Evergreen Green Sample Paper Answer 2

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Section A – Reading Skills

1. (i) They can do so by building relationship with their children.

(ii) (A) (iii) ..... sharpen children’s mental Maths skills

(iv) (B)
(v) Philip had produced seven book reports. For this achievement he won an autographed
picture of a hockey star. He also had his name printed in one of his reports in the local
(vi) (C) (vii) to study maps and learn Geography
(viii) In 1998 a study was conducted to know how children between the ages of five to
twelve spent their free time. Then their activities were compared with those of troubled
youngsters. It was found that the successful ones played games, did household work
and remained busy in playful activities. But troubled youngsters spent more time on
video games and kept watching the T.V.
2. (i) due to shortage of semiconductors
(ii) supply side issues (iii) (B)
(iv) because of price hikes and high fuel prices
(v) As the prices of petrol have gone up, it has become difficult for consumers to buy cars
in most cities. They are willing to buy new vehicles but find it difficult as petrol costs
` 100 a litre.
(vi) (B)
(vii) The following factors have led to improvement in the sales of commercial vehicles.
* increased activity in road construction, mining and improved infrastructure
* spending money on infrastructure by centre and state governments.
(viii) willingness

Section B – (Grammar and Writing Skills)


3. (i) that he was searching for his lost pen.

(ii) (B) (iii) (D) (iv) (B) (v) (C) (vi) (D) (vii) (A)
(viii) Mary requested Susan to lend her some money.
Error — Correction Error — Correction
(ix) (C) (x) (xi) (c) (xii)
badge — batch is — has been


4. A. 180 B
G.K. Road

6 e-mail : epildelhi@gmail.com



May 12, 20 ...

The Editor
The Tribune
Dear Sir
Subject : The problem of stray animals
Let me draw the attention of the Municipal Corporation of our city to the ever-
growing problem of increased threat from hordes of wandering stray animals in
our locality.
The number of stray animals has increased manifold in our locality. Some dogs
continue to sit in squares and chase the children and women. It is feared that some
may be suffering from rabies.
At times, stray animals and dogs chase the bikers and sometimes make them lose
their balance. The other day a young man fell down his scooter while saving himself
from them. He got a fracture and had to be admitted to the hospital.
The health development of the Municipal Corporation needs to expedite the
vaccination and neutering of stray dogs at the earliest. The stray animals like cows,
buffaloes need to be kept in proper shelters so that they don’t lead to accidents on
roads. The stray dogs, at least a part of them, may immediately be shifted to the
animal shelter.
Yours sincerely

B. 250 L
Shakti Nagar
October 15, 20...
The Manager
M.K. Electronics
Raj Nagar
Subject : Improper functioning of LED
I purchased a Samsung colour LED on October 4, 20... from your shop (cash memo
no. 110/A), against warranty of one year.
I am sorry to point out that the LED mentioned above does not work properly. The
picture disappears from the screen occasionally, and the sound is not clear most of
the time. The mechanic sent by you on October 10 could not remove the defect.
So please replace the LED at the earliest. I am also writing a letter to this effect to the
GM, Samsung Noida.
Hope you will act promptly.
Yours faithfully

7 e-mail : epildelhi@gmail.com



Tree Plantation for Better Enviornment

5. A. It is a matter of concern that more trees have been cut down than planted during
2000-2009. About 8000 trees were planted whereas over 10,000 trees were cut
down during 2009 alone. In the year 2000, 6000 trees were cut down against 4000
planted. Over the years the problem has become quite alarming and yet no one
in power is ready to accept it and deal with it adequately. It is so because with
the rise in population we need more and more land to build residential buildings,
roads, bridges, etc. The developmental activities are being feverishly undertaken
to provide material comforts to people both in the urban and rural areas. Poverty
forces a large number of people living on fringes to fell trees to meet their daily
It is obvious from the rising line representing the number of trees cut down that
our people are yet to become conscious of the importance of trees. The cutting of
trees only adds to environmental degradation. It has resulted in global warming
which, in turn, is responsible for many of our ills including shortage of rains, failing
of crops and extreme temperatures. Steps should be taken to plant more and more
trees. Trees should be cut down only when and where it is extremely necessary.

B. The following pie-chart shows the sources of income of Rajesh’s family that makes
the total income. Income generated from Iron store is the highest i.e. 40% followed
by the cloth store i.e. 25%. Income generated from grocery shop, rented rooms and
sale purchase of cars is around 10% each respectively. These sources need to be
utilized properly for increase in income along with interest on savings which is
nearly 5% of the total income. If these areas are utilised properly, income can be
enhanced immensely.

