List of Important Terms Conditions of The Loan or Advances 17 21

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ं ‍महत्‍वपूर्‍ण िययम‍ववं‍रततें ‍ वमआईटीसी)

ऋ्/अििमों‍से‍संबिं ित‍महत्‍वपूर्‍ण िययम‍ववं‍रतों‍की‍सरची‍

1. सुिविा‍का‍प्रकारः‍मांग‍ऋ्/िमयादी‍ऋ्/‍ओवरड्राफ्ट‍
2. ऋ्‍का‍उद्देश्‍य‍
3. ऋ्-‍सीमा‍
4. ब्‍याज‍दर-‍पूर्ण ‍िववर्‍अर्ाण त‍् आिार‍दर‍में‍वृिि/‍कमी‍से‍पूररवतण य‍के ‍अिीय‍वृिि/‍कमी‍सिहत‍
5. आिार‍दर‍में‍पूररवतण य‍को‍समाचार‍पूत्रों‍में‍प्रकािरत‍ककया‍जाव‍ववं‍बैंक‍की‍वेबसाइट‍पूर‍प्रदर्रण त‍ककया‍
जाव‍और‍इसे‍सभी‍संबंिितों‍द्वारा‍योरटस/सरचया‍के ‍रूपू‍में‍माया‍जावगा.‍
6. प्रितभरित‍पूर‍मार्जण य‍
7. प्रभाररत‍की‍जाये‍वाली‍प्रितभरितयों‍का‍पूर्ण ‍िववर्.‍
8. उिारकताण ‍तर्ा‍गारं टीकताण ‍द्वारा‍प्रस्‍तुत‍ककव‍जाये‍वाले‍दस्‍तावेजों‍की‍सरची
9. समय-समय‍पूर‍लगाव‍जाये‍वाले‍प्रभार‍
 वकीकृ त‍प्रोसेससंग‍प्रभार‍
 दस्‍तावेजीकर्‍प्रभार‍
 कमीटमेंट‍प्रभार‍
 उिारकताण ‍द्वारा‍वहय‍ककव‍जाये‍वाला‍बीमा‍प्रीिमयम,‍यकद‍कोई‍है‍
 ियरीक्ष्‍प्रभार‍
 खाता‍िववर्ी‍उपूलब्‍ि‍कराये‍हेतु‍प्रभार‍
 अन्‍य‍कोई‍प्रभार,‍यकद‍कोई‍हो‍
10. उिारकताण ‍द्वारा‍वहय‍ककव‍जाये‍वाले‍प्रभारों‍तर्ा‍आवििकता‍सिहत‍प्रितभरितयों‍के ‍बीमा‍का‍िववर्.‍
11. आवििकता‍सिहत‍प्रितभरितयों‍का‍ियरीक्ष्.‍
12. दंडस्‍वरूपू‍ब्‍याज,‍यकद‍कोई‍हो‍ अितदेय‍ब्‍याज‍सिहत)‍
13. िययम‍ववं‍रतों‍के ‍गैर-अयुपूालय‍के ‍िलव‍प्रभार/दंडस्‍वरूपू‍ब्‍याज‍
14. आवििकता‍सिहत‍प्रितभरितयों‍का‍मरल्‍याकय‍तर्ा‍लागर‍दर,‍यकद‍कोई‍हो‍
15. िवििक‍अिभमत/‍वयईसी‍तर्ा‍लागर‍दर,‍यकद‍कोई‍हो‍
16. चुकौती‍अविि‍
17. अििस्‍र्गय‍अविि‍के ‍दौराय‍ब्‍याज‍के ‍भुगताय‍के ‍िलव‍ियिाण ररत‍रतों‍सिहत‍अििस्‍र्गय‍अविि‍
18. लागर‍ ब्‍याज‍ दर‍ में‍ पूररवतण य‍ के ‍ बाद‍ ईवमआई‍ की‍ ग्या‍ के ‍ िलव‍ ियिाण ररत‍ रतों‍ सिहत‍ ककस्‍त‍ िववर्/‍
19. उिारकताण ओं‍को‍उपूलब्‍ि‍कराव‍गव‍बीमा‍कवर‍ जीवय‍और‍गैर‍जीवय‍दोयों)‍का‍िववर्,‍यकद‍कोई‍हो‍
तर्ा‍कवरेज‍का‍पूर्ण ‍िववर्‍भी‍
20. संिवतर्‍का‍स्‍वरूपू‍
21. ऋ्‍का‍पूरवण भुगताय‍
22. मौजरदा‍स्‍वीकृ ित‍की‍वैिता‍‍‍‍
List of important terms & conditions of the loan / advances

1. Nature of Facility: Demand loan / Term Loan/ Overdraft

2. Purpose of loan:
3. Loan Limit
4. Interest Rate - With complete details i.e. subject to increase
1. /decrease with change in increase /decrease in Base rate.
2. Change in Base Rate would be published in News Papers and
3. displayed on Bank’s Website and the same will be treated as
4. notice /information to all concerned.
5. Margin on securities.
6. Complete details of securities to be charged.
7. List of all the documents to be executed by the borrower and
8. Charges which shall be levied from time to time
 Unified Processing Charges
 Documentation Charges
 Commitment Charges
 Insurance Premium , if any and to be borne by the borrower
 Inspection Charges
 Charges for providing Statement of Accounts
 Any other charges , if any
9. Insurance of Securities with periodicity and details of charges to be
borne by the borrower.
10. Inspection of securities with periodicity
11. Penal Interest, if any (including overdue interest)
12. Charges /Penal interest for non compliance of terms & Conditions
13. Valuation of Securities with periodicity and applicable charges, if any
14. Legal Opinion/NEC and applicable charges, if any
15. Repayment Period
16. Moratorium Period with conditions stipulated for servicing of interest
during moratorium period.
17. Installment Details/EMI with conditions stipulated for treatment of
EMIs subsequent to change in applicable interest rate.
18. Details of Insurance cover (both life and non life) provided to
borrowers, if any, and complete details of coverage also.
19. Mode of Disbursement
20. Prepayment of Loan
21. Validity of existing sanction

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