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An opening voice-over states that according to a legend, Egypt was the birthplace of civilization. The
gods co-existed among the mortals and created the flourishing land for them to share. The son of Ra,
Osiris, ruled over the land, while his brother Set was relegated to the desert, to his anger. The time has
come for Horus, the son of Osiris, to take his place as king.

A mortal young man named Bek (Brenton Thwaites) steals a dress from a vendor in the market to give to
his beloved Zaya (Courtney Eaton). They are preparing to go to the coronation event later that day.

Horus (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is passed out from a wild event of drinking with the gods the previous
night. His beloved woman is Hathor (Elodie Yung), the goddess of love.

The time comes for the coronation to take place. Bek and Zaya, along with nearly the whole city, is in
attendance. Osiris (Bryan Brown) and his wife Isis (Rachael Blake) bring their son forward and are
prepared to pass leadership to him, when Set (Gerard Butler) arrives at the last minute with a gift for
Horus, a battle horn. Horus blows into it, summoning Set's army to the front. Turns out Set is staging a
coup against his brother and nephew. He demands Osiris to battle him, but he refuses. Set stabs Osiris in
the abdomen, leaving him to bleed gold and die. Enraged, Horus transforms into his winged god form,
while Set morphs into his dog-like form. They battle in front of everyone, but Set gains the upper hand
and is ready to kill Horus until Hathor kneels before him so that Horus may be spared. Set orders all the
gods and mortals to kneel before him, and he plucks out both of Horus's all-seeing eyes.

A year passes, and all of Egypt is under Set's rule. Those who do not follow him are either left dead or
thrown into slavery, like Zaya. Bek frequently visits her in secrecy while her cruel master Urshu (Rufus
Sewell) tends to his business with Set, which is building monuments in his honor. Zaya says that only
Horus can save them, but he needs his eyes, which are kept in Set's vaults.

Bek sneaks into one of the vaults and overcomes three bridges that are booby-trapped. He reaches the
end, but he finds only one of Horus's eyes. Still, it is powerful and bright enough to ward off scorpions
from down below.

Bek returns to Urshu's home to rescue Zaya. Urshu and his guards are already waiting for him. Bek pulls
out the eye to release a blinding white light, allowing him and Zaya to escape. Unfortunately, during the
escape, Zaya is struck by an arrow shot by Urshu. She tells Bek she'll always love him and that death
won't keep them apart. She dies before Bek knows it.

Bek arrives at Horus's home where the disgraced god lives in squalor. He asks Horus for help, but he
refuses until Bek brings out the eye. The two of them briefly duel until Bek says he can get him his other
eye if he helps bring Zaya back to life. Horus promises, despite the truth being that it is impossible. For
now, Horus summons Anubis (Goran D. Kleut) to guide her toward the afterlife, but Bek must rescue her
before she reaches the final gate.

Set learns that his vault was broken into. He travels to Horus's now empty home and finds Zaya's body
lying under the floor, knowing what is going on. Set later sends his army toward the home of another
god, Nephthys (Emma Booth), who was Horus's wife. He cruelly strikes her down and cuts off her wings.

Horus brings Bek to the top of a pyramid to pray to his grandfather Ra (Geoffrey Rush) for help. Ra
answers his prayer and allows him to morph into his god form so that he may fly up with Bek to Ra's
home near the sun. Ra is constantly fighting Apep, the serpent god of chaos that appears as a gigantic
black cloud. Horus seeks his grandfather's help to defeat Set. Horus is allowed to take special water from
the Nile to hydrate the deserts and take away Set's power.

Hathor, who has been kept as Set's slave, chooses to rebel against him. She grabs her bracelet, which
wards off evil spirits, and she takes it off, which plunges her into the world of the evil s 0pirits until she
puts it back on and is transported somewhere far from Set.

Horus and Bek are in the desert and are pursued by Set's hunters, Astarte (Yaya Deng) and Atat (Abbey
Lee), both riding enormous fire-breathing serpents. The villains chase after the heroes. Horus traps Atat
onto her serpent as it rides over the edge of a cliff to their deaths. Hathor arrives and commands
Astarte's serpent to set itself on fire, killing itself and Astarte.

