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Artificial Intelligence

2024 Version 1.0 Whitepaper

Table of Contents

01 Executive Summary 01 02 Problem Statement 02

03 Biconiq’s Solution 04 04 Target Audience 06

05 Benefits 08 06 Benefits 09

07 Tokenomics 10 08 Market Analysis 11

09 Roadmap 12 10 Disclaimer 13
01 Executive Summary

Biconiq envisions a future where the transformative power of AI, blockchain, and Web3

technologies are accessible to everyone. Biconiq seeks to break down barriers by making

wealth-creation opportunities accessible to both businesses and individuals. Our mission is

to empower both businesses and individuals, facilitating a seamless transition into the new

dimensions of the digital era.

Biconiq bridges the gap between the web2 and web3 space by seamlessly integrating

cutting-edge technology with traditional tools and values. Biconiq is the only one in the

market that successfully combines traditional tools and values with the security and

transparency of blockchain technology. By seamlessly integrating these realms, we offer

a unique platform that leverages the strengths of both. Biconiq users can trust in the

reliability of our ecosystem, combining the best of the old and the new for unparalleled

success. This unique approach ensures stability, security, and unparalleled ease of use.

Biconiq provides the knowledge and tools you need to build wealth without needing

technical expertise. Whether you want to increase your savings, build a successful business,

or simply secure your financial future, Biconiq has the solution for you. Biconiq's blockchain-

based tools and platforms drive growth, automate processes, and enhance

security, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve in the digital revolution.

The Biconiq ecosystem was created and is continuously developed by the best in the

market. Our experts are among the most recognized in the fields of blockchain, AI,

cryptocurrencies, finance, marketing, and sales, ensuring that you are in the best hands.

Join the Biconiq revolution and discover a world of possibilities.

02 Problem Statement

We are currently witnessing a technological revolution of unprecedented scale. Artificial

intelligence, blockchain, and web3 technologies are rapidly reshaping everything from
industries to individual lives. They are set to fundamentally transform every corner of the
world. Although this transformation is brimming with opportunity it also presents a spectrum
of challenges that, if left unaddressed, can leave entire companies and individuals behind.

Global Economic Transformation

Companies who fail to keep up with these changes risk losing their wealth, while competitors
leverage the power of these technologies can gain new fortunes. Consider the case of
Kodak, which was a massive success story until the 1990s, dominating the photography
market with a 90% market share. However, they failed to take the digital photography
revolution seriously and were unable to catch up with competitors who embraced the
change in time. The company eventually filed for bankruptcy in 2012.

This is precisely the problem facing companies that do not move towards WEB3 or artificial
intelligence - they risk being left behind by competitors. Currently, no single project can
guide companies in the right direction, leaving many unsure of how to adapt to avoid a fate
similar to Kodak's, even if they recognize the need for change.

Cryptocurrency Market Risks

Countless individuals and companies are tempted by the rapid growth of the
cryptocurrency market. Witnessing incredible growth, thousands of companies and masses
of people will invest in the cryptocurrency market. However, Uninformed investors lured by
the promise of quick gains can become vulnerable to scams, price volatility, and
devastating losses. A comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics is crucial to
safeguarding investments and preventing potential wealth erosion.

Job Loss Risks

As AI takes over more complex tasks, fear of redundancy becomes a pressing concern for
many employees. The rise of modern technologies seriously threatens traditional jobs,
potentially endangering up to 45% of employment opportunities. This is particularly true for
office workers and those with higher education qualifications. Without proactive reskilling
and adaptation, this displacement can lead to widespread unemployment and economic

Challenges of MLM and Affiliate Systems

People who lose their jobs turn to MLM networks, affiliate businesses, or direct sales in droves.
However, without sales knowledge and tools, 97% are doomed to failure, only losing more
money. The majority of them are unsuccessful due to a lack of necessary knowledge, and
tools, a small network, fear of rejection, poor communication about their projects, or any
combination of these factors. Biconiq aims to bridge these gaps by providing the necessary
tools and knowledge for success.

Market Exploitation Risks

The influx of new projects exploiting the public's lack of awareness poses a considerable risk.
Individuals may fall victim to schemes that capitalize on ignorance, resulting in financial
losses. Biconiq addresses this concern by prioritizing education and providing a secure
ecosystem, protecting users from potential exploitation.

