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School DANIEL R.


Teacher JEFFRY A. SAURO Learning Area/component MAPEH/ARTS
Teaching Time WEEK: 1 Inclusive dates : Quarter THIRD
I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates...
A. Content Standards *art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills;
* the salient features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the elements of art and process among culturally diverse communities in the region; and
* South, West and Central Asian countries have a rich artistic and cultural tradition from prehistoric to present times.
B. Performance Standards The learners...
* create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of South, West and Central Asia; and
* exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
A. Learning Competencies  Analyze elements and principles of art in the production of arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of South Asia, West Asia and Central Asia; (A8EL-
 Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in South, West and Central Asia: (India – Rangoli, Katak, Mendhi, Diwali); (Saudi Arabia – Carpet
Design); (Pakistan – Truck Art); and (Tibet – Mandala) etc.; (A8EL-IIIa-2)
 Reflect on and derive the mood, idea or message from selected artifacts and art objects; ( A8PL-IIIh-1)
 Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles; (A8PL-IIIh-2)
 Incorporate the design, form and spirit of South, West and Central Asian artifacts and objects to one’s creation; (A8PL-IIIh-3)
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
II. CONTENT ARTS OF SOUTH, WEST AND CENTRAL ASIA (South Asia – India; West Asia – Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey; & Central Asia – Pakistan and Tibet)
A. References CG2016 CG2016 CG2016 CG2016 CG2016
B. Instructional Module
C. Curriculum Guide Pages Page 71 Page 71 Page 71 Page 71 Page 71

II. PROCEDURE Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

A. Reviewing previous Review the last topic
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Review the students about the Review the students about the Review the students about
Review the last topic
principles of arts. principles of arts. elements and principles

B. Establishing a purpose To appreciate the artifacts and

for the lesson To analyze principles of art in art objects in terms of their
To analyze elements of art in the production of arts and crafts To identify characteristics of To reflect on and derive the utilization and their distinct use
the production of arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of arts and crafts in specific mood, idea or message from of art elements and principles
inspired by the cultures of South Asia, West Asia and countries in South, West and selected artifacts and art and to incorporate the design,
South, West and Central Asia. Central Asia. Central Asia objects. form and spirit of South, West
and Central Asian artifacts and
objects to one’s creation
C. Presenting Present different sample
Present sample pictures of the Present pictures of different
examples/instances of the Video Presentation Video/Picture Presentation
arts and crafts.
artifacts of South, West and
artifacts and art objects
new lesson Central Asia.
D. Discussing new concepts
Analyzing different elements Analyzing the principles used Characteristics will be Identify the mood, idea or Identify the use of the artifacts
& practicing new skills incorporated in the arts. in the arts. identified message derived in the artifacts and art objects
E. Discussing new concepts Explain the characteristics
Explain the connection of the Explain how principles and
& practicing new skills being identified
idea, mood or message of the element used to enhance the
#2 artifacts. appeal of the arts and crafts.
F. Developing Mastery Ask the student how will they
Recognize the mood, idea and
(Leads to formative Identify specific elements Identify specific principles relate characteristics of South,
message artifacts related to the
Assessment) applied in different crafts and applied in different crafts and West and Central Asia into the Design arts and crafts
nature and background of the
arts arts. arts and crafts of the
G. Finding practical Design artwork that can be part Evaluate artwork that can be Let the student determine use
To ensure the designed arts and
applications of concept of the showcase which was part of the showcase which was of characteristics in relation to Role play different moods,
crafts will be utilized in the
and skills in daily living inspired by South, West and inspired by South, West and the production of arts and ideas or messages
Central Asian crafts. Central Asian crafts. crafts.
H. Making generalizations Why principles of arts should
How the idea, mood and Why elements and principles
and abstractions about How elements of art affect the also be considered in the How important is the
messages relates to the appeal are to be considered in
the lesson (question appeal of an art piece? production of crafts or arts characteristic of a product?
of the arts and crafts? production and utilization?
form) forms?
I. Evaluating learning Oral Recitation: Oral Recitation?
Matching Type:
Oral Recitation:
Making a blueprint of the arts
Can an art piece stand alone if How principles of arts be Why arts and crafts do always
Picture and characteristics of and crafts.
element of arts is not present? effective in the appeal of an relates moods, ideas or
South, West and Central Asia. (Adopt a Rubrics)
Why? artwork? messages?
J. Additional Activities for



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared: Checked and Verified: Noted:


