ensure that each respondent's

identity and personal information are kept secret. The survey will be analyzed using a descriptive

analysis method and will then be summarized to gain the general idea based on resident's tourist's

and worker's experiences and perceptions towards assessing the socio-economic impact

ecotourism in the area. Additionally, no incentive will be given to the respondents in order to

complete the survey questionnaire as this could change the way they answer.


For ethical reasons, the responders will be given a full briefing and crucial information

regarding the goal of the study before the study begins. Respondents must freely choose to

participate in the study after receiving informed consent. To ensure anonymity, confidentiality,

and the avoidance of potential harm, all information will be held and handled with the utmost

confidentiality by not disclosing the names and identities of research participants in accordance

with should give proper acknowledgement or credits for all contributions to the study. Both

parties should be open to expressing displeasure and fresh ideas.


The response will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. All the information that will be

gathered will be tabulated and process manually and with a computer to determine the precise

interpretation of results. Data will be collected, tabulated, and analyzed.

To determine the extent of impact of ecotourism to the socio-economic development of Sta.

Maria, Pangasinan, weighted mean will be used.

Based on the results that will be gathered, the problems encountered in the development of

ecotourism in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan will be determined based on the indicators with the lowest

mean averages.

To determine the significant difference between the respondents’ perception on the impact of

ecotourism to the socio-economic development of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan, Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) will be utilized.


Orejola, et al. (2022). Local Community Assessment of Ecotourism Industry. World

Journal on Education and Humanities Research Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

International Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 112-125 E-ISSN 2687-6778;


UNWTO, British Ecotourism Market (2002);

Name (Optional): ______________________________________________________________

Age: _________

⃣ Tourist ⃣ Local ⃣ Local Government Unit

Instruction: Below are a number of statements regarding your perception on the impact of
ecotourism in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan. Please put a checkmark (✓) on the column that best
describes the extent of your agreement with the given indicators.

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
I. Environmental Effects of Ecotourism Industry
1. It enhances the preservation of the
2. It makes people realize the importance of
environmental conservation due to their
sensitivity to environmental change and
3. It maintains and protects the natural
resources through implementing standard
rules and regulations such as the leave no
trace principles, no to "kaingin system"
policy, no littering and no to quarrying,
4. It implements programs or projects for
proper waste management for local
residents and tourists in the Municipality.
5. It maintains the outdoor natural
environment and increase the health
benefit of people who engage in sports
6. It provides the tourists fun, relaxing, or
invigorating vacation experience without
harming the environment.
7. It encourages the local residents to use
environmentally friendly materials like
paper bags instead of plastic.
8. It contributes to the preservation of the
environment, and more generally,
promote the preservation of nature.
9. It offers environmental activities like
planting trees and clean-up programs.
10. Income and taxes from businesses can be
used for the conservation of the natural
environment of the Municipality.
II. Economic Effects of Ecotourism Industry
1. It provides employment for local
residents in services like accommodation
and tour guiding in trekking and hiking
2. It constitutes additional revenues such as
taxes for the government.
3. It creates business opportunities within
the Municipality.
4. It becomes a tourist attraction and
improves socio-economic of local
5. It provides livelihood programs from the
donations of tourists.
6. It provides more income for drivers and
operators of the transportation services
with the coming of tourists.
7. It provides avenues for fund raising
projects that may help in the economic
development of the area.
8. It develops more flexible employment
conditions by creating small businesses
that may help the local residents.
9. It promotes new set of products and
services to tourists.
10. It boosts the local economy by providing
lodging or accommodations to tourists.
III. Socio-cultural Effects of Ecotourism Industry
1. It involves the local community in
planning and decision-making.
2. It promotes local experiences through
learning about activities
3. It promotes local experiences through
learning about the physical attributes of
place within the local community.
4. It builds a sense of pride and ownership
for residents.
5. It builds healthier communities by
encouraging local culture, food, and
recreation choices.
6. It promotes the sustainability of
ecotourism attractions in the Municipality
through the participation of residents in
7. It gives opportunity to the local
community to interact with people of
diverse cultural backgrounds.
8. It encourages respect between tourists
and residents.
9. It creates a welcoming atmosphere for
10. It provides a greater understanding of
local cultural, social, and environmental
issues to residents and tourists.
IV. Development and Marketing
1. Implement marketing promotions.
2. Facilitate investments and lower business
3. Safeguarding and develop natural and
cultural resources, and vulnerable groups.

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