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SESSION 2021-22
MM: 50


1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (1X6=6)

Have you ever heard the sound of a hummingbird? They make a buzzing noise when they fly. They
make this noise because they beat their wings very fast. They beat their wings up to 80 times a
second. All that flapping makes a lot of noise. That’s why we call them hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds fly in a unique way. They move their wings so fast that they can hover. This means
that they can stay in one spot in the middle of the air. They are the only bird that flies backward too.
Hummingbirds need lots of energy to move as fast as they do. This means that they need to eat a lot
of food. Their favourite food is nectar, a sweet liquid found inside some flowers. They drink nectar in
large quantity, daily. They have to visit hundreds of flowers to get enough nectar to live.
Hummingbirds use their tongues for eating, not their long beaks. Hummingbirds help flowers too.
They get pollen on their heads and bills when they feed. Flowers use pollen to make seeds.
Hummingbirds spread pollen from one flower to the other. This helps flowers make more seeds.
More seeds mean more flowers. More flowers mean more food for hummingbirds. Isn’t it nice how
that works out?

a) On the basis of your reading the above passage. Choose the most appropriate option and
complete the sentences:

i. They are called hummingbirds because ______________.

a. they are very light

b. they sing when they fly

c. their wings make a humming sound

d. they move very fast

ii. Humming birds can hover because__________________

a. they can move their wings very fast.

b. they can fly backward.

c. they have a lot of energy.

d. they can fly very fast.

iii. Humming birds visit hundreds of flowers because______________________

a. they need enough nectar to live

b. they eat pollen.

c. they spread pollen from one flower to the next

d. they plant seeds.

iv. This is the only bird that __________________

a. can fly faster than any other bird.

b. can fly longer than any other bird.

c. can fly backward.

d. cannot hover in mid-air.

v. Humming birds help flowers by ________

a. spreading pollen from flower to flower

b. spreading seeds by carrying them on their heads.

c. spreading seeds by carrying them on their bills

d. all the above.

vi. Find synonym of the word:

i. sound

2. Read the following poem and answer the questions based on it: (6x1=6)

Freedom is the right to do

Anything that pleases you,

As long as you keep in sight

That others also have a right.

Have you the right to kill a cat?

Oh no! It's wrong, just consider that

The cat has the right to live like you

A right of eating and drinking too!

So, remember that it's certainly wrong

To deprive a nightingale its song

To cheat the poor people, as rich men do

To rob the innocent, as robbers do

To injure someone to win a race

To despise some and others embrace

To disobey every order and rule

And drown a swimmer in the pool

And shout and scream like a fool

Disrespecting the teachers in the school.

So never forget that although you are free,

You should think of others, not only 'ME'.

i. What do the rich men do?

a) cheat the poor people

b) hate the poor people

c) like the poor people

d) none of these.

ii. What do the robbers do?

a) cheat the innocent

b) rob the innocent

c) respect the innocent

d) none of these.
iii. What is the right of the cat?

a) to get respect like us

b) to hate like us

c) to live like us

d) none of these.

iv. Find the synonym of ‘liberty’ from the poem?

a) fraternity

b) freedom

c) conflict

d) embrace

v. How should students conduct themselves in their school?

a) They should treat the teachers with reverence.

b) They should win the race by injuring other participants.

c) They should disobey rules and regulations.

d) They should scold younger students.

vi. Find the synonym of the word:

i. vision


3. You are the head girl/head boy of XYZ School, New Delhi. Write an application to the principal
of your school requesting her/him to organize a science and technology fair for the students of VI-
VIII in the school campus. (6)

4. Write a Diary entry sharing your experience of helping an old woman cross the road at a busy
intersection near your home in the evening. (4)


You are Rohan/ Keerti, Sports Secretary of NBC Public School, Jaipur. Draft a notice in not more
than 50 words for your school notice board asking the students to give their names for participation in
various events (High jump, long jump, shot put, Javelin, Tug of war etc.) to be held on the Annual
Sports Day of your school.

5. Fill in the blanks with a suitable adverb. (1x5=3)

(i) I ____ ______ go to bed at 10 o’clock. (Once / ever / usually)

(ii) I have _____________ been to the USA. (Never / ever)
(iii) I have been to Australia just ___________ (one / once / ones)

6. Select the correct preposition. (.5x3=1.5)

1. Peter is unfit _____ the hard work.

(i) for
(ii) except
(iii) because of
(iv) into

2. They are fond ____ reading romantic novels.

(i) against
(ii) of
(iii) because of
(iv) towards

3. Always be respectful ____ your elders.

(i) of
(ii) under
(iii) to
(iv) from

7. Fill the gaps with the correct tenses. (1x3=3)

i. I (learn) _________ English for seven years now.

ii. But last year I (not / work) _______ hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be)
_________ really that good then.
iii. As I (pass / want) my English exam successfully next year, I (study) _________ harder this

8. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. (.5x5=2.5)

1. He said, “She lives here.”

2. “She is waiting for us,” said Martin.
3. “You are wasting time,” I said to her.
4. “She has won the first prize,” he said.
5. “Kritika will come,” said Suman.

9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of phrasal verbs from the box. (.5x6=3)


1. Simon ____________________ a story about catching an enormous fish, and almost

everyone believed him.
2. I’m self-employed now. I’m going to ____________________ my own office.
3. My friend has been thinking about it all morning, but she simply can’t _______ a solution to the
4. He ____________________ when the alarm clock rang.
5. I’ll ____________________ his number in the phone book.
6. My mother says that I have _________ her in life.


10. Answer any four of the following questions: (2x4=8)

i. What do we learn about Aunt Meg from what Bertha says about her?

ii. What does the poet encounter while wandering? Where does he encounter them?

iii. What information does the poet of ‘Home and Love’ give us about the words home and love?

iv. Who was sent to follow Keesh and why?

v. What did the wind do to the second ship?

11. Reference to context: (3x1=3)

“I saw three ships go sailing by,

Over the sea, the lifting sea,
And the wind rose in the morning sky,
And one was rigged for a long journey.”

i. Name the poem and the poet.

ii. What does the “lifting sea” refer to?

iii. Write the poetic device in: “I saw three ships go sailing by.”
12. Give the meaning of the following words: (1x2=2)

i. Wistful ii. Fluttering


13. ‘The Story of Keesh’ is a story of triumph against discrimination of age and it also teaches
us the value of confidence and determination. Explain and justify this statement in context of
the chapter. (2)

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