4.2 Energy Calculations - Notes

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IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.

2 Energy Calculations

Energy Calculations

Learning Objectives:

 I know the definition and formula for work done

 I know the formula for KE.

 I know the formula for GPE.

Work Done

When work is done, energy is ……………...

We can simply think of the energy transferred and work done as being the same.
Both are measured in ……………….

There is a formula for work done:

Work Done = Force x Distance moved

The distance moved must be in the same direction as the force

Example 1. A man pushes a trolley 200m. The force of friction is 20N. How
much work has he done?

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

Kinetic Energy

There is a formula for KE:

KE = ½ m v2

Kinetic Energy is measured in …………..

Example 2

A car has mass 1000kg and accelerates, from stationary, to 20m/s.

What is the KE gained by the car?

The cars engine is 35 % efficient. How much fuel energy has been used to achieve

Example 3 – The same car now drives 400km down the road at a constant 20m/s:


The resistive forces (friction plus air resistance) are 600N. Calculate the work
done by the car in driving 400km.
IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

If the car engine is again 35% efficient calculate the energy that is required from
the fuel .

If 1 litre of fuel contains 35MJ of Chemical PE calculate the volume of fuel used in
this journey.

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations


Remember - Gravitational Potential Energy is the energy an object has because of

its height above the ground.

The WORK DONE in lifting the object will be equal to the GPE that the object

Consider an object of mass m being lifted to height h:

Work = F x d

H GPE = m g h


Example 3

A person who lays bricks is a brick layer. A brick layer carries a 30kg load of
bricks from the ground to a 3m high floor.

If he does this 4 times what is the total work done?

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

Would it more efficient to use a pulley? Why?

Example 4

An electric motor lifts a 100g mass 80cm.

What is the GPE gained by the mass?

GPE = m g h

The electric motor uses 9.0J of energy. What is the efficiency of the motor?

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

Popper Challenge

Have a quick play with the ‘popper’.

The challenge is, by considering energy and taking one

suitable measurement, calculate the speed at which the
popper leaves the ground. Draw a Sankey Diagram for the

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

Example 5

A weight-lifter lifts a 80kg dumbbell from the floor to a height of 2.2m.

What is the GPE gained by the mass?

GPE = m g h

The weightlifter then drops the dumbbell to the floor.

What is the speed at which the dumbbell hits the floor?

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

Here the GPE is converted into what form of energy as the dumbbell falls?

GPE = ?

Interesting! This question can be answered in one go….



m g h = ½ m v2

IGCSE Physics – Energy: 4.2 Energy Calculations

Example 6

The greatest height drop on the

Dragon roller coaster at Ocean
Park is 23m. What is the fastest
speed on the ride?? Where will
this be?

Homework; P 83 Q 1-3; P 85 Q 4-5

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