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ACCA F5 Paper in a day 1H13

ACCA Paper F5 – Performance Management Paper F5 in a day

24 hours of questions
This list of questions enables you to review key skills and syllabus areas in preparation for your rehearsal
phase – attempting a Mock exam or attending a Question Day – and ultimately your Paper F5 exam.

You may have already completed some of these questions during your course but they are worthy of being
revisited due to the knowledge covered or skills tested. Other questions may either have been set for
homework or are new to you. To be fully prepared we advise you to plan to cover the complete list of
questions but in recognising that time may be limited the questions are prioritised into “must do”, “should
do” and “could do” categories each of 8 hours.

The time allowed is not the time to complete the questions (that's 1.8 minutes per mark) - it includes time
for you to attempt the question and thoroughly review the solution. There is a checklist to review your

Questions highlighted in Grey – these questions have a recorded debrief available on My Study.

Qn No. Name of Purpose of question/area examined Time allowed 

“Must Do” – first 8 hours of question practice
Q70 Carad Co Sales volume contribution, sales mix and sales 45 mins
quantity variances combined with planning and
operational variances. These are the two key
variance topics for F5 under the new syllabus.
Q99 Oliver’s Salon Performance measurement question. 45 mins
Assessment of performance based on financial
and non-financial measures is frequently
Q7 Gadget Co Activity Based Costing – This question also 45 mins
recaps your knowledge of traditional costing
techniques. In part (c) ensure that you make
your answer scenario specific.
Q28 A1 Pricing – Use this question to practise time 45 mins
Mock Q4 Performance measurement – highly examinable 45 mins
Exam 1 area – NFPOs - practice of ratios and 3 Es.
Q54 Northland Various aspects of budgeting – good practice of 45 mins
basic calculations and discussion.
Q17, June 2011 - All Test time management and exam technique 3 hr 30 mins
Q29, questions

ACCA F5 Paper in a day 1H13

“Should do” – next 8 hours of question practice

Mock 3 Dec 2012 - All Test time management and exam technique 3 hr 30 mins
Q97 Bridgewater Performance measurement question. This part 45 mins
of the syllabus will probably be examined every
sitting. Good layout is important here.
Q16 Yam Co Throughput accounting question, which requires 45 mins
explanations as well as calculations.
Q19 Devine Cost volume profit analysis, requires 45 mins
Desserts interpretation of a graph given in the question,
followed by further break even calculations and
discussion about the usefulness of the
Q76 Lush Co This syllabus area is new for 2013, question 45 mins
such as this one which are wholly written can be
expected and should be attempted to time. Pay
particular attention to the structure of the
Q72 DIY Mix and yield variances – this is very typical of 45 mins
exam questions in this area. The second part
looks at planning and operational variances.
Q100 TIP Performance measurement – discussion and 45 mins
calculation including assessment of non
financial indicators.
“Could do” – last 8 hours of question practice
Q59 BCC Target costing – including calculations that 45 mins
require learning curve theory.
Q39 BDU Risk & Uncertainty – a question area students 45 mins
often dislike
Q55 Velo Racers Learning curves – good practice of this 45 mins
Q44 Elsewhere Decision trees - this topic has yet to be 45 mins
Q34 Robber Co Relevant costing calculations followed by simple 45 mins
discussion in part (c).
Q90 Hammer Transfer pricing – good practice of core 45 mins
technique in performance management.
Q65 Linsil Planning & Operational variances – typical exam 45 mins
Q79 Viga Written question looking at the security of 45 mins
Q94 Ties Only Performance measurement – highly examinable 45 mins
Q38 Bits and Pieces Incremental costs and revenues – short term 45 mins
decision making question linked with motivation
of a manager
Total hours = 24

ACCA F5 Revision Guidance

What to expect on your Question Day

A Question Day is very different to a revision course. It is the final step in ensuring you are as prepared as
possible for exam success.
The objectives are two-fold: -
• To experience real exam conditions and truly test how well prepared you are
• To pinpoint specific improvement areas through 1:1 feedback from your tutor/marker

During the day you will: -

• Be reminded of the key exam skills you need to pass your exam.
• Attempt a full mock exam without a ‘helping hand’ from your tutor - so you experience the real
pressures you’ll face in the real exam.
• Get a true understanding of how good you are at time management and what you need to do
differently on exam day.
• Receive a mark per question/in total along with specific feedback on practical steps you can take
to improve your performance.
• Be taken through a full debrief of the exam, where you will be shown where the easy marks were,
pitfalls to avoid, how to interpret the requirements, and how best to plan and layout your answers.
• Have the opportunity to discuss your script on a 1:1 basis with your tutor/marker

You should come to your Question Day as if it were the real exam. At this late stage in your studies your
aim must be to fine tune your exam technique and how you apply your knowledge – so come to your
Question Day as prepared as possible. This is the best way to ensure success in the real exam.

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