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data security and digital manipulation:

Steganography: This is the practice of concealing a message,

file, or information within another file in such a way that
no one apart from the intended recipient even knows that it exists.
It's like hiding a secret in plain sight. For instance, hiding a
message within an image or embedding data within the audio spectrum
that's imperceptible to the human ear. Steganography doesn’t
necessarily involve encryption;
its main goal is to hide the existence of the information.

Cryptography: Unlike steganography, cryptography involves

encoding a message so that only authorized parties can
read it. It scrambles the message using algorithms and
keys, making it unreadable to anyone without the proper
decryption key. It's a way of securing information by converting
it into a code that only authorized parties can decipher.

Watermarking: Watermarking is a technique used to embed

information directly into a digital file (such as an image,
video, or document) to assert ownership or provide additional
information without altering the file's usability. Watermarks
can be visible or invisible and are commonly used to protect
intellectual property rights by adding identifiable markers.

thing i need to build a procotring software or prototype

1. Video Monitoring: Using webcams, individuals are recorded

while taking the exam to ensure they're not engaging in any
prohibited activities.

2.Screen Sharing: The proctor might have access to the test-taker's

screen to monitor activity, ensuring no unauthorized resources
or applications are being used.

3. Browser Restrictions: Some proctoring software limits access to other

tabs, windows, or applications during the exam to prevent cheating.

4. Websocket: For real-time communication between the proctoring system

and the user taking the exam, WebSockets can be employed for low-latency,

5. Express.js (Node.js): It's lightweight, efficient for handling HTTP

requests, and works well with real-time applications due to
its event-driven architecture.

6. Video Processing and AI: OpenCV: A powerful library for real-time

computer vision tasks like facial recognition, gaze tracking, and
object detection.
Machine Learning Libraries: TensorFlow or PyTorch for implementing
AI algorithms for behavior analysis and anomaly detection.

7. javascript keystroke listener Dom:html and js keystroes functions

8. reactwebcam:

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