The Biconiq Ecosystem was created to ensure that companies and ordinary people
emerge victoriously from these processes. Companies can profit from this technological
revolution, and businesses and individuals can increase their wealth without needing to
understand blockchain, artificial intelligence, web3, or tokenization. Even ordinary people
can create wealth from scratch without needing basic sales skills or any marketing or
sales knowledge.

The Biconiq Ecosystem was established to ensure there are no real barriers for anyone who
wants to create a better life, indeed the best life, for themselves and their families.

03 Biconiq’s Solution

Discover the world of Biconiq, where tomorrow's technologies are already in your hands
today! Biconiq stands as a pioneering force, driven by a mission to redefine the way
businesses and individuals engage with and benefit from emerging technologies. We
believe that the advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, Web3 technologies, and
the cryptocurrency market should not be confined to a select few. Biconiq is here to break
down barriers, making these revolutionary technologies accessible to everyone, regardless
of their background or technical expertise.

The Biconiq Ecosystem is a catalyst for positive change in the digital landscape. It's an
initiative that goes beyond profit margins and market trends. We aim to empower users with
the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape
and emerge victorious in a rapidly changing world.

Here, we break the chains of technological barriers and unleash a world of endless

Biconiq Academy

The Biconiq Academy is a gateway to empowerment in the digital age. At the Biconiq
Academy, you can acquire knowledge that enables you to leverage the opportunities
offered by artificial intelligence, blockchain, and web3 technology for your benefit.With a
diverse range of courses, tutorials, and expert guidance, you'll acquire the skills needed to
leverage these powerful technologies for successfully navigating these spaces. Imagine
how these revolutionary technologies can help you increase your revenues or even multiply
your profits!

Blockchain-Based Tools for Automation

At Biconiq, knowledge is not the only key to success – tools and practical applications are
equally crucial. We go beyond theory by providing blockchain-based tools that automate
processes, making complex operations manageable even for beginners. Think about the
possibilities if you automated your entire company's operations with our blockchain-based
programs, motivated your employees, and achieved extraordinary success. Or envision how
our capital growth programs can rapidly develop your company while enhancing the
security of your ownership circle.


Our tokenization programs open up new opportunities for you to safely build and multiply
your wealth in various assets. Imagine increasing your savings in cryptocurrencies,
investment gold, American startups, or Dubai real estate, regardless of your wealth size. All of
this can be started with just a few dollars and accomplished without extensive expertise.

Biconiq AI ONE

We proudly present our latest innovation, the Biconiq AI ONE, a globally unparalleled affiliate
business-building super tool. AI ONE is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize
how businesses approach affiliate marketing. Imagine building your own global business
with the help of the Biconiq AI ONE, achieving complete financial independence, even if you
have not previously succeeded in network marketing or lack sales and marketing

AI ONE operates as an artificial intelligence-driven system, incorporating cutting-edge

technology to streamline and enhance the affiliate business-building process. From
content creation to efficient networking, AI ONE is the catalyst for success in the rapidly
evolving world of affiliate marketing.

At Biconiq, we believe that technological innovations should be accessible and usable for
everyone. That's why we've designed our tools to be easily manageable even with everyday
skills. Join us and be part of this exciting and dynamically evolving ecosystem, where the
solutions of the future are already available today.

Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and increase
your success with the help of Biconiq. At Biconiq, everything is about us and you – join now
and start your journey to the future with us!

04 Target Audience

AI ONE is tailored for a diverse audience, addressing the needs of individuals facing unique
challenges in the affiliate marketing space.

For networkers fearing rejection

AI ONE is not just a system but the key to courage and success for those held back by the fear of
rejection. Let your communication be the filter so that you only need to speak with those who are
genuinely seeking you and are open to information.

For those unsure about how to start

AI ONE is the ideal assistant for those who are uncertain and don't know where to begin in
network building. Let it guide you in successful relationship building and customer recruitment
right from the start.

For network builders struggling to generate interest

AI ONE not only generates but enchants! It effortlessly creates interesting and attractive content,
helping network builders spark people's interest.

For budding entrepreneurs on a tight budget

AI ONE is a revolutionary opportunity for budding business builders to cost-effectively build their
customer base without the need for expensive advertising.

For introverted networkers

AI ONE is not just software, but an effective partner for introverts. Express yourself through
generated content, easily attracting interested parties.

For business builders short on time

AI ONE not only automates but speeds up and makes every networking process more efficient.
Content creation? Just 2-3 minutes! Publishing? A single click!

