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Group 5

I. Identifying Information

A. Project Title: Climate Change

B. Name of Barangay/Sitio: Sitio Tongo Brgy Cabadiagan
C. Name of Proponent:
Izabell Dela Cruz
Ronnie Sexiona Jr.
Mylen Alarcon
Christine Bartolo
Salvador Guarin
John Loyd Fuentes
Edwin Siastres
D. Contact Number: 09668876290
E. Target Beneficiaries: people of Sitio Tongo
F. Total Duration: 1 year
G. Total Project Cost: 5,000

II Background and Rational

Tree Planting is a way to make a difference in the fight against climate change. Trees
absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which help reduce green house gas emission. They
also provide shade and help to cool the air which can reduce energy consumption. In additional
trees help to improve air quality and provide habitat for wild life.
The benefit of tree planting are numerous trees can help to reduce air pollution trees
absorb pollution from the air, including carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. Improve
water quality trees help to filter and prevent erosion. Reduce energy consumption, improve
wildlife habitat, trees provide food and shelter for wildlife. Beautifies community trees can help
make community more attractive and livable.
Tree Planting is a inexpensive and easy way to make a difference in the fight against
climate change it is a project that can be undertaken by individual climate change is one of the
most pressing issue facing our planet today, one of the most effective way to combat climate
change is to plant trees, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which help to reduce
green house gas emission, they also provide shade and help to to cool the air which can reduce
energy consumption.

IIIDescription of the problem

Our problem is all about climate change in Sitio Tongo and because climate change is
one of the most pressing issue facing our planet today and one of cause of climate change is flash
flood, it is one of the issue of our society, and and one of the cause of flash flood is deforestation
because some people have an illegal logging activity in our forest. Deforestation has many
seriously damaging effects. It disrupt the water cycle and increase the level of carbon dioxide
and decrease oxygen levels. Further it is also cause floods, drought, soil erosion and more. If this
issue will not be solved our environment will be effected and also the people, but we have a step
to solve this issue and one of our step to solve this issue is tree planting.

IV. Project technical Description

The solution of our problem is tree planting project because tree planting is a way to
make difference in the fight against climate change trees absorb carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. Which can help to reduce green house gas emission. They also provide shade and
help to cool the air which can reduce energy consumption. By planting trees in the area that have
been degraded or deforestated reforestation help the environment by guaranteeing, or
accelerating the re establishment of healthy forest structure by regrowing the forest canopy and
preserving biodiversity within the ecosystem, Tree planting of reforestation not only helps people
but also the wildlife because their habitat was restored, and reforestation can help us restore our
planet’s health moving into the future.

V. Project Objective And Expected Outcomes

Smart goal
S-top deforestation to prevent flood and soil erosion
M-ore Planting trees. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change absorbing carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen, helping to reduce green house emissions.
And enhanced beauty, trees add beauty to a park and make it more enjoyable place to visit.
R-eforestation can help to fight against climate change.
T-ree planting not only help people but also wildlife because their habitat was restored, and
reforestation can help us restore our planet health moving into the future

VI. Project Target Beneficiary and Stakeholders

The target beneficiaries on this project is the resident in Sitio tongo l. The benefits
of our project can help restore, preserve, and enhance the local environment by planting 1000
trees in one year. This goal aligns with promoting environmental sustainability, conserving
biodiversity, preventing soil erosion, conserving water resources, engaging the community,
providing educational opportunities and creating a lasting positive impact on the local

VII. Project Framework Strategies And Method

Leader of the project

Izabelle Dela Cruz

Ronnie Sexiona Jr.

Mylen Alarcon

Christine Bartolo
John Loyd Fuentes
Edwin Siastres
Salvador Guarin

VIII. Implementation Structure/Organization

We started to do our project tree planting on 1st week of October 2023 to 2nd week of
February and started at time 8:45 Am to 10:00 Am.

IX. Implementation Structure/Organization

Activities Time Frame Person Involved Proposed Budget

Tree Planting 8:00 Am Our group members 5,500
in the Group
10:00 Am

X. Monitoring and Evaluation.

Activities Target Date States of Remarks

Tree Planting October 4 2023
February 10 2024

XI. Project Sustainability and Replication

We sustain our project by the help of every individual in Sitio Tongo and because the
climate change is one of the most pressing issue facing our planet today. We are planing this
project in Sitio Tongo Barangay Cabadiagan because we see the problem of society that the
cause of flashflood is deforestation. As a student of Don Florencio Villafranca Memorial
National High school we plan or conduct the tree planting project.

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