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Tes Tybe € Type 4 Tangentt/ Normal ok a ghven foink on the cue Type® | Targent/novmal honing giver. abete Tangent] normal fom an external point Type 4] we yous presence of mind | Type s | Ange of intersection ef fw0 curves Largth of dangent /sub-tongent /mecial [seb-rrovmel Wee 4 Tangent] Normal ak a gkven. Point on the cuwe Noxmat (™) My My =—! Ff 1 Egn- of Rengent » Bene Cm, ) yoga mp oy) ‘egnoh Normals Horlicks yan med eal find the equation ob tangent and nowmel + g= BOn4 ok ~=0 24 Y Roary _ x=0@ t= ory S06 ofan cacy Yoint on the cue ss? VY dy RORY (oe qe OFF @ +2) mm, (think?) = ~ 284 x69) =o ‘Eqn. of tangent: y-soe= 0xCo9) gasoe =? -! my, = — nwo ‘Eqn. of moval = y- S06 = xd) x =0 4B Find the eqn-of tangent cand normal #2 the wove yra-1 ak GD : 6x- yas En of Normal > X64 = F 24. Find the equation of tangent and novel fo x= 07, yo as of Q.2) Sein: Wat P.C2) ste) 2 20-2 =t e=| ty Wie te tye 29 O=| dy = ts) dz lak O=1 ' am =: * Som.ab-tansent 2 Y-2 = '(%-1) wip stg EO Tyg Noe My=-! 5 Eqn. of normal : yrRathGD gk Find the equation ob tangent ard niowmal ye [e- bd] ok <=-2 Sein: Gohgnea-3 then Y= |2-3|= 6 foint P (—3,6) In neightoukowt of <=-3> Y= [PEO cn| y= |e+% y= oP te Ay ant Qxt+) ag = 2639+) =-S 2M, ax lax p _l My are “Eqn. of angenk + yo 6 =~ HD Spoof moral | Y- 8 = + RD ys. Find the equation of tangent and noeral to = |a2-[+|] at x=+3 Hints : . In neighbourhood of = +3> ye |e G9 | = |x-x yo lee yarn 46. find the equation of Khe tangent t *he cune (aay, = 2%, Rae LE Cvosses Rhe HOH. WIN 7g SI G42) y HR Put yao @ TER Point P(2,2) yx ant Geng = or! : HRY b> Fe =-(ute ) a ot 7 Leap GD " Eqn of tangent > goO= FP ys -*4+Q APNYSR at. show Hat fhe cure (2)"+()"=2 touches He skraGghe fine z+ £= 2 at the folnk @b+ orhatever the value of ‘n’ may be (y+? nx (2)"* + + nx(4)" o> Oo at Pk) @ / - t nxixg +nxI XL xm T=O ——-+b m= =z Jo &nof tangent 2 yb = bay aya = —bx + ab bx + oy = Rab Tyee] | Tangent / norma) owing, giver see 238. find the equation of Rangenk of a= ty > ushich, £4 paralter 40 xytl=0 ea ty x-gtl=° Ly ' y= eri Ax = ty 1 Mope = 1 ; a = x a> 2& ee afc Re question , aay a xK=DR =4_ vo gael PI) Eqn. of Rengent > Yo! = | e-2 2B. Find the equakfon of tangent to Khe curve Yar Sx Q ushich, & Favateer F2 g = 4X41 G,a-als)@ 4e-4 = 62-2 j E| C@,at+2G)@ 4x-y= 6-2 eqi0 Find the equation of normal k ya 8x, which & pavallek 49 Ax 18y= 9 yefes 4 Normal = = 3-3 =M, Heese 323 \8 P Ta 6x26 = (8 langen. 