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Vahe App - White Paper


Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
The Product and It’s Services ........................................................................................................................ 4
User Experience ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Digital Content Delivery ............................................................................................................................ 8
Product’s Characteristics and Processing ............................................................................................... 11
Product’s Administrator .......................................................................................................................... 13
Architecture OverView................................................................................................................................ 16
Multi Device Sync/Distribution ................................................................................................................... 16
.................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Other Important Aspects ........................................................................................................................ 17


Most of us already use Over the Top (OTT) services like AppleTV, Netflix, Hulu, etc in our daily lives.
Mostly built on elastic public clouds, OTT services deliver either pre-produced or live
audio/video content directly to consumers over the internet, or “over the top” of the network,
bypassing traditional distribution providers like cable TV, MNOs, etc. As OTT/VoD continues to evolve,
providers must prioritize user experience while navigating the complexities of OTT standards and
regulations. This whitepaper outlines essential strategies and best practices for optimizing Vahe App in
alignment with the latest industry standards and regulatory requirements, emphasizing user and data
mapping, load balancing, centralized search capabilities, CDNs, resolution management, network latency,
third-party API integrations, and other crucial functionalities.


User Experience

Centralized Search Capability

Indexing Content-The Vahe platform gathers metadata such as titles, descriptions, genres, cast, crew, and
other relevant information from each piece of content available on the platform. This data is indexed in a
centralized database or search engine.

User Query-When a user initiates a search query, they input keywords, phrases, or titles they're interested
in finding.

Search Algorithm-The Vahe platform's search algorithm processes the user's query against the indexed
metadata. The algorithm may use techniques like keyword matching, relevance scoring, and user
preferences to generate search results.

Result Presentation-The search results are presented to the user in a user-friendly interface, typically
sorted by relevance. Each result includes relevant metadata and may offer options for filtering or refining
the results further.

Cross-Platform Integration-Centralized search capabilities extend across all supported platforms,

including web browsers, mobile apps, smart TVs, and other streaming devices. This ensures a consistent
search experience for users regardless of the device they're using.

Accessibility Considerations-The search interface is designed to be accessible to all users, including those
with visual impairments or other disabilities. This may involve features like voice search, keyboard
navigation, and screen reader compatibility.

Content Discovery-In addition to traditional search functionality, centralized search capabilities may also
include features for content discovery, such as personalized recommendations based on user preferences,
trending content, curated lists, and thematic collections.

Mosaic View

Grid Layout-The mosaic view arranges thumbnails in a grid pattern, with each thumbnail representing a
different video or piece of content available on the Vahe app.

Thumbnail Display-Thumbnails usually include key information such as the title, poster image, and
possibly metadata like genre, rating, or duration. Users can quickly scan through these thumbnails to
discover content they're interested in.

Navigation-Users can navigate through the mosaic view using either touch gestures (for mobile apps) or
a cursor (for TV-based platforms). They can scroll horizontally or vertically to explore more thumbnails
and access different sections or categories of content.

Selection-When a user selects a thumbnail, they are typically taken to a detailed view of that particular
content. From there, they can read more information about it, watch a trailer, or directly start streaming


Picture-in-picture (PiP) enables users to watch one video stream while simultaneously viewing another
smaller video overlay on the screen. Users can activate PiP mode, allowing them to resize and position
the secondary video overlay while continuing to watch the primary video stream.

Offline Viewing-In App Downloading

User can view available content-First, users browse the content library within the app and find the titles
they want to download. Not all content may be available for download due to licensing restrictions.

Download Options-When users find a downloadable title, they typically see an option to download it. This
option may be represented by a download icon next to the title or within the video player interface.

Download Process-When users select the download option, the app initiates the download process. The
app fetches the selected content from the server and saves it to the device's storage.

Storage Management-Users may have the option to choose the download quality (such as standard
definition or high definition) and select the storage location on their device where the content will be
saved. They may also be able to manage their downloaded content, including deleting downloads to free
up storage space.

