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Effat University

Term paper


COURSE NAME: Theories in Business Administration COURSE NUMBER: BUS 600

Due Date: 02nd May 2024 Time: 1200 hours
INSTRUCTOR NAME: Dr Uzma Javed Room: Black Board
Student Name (ID): Word Count:

Note: The word limit for essay is 3000 words. The essay will be structured using APA guidelines.

Within your field of specialization, identify and critically analyse two dominant philosophical schools of
thought. Compare and contrast their underlying epistemological assumptions and explore how these
contrasting perspectives have shaped the development of major theories and research methodologies in
your field of specialization. In the light of these differences, propose a novel theoretical model that draws
upon the strengths of the chosen philosophy or philosophies to address a pressing challenge within your
field. Analyze the potential benefits and limitations of your proposed model, both in terms of advancing
knowledge and addressing practical concerns.


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