2 =4 x=t2 oshen x=2 hen ys a-e=2 Wiy = ushen x=-2 then yo -8t6=-2 Points (2,2) £ (2-2) Sam of moxmel : “Eqn of novmal : A 5D gtR=-$ Gra) line 94 +18 SRR Aroy = RO x1 94-20 4 eyll The egn- of te Aargenl x0 He cures ga etge? thet in parallel do the ae-anis ree/2o0 ay gx Cex 7 = oO . qe lt > Qangent II toad) gL |- —=0 3 =k wBM=a2 oye atte 3 “gn: of Aangent * y-3 = 0%-2) 4-3 =0 63i2 St Khe cumve yaar barb asses thewugh (02> & fos ibs dangent, farallal to the x48 ak x= %! then find khe vols af ab @2)@ 2=b Crwe * Ya ar 6x +R d = aax—6 alc ko question, ae | = 0 dx lak x= 35 Raxz _ 6 =o A=Q 3 2 ex's Ak oshat foints on the cusve gf = Rey 2, Khe Fongends male equal aunghes usith Bre co-ordinate come de axa | Rx dx 3 az * 27+ 2% alc Ro qution, M= ah caneQ urhen M=1 care@ when m=-( QP 4H = | RX 4 HEH! ar4+x-1=0 QPEAK4I=O 2 p=i-8=-t<0 ee jor No veal value of > 2 whan ee-l ehen Yar Sab ae when x=-L £h = 2 q Ren y= Sx tims 3 eye Find the points on the curse ay = x2 usrhure normal to the curve Makes equal interebts with the aces. £9 er axthy =! bs a Tosmoal to Khe ag, LCE » =38 Hints: Mepe of Khe kine making equal tntercepts with the axes=+! forahela y= +P7% then prove that pa + Qape= 6. Pawnt: wk novmal Ls doaum at a point QC, gon Khe Cusve ye pr 4 Eth 4) = og a Jak aa, 8) 3 My= 7 ap *. Eqn. of normals go 3 = # Gem) APy- PH = —KH A 745, BX FAPY = MATZ G, Combare his With the equaklor. ax by = |, we gee A=H 5 b= AP, “ae ets y= 4 a agit apxy) = | of ep aPe= | of + 3 Pas FP pay ea = 44> 2 pa?-+ gape = & Tee Tangent Normal from an extemal Aird gis Equation of tangents y= 2+ 9 troough ovigthn are given ty OD ye-3x, yex DW y= Bs yore O gs 3 gar QD prem gr Sela: farts 4g = AX FO = Ra dx 909 PCR dy) Ale Ao queskion, dx | = ™ (FG) dx Jak P Ji-? 24 = Seco an = 3) ana P49 x= 2 my=t3 ushen =3 then Y= I4IT=18 @Mr=S usten 24= —3 Khen h=t+4 =)3 @ Mr =-6 Eqn. of tangents - g-l8=6(%-3) & y-le = -6@e+3) ga 6x & fg = 6% git fing Rhe equation ef khe novmal fe Khe cove oe = ty > vrhich passes Lheough. the pent Ged d)-2 Moe = —— °« 4-1 5c mae - 2 7 WR yf th Given cuwe: x= Wye Aa langent = ¥xt REO Nermaf de da-~ 2 myo! 4-2 HI — Ry H-QYHY HA A[c-toq ues, S — 44 = 2 myx 7 q- we tH = 3 Rhe cure gt Find the equedion ob Lhe tangents foam te ne ye ac 4y+e =o oom the oink (v2) y-aUH) = 2B (2) 2 4-2 (HE) = - AED Type 4] Juse your peevence of mind | egit | T1485 Lind alt Rengents Ko ge cosCtt+y) 4 AE Fan, an] shot are parol to ATRYy =o Sel: 4 g . en Sinwagy Lit HS (+ singe+y)) ty = —Sin@x+y) dy incest) * [+Sinc+y) Ale Be weron, — Sine) _ lysin(xty) Qsin(e+y) = |+ Sint) Sin +) = J cos (Xty)=0 Dy=o0 Sin(x+9 =1 Sinz=t x=, 2 PR (Zo) rmes-t a) aw ob forget Eyn. of fangent -o=h (x- 1 d 3%) gro= ht 2) 2%, AMI polns om the cusve yf = ta +a sin) ak ochich, the Fangends ase paraltel ke the axis of x, Mie on D Parabste @ Ellipse @® Chrde @ Line ayy = qafit ant cos 2f j= Plies; a fin 20 a ee y= qq 7%. 