Offline Viewing-Once the download is complete, users can access their downloaded content even when
they're offline. They can open the app and navigate to a designated section for downloaded content,
where they can select the title, they want to watch.

Offline Playback-Users can then enjoy offline playback of the downloaded content on vahe app without
needing an internet connection. This is particularly useful for users who want to watch content while
traveling or in areas with limited or no internet access.

Expiration and DRM-Depending on licensing agreements and digital rights management (DRM) policies,
downloaded content may have an expiration date or viewing limitations. Users may need to periodically
connect to the internet to verify their subscription status and maintain access to downloaded content.


Pause/resume functionality allows users to pause live TV broadcasts or VOD content and resume playback
from where they left off. Users can pause playback at any time during a live broadcast or VOD playback,
and then resume playback from the paused position when desired.

Video-On-Demand (VOD)

VOD enables users to access a catalog of pre-recorded movies, TV shows, and other content on-demand,
allowing them to choose what to watch and when to watch it. Users can browse the VOD catalog, select
desired content, and initiate playback instantly, without waiting for scheduled broadcast times.

Multi Device Sync

Cloud-Based Account Management-Users create accounts or profiles within the VoD/OTT platform, which
are linked to a cloud-based server. This server stores user preferences, watchlists, viewing history, and
other account information.

Cross-Platform Compatibility-The VoD/OTT platform is accessible on a variety of devices, including

smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and computers. Each device typically has its own app
or web interface for accessing the platform.

Syncing Metadata and Playback Position-When users sign in to their account on different devices, the
platform synchronizes their account information in real-time. This includes metadata such as watchlists,
favorites, and viewing history, as well as the playback position of partially watched content.

Resume Watching Across Devices-Users can seamlessly transition between devices and continue watching
a movie or TV show from where they left off, regardless of which device they were using previously. This
is made possible by syncing the playback position and metadata across all devices.

Instant Availability-Content that is available for streaming is instantly accessible on all linked devices once
it's added to a user's account or library. There's no need to manually download or transfer content
between devices.

Bandwidth Optimization-To ensure smooth streaming across devices, the VoD/OTT platform dynamically
adjusts video quality and bitrates based on the user's internet connection and device capabilities.

Security and Authentication-Strong authentication measures, such as password protection and device
verification, help secure user accounts and prevent unauthorized access to synced content.

4K HDR and Dolby Atmos Support

Playback Options-Users have the option to stream 4K HDR and Dolby Atmos content directly or download
it for offline viewing, depending on platform capabilities and user preferences.

Adaptive Streaming-Adaptive streaming technologies dynamically adjust video quality and bitrates based
on the user's internet connection speed and device capabilities, ensuring a smooth viewing experience
even on varying network conditions.

Quality Settings-Users may have the ability to manually adjust video quality settings, including resolution
and HDR settings, to optimize the viewing experience based on their preferences and available bandwidth.

Audio Settings-Users can configure audio settings to enable Dolby Atmos playback if their device and
audio setup support it. This may include selecting the preferred audio language and adjusting volume

Parental Control

Content Filtering-Parents can set content filters based on age ratings, genres, or specific titles. This
prevents children from accessing content that is deemed inappropriate based on predefined criteria.

PIN Protection-Parents can create a PIN or password to restrict access to certain features or content within
the platform. This prevents children from bypassing parental controls or accessing restricted content
without permission.

Profile Restrictions-Parents can apply parental controls to individual user profiles within the platform. This
allows them to customize restrictions based on each child's age and maturity level.

Time Limits-Parents can set time limits for how long their children can access the platform or specific
content each day. Once the time limit is reached, access is automatically restricted until the next
designated time/period.

Playback Restrictions-Parents can restrict certain playback options, such as the ability to rent or purchase
content, access live streams, or download content for offline viewing.

Viewing History-Parents have access to viewing history and activity logs for each child's profile. This allows
them to monitor what their children have been watching and identify any content that may be concerning
or inappropriate.

