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FET 222


Example 1
The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Graph of velocity vs. time data for the rocket example.

Determine the value of the velocity at t  16 seconds using the direct method of interpolation and a
first order polynomial.

For first order polynomial interpolation (also called linear interpolation), the velocity given by
v  t   a0  a1t

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Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 and we are using a first order polynomial, we need to
choose the two data points that are closest to t  16 that also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The two
points are t0  15 and . t1  20

Linear interpolation.

t0  15 , v  t0   362.78

t1  20 , v  t1   517.25

v 15  a0  a1 (15)  362.78

v  20   a0  a1 (20)  517.25

Writing the two equations in matrix form, we have

1 15   a0  362.78
1 20   a   517.35
  1  
Solving the above two equations gives
a0  100.93

a1  30.914
v  t   a0  a1t

 100.93  30.914t
At t  16
v 16   100.93  30.914x 16

=393.7 m/s

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Example 2
The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Determine the value of the velocity at t  16 seconds using the direct method of interpolation and a
second order polynomial.

For second order polynomial interpolation (also called quadratic interpolation), the velocity given by
v  t   a0  a1t  a2t 2

Quadratic interpolation

Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 and we are using a second order polynomial, we need to
choose the three data points that are closest to t  16 that also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The
three points are t0  10 , t1  15 and . t2  20

t0  10 , v  t0   227.04

t1  15 , v  t1   362.78

t2  20 , v  t2   517.25


v 10   a0  a1 (10)  a2 10   227.04


v 15  a0  a1 (15)  a2 15  362.78


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v  20   a0  a1 (20)  a2  20   517.35

Writing the three equations in matrix form, we have

1 10 100   a0   227.04
1 15 225  a    362.78 
  1  
1 20 400   a2   517.35 

Solving the above two equations gives

a0  12.05

a1  17.733

a2  0.376
v  t   a0  a1t  a2t 2

 12.05  17.733t  0.3766t 2

At t  16

v 16   12.05  17.733 16   0.3766 16 


=392.19 m/s
Example 3
The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

(a) Determine the value of the velocity at t = 16 seconds using the direct method of interpolation and
a third order polynomial.
(b) Using the third order polynomial interpolant for velocity from part (a), find the distance covered by
the rocket from t = 11s to t = 16s.
(c) Using the third order polynomial interpolant for velocity from part (a), find the acceleration of the
rocket at t = 16s

(a) For third order polynomial interpolation (also called cubic interpolation), we choose the velocity
given by
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v  t   a0  a1t  a2t 2  a3t 3

Cubic interpolation
Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 and we are using a third order polynomial, we need to
choose the four
data points closest to t  16 that also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The four points are t0  10 ,

t1  15 , t2  20 and t3  22.5
t0  10 , v  t0   227.04

t1  15 , v  t1   362.78

t2  20 , v  t2   517.25

t3  22.5 , v  t3   602.97


v 10  a0  a1 (10)  a2 10   a3 10   227.04

2 3

v 15  a0  a1 (15)  a2 15  a3 15  362.78

2 3

v  20  a0  a1 (20)  a2  20   a3  20   517.35

2 3

v  22.5  a0  a1 (22.5)  a2  22.5  a3  22.5  602.97

2 3

Writing the four equations in matrix form, we have

1 10 100 1000   a0   227.04 
1 15
 225 3375   a1   362.78 

1 20 400 8000   a2   517.35 
    
1 22.5 506.25 11391  a3  602.97 
Solving the above four equations gives
a0  4.2540

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a1  21.266

a2  0.13204

a3  0.0054347
v  t   a0  a1t  a2t 2  a3t 3

 4.2540  21.266t  0.13204t 2  0.0054347t 3


v 16   4.2540  21.266 16   0.13204 16   0.0054347 16 

2 3

 392.06 m/s
(b) The distance covered by the rocket between t =11s and t = 16s can be calculated from the
interpolating polynomial by integrating it between these limits.
s 16   s 11   v  t dt

   4.2540  21.266t  0.13204t 2  0.0054347t 3 dt

 t2 t3 t4 
  4.2540t  21.266  0.13204  0.0054347 
 2 3 4 11

= 1605 m
(c )The acceleration at t = 16 is given by
a 16   v  t t 16
Given that
v  t   4.2540  21.266t  0.13204t 2  0.0054347t 3

a t   v t 
 21.266  0.26408t  0.016304t 2

a 16  21.266  0.26408 16   0.016304 16 


 29.665m / s 2

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Example 4

The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Determine the value of the velocity at t = 16 seconds using first order polynomial interpolation by
Newton’s divided difference polynomial method.