Section C – (Literature Textbook and Supplementary Reading Text)

(i) vitamins increase intelligence
6. A.
(ii) (C)
(iii) Think Tank says that the Earthlings are not as primitive as they had thought.
They are highly intelligent people and they grow crops of metals and explosives.
(iv) True
B. (i) The narrator tore open the lid to see how Mij was. He found Mij exhausted and

blood spattered. Mij caught at his leg.
(ii) (B)
(iii) to shreds
(iv) False
7. A. (i) (C)
(ii) The tiger snarls around the houses of villagers at the jungle’s edge. He bares his
teeth to frighten the villagers.
(iii) abab (iv) true

B. (i) Custard, the dragon, with his big sharp teeth looked very fierce. His mouth
was like a furnace, his nose was like the chimney.
(ii) (D)
(iii) a chimney (iv) False

8 e-mail : epildelhi@gmail.com



8. (i) Mr Keesing is very strict. He tells Anne to do extra homework for talking too much.
Anne is asked to wrtie an essay. When Anne is asked to write an essay as punishment
for the third time she makes a joke on Keesing. He reads it and takes it in the right spirit.
Now he does not punish her. He allows her to talk in the class.
(ii) Coorg or Codagu is situated between Mysore and Manglore. It is a land of rolling
hillls, evergreen forests, spices and coffee plantations. During the monsoons it pours
continuously. From September to March the weather remains pleasant.
(iii) Gautama was shielded against all sights of pain and suffering. One day he came out
of his palace. He saw an old man, a funeral procession and a monk begging. Thus he
realized how human life is full of pain and suffering, decay and death. This made him
renounce the world and he became an ascetic.
(iv) Frost conveys the message through the metaphors of fire and ice, both negative forces
threatening the world. Frost thinks that if the world does not perish in fire, it willl
probably perish in ice. If the fire of greed and lust does not destroy the world perhaps
the ice of indifference, intolerance and hatred will surely do. The world will have to be
saved from both fire and ice.
(v) The word epistemology means the theory of knowledge. The loss of ball makes the
boy very sad. He remains rigid for some time. The poet notices it but he remains alert.
He does not try to console the boy. He thinks that it is better to let the boy deal with
his sense of loss. He should understand that losses are a part of life and they must be
9. (i) Hari Singh felt that Anil made money by fits and starts. He would borrow one week,
lend the next. He would worry about the next payment but as soon as it arrived, he
would go out and spend it lavishly on his friends.
(ii) Horace Danby found the safe behind a rather poor painting. He wondered for a moment
whether he should collect pictures instead of books. He gave up the idea as pictures
took up too much room in a small house. He thought books were better than pictures.
(iii) A simpleton, Bholi who was a neglected child turned out to be a tigress at the end of
the story. Inspite of her physical drawbacks she gained education alongwith confidence
from her teacher. Her self confidence and courage which enabled her to stand up against
injustice, have left a great impression on my mind.
10. A. Lencho is a hard-working farmer having great faith in God. His crops need rain. When
the rain comes, it suddenly changes into heavy hailstones. It rains for an hour. The
hailstones destroy Lencho’s crops completely. He is very sad. He fears hunger for his
family. Under these circumstances he has only one hope. He hopes to get help from God.
He has great faith that God knows everything and helps the needy. He is an innocent
fellow. He decides to write a letter to God. He writes a letter to God and asks for one
hundred pesos.
The postmaster received this letter. He was impressed by Lencho’s faith in God. He did
not want Lencho’s faith in God should shake. He collected money and sent it to Lencho.
He signed the envelope as ‘God’. He did this to make Lencho believe that God had
helped him.
B. The author took Mij to the aeroplane in a box. The Airline authorities were amazed with
him for coming late. He took his seat in the front row. The air hostess told him that he
could keep his pet on his knees. Mij jumped out of the box and ran in the aeroplane. A
woman cried out ‘a rat’. ‘a rat’. The author tried to catch Mji. His face got covered with
curry. The air hostess offered her help and went to find Mij. Atter sometime Mij came
back to the author. It was quite amusing.
9 e-mail : epildelhi@gmail.com



11. A. Max was a cunning secret agent. He had come to know that a secret report was going to
be delivered to Ausable at the time of midnight. That report was about the new missiles.
It could change the course of history. So he secretly entered Ausable’s hotel room to get
that report by force. He entered the room with the help of a pass-key.
When Ausable opened the door of his room and switched on the light, he found Max
standing across the room.
He had a small, automatic gun in his hand. Ausable understood immediately why Max
was there. So he misled him by telling him about “the balacony” and the police. Max
believed his story. To escape the police, he jumped down to “the balcony” but the fact
was that there was neither police nor any balcony. It was only the product of Ausable’s
mind. He had actually jumped down to his death.

B. Ebright’s mother fuelled his curiosity and encouraged his interest in learning. She
was devoted mother who spent time to inspire her son. She bought him telescopes,
microscopes, cameras, mounting materials and other equipment. She more than made
up for the company Ebright lacked. They did things together and she found things
for him to do. Not just physical things, but learning things for his active and sharp
brain. Right guidance at the right time can be the strongest factor in one’s success in
life. She recognized his insatiable curiosity, gave him direction and provided him with
a suitable environment for his research. Ebright’s mother’s support and efforts proved
instrumental in his contribution to the world of Science.

10 e-mail : epildelhi@gmail.com

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