Remote Management-Parents can manage parental controls remotely through the platform's website or
mobile app. This allows them to adjust settings and setup restrictions from anywhere with an internet

Educational Content-Some parental control features may include the ability to prioritize or promote
educational content, ensuring that children have access to age-appropriate learning opportunities within
the platform.

Community Features

User Reviews and Ratings-Users can leave reviews and ratings for movies, TV shows, and other content
within the platform. These reviews and ratings help other users discover new content and make informed
decisions about what to watch.

Discussion Forums-Platforms may host discussion forums or community boards where users can engage
in conversations about their favorite shows, share theories, discuss plot twists, and connect with other
fans. Moderators may oversee these forums to ensure respectful and constructive interactions.

Fan Clubs and Groups-Users can join or create fan clubs or groups dedicated to specific movies, TV shows,
genres, or interests. These groups allow like-minded fans to connect, share content, and organize events
or watch parties.

Social Sharing Integration-Integration with social media platforms allows users to easily share their
favorite content, reviews, recommendations, and viewing activity with friends and followers. This helps
promote content virally and expands the platform's reach through word-of-mouth marketing.

Digital Content Delivery

Load Balancing

Load balancing distributes incoming user requests across multiple servers to ensure optimal resource
utilization and prevent overload on any single server. In VoD/OTT platforms, load balancing is essential
for handling fluctuating demand, especially during peak usage periods or when popular content is

Load balancers monitor server health and performance metrics and dynamically adjust traffic distribution
based on factors such as server capacity, latency, and response times.

Advanced load balancing algorithms may consider additional factors such as geographic location, network
conditions, and user preferences to optimize content delivery.

Global Server Infrastructure

VoD/OTT platforms maintain a global server infrastructure hosted on multiple data centers spread across
different regions. This global presence ensures redundancy, fault tolerance, and scalability, allowing the
platform to deliver content reliably to users worldwide.

Load balancers distribute traffic across these geographically distributed servers, directing users to the
nearest and most available server to minimize latency and ensure a smooth streaming experience.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

CDNs consist of distributed servers strategically located across different geographic regions.

When a user requests content from the VoD/OTT platform, the request is routed to the nearest CDN
server based on the user's location. The CDN server closest to the user delivers the content, reducing
latency and ensuring faster load times.

CDNs cache frequently accessed content locally, minimizing the need to retrieve content from the origin
server for subsequent requests.

Dynamic Scaling and Resource Allocation

VoD/OTT platforms employ dynamic scaling techniques to automatically adjust server resources in
response to changing demand. During periods of high traffic, additional servers may be provisioned to
handle increased load, while excess capacity is scaled down during periods of low demand.

This elasticity allows the platform to efficiently allocate resources and optimize costs while maintaining
optimal performance and user experience.

Error Correction

Error correction mechanisms detect and correct errors that may occur during data transmission, ensuring
the integrity and quality of the transmitted content. Error correction algorithms analyze incoming data
packets, identify errors or inconsistencies, and apply corrective measures, such as retransmission or error
concealment, to mitigate the impact of errors.


Firewalls protect the OTT/VoD network from unauthorized access, malicious attacks, and security
breaches by filtering incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined rules and policies.
Firewalls monitor network traffic, analyze packet headers, and apply access control policies to allow or
deny traffic based on its source, destination, and characteristics. Firewalls depend on robust security
policies, regular updates, and continuous monitoring to safeguard VoD networks from cyber threats and

PIM Router

Centralized Data Management-PIM systems serve as centralized repositories for product-related data,
including metadata, images, descriptions, categories, pricing, and availability information for movies, TV
shows, and other content offered on the OTT/VoD platform.

Data Enrichment-PIM systems allow content managers and administrators to enrich product data by
adding additional attributes, tags, and classifications. This could include genre information, cast and crew
details, release dates, ratings, and languages supported.

Standardization and Consistency-PIM systems ensure consistency and standardization of product data
across the platform. This helps maintain uniformity in how content is presented and described to users,
regardless of where it's accessed within the platform.