For networkers who find it challenging to arouse interest

AI ONE has a superpower: generating creative and attention-grabbing content. Struggling with
writing? Don't know the magic words that make people say "YES"? AI ONE knows what to write to
get the masses to react to your posts.

For those seeking rapid growth

For small businesses with limited budgets, AI ONE is a customer recruitment miracle, offering a
cost-effective solution for successful growth.

For those who don't speak 170 languages

AI ONE helps even those who don't know foreign languages. Our system communicates in every
existing language, opening doors for those wanting to build connections anywhere in the world.

For the best direct sellers, their team can also experience success

AI ONE focuses not just on individual success but also serves as a tool for successful sellers to
share strategies and solutions with their teams. By passing on this system, you not only develop
your team but also rise further on the path to success with grateful and successful team members.

If you're open to innovation, you'll love this

If you've always followed technological trends for building your business, AI ONE is a complex,
unified system built on strategy, engaging your prospects at the moment of attention and never
letting them forget you. It continually communicates with them until they make a decision. Go
forth with innovation!

05 Benefits

Discover the Biconiq ecosystem, where you

can be part of an exceptionally helpful and
supportive team whose primary mission is to
facilitate your success. Our ecosystem is
intricately designed to harness the power of
technological innovations, including AI,
blockchain, and Web3 technologies.

These innovations already enable experts to build fortunes, while those who fear the
changes may lose everything. However, we tailor these technologies to be easily
manageable and beneficial for you. We promise to put these technological advancements
into your hands in a way that is compatible with you. Biconiq is not just about personal
success; it's about fostering the growth of businesses on a global scale. The ecosystem
provides the resources and support needed to navigate the complexities of the international
market, turning aspirations of global success into tangible achievements.

To understand the benefits of joining Biconiq, we draw inspiration from the lessons of the
Internet revolution. Those who embraced the internet early on reaped immense benefits,
propelling companies like Google and Amazon to become global giants. However, those
who rejected technology out of fear, resistance, or aversion no longer exist in the market. By
learning from the past, we recognize the importance of early adoption and adaptation to
emerging technologies.

Within the Biconiq ecosystem, our platforms and tools specifically developed for
businesses allow you to profit from the world's greatest technological innovations without
significant investment in knowledge, development, or labor. Be there at the beginning of
innovation's spread, just as Amazon and Google were at the dawn of the internet.

Join the Biconiq ecosystem and become part of a world where every opportunity is in
your hands. At Biconiq, everything is about you – join now and start your journey towards
the future!

06 Biconiq's tokens

Discover Biconiq's innovative tokens, offering unique opportunities within our ecosystem.
Each of our tokens provides distinct advantages to assist you and your business on the path
to success.

The primary currency of our ecosystem, the value of BQAI1 is directly linked to our
company's performance. As the number of our Business Partners and Customers, along
with our revenue, dynamically increases, the demand for BQAI1 may also grow
continuously, potentially leading to price appreciation. It will soon be available on
numerous exchange platforms, and its limited supply further enhances its appeal.

This token functions as a tokenized share of our ecosystem. Owning BQ888 entitles you
to a share of the total revenue from all platforms within our ecosystem. As the revenue
increases, so does your share, which could also have a price-boosting effect. The
availability and supply of BQ888 are limited, making it an exceptional investment

A specialized currency used by our Business Partners within our platforms. Regular
purchases of BQ28 provide significant advantages to our Business Partners, and certain
highly sought-after products can only be purchased with BQ28 tokens. The demand for
BQ28 may exponentially increase with the growth in the number of our Partners and the
range of special products. The supply of BQ28 tokens is finite, enhancing its value.

A unique opportunity for savings in the Crypto Index. BQIX is a modern and flexible tool
that allows you to optimize your savings by leveraging the movements of the
cryptocurrency market.

Savings in physical investment gold, offer security and stability in your investment
portfolio. BQGLD is an outstanding tool that aids in preserving and increasing your
wealth in line with the fluctuations in the gold market.

BQST offers the opportunity to enhance your savings through stake rewards. This
innovative and dynamic approach allows you to increase your savings by utilizing
blockchain technology, while also participating in the growth of the ecosystem.