The three continue their journey. In order to get into the vault to retrieve the other eye, they must pass
the riddle of the Sphinx. They go to the temple of Thoth (Chadwick Boseman), the god of wisdom.
Before entering, Hathor commands Bek to get her some water, but because his heart belongs to
another, her powers don't work on him. He tells her about Zaya. Hathor is able to contact Zaya from
beyond worlds to let her know that Bek is trying to rescue her.

Although highly knowledgeable, Thoth is vain and has multiple copies of himself doing work for him. Bek
plays on his ego and gets him to help them. He joins the three as they encounter the Sphinx. The Sphinx
recites the riddle, and Thoth answers, but his first two guesses are incorrect. He decides to think as a
mortal instead of a god, and he gets the answer right. The heroes find the eye, and Bek is preparing to
pour the water to stop Set, until Set himself shows up. He steals Thoth's brain and tells Bek that he
knows what Horus promised him, and that he cannot bring Zaya back. Set takes the water and pours it
Set travels to Ra's home and expresses his anger over his destiny. He criticizes Ra for not allowing him to
have children. Ra says it was part of a test that he has yet to pass. Ra wanted Set to take over his own
duties to fight Apep, but Set instead duels his father and takes Ra's spear, impaling him. Set sends Ra
over the edge, thus allowing Apep to break free and begin tearing through Egypt.

Hathor gives Bek her bracelet to bring to Zaya so she may have something to offer before entering the
afterlife. Hathor is then pulled away by the evil spirits. Anubis takes Bek to Zaya to give her the amulet,
but Apep's arrival means the gate to the afterlife is sealed. Bek returns to the mortal world and reunites
with Horus, despite feeling betrayed by him. Meanwhile, Set's armor is upgraded with Nephthys' wings,
Thoth's brain, Horus's eye, and Ra's spear. He summons Apep toward him.

Horus morphs into his falcon form once again and begins to fight Set. They battle across the top of the
pyramid, while Bek is cornered by Urshu. After a brief fight, Bek manages to push Urshu over the edge to
his death. Bek manages to pry the eye off of Set, getting himself mortally wounded in the process. Bek
tosses the eye to Horus, but the god chooses to rescue Bek as he falls over the side of the pyramid.
Horus brings Bek to safety and then flies up to continue fighting Set until he manages to weaken his
uncle. Horus takes Ra's spear and impales Set, destroying him for good. He flies back to recover Ra and
return his spear, allowing him to hold Apep away once again.

A little village girl gives Horus his eye back, and the people of Egypt cheer for him freeing them. Horus
then goes to Bek, moments before he dies. He brings his body back to his home to lay next to Zaya. Ra
appears and thanks Horus, saying he owes him a debt. Horus says he wants what cannot be given. Ra
knows what it means, and he uses his power to bring Bek and Zaya back to life. They awaken and kiss.

Horus is then properly made king to rule over Egypt, while Thoth and Nephthys are also brought back to
life. Horus then takes Hathor's bracelet and decides to go rescue her. He leaves Bek, now Horus's
advisor, to make sure Egypt is left in good hands.


Bek: [sees giant snakes] We should run.

Horus: Run?

Bek: We mortals do it all the time!

Set: [about to be killed] Wait! I spared your life, didn't I?

Horus: I won't make that mistake.

Horus: Are you sure you're not a god?

Bek: What would I be the god of? Stupidity?

Horus: The impossible.

Ra: Egypt has always been a paradise. But now, there is chaos. God of the air, you must protect the

Horus: I don't know if I'm strong enough.

Ra: Then become stronger.

Bek: It's fine. I'll do it.

Thoth: I thought you were a stray baboon.

Bek: I told you I'd be the one to face the Sphinx.

Thoth: Your chance of failure is overwhelming.

Bek: I'm sure. But before it kills me, I'm going to tell it that I asked the God of Wisdom to come but he
was afraid he'd get the answer wrong.

Thoth: This is the cleverest strategy you could devise? Playing on my ego? How vain do you think I am?

[everyone looks around at the room filled with duplicates of Thoth]

Thoth: Yes, well... Fine. Fine! Let's go.

Horus: [sees Apophis on Earth]


Horus: I can understand killing for a throne or crown, but this is madness!

Set: [indignant] Of course you couldn't/don't understand!

[now incensed]

Set: How could you?


Set: Favored son of a favored son!

Bek: What would happen if I drank that?