Integration with Content Management Systems (CMS)-PIM systems are often integrated with content
management systems used by OTT/VoD platforms to publish and manage digital content. This integration
allows for seamless synchronization of product data between the PIM system and the CMS.

Multi-channel Distribution-PIM systems facilitate multi-channel distribution of product data to various

endpoints, including websites, mobile apps, smart TVs, and third-party platforms. This ensures that
accurate and up-to-date information is available across all channels where the content is consumed.

Localization and Internationalization-PIM systems support localization and internationalization efforts by

allowing content to be translated into multiple languages and tailored to different regions or markets.
This ensures that content is relevant and accessible to a global audience.

Versioning and History Tracking-PIM systems often include versioning and history tracking capabilities,
allowing users to track changes made to product data over time. This is useful for auditing purposes and
for reverting to previous versions of data if necessary.

API Integration-PIM systems offer APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for seamless integration
with other systems and third-party services. This enables automation, custom development, and
integration with analytics, recommendation engines, billing systems, and more.

Subscription Management for Both User Types

Subscription management enables Vahe admin to manage subscriptions, billing, and access rights for both
regular users and premium subscribers. Subscription management systems facilitate user registration,
subscription upgrades or downgrades payment processing, and content access control based on
subscription tiers or packages. Subscription management relies on robust billing systems, user
authentication mechanisms, and integration with content management and access control systems to
ensure accurate billing and user entitlements.

Stream Monitoring System

Stream monitoring systems continuously monitor the quality and performance of the OTT streams,
detecting and diagnosing issues such as packet loss, jitter, and bitrate fluctuations. Stream monitoring
systems analyze real-time stream metrics, generate alerts for abnormal conditions or anomalies, and
provide visibility into network health and performance. Stream monitoring systems depend on network
monitoring tools, telemetry data collection, and integration with network management platforms to
enable proactive troubleshooting and optimization of the services.

Provisioning System

User Authentication and Authorization-When a user subscribes to an OTT platform or accesses content,
the provisioning system verifies the user's credentials and permissions. This involves authentication to
ensure that the user is authorized to access the requested content.

Service Activation-Upon successful authentication, the provisioning system activates the user's
subscription or account, granting access to the platform's content library and features based on the user's
subscription tier or preferences.

Content Catalog Management-The provisioning system manages the catalog of content available on the
OTT platform. It ensures that new content is added to the catalog, metadata is updated, and content
availability is synchronized across different regions and devices.

Resource Allocation-The provisioning system allocates resources required for content delivery, including
server capacity, bandwidth, CDN (Content Delivery Network) distribution, and transcoding resources. It
dynamically scales resources based on demand to ensure smooth streaming and optimal performance.

Content Licensing and Rights Management-The provisioning system tracks content licensing agreements
and rights management information. It ensures that content is licensed for distribution on the platform
and enforces restrictions based on geographical regions, viewing windows, and content types.

Billing and Payment Integration-The provisioning system integrates with billing and payment systems to
manage subscription billing, payment processing, and invoicing. It tracks user subscriptions, handles
payment transactions, and generates billing statements as per the user's subscription plan.

User Preferences and Personalization-The provisioning system stores and manages user preferences,
settings, and personalized recommendations. It uses this information to deliver personalized experiences,
recommend relevant content, and tailor the platform's interface to each user.

Subscriber Management-The provisioning system maintains subscriber profiles, including account

information, subscription status, and usage history. It facilitates subscriber management tasks such as
account upgrades/downgrades, password resets, and account cancellations.

Integration with Third-party Systems-The provisioning system integrates with third-party systems and
services used by the OTT platform, including CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems,
analytics platforms, content management systems, and ad servers. This facilitates data exchange and
workflow automation across different systems.

Product’s Characteristics and Processing

Centralized Search Capability

Centralizing search capabilities streamlines content discovery and access, improving overall user
satisfaction and engagement. By consolidating search functionality across platforms, Vahe can simplify

navigation, enhance usability, and facilitate seamless content discovery while adhering to accessibility
standards and guidelines.

