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Name: Ma. Kristel Angie S.

BS-Arch 4A

 Write a reflection on the pros and cons of Rizal’s Law

As a college student, I find Rizal's Law to be an interesting topic for reflection. On the plus
side, the law enriches our education by stressing the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal, a
national hero. It provides as a link between our intellectual pursuits and a more profound
understanding of our national identity. The inclusion of Rizal's perspective in the curriculum
provides historical context, allowing us to comprehend the difficulties and sacrifices of those
who came before us, fostering patriotism and pride in our Filipino ancestry.
However, the law does not come without problems. Some students may view the
compulsory focus on Rizal's works as unduly limited, limiting their investigation of other
important areas of Philippine history and culture. While Rizal's achievements are
unquestionably significant, a more diversified curriculum could provide a more complete and
nuanced knowledge of the difficulties that built our country. Furthermore, there is concern
about the possible influence on academic freedom. As college students, we appreciate the
capacity to participate in critical thinking and explore other perspectives, and any restriction on
our professors' power to construct the curriculum may be interpreted as a barrier to this
academic freedom.
Navigating the pros and cons of Rizal's Law reveals the importance of establishing a balance.
A curriculum that recognizes Rizal's accomplishments while allowing for a thorough examination
of Philippine history and culture is likely to provide a more engaging educational experience for
college students. The problem is to establish a middle ground that honors the intent of the law
while developing a climate that promotes critical thinking and a comprehensive understanding
of our country's history.

 Write a comments or reactions on Jose Rizal's family and siblings.

Jose Rizal's family and siblings provide a fascinating look into the personal life of one of the
Philippines' most adored national heroes. Exploring the complexities of Rizal's family offers a
humanizing viewpoint, allowing us to see beyond his public image and see the forces that
created his personality. The Rizal family's social and economic standing in the late nineteenth
century sheds light on the problems and opportunities they faced, reflecting the Philippines'
complicated sociopolitical context under Spanish colonial control.
Rizal's interactions with his siblings, particularly his brother Paciano, who was instrumental
in supporting Jose's nationalist efforts, highlight the importance of familial attachments in
forming his ideas. The intellectual climate in the Rizal household, spurred by the family's
emphasis on education, most likely played a significant influence in shaping Jose into the
polymath and nationalist he became. Exploring the lives of Rizal's siblings allows us to
comprehend the family's combined influence on his journey to become a catalyst for change in
the Philippines.
However, digging into family dynamics may expose Rizal's intricacies and problems. Sibling
conflicts, cultural expectations, and societal influences may have influenced each family
member's decisions and courses. Unraveling these complexities enriches our understanding of
Rizal as a person, going beyond his historical role, and stimulates meditation on the universal
issues of family, identity, and the pursuit of one's principles.

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