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Closing Ceremony

I. To our dynamic and hardworking school principal IV, Ma’am

Marilu A. Federi, supportive head teachers, Ma’am Eden P.
Vasquez, Ma’am Nancy M. Valdez, Ma’am Milagros G. Mamungay
Ma’am Veronica G. Luis, Ma’am Rose Lily P. Dela Cruz, Ma’am,
Marissa S. Martin, Fellow NLC volunteer teachers, faculty and staff
that are here today and most especially to the star of this afternoon’s
event our NLC Completers a pleasant afternoon to all of us.

II. Today signifies the culmination of the 5 weeks of hard work

and fun filled pursuit of knowledge and necessary skills that will
help you in your next grade level.
Everyone welcome to San Jose National Agricultural and Industrial
High School, National Learning Camp Consolidation Camp Closing

III. To formally open today’s program, may I request everyone to please

stand for the singing of the national anthem, to be conducted by
Ma’am Jasmin A. Martisano, teacher II, which will be followed by a
prayer to be led by Regin Joy M. Trabucon a grade a camper.

IV. Let us remain standing for the singing of the MIMAROPA March
and Occidental Mindoro March that will be conducted by Ma’am
Marife B. Casidsid, Teacher II

V. You may now all be seated and please do make yourselves

comfortable. Today ladies and gentlemen marks another milestone
in our life and history of our school as we gather here today to
celebrate the success of the conduct of National Learning Camp.
This is also the time when our campers can say I’ve done it. I know
that you are all now excited to receive your certificates so without
further a do let me invite on stage the woman who made sure that
this program will be successful, a woman of humility and a steward
for education let us welcome Ma’am Marilu A. Federi, School
Principal III for the opening remarks.

VI. Thank you ma’am for your words of wisdom, I’m sure that our
campers here will cherish and apply in their lives what you have
shared today.

VII. At this juncture can I invite everyone to please stand and let us all
chant with all our might the yell of NLC

Ang SJNAIHS ay G na G sa NLC, go go go! National Learning

Camp, SJNAIHS the best.
Thank you for your cooperation you may now be seated.

VIII. I know that during your short period of stay in the camp you have
gain a lot of things and realization and so to share her insight this
morning let us all welcome Gender R. Damasino, grade 7 camper.

IX. Thank you gender. Another insight will be given to us by Mary Ann
D. Santiago Grade 8 Camper. Thank you Mary- Ann for your
wonderful insights.

X. And now to give us her notions and thoughts regarding the conduct
of the 5 weeks learning camp let us all welcome one of our NLC
volunteer teacher in grade 7 consolidation camp Ma’am Jenny G.
Gamarcha, teacher III.

XI. Thank you Ma’am Jenny I could not help but agree with what you
have said about this camp. Indeed, this camp had been very fruitful
and enjoyable.

XII. Of course this program will not be complete without having one of
our grade 8 consolidation camp volunteer teacher share her
impression of the program and with that let us have on stage Ma’am
Marife A. Casidsid Teacher II

XIII. Thank you ma’am Marife, Surely what you have said today are all

XIV. Dear NLC campers the moment that you have been waiting for has
come. The fruit of your hard work and discipline will finally be
reaped. Because you will now be receiving your certificates of
completion but before that let me read to you the content of the

XV. May I request Ma’am Malu together with our head teacher on stage
to hand out the certificates to our campers.

XVI. I would also like to invite the leader of the NLC volunteer teachers
Ma’am Myreene J. Clavel, Master Teacher I to do the honor of
presenting to us the campers who will receive the certificate of

XVII. It is said that the quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to

his or her commitment to excellence regardless of the chosen field
of endeavor. Ladies and gentlemen, let us recognize those students
who excelled in the different learning areas in the consolidation

For Grade 7
Best in English Gender R. Damasino
Best in English Rustan O. Salimbot
Best in English Nashtee R. Reyes

Best in Science Gender R. Damasino

Best in Science Rustan O. Salimbot
Best in Science Nashtee R. Reyes
Best in Mathematics Gender R. Damasino
Best in Mathematics Rustan O. Salimbot

Best in Attendance Reymond P. Yalong

Best in Attendance Gender R. Damasino
For the Grade 8 consolidation camp
Best in English Mary Ann D. Santiago
Best in English Regin Joy M. Trabucon

Best in Science Mary Ann D. Santiago

Best in Science Regin Joy M. Trabucon

Best in Mathematics Mary Ann D. Santiago

Best in Mathematics Regin Joy M. Trabucon

Best in Attendance John Ninio A. Corpuz

Best in Attendance Glorife R. Damasino

XVIII. Congratulations dear NLC campers. You all did a good job. But
let us not forget to give credit to our patient and hardworking NLC
volunteer teachers who have rendered their relentless effort during
the whole duration of the National Learning Camp. But before we
award the certificate let me read fist the content of the certificate

Once again congratulations NLC campers for successfully completing young

NLC journey and to all volunteer teachers salute to your dedication to this

XIX. Music is the expression of the soul. To move our emotions and
feelings through a song that emphasizes in believing in one’s self
amidst challenges, let us hear the NLC completers song. Let’s give
them a round of applause.

XX. Thank you campers that was an awesome delivery of lines, action
and melody.

XXI. Sadly, we have now come to the end of our ceremony, To end our
program let us have the amicable Head Teacher III Ma’am Rose
Lily P. Dela Cruz for the closing remarks.

XXII.The closing has finally arrived. To all the donors thank youyou’re
your support and generosity, to the volunteer teachers we are truly
grateful for the gift of learnings, to our school administration, please
accept our heartfelt appreciation of your genuine advocacy for
quality education. To all our campers next week, new challenges
and opportunities await you all that will further your strength of
spirit as improving individuals. As you continue your journey to the
next grade level may you look back to this stage of your life with
fondness and pride. Ladies and gentlemen this concludes the
SJNAIHS NLC Consolidation Camp Closing Ceremony. I am your
master of Ceremony ANA JEANE R. NAVIA, now signing of.
Again Thank you and God bless us all.

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