User and Data Mapping

In compliance with OTT standards and data privacy regulations, Vahe team ensure responsible handling
of user data and deliver personalized content recommendations based on viewing habits and preferences.
Advanced user and data mapping techniques enable Vahe to create tailored user profiles, enhance
content discovery, and optimize engagement while safeguarding user privacy and data protection.

Hyper-targeted cohorts and dynamic matching

Cohort mapping is the practice where viewers are segmented into groups, called cohorts,

that have shared characteristics. These different characteristics can include:

1. Demographics: Socioeconomic features like gender, age, ethnicity, income, employment status, home
ownership or renting, and even internet access
2. Psychographic data: Social class or status, hobbies or interests, lifestyle choices, social attitudes,
opinions, values, even religious affiliations
3. Financial value: The average revenue per customer (ARPU)
4. Location: Using a zip code to deliver ads from local businesses

Scaling from millions to hundreds of millions

Imagine it's game time and the biggest revenue earner for the season. However:

1. You must deliver three million requests per second at a latency window of 50 to 75 milliseconds.
2. There are one million cohorts due to permutations and combinations of different criteria options.
3. Plus, entitlements - which could have hundreds of different permutations and combinations of
their own.

A centralized database just can’t accommodate this type of scale, let alone deliver the low latency
required. Even for systems like Redis considered “fast,” their service is memory-based and can’t
process this amount of data. In fact, many large-scale databases don’t have enough intensive memory
to support these concurrent requests.

The Global Data Network (GDN) - is a hyper distributed cloud that works to serve millions, to several
hundred million concurrent viewers, for major events like show premieres or sporting events. At ultra-
low-latency speed.

Resolution Management

Managing video resolution based on device capabilities and network conditions is critical for delivering
superior visual quality and minimizing buffering. Adaptive bitrate streaming and resolution optimization
techniques enable Vahe platform to dynamically adjust video resolution and bitrate, ensuring optimal
playback experiences across devices and network environments.

Network Latency Management

Minimizing network latency is essential for real-time interaction and immersive viewing experiences in
Vahe applications. By implementing latency reduction strategies, such as edge caching, content pre-
fetching, and network optimization technologies, Vahe can enhance responsiveness, reduce buffering,
and improve overall user satisfaction.

List of Required 3rd Party API Integrations

1. Authentication and User Management: OAuth, OpenID Connect

2. Content Recommendations: AI-based recommendation engines (e.g., Amazon Personalize,
Google Recommendations AI)
3. Payment Processing: Stripe, PayPal
4. Analytics and Monitoring: Google Analytics, AWS CloudWatch
5. Notifications and Engagement: Twilio, Firebase Cloud Messaging


Which will convert audio and video signals into digital formats suitable for transmission over IP networks,
ensuring high-quality encoding and compression of Vahe content. And it receive analog or digital video
signals, encodes them into compressed formats such as H.264 or HEVC, and transmit the encoded streams
over IP networks for distribution to end-users.

Product’s Administrator

Content Management

Upload and Cataloging: Administrators can upload and catalog a wide range of content, including movies,
TV shows, documentaries, and original productions.

Metadata Management: Efficient metadata management tools allow administrators to add descriptive
information, tags, and categories to enhance content discoverability and user engagement.

Content Curation: Curate personalized playlists, collections, and recommendations based on user
preferences, viewing history, and trending content.

User Management

Registration and Authentication: Implement secure user registration and authentication processes to
verify user identities and prevent unauthorized access.

Profile Management: Enable users to manage their profiles, preferences, and subscription settings,
including billing information and communication preferences.

Access Control: Set access levels and permissions for different user roles, such as subscribers, moderators,
and administrators, to ensure appropriate access to content and features.

Commercial Management

Subscription Plans: Define and manage subscription plans, pricing tiers, billing cycles, and promotional
offers to attract and retain subscribers.

Payment Integration: Integrate with payment gateways to facilitate secure payment processing, billing
management, and revenue tracking.

