Wake Me Up - Bcncrisis

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Event Name: Wake me up
Event Date (DD-MON-YY): 16/09/2023
Date Report due at V:EKN: 24/09/2023
Organizer: Ricard Díaz Vicario
City: Barcelona
Format (Constructed/Limited): Constructed
Level (Normal/Qualifier/Championship/Nationals) Standard Constructed
Number of Players: 13
Number of Rounds (including final): 4
Number of Event Matches: 10
Number of New Members: 0
Number of Warnings Issued: 0
Number of Disqualifications: 0
Multi-Judge System Used? No
Head Judge: Ricard Díaz Vicario
Assistant Judges:
Player Player Player Player V:EKN DQ Results - Rnds 1, 2, 3
Num. First Name Last Name City Num. # rnds Flag GWs
1 Alfredo Giraldos Alcantara Barcelona 3010250 4 1
2 David Hernández Quijano Barcelona 4840002 3 0
3 David Rojas Aranda Barcelona 6140001 3 0
4 Terry Sucrana Cabrera Barcelona 1005188 4 1
5 Jose Manuel Villalta LópezSant Boi 8390012 3 0
6 Ricard Díaz Vicario Santa Coloma de Cervel3010034 3 0
7 Didac Boixader Herrero Santpedor 9330008 3 0
8 David Vallès Gómez Manresa 9330003 3 0
9 Aleix Riu Caparros Barcelona 4200020 3 0
10 Noel Méndez Budia Barcelona 4960073 4 0
11 Marc Álvarez Garrido Barcelona 9600006 4 0
12 Marc Sanmiquel MiserachsSantpedor 9330006 3 0
13 Óscar Caballero Diez Barcelona 3010212 4 2
Results - Rnds 1, 2, 3 Status Coin Adjusted Final Rating
VPs TPs Rank for Final Ranking Rank Rank Points
4.5 138 1
2.0 96 9
3.0 102 6
4.0 138 2
0.0 60 12
2.0 108 7
0.0 54 13
2.0 102 8
1.5 90 10
3.5 126 2
4.0 132 2
1.5 84 11
6.5 174 2
Final Rank Name Prelim GWPrelim VPsFinal VPs TPs
1 Alfredo Giraldos Alcantara 1 4.5 3.0 198
2 Óscar Caballero Diez 2 6.5 1.0 222
2 Terry Sucrana Cabrera 1 4.0 0.0 186
2 Marc Álvarez Garrido 0 4.0 0.0 180
2 Noel Méndez Budia 0 3.5 1.0 174
6 David Rojas Aranda 0 3.0 102
7 Ricard Díaz Vicario 0 2.0 108
8 David Vallès Gómez 0 2.0 102
9 David Hernández Quijano 0 2.0 96
10 Aleix Riu Caparros 0 1.5 90
11 Marc Sanmiquel Miserachs 0 1.5 84
12 Jose Manuel Villalta López 0 0.0 60
13 Didac Boixader Herrero 0 0.0 54
Player V:EKN Games Games Total
Num Num Name Played Won VPs Rank
1 3010250 Alfredo Giraldos Alcantara 42 7.5 1
2 3010212 Óscar Caballero Diez 42 7.5 2
4 1005188 Terry Sucrana Cabrera 41 4.0 2
5 9600006 Marc Álvarez Garrido 40 4.0 2
3 4960073 Noel Méndez Budia 40 4.5 2
6 6140001 David Rojas Aranda 30 3.0
7 3010034 Ricard Díaz Vicario 30 2.0
8 9330003 David Vallès Gómez 30 2.0
9 4840002 David Hernández Quijano 30 2.0
10 4200020 Aleix Riu Caparros 30 1.5
11 9330006 Marc Sanmiquel Miserachs 30 1.5
12 8390012 Jose Manuel Villalta López 30 0.0
13 9330008 Didac Boixader Herrero 30 0.0

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