For linear interpolation, the velocity is given by
v  t   b0  b1  t  t0 

Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 , and we are using a first order polynomial, we need to
choose the two data points that are closest to t t  16 that also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The two
points are t0  15 and t1  20

t0  15 , v  t0   362.78

t1  20 , v  t1   517.25

b0  v  t0 

 362.78

v  t1   v  t0 
b1 
t1  t0

517.35  362.78

20  15

 30.914
v  t   b0  b1  t  t0 

 362.78  30.914  t  15

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At t  16
v 16   362.78  30.914 16  15

 393.69 m/s
If we expand
v  t   362.78  30.914  t  15

we get
v  t   100.93  30.914t

and this is the same expression as obtained in the direct method.

Example 5

The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Determine the value of the velocity at t = 16 seconds using second order polynomial interpolation by
Newton’s divided difference polynomial method.

For second order (quadratic) polynomial interpolation, the velocity is given by
v  t   b0  b1  t  t0   b2  t  t0  t  t1 
Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 , and we are using a second order polynomial, we need to choose
the three data points that are closest to t  16 and also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The three points are
t0  10 , t1  15 and t2  20
t0  10 , v  t0   227.04

t1  15 , v  t1   362.78

t2  20 , v  t2   517.35

From these values

b0  v  t0 

 227.04

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v  t1   v  t0 
b1 
t1  t0

362.78  227.04

15  10

 27.148

v  t2   v  t1  v  t1   v  t0 

t2  t1 t1  t0
b2 
t 2  t0

517.35  362.78 362.78  227.04

 20  15 15  10
20  10

30.914  27.148


 0.37660

v  t   b0  b1  t  t0   b2  t  t0  t  t1 
 227.04  27.148  t  10   0.37660  t  10  t  15
At t  16
v 16   227.04  27.148 16  10   0.37660 16  10 16  15
 392.19 m/s

If we expand
v  t   227.04  27.148  t  10   0.37660  t  10  t  15

we get
v  t   12.05  17.733t  0.3766t 2

and this is the same expression as obtained in the direct method.

Example 6

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The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Determine the value of the velocity at t = 16 seconds with third order polynomial interpolation using
Newton’s divided difference polynomial method.

(a) For third order interpolation, the velocity is given by
v  t   b0  b1  t  t0   b2  t  t0  t  t1   b3 t  t0 t  t1 t  t2 
Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 , and we are using a third order polynomial, we need to choose the
three data points that are closest to t  16 and also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The four points are t0  10 ,
t1  15 , t2  20 and t3  22.5
t0  10 , v  t0   227.04

t1  15 , v  t1   362.78

t2  20 , v  t2   517.35

t3  22.5 , v  t3   602.97


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v  t   b0  b1  t  t0   b2  t  t0  t  t1   b3 t  t0 t  t1 t  t2 
 227.04  27.148  t  10   0.37660  t  10  t  15   5,5347x10-4  t 10  t 15  t  20 

At t  16

v 16   227.04  27.148 16  10   0.37660 16  10 16  15   5,5347x10-4  t  10  t  15 t  20 

 392.06 m/s

Example 7
Solve example 6 using divided difference table

First form the table. Enter the data given in columns 1 and 2 leaving empty rows for entering the
divided differences in subsequent columns.

ti v  ti  v t j , ti  v tk , t j , ti  v tl , tk , t j , ti 

v  t0  =
t0 =10 227.04

= b0

27.148 = b1

v  t1 
t1 =15 0.3766 0 = b2

30.914 = x 0.0055347 = b3

v  t2 
t2 =20 o.4453 =z
34248 =y

v  t3 
t3 =22.5

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The other values in the table are obtained as indicated below:

v  t1   v  t0 
b1 
t1  t0

v  t2   v  t1 
t2  t1

v  t3   v  t 2 
t3  t2

x  b1
b2 
t 2  t0

t3  t1

z  b2
b3 
t3  t 0

From the table

Example 8

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The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Determine the value of the value of v at t = 16 using a first order Lagrange polynomial method

Since we want to find the velocity at t  16 , and we are using a third order polynomial, we need to choose the
three data points that are closest to t  16 and also bracket t  16 to evaluate it. The two points are t0  15
and t1  20
For first order polynomial interpolation (also called linear interpolation), v(t) is given by

From the given data



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Example 9

The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below

t(s) 0 10 15 20 22.5 30
v(t) m/s 0 227.04 362.78 517.35 602.97 901.27

Determine the value of the value of v at t = 16 using a second order Lagrange polynomial
given the table

For second order polynomial interpolation (also called quadratic interpolation), v(t) is given by

From the given data


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Example 10
The upward velocity of a rocket is given as a function of time in the table below
t (s) 10 15 20 22.5
v(t) (m/s) 227.04 362.78 517.25 602.67

Determine the value of the velocity at t =16 seconds using third order Lagrangian polynomial

For third order polynomial interpolation (also called cubic interpolation), the velocity is
given by

From the given table


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