Advertising Management: Implement advertising solutions, including pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads,
to generate additional revenue streams and monetize content.

Content Monetization

Advertising Solutions: Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, and Post-Roll Ads: Integrate advertising into content streams
through pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ad placements, generating revenue based on ad impressions and

Targeted Advertising: Utilize data analytics and user profiling to deliver targeted advertisements based on
user demographics, interests, and viewing habits, increasing ad relevance and engagement.

Sponsorships and Branded Content: Partner with brands and advertisers to produce sponsored content
or integrate branded placements within the platform's content, creating additional revenue

Pay-Per-View (PPV) and Transactional Models: PPV Events-Offer live events, sports matches, concerts, or
exclusive premieres as pay-per-view options, allowing users to purchase access to individual events for a
one-time fee.

Rental and Purchase: Provide users with the option to rent or purchase individual movies, TV shows, or
special content releases on a transactional basis, generating revenue per transaction.

Content Licensing and Syndication: License content to other platforms, broadcasters, or international
markets, generating revenue through licensing fees and syndication deals.

Content Partnerships: Partner with content creators, studios, and production companies to co-produce
or acquire exclusive content for the platform, expanding the content library and attracting new

Emerging Trends and Innovations: Interactive Content-Explore interactive content formats, such as
interactive storytelling, gamified experiences, and live interactive events, to enhance user engagement
and create new monetization opportunities.

Virtual Events and Experiences: Host virtual events, conferences, or live experiences on the platform,
offering ticketed access and additional revenue streams through merchandise sales, sponsorships, and
premium memberships.

Blockchain and NFTs: Experiment with blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to tokenize
digital assets, enable micropayments, and create unique digital collectibles tied to exclusive content

Copyright Management

Content Licensing: Manage content licensing agreements, distribution rights, and royalty payments to
ensure compliance with copyright laws and regulations.

Content Protection: Implement digital rights management (DRM) solutions to protect content from piracy,
unauthorized distribution, and copyright infringement.

DMCA Compliance: Establish protocols and procedures for handling Digital Millennium Copyright Act
(DMCA) takedown requests and resolving copyright disputes promptly and effectively.

Policy Portal Management

Policy Creation: Develop and enforce policies related to content usage, user behavior, data privacy, and
community guidelines to maintain a safe and compliant platform environment.

Policy Enforcement: Monitor user activity, enforce policy violations, and implement appropriate sanctions
or penalties for non-compliance, such as account suspension or content removal.

Policy Communication: Communicate policies clearly and transparently to users through policy portals,
terms of service agreements, and community guidelines to foster trust and accountability.



This whitepaper elucidates a comprehensive framework for Vahe.App to elevate user experience while
ensuring adherence to the latest standards and regulations governing OTT (Over-the-Top) services. By
integrating advanced user and data mapping techniques, implementing robust load balancing
mechanisms, centralizing search capabilities, leveraging CDNs, managing resolutions effectively,
optimizing network latency, and integrating essential third-party APIs, Vahe app can deliver superior
entertainment experiences while complying with 2023 OTT standards and regulations. Additionally, the
paper explores key functionalities such as fast channel change, error correction, mosaic view, picture-in-
picture, EPG (Electronic Program Guide), program recording, pause/resume, VOD (Video-On-Demand),
switches, firewall, PIM router, encoders, subscription management, stream monitoring, provisioning,
DHCP server, and other critical aspects.

Other Important Aspects

• Content Licensing and Copyright Compliance: Team Vahe ensures adherence to copyright laws and
licensing agreements when distributing content to subscribers.
• Security and DRM (Digital Rights Management): Implementing robust security measures and DRM
solutions is crucial for protecting copyrighted content and preventing unauthorized access or
• Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring: Regular monitoring of QoS metrics and performance indicators
helps Vahe app to identify and address network issues, ensuring consistent service quality for
• Transparency and Accountability: Vahe app maintains transparency and accountability in their
operations, providing users with clear information about data practices, content availability, and
subscription terms.


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