Teacher I, DRANHS MT 1, MA-A NHS Education Program Supervisor, MAPEH

Teacher JEFFRY ACUÑA SAURO Learning Area/component MAPEH/ARTS
Teaching Time WEEK: 2 Inclusive dates : Quarter THIRD
I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates...
B. Content Standards *art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills;
* the salient features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the elements of art and process among culturally diverse communities in the region; and
* South, West and Central Asian countries have a rich artistic and cultural tradition from prehistoric to present times.
C. Performance Standards The learners...
* create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of South, West and Central Asia; and
* exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
B. Learning Competencies * Trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making of a craft;
* Create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g. Ghonghdis, Marbling Technique, etc.) (A8PR-IIIc-
* Derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork; (A8PR-IIIf-2)
* Show the relationship of the development of crafts in specific countries in South Asia, West Asia and Central Asia, according to functionality, traditional specialized
expertise and availability of resources; (A8PR-IIIf-3)
* Show commonalities and differences of the culture of the South Asian, West Asian and Central Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture;
(A8PR-IIIh-4) &
* Mount exhibit using completed South-West-Central Asian-inspired arts and crafts in an organized manner. (A8PR-IIIg-5)
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
IV. CONTENT ARTS OF SOUTH, WEST AND CENTRAL ASIA (South Asia – India; West Asia – Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey; & Central Asia – Pakistan and
D. References CG2016 CG2016 CG2016 CG2016 CG2016
E. Instructional Module
F. Curriculum Guide Pages Page 72 - 73 Page 72 - 73 Page 72 - 73 Page 72 - 73 Page 72 - 73

VI. PROCEDURE Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10

K. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Review the last activity
Review the previous activity
Review the last lesson Recall the last discussion Review the previous lesson

L. Establishing a purpose Show the relationship of the Show the relationship of the
for the lesson development of crafts in development of crafts in
specific countries in South specific countries in South
Asia, West Asia and Central Asia, West Asia and Central
Create crafts that can be locally
Trace the external (foreign) and Asia, according to Asia, according to
assembled with local materials, Mount exhibit using completed
internal (indigenous) influences functionality, traditional functionality, traditional
guided by local traditional South-West-Central Asian-
that are reflected in the design specialized expertise and specialized expertise and
techniques and derive elements inspired arts and crafts in an
of an artwork and in the availability of resources and availability of resources and
from traditions/history of a organized manner
making of a craft Show commonalities and Show commonalities and
community for one’s artwork
differences of the culture of the differences of the culture of the
South Asian, West Asian and South Asian, West Asian and
Central Asian countries in Central Asian countries in
relation to Philippine culture relation to Philippine culture
M. Presenting Present different samples of
Present sample of the different
examples/instances of the Bring the designs done in the materials that can be used in Continue the creation of arts
crafts and arts from West, Exhibit day
new lesson previous activity the production of arts and and crafts
South and Central Asia.
N. Discussing new concepts Let the student integrate To showcase different output
Describe the internal influences Let the student evaluate and Designs should be clear and
& practicing new skills of the arts and crafts. finalize the design created
different materials that can be
for the arts and crafts
#1 found locally production.
O. Discussing new concepts Ask the class if they wanted to
Describe the external Local design can be use in the
& practicing new skills influences if there are.
work further on it or will they
production of arts and crafts.
#2 redesign
P. Developing Mastery Explain the influence of the Let the student value the Guide and monitor the
Guide and monitor the initial Labelling and explanation on
(Leads to formative internal and external importance of finalizing the
process of creating the design.
completion process of the
the product.
Assessment) influences. blueprint. product.
Q. Finding practical Assuring the design of the
applications of concept crafts and arts are wearable and To ensure the quality of the
Edit and integrate the design From rags to riches concept. From rags to riches concept.
and skills in daily living unisex. product, its significant purpose
that will show evidently Target bazaar/exhibit to sell the Target bazaar/exhibit to sell the
as well as the price
significant influence product product

R. Making generalizations How local materials can be

How arts and crafts will
and abstractions about utilized in the production of
How themes and other Why do we need to consider How the blueprint helps in the showcase different culture?
the lesson (question arts and crafts influenced by
influences do affects the art the probable market of the arts production of the arts and What is the essence of
form) the South, West and Central
piece produced? and crafts? crafts. promoting culture in arts and
S. Evaluating learning Oral Recitation: Why do
Consider rubrics to rate the Consider rubrics to rate the Consider rubrics to rate the Consider rubrics to rate the
common artists always
production of the arts and production of the arts and production of the arts and production of the arts and
integrate significant influence
crafts. crafts. crafts. crafts.
in their art piece

T. Additional Activities for Look for local materials to be
Continue the completion of the
application integrated to promote
activity for the exhibit.
Philippine/Davao pride.

C. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
D. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
E. Did the remedial lessons
work? No learners who
have caught up with the
F. No. of learners who
continue to require
G. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
H. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
I. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared: Checked and Verified: Noted:


Teacher I, DRANHS MT 1, MA-A NHS Education Program Supervisor, MAPEH


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