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Engineering Design Integration

Wind Turbines 10 Ideas

Enrico Portella

University of Groningen
February 6, 2024
Wind Turbine Ideas
(1): Darrieus (Lift Type) Vertical Axeswith helical shaped blades for Urban Appli-
cation: This is a small and simple Turbine which is ideal for distributed urban environ-
ments such as streets or building roof-tops, where more turbulent wind are found and it
produce less noise. Applying such a simple and low maintenance turbine in big numbers
can effective provide a portion of the electric grid needs.
(2): H type Vertical Axes Turbine with moving blade in direction of the wind: To
optimize the energy conversion efficiency the single blades can rotate in direction of the
wind, avoiding the stall of the vertical blades when perpendicular to the wind.
(3): Portable small Vertical Helical Turbine: Something that is small enough to be
portable and transferable with your car and it can function as a small generator, for
example when you go camping.
(4): Bladeless Wind Vibrator Turbine: The turbine consists of a flexible mast or struc-
ture that is designed to oscillate or vibrate when exposed to wind. Unlike traditional
turbines, there are no rigid blades. The structure is intentionally made flexible to exploit
the aerodynamic forces exerted by the wind. The vibrational motion is then converted into
electrical energy using various mechanisms such as piezoelectric materials, electromagnetic
induction, or other energy harvesting technologies.
(5): Omnidirectional Turbine: Designed to work with wind from all directions, even above
and below while spinning in one direction. This is very useful in environment where
wind has more chaotic patterns, which allows to integrate the turbine in existing city
(6): Savonius Turbines (Drag Type): A durable low-tech approach to wind power which
is technically easy to create and has very low capital costs. Better for dirty and low wind
and can regulate the rotation speed by changing its shape.
(7): Underwater Horizontal Turbines: Similar to traditional wind turbines, underwater
horizontal turbines have a horizontal-axis design. These turbines are strategically placed in
areas with strong tidal currents or ocean flows. As water currents flow over the submerged
blades, they cause the turbine to rotate.
(8): Kite-Driven Turbine: Takes advantage of high-altitude winds to generate electricity.
This design involves a tethered kite that soars at high altitudes where winds are more
consistent and powerful than those near the ground.
(9): Magnetic Levitation Horizontal Turbine:Turbine employs magnetic levitation tech-
nology to minimize mechanical friction, enhance efficiency, and reduce maintenance re-
quirements. The turbine is equipped with magnetic bearings that replace traditional me-
chanical bearings.
(10): Retractable Horizontal blade design Turbine: In a wind park where hundreds of
turbines are placed, depending on the direction of the wind some Turbines have more clean
wind than others. Being able to change the shape of the blade can effect the overall quality
of the wind for the farm. Thus, an AI system could control each wind blade individually
to optimize the overall wind park efficiency.

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