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Describe a person you admire/Positive thinking/

Well, we admire many people in our life due to their skills and mindset of that person and
confidence to see the world inspiring us.

Who is he or she?
In my life, I admire many people at work, in my home and my teacher. But today I would like to
talk about one of my close friends, whose name is Shrey. We have been friends since 5th
standard, and till now we are in the same college. He is one of my closest friends. We first met in
a tuition class, and later we were in the same class and same school.

What does he or she do for a living?

Well, currently he is a student and doing in chemical engineering in MS university of
baroda. I am also in that university and we both sit on the same bench in our class and share a
good bond with each other.

What characteristics does this person have?

He is one of the best people I know to date as he is kind, mature, communicative, etc. It is why I
admire him as he helps other people whether he knows the person or not. He reacts humbly to
everyone. It is the reason I admire this person most.

Explain why you admire this person?

When we were in 10th std, and our preliminary exam was there, we all friends were tense as we
have not been given a full-scale test before, and at that time as we five boys were good at
mathematics, our tuition teacher told us to teach other students who are weak in mathematics,
then we four boys disagreed with our teacher, but Shrey agreed to her and without thinking about
his grades, he taught that other students. On top of that, he was able to secure 1st rank in class
and I secured 3rd rank at that time.

In the end, I would say he is one of the kindest people I know as he helps out every person in his
life and still he can balance his student life in a good way.
The person I want to talk about is my close friend, Rajib hasan is an incredibly positive and
optimistic individual, and his outlook on life is truly inspiring.

he always carries a radiant smile and has a way of uplifting those around his with his cheerful
personality. No matter the situation, Rajib hasan has a knack for finding the silver lining and
maintaining a positive perspective. Even in challenging times, he remains optimistic and

Rajib positivity is evident in how he approaches his goals and dreams. He sets ambitious targets
for himself and firmly believes he can achieve them. He faces obstacles with a can-do attitude,
using setbacks as stepping stones for future success. This positive mindset has not only propelled
his forward but also motivated those around his to strive for their best.

One of the remarkable things about rajib is his ability to see the good in people and situations.
His quick to appreciate the efforts of others and offers encouraging words to boost their morale.
His genuine compliments and words of encouragement create a positive environment wherever
he goes.

Furthermore, rajib positive outlook extends to his interactions with the community. he volunteers
regularly and spreads positivity through acts of kindness. Whether it's lending a helping hand to
those in need or simply brightening someone's day with a kind gesture, he epitomizes the essence
of positivity.

In conclusion, rajib is a shining example of a person who embodies positivity in every aspect of
his life. His optimistic outlook, resilience in the face of challenges, and ability to spread joy and
encouragement to others make his a truly remarkable and positive individual.

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