Horus: You would be refreshed. Then you would die.

Bek: It doesn't seem right that the water of Creation would, kill.

Horus: I would kill you, For wasting my water.

Hathor: [gives her bracelet to Bek] I'm the goddess of love! If I don't do this, I am nothing!

Bek: You really watched the world come into being?

Thoth: I don't lie.

Bek: Where were you watching it from, if nothing had been created yet?

Thoth: If I even attempted to explain, your brain would liquefy and run out of your ears.

Ra: Every night the battle between chaos and creation must go on, otherwise the world will be
destroyed. For so you see, there are worse things than Set.

Horus: [in umbrage] That's not true! Your Wrong! He killed my father, your son! That demon isn't the
one who murdered *My* Father... Murdered *Your* Son

Ra: [blistering] They are *BOTH* my sons! I favored them *EQUALLY*! They were both equal in *MY*
eyes... as is *All* of my creation... with the uncertainty of it's destiny is my will.

Zaya: Set has taken over Egypt, and has enslaved its people. Only one god can save us, but not without
his eyes.

Bek: Steal from a god? Only a madman would try such a thing.

Zaya: [smiles] Where do you think we could find someone so mad?

Ra: [to Horus] I do not approve of Set's rule. But I doubt yours would be much better.
Ra: [on his son letting Apophis devour the afterlife itself to gain omnipotence]


Ra: You would Unleash Chaos Upon Creation? You Would Destroy Everything?

Set: [to Ra justifying his intentions] Not destroy...


Set: ... Reshape


Set: I will take your place. But it won't be sitting on some damn boat!

Thoth: Ha, I have it! Its mystery, its essence, its truth...

Horus: It's lettuce!

Set: You're not fit to be king... it's my turn now.

[tears out Horus's eyes]

Horus: I chose none of this! I can't undo what's been done! What power do I have?

Hathor: You have the power to make things right!

Set: [to his father on his intended fate]


Set: I don't want to die, I want to live... Forever! I want to live down on earth,

[points to the surface of the planet]

Set: Down There... in the lands that I conquered... My Kingdom!


Set: This Should Be My Reward

Set: Did you miss me?

Hathor: I have to miss you, I'm your prisoner.

[Horus is hanging from the tower, with Bek holding onto him]

Horus: I'm sorry for everything I've done to you! I'm sorry I brought you to this fate! And I'm especially
sorry, for this...

Urshu: No one has ever so honored the great God Ra. He will pass over it's peak and marvel at the
tribute you have built in his name.

Set: Is that it?

Urshu: I'm sorry?

Set: Well, can you make it any taller?

Urshu: T-Taller?

Set: Yes, it's a simple question.

Urshu: Well, that might be difficult, um, now, I mean...

Set: Relax, Urshu, I'm joking.

Urshu: hah, hah, hah, hahaha.

Ra: I noticed the tower... impressive

Set: I built it for you

Ra: [to Set] If it... your tower were any taller or higher, it would get and be in my way.

Set: Turn your eyes from your sails... and look at everything I've done... What if Osiris never could.
[gazes beneath him]

Set: I Rule All That Breathes

[peers down below]

Set: ... And All That Is Breathed Upon

Set: [meets Osiris at his party] It took me four days to get here - three to come out of the desert, and
one to come through this crowd!

Sphinx: [when the answer his riddle is given] Oh, bother...

Ra: None is mightier, under the sun.

Set: They all honor me. Just as I've honor you.

Ra: If honor had been your true intent, you would have refrained and abstained from killing your

Set: So you do see what happens down there. Tell me,


Set: Father do you care what happens?

Ra: [sadly] I care more than you know or can ever imagine.

Set: Soon I will rule over all of the world...

Urshu: You look glorious, lord.

Set: I know.
Set: [enquiring] Then Why Was I Cast Out Alone? To Walk On Burning Sands... While My Brother Played
Barefoot At The Shores Of The Nile? Why Did You Make Osiris King?

[now importunately]

Set: And Why Did You Bequeath And Give Him... My Brother A Son? And Yet You Denied Me Even The
Slightest Chance To Give Life?

Ra: [bluntly] This Was Your Test

Set: [grumbles] You Didn't Test Him?