Each Biconiq token represents a special value and offers the opportunity to be part of a
dynamic and innovative ecosystem. Join the world of Biconiq, and enjoy the benefits that
these tokens provide. Build your business and personal wealth with the unique
opportunities offered by Biconiq. At Biconiq, everything is about us and you – join now and
start your journey to the future with us!
07 Tokenomics


Available only on public stock exchanges

Starts delivery: 800.000.000

Initial price: 0.0001 USD


Available only on the affiliate system

Initial Supply: 50.000.000

Initial price: 3 USD


Exclusively available in the affiliate system

IInitial delivery:

Initial price: 0.1 USD


Exclusively available in the affiliate system

Initial shipping: None. Only the number of units currently in circulation exists

Initial price: 7.83 USD

Exchange rate: reflects the capitalization of the strongest currencies in the crypto

market (see live exchange rate)

Buyback price: always at the current live exchange rate


Only available in the affiliate system

Starts delivery: none. Always only the number of units currently in circulation

Initial price: 2.034 USD

Price: Reflects the physical investment gold price (see live price)

Repurchase price: always at the current live rate


Only available in the affiliate system

Starts delivery: none. Only the number of units currently in circulation exists

Initial price: 1 USD

Reward: weekly stake rewards

08 Market Analysis

The target market for Biconiq's solutions spans across three booming sectors:

Blockchain Technology Market

The global blockchain technology market is projected to reach $45.7 billion by
2026, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 81.5%. This explosive growth
indicates a thriving demand for innovative blockchain solutions across industries.

Web3 Market
The global web3 market is estimated to reach $10.86 trillion by 2030, growing at a
CAGR of 43.7%. This rapid expansion highlights the significant interest in
decentralized technologies and their potential to reshape the digital landscape.

AI Market
The AI market is experiencing an unprecedented surge, with a global market size
projected to reach $1.81 trillion by 2030, growing at a staggering CAGR of 37.3%. This
expansion signifies a burgeoning demand for AI solutions across industries, further
solidifying Biconiq's strategic positioning.

Growth Potential

Strong market tailwinds

The expanding blockchain, web 3.0 and AI markets provide a fertile ground for
Biconiq's continued growth.

Constant innovation
Our commitment to ongoing R&D ensures we stay ahead of the curve, offering
cutting-edge solutions to evolving user needs.

Biconiq platforms are designed for global reach, allowing us to expand our user
base and impact across geographic boundaries.

Strong community engagement

Fostering a loyal and engaged community fuels Biconiq's growth and strengthens
its position as a leader in the digital revolution.
09 Roadmap

2023 Q3 2023 Q3 2023 Q4

Creation of BQ888
Web3 Affiliate
BQ AiONE web3 business

and BQ28 tokens app development builder artificial intelligence

app creation

2024 Q1 2024 Q1 2024 Q1

Creation of tokens and

Creating a web3
Create Biconiq Academy

development of smart
savings platform web3 platform
contracts for crypto index

(BQIX), investment gold

(BQGLD), and stake (BQST)

savings products

2024 Q3 2024 Q2 2024 Q2

BQ enterprise platform
BQ shares smart
BQ money flow smart

development contract development contract development

2024 Q4 2024 Q4 2024 Q3

BQ Exchange web3 platform

Listing of BQAI1 Development of BQ
development (Cryptocurrency,
FIAT currency, tokenized assets
(tokenization of
trading) companies, real estate,
assets) smart contracts

2025 Q1

Development of BQ AI trading

artificial intelligence bot

10 Disclaimer

Any information or materials provided by Biconiq, including this whitepaper, do not

constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation to invest in
any securities or digital assets. This whitepaper is for informational purposes only and
should not be considered financial advice. You should always consult with a qualified
financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Investing in any securities or
digital assets involves inherent risks, including the potential for loss of principal.

Forward-Looking Statements
This whitepaper may contain forward-looking statements about Biconiq's plans,
products, services, technology, and future performance. These statements are based on
current expectations and assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. You should not place
undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Biconiq disclaims any obligation
to update or revise any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

Technology Disclaimer

The technology described in this whitepaper is in development and may be subject to

change. Biconiq makes no representations or warranties concerning the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the information contained in this whitepaper. Biconiq disclaims any
liability for any errors or omissions in this whitepaper or any damages arising from reliance
on the information contained herein.

Biconiq reserves the right to modify, update, or alter any aspect of the project, including but
not limited to features, functionalities, timelines, and tokenomics, at its sole discretion. The
details provided in this document are subject to change without notice, and it is
recommended that readers stay informed about any updates or modifications.

By accessing and reading this document, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this
disclaimer. It is advised to review the latest version of this disclaimer regularly, as it may be
subject to updates or changes without prior notice.


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