4.20. Find the Point on 2 + aye = 6 which és neasesk at+y=F 248 a 24H, Setn: y S+aP = 6 da dy oe <—_ > x dn 24 Nine: mtyey 4k to queshion, “ay =-I many a aye = 26-7) Bx* =1R x= te when x= athen ay=2 Sy-t! when x =—2khen ayr=Q 5 ys th Points: (21), (a), BD sad 4a find valun ofp’ such that x= Linx has Lwo solutions ALND 2928 yaar roe t cxts touches x-axis at PCR,0) and cok years ohare its qoodient ts 3 y PC2,0) PCR,0) @ 0=—Batub-Ac+s 8a-4b+ac=S ® AG gant +2bK + ae | =3 44| =0 dz lotQ dx latp c=3 laa-Ubto=0 Find a,b, ¢ 7/1994 lga-Yb+3=0 Gb= lrat+3 © & meme|M® — $q— 124-3 + RXB=S —4a43=S 4a =-2 a=-y an® 4b= —6T3 ba -¥%y, a3. 9p the -kangent ot Pi,) be the Cue go x (Q-xd meets dhe curve again ok & Then bund Khe wo-ordinakes oh Q. Set: 2 2 - $e f- 2G ———0 , VPX el) ay de (QAP R\ FRX R|AWKCV Tangent PUI) @ axinme = bt berxix 6) _ my = Xz 2. Rams of Sargent 2 gol = “Ze ay-a=— KT | aya “+3 For font Q, solve eqnd fqn ® 2 2 AB = x (2% Q oe cat a= Hh aha te5 fox + 492 = 1027 3 Gx + 2 = 420 -\to% 4 QQK—-9 =O c|) fy -at t Bw z B24 9 Hhetangenk at PU.)) te Rhe curve g anne the cume. again ak &. Then bind the co-ovdinakes oh Q - L aot e435. The Langenk ko Ahe curve Bx yr 2x = pak OV meets Lhe cure again ef fhe point __. Cs ok s ae eg.26, TEEe/20/9 The tangent to the une y= 20% passing Rhrcigh. the forrk Cie) also pam through the pointe OG) Gx) OG Or dy 2 2 = et x) + Xxe~xKax dx =| = e+ 1Xe€xRexl = Be dix lot Ce) en of Aangent : gre = se (0 gre = sex Be Bex y= 22 eat, Pavve that equation of tangent to ef. ak Pry) 6 Ka, F4_ | a G a a 48 Prove Hhak equation of tangent te am, gy” . m=! my eo En at plete) ED END = e- ar28 ak AC 2% 90) £ g-ads ak BCORY4,) serpeckively And the Point (404) is Khe mid-point of AS 24,30 Prove hat the segmenk of he Aangent dear to Phe cute 52/4 y” =a” Inkewcephed Aeduseere the co-ordinate ances ¥s of constant Jongh Proof: xP + y? =a? Wk x= acs?e ye asirPo ay, Ax 3stroe-Coso Ay the = — 4an@ dx b/g ~ Ax3c6s79@- Csing) ° a. # - ~—3_N Eqniof fangenk © y - asin?o = — ANG (XA CoS B) For x-intercept: Pak y=o astee = 2 —o& Case co Oo M= AcsEo Foy x-intercept : Pub X=0 yoastrts = + Sino x acoso Ca y-asine = Qsine:- cos 8 y= asine oso + atrte) = aAgino ‘Tangent ine ants 2- arcka akA(acae +0) € y-axis at BCO»asing) werpeckively AE= | @acese—0)° + (o-astng)* = a = Constant el Find the equodion of noxmal ot any point 9 ko he Cuwe % = ACSO+ a G- sing g = asing —a:9 SO Algo, @ow tak ek is ok a constant distance from She ongen Pook: 4, Whe _ aceso— a {ees — 9 sino} Ge delgg -asino +a fsinoxi +0-cosef A +8: Sind de> Fao ose = 1 my= SE tone Eqn: of normal + y-@-sine - a0ce6) _- se (x-acas- a0sing) _ 7 _qC89 +ACSO +09 Sin6 CSO ysine _ asin?e + ag Sing CSO = ace + ying =a Oxces@ FOxS?NE — & Astance deem ovigén. = | ——————_—— Cos*0 + site =a Angle of Tatersecthr Between Run cuaves Type Ss Gk c and cy ee two Se Te Curves SebD: For Por, see G and c Sq BAD: Calewlate M, for tangent 1, & om, dor Aangent T ak point P (4rd) m-™, sO! tane = ltom-m, 922. Find the ange Aehurer the Cues aya? and ZL ax in Khe Pisk quadzank g : 3 Sein. 0. agar . ayn dk 23x ¢. YN ag = OX PG) < = _ 3xge \ m | (ak P) = Dane 5 ™m, =3 1 kano = + G: fr aux 4% 4% et 32 MCEO- Rag m, =| 2434 Find acute angle of Inkewection bekween y = [pei] ang g=le3| sot: Coy por: [t= pe CED = Ges) Gory 9) = (axe 4) @) =o Fae mate ushen x= 2 Hhen yee =! otan x= then y= |?! =! C2) pC) ye bectl ae) MHaNR ye bea! als we-\,m=-arg e = esa =-GE-3) ,M,=- BWR = bes s = GED MADR = ne Sve |-24R-212 | rer = || _ |-4R fane = | =F = AR dane 5 ~\ (4% p= teal (4S yee. find the angle at oxbich, tne Ayo curves e- ary 42-0 and aly YR =o Intereck. @=90° 36. Of the cuTVes ¥ = 6%, 92 thy =16 inkenect ad otter at right angles, then value of b 2 Tec/2oie 2 O23 @ = @Qy @e a g3t Prove that condihien for ayxPt+ yr =) and Oe + boy =| Ro Intemect orthogonally x t - a, ay a 5, a & Pot Uy por EPGGr3)) Oy 7 + by =I a,x + bey? =| agxtany tt 5 aaxtahy Uo m@n=~ St mGep= - B% C8 Cy inkersect orthogonally) mm, =-1 ya, 2G =—byb, Ye a -(242) s° yas. —0 Now, ya tbr H al LB aexh + be 8 = | (4-%)ap + (er-ba)H =O ay (be 2-6 Frm einO & er @, bb, ben yA HAL Oy-F2 _ by- ba ua bb, t-121-1 a Rb Type © length of Tangent: , Sub-kangen 2 Normed , 2ub-normel, “Tangent 41 SnaPTM, Ane = YT MT = Y) Cote “ Daca ° cl Ainge = —— 8 PT PT= 9, ceeco PT = dy l+e0t*o ali Gy | at@c, %) PT = SMA PNM, tane= —— PN= 4 +(e y Filey | Lungth of tangent = |So JEP Kang of Aubb-tangenk = |3, 4 | Yv Hodichs Langth ot nom) = | 3 \ + (ey At i 4, | Longlh of sw-nermal = 2738 Hing the Longths of fhe Aengenk mosmal , a>: Maletengenke eens of the Che a+ y= oF tr C7 HH) ae we says am de dy _ - 2 Ax x =- mm *E lan cua a Jangth of gente ~ |3n [ie G2 |= | fangs of Aob-fangente = | jy A | = | a- a|-3 Langthof normed = | dfs BY re = |alieCH | Lange of twb-vomel= |v | = [CBT 4 2422. find the Langh, of sub-Rangent # the cure Y= eo toa fangth of Audo-tangent | e440, Prove Khat for Rhe curve y= be the subbangent at amy Point Ls always of constant Longth ond subnosmal varies o4 the s4pare of Khe ordinate equek fer Ahe curve gre Pea bx ak Khe foink (1) dy be Sin: GE= e?"b +h Arawey + P= +t ay = ixptp = &P Ax lak (0,1) tog sagt = Untick scene Ale # ayskion, _ d = = Ju 4¢| = la F ae = AP (opt = | Ix | = |ix2P Japs le yok en squastny peta z Shortest Listance between Awo cusves q x gzh 9 4240 Ad — T UT > giz. TEE/202! Wes The shurkesk didtance tebecen the kine x-y=| ord Me cuwe re = 2y Ls = 4 Rx axce ay =! dy _ x Ga %t! dz afc £o question, dy a 1x) CAangenk | Kine) = Me Gee \-% -1 VF +O Suz Uk p(k) be a foint on Lhe cume yar +tar2, neavest to fhe Line 47 3x8 Then the equation of PC, Ye) _ 1 . - 22. units ods the normal te the cuwve P & T €€/2020 OQ x+ 2g+26 =0 @ x+3y-62=0 “= -By +22=0 oxy ° y yore ete +. 2x44 ui x angen Qc toqueskion , plh®) dy =3 dx lakh, kD ehetas A =-2 k= 4-ly+2 =-8 Line: yo3e-3 “Epp. eh now yore =i te) By t24 = —% - 2 A+sy +26=0

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