Acknowledgement Life Imitating Art 1

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The researchers would like to thank all, who in

one way or another contributed to the successful

completion of this research. First and foremost, to God

Almighty for giving them endless opportunities, strength,

knowledge and showers of blessing throughout their

research journey.

The researchers would also like to express their

sincere gratitude to Dr. Herman Hoover L. Agyao, their

adviser for the invaluable guidance, support, advises

comments, provisions, and suggestions. Also, a heartfelt

thanks for accepting our request for him to lead as the

research adviser. His patience, friendship and empathy

throughout all their discussions made the experience a

great pleasure. It is truly a blessing to work and study

under his guidance.

The researchers’ gratitude also extends to Dr.

Dennis M. Butag, the CCJE Dean for his consent and the

opportunity given to the researchers to conduct their


The respondents who willingly and patiently

answered the research questions, a big thanks and

appreciation for helping the researchers meet the

objectives of their study. For unselfishly sharing their

thoughts and life experiences in this research, the

researchers are inspired to call it as their masterpiece.

Last but definitely not the least, to their

parents for giving their unconditional love, prayers,

care, support and sacrifices towards a quality education

and a brighter future and career.

This masterpiece would not have been possible

without their magnanimous love and support throughout

their challenging journey.


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