Ra: I Gave Osiris The Crown Of Egypt... And When The Time Came


Ra: He Didn't Cling To His Power... He Gave It A Way... Freely... He Passed His Test

Set: [direct] Than I Wager I Passed Mine

Ra: Not Yet...

Ra: It's True I Didn't Want You To Have Children... This Was A Kindness... Because I Did Not Want You To
Miss Them As Terribly As I Have Or Do I Wanted To Spare You That Burden Of Heartbreak

Set: [dubious] Miss Them?

Ra: [solemnly] I Need You To Take My Place

Set: [astounded] Here?

[looks about him in disbelief]

Horus: [fraught] I Looked Up To You

[knocks him back into a pillar]

Horus: [flagrantly] Of Course You Did

[shakes it off and resumes fighting]

Set: [to his nephew] You Fight Well


Set: Are You So Sure You're His


Set: Son?

Ra: [resigned] This was too be your final task I need you to take my place... this is how your test ends my
son... there is no greater burden... and yet no greater honour... all you have done can be forgiven

Set: [affronted] You expect me to joust with this beast... night after night... until I die?

Horus: I Thought You Were The Greatest Of All The Gods

Set: [brusque] I AM The Greatest God Of All




-Horus, Egyptian Hor, Har, Her, or Heru, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose
right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was
the moon or evening star, representing healing.


-Hathor was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion who played a wide variety of roles.



-Osiris, god of the deceased, was the son and oldest child of Geb, the Earth deity and Nut, the sky
goddess. His wife and sister was Isis, goddess of motherhood, magic, fertility, death, healing, and
rebirth. It was said that Osiris and Isis were deeply in love with each other, even in the womb.

4. Zaya

- Is the lover of Bek, when she is killed and her soul begins its transition to the afterlife, Bek enlists the
help of the god Horus to rescue her.



- Is an ancient Egyptian deity. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a
baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at.


- Is the secondary antagonist of the 2016 live action fantasy film Gods of Egypt. He is Set's chief architect
and right-hand man.


- Is a young thief and one of the main protagonists in the 2016 movie Gods of Egypt. He befriends Horus
god of air on his quest to buy his lover Zaya a place in the afterlife. Bek and Horus are attacke by huge
fire breathing serpents and their riders also known as Set's hunters.

- Is the goddess of protection and Set's former wife.


- In the mythology of ancient Egypt, the world is flat and the Egyptian gods live among humans. The gods
differ from humans by their greater height, golden blood, and ability to transform into their divine
forms. A young thief named Bek and his love Zaya are attending the coronation of Horus.

10. Ra

- Was the Goa'uld System Lord who personified the Egyptian sun god, and the first to discover the Tau'ri.
His mate was Hathor, by whom he had a son, Heru'ur, and his brother was Apophis. His elite Jaffa were
the Horus Guards. Because of his power, authority, and cunning, Ra was the most powerful of the
System Lords.


- Was the head of a triad of gods worshipped at Memphis.

12. Young Maidservant

-Alia Seror-O'Neill as the Young Maidservant.

13.Apep (Apophis)

- Apep, the celestial serpent assaulted the sun barge of Ra every night as it made its way through the
underworld toward the dawn.


- The female counterpart of Amun, member of the Ogdoad.



- Also known as Onuris by the Greeks. God of war and patron of the Egyptian army. See Onuris.

16.Bes (Aha or Bisu)

- God of childbirth, fertility, sexuality, humor, and war, popularly known as the Dwarf god.

17.Fussy Older Maidservant

Julian Maroun. Young Human Soldier


- Is the second Egyptian god introduced in the Moon Knight series, as she was mentioned as early as the
first episode.

19.. Heka

-who empowered Ma'at just as he did all the other deities.

20. Sobek

-In ancient Egyptian mythology, was a god of the Nile River and crocodiles.


-Remained an important figure in Egyptian mythology throughout the centuries, and her explosive
power and protective abilities continue to be celebrated.


-is a tiger-like goddess and is said to be the Egyptian goddess of moisture and rainfall.


- Was associated with creating pottery and other crafts as a god of potters.


- Goddess Demoness of Birth.


-The Strength of Woman.


-God of the Moon


- "Father of Gods" and the God of the Rising Earth


- Warrior and Solar God; Mut Grandmother of the Gods; Nefertem Lord of the Sunrise; Nehebkau, the
God who Joined the Ka to the Body.

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