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9/13/23, 3:32 PM TestOut LabSim

Lab Report

Lab Report
Time Spent: 06:20
Score: 0/2 (0%)
Required Actions
Configure the project details for the resource group Show Details
Configure the resource details for the resource group

Complete this lab as follows:

1. Access the Azure portal.

a. From the taskbar, select Google Chrome.
b. In the browser's address field, type and press Enter.
c. Maximize the window for better viewing.
2. Create a resource group.
a. Under Navigate, select Resource groups.
b. From the Resource groups menu bar, select Create.
c. Configure the Project details as follows:
Subscription: CorpNet Production
Resource group (type in manually): CorpNetCloud
Resource details: (US) West US2
d. From the bottom menu bar, select Review + create to validate the configuration.
e. Select Create.
f. From the Resource groups page, select CorpNetCloud.
g. Review the options of the created resource group.… 1/1

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