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Journal of Power Sources 80 Ž1999.


Environmental assessment of vanadium redox and lead-acid batteries for

stationary energy storage
Carl Johan Rydh
Department of Technology UniÕersity of Kalmar, PO Box 905, S-391 29 Kalmar, Sweden
Received 12 November 1998; accepted 19 November 1998


The environmental impact of both the vanadium redox battery Žvanadium battery. and the lead-acid battery for use in stationary
applications has been evaluated using a life cycle assessment approach. In this study, the calculated environmental impact was lower for
the vanadium battery than for the lead-acid one. The net energy storage efficiency of the vanadium battery was greater due to lower
primary energy needs during the life cycle. Favourable characteristics such as long cycle-life, good availability of resources and recycling
ability justify the development and commercialisation of the vanadium battery. q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Life cycle assessment; Lead-acid secondary batteries; Vanadium redox batteries; Applicationsrstationary energy storage

1. Introduction To increase the share of renewable energy, energy

storage systems need to be inexpensive and large. Classical
To overcome daily and seasonal varieties in the supply secondary batteries suffer from limited system life and
of, e.g., photovoltaic cells and wind energy, these tech- high cost. Systems with a combination of water electroly-
nologies have to be combined with energy storage systems sis, hydrogen storage and fuel cells have low overall
which improve their usefulness as electric power sources. energy efficiency. One interesting battery under develop-
In remote places, an autonomous electrical system may be ment is the vanadium redox flow battery Žvanadium bat-
less expensive, have greater efficiency and less impact on tery.. It offers high overall efficiency and the cost for
the environment than if the load has to be connected to a additional storage capacity is limited to the active materi-
high capacity grid w1x. als and storage tanks. In this paper, the environmental
Secondary batteries used as storage systems provide impacts of both the vanadium battery and the lead-acid
several favourable characteristics in energy distribution battery have been compared for use in a back-up power
w2,3x. Their fast response time makes them suitable for system.
dynamic system operations. Batteries connected to the
electricity grid can improve power quality and reliability.
Lower environmental impact may also be achieved by load
2. Vanadium and lead-acid batteries
levelling and peak load reduction. Thus, it is possible to
achieve a high utilisation rate for generating facilities
which have high production efficiency. Demonstration units of the vanadium battery have been
To assess the environmental characteristics of energy built in Japan and Thailand w8x where the system has been
storage in batteries, the efficiency and the environmental tested for load levelling and as back-up power in photo-
impact during the life cycle of the battery has to be voltaic plants. The battery consists of two electrolyte con-
considered. Several authors w4–6x have made life cycle tainers with the electrolytes of V 2qrV 3q and V 4qrV 5q
assessments of lead-acid batteries as well as other batteries in sulphuric acid solution, two electric pumps and a battery
to be used in electric vehicles. The energy and environ- stack. The electrolytes are pumped into the stack where
mental impacts of lead-acid batteries have also been stud- they are separated by an ionic membrane. The electron
ied w7x. exchange takes place at carbon felt electrodes in the

0378-7753r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 5 3 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 2 4 9 - 3
22 C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29

aqueous phase according to the following reaction w9x

Ždischarge in the right direction.:
Positive electrode: VOq q y
2 q 2H q e m VO q H 2O
Negative electrode: V 2qm V 3qq ey
One advantage over other redox flow batteries Že.g., the
Fe 2qr3q–Cr 2qr3q system. is that cross contamination of
the electrolytes does not damage the system since the
metal ions are of the same element. Electrolyte service life
is thus indefinite. At the current stage of development, the
stack membranes must be replaced approximately every 5
years, but cycle-life for the whole system is expected to be
rather high. Favourable features are that the capacity can
be increased by enlarging the size of the storage tanks and
Fig. 1. Phases of a life cycle assessment w11x.
the power output can be raised by increasing the flow rate
or enlarging the stack assembly. The battery can be
recharged electrically, or by exchanging the electrolytes by assessing the environmental aspects and potential impacts
charged ones. associated with the life cycle of a product w11x. The phases
The lead-acid battery is the most commonly used bat- within this work compile an inventory of relevant inputs
tery in terms of kW h. It is well established since it is less and outputs of a product system ŽFig. 1.. The environmen-
expensive than other batteries, has high peak-power and is tal impacts associated with the inputs and outputs are
recyclable. In stand-by power applications, service life can evaluated and interpreted to the objectives of the study.
be more than 10 years and batteries built for cycling can The inventory of emissions and energy was assisted by
have a cycle-life of 1500–2000 cycles. Deep discharges as the software LCA inventory tool w12x. The impact assess-
well as over-charging shorten cycle-life and the battery ment was made by classifying and characterising the in-
requires maintenance by water refilling due to gas evolu- ventory results with regard to global warming potential,
tion w10x. photo-oxidant formation, acidification, eutrophication and
resources. The weighting Žaggregation of all the inventory
results to a single impact value. was made by means of the
3. Methodology quantitative methods of Environmental Theme ŽET. and
Environmental Priority Strategies ŽEPS. in product design
In this paper, a life cycle assessment ŽLCA. approach w13x. In the ET method, the different impacts are weighted
was used to compare the batteries. LCA is a technique for against political emission goals for various impact cate-

Table 1
Specifications of the model systems for storage of electrical energy
Lead-acid battery Vanadium battery
References w15,16x w17,18x
Design and assembly Traction battery with tubular plates, 4 stacks= 80 cells Žserial.
4–9 wt.% Sb, C 5 s 1125 Ah celly1
2 Žparallel. = 100 cells Žserial.
2q Ž .
Positive electrode PbO 2 Žs.rPbSO4 Žs. VOq 2 aq rVO
Ž . aq
Negative electrode PbŽs.rPbSO4 Žs. V 2q Žaq.rV 3q Žaq.
Electrolyte 1.295 kg dmy3 , 5 M H 2 SO4 1.8 M V in 4.2 M H 2 SO4a
Ion membrane Polyethylene separator Selemion membrane
Discharge voltage 5–90% SOC ŽV. 180–207 310–500
Operating temperature Ž8C. y10 to 40 10 to 45
Energy efficiency Ž%. 70–80 72–88 b
Specific energy at 208C ŽW h kgy1 . 37 Ž28. a 20
Energy density at 208C ŽW h dmy3 . 105 Ž47. a 30
Cycle-life Žcycles. 1800 c 4 2000 d
Total system volume Ždm3 . 4300 Ž9600. a 15 000
Mass of one system Žkg. 12 100 Ž16 100. a 22 200

Nominal power 50 kW and energy storage capacity 450 kW h.

Possible to have 3 M vanadium in 5 M H 2 SO4 : related improvements are shown in brackets.
Including 3% energy loss to pumps.
At 35% depth of discharge Ž1200–1500 cycles at 70–80% DOD..
Not determined. Shelf life is very high but at current state of development, maintenance includes replacement of membranes approximately every 5 years.
C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29 23

Table 2 ments, losses in converters, control units etc. are assumed

Material requirementsa for the operation of lead-acid batteries on daily to be equal. The environmental impact of electricity pro-
cycling for 20 years Ž7300 cycles. delivering 150 kW h dayy1
duction to charge the batteries is not included since equal
Material Component Mass Wt.%
energy efficiencies is assumed. The energy storage system
is furthermore assumed to be assembled and used in the
Lead Active material, 29 400 61.2
Gothenburg region, Sweden. The vanadium battery is not
grids and poles
Water Electrolyte Ždilution 6400 13.3 yet in full-scale production, but is assumed to be assem-
to 1.295 s.g.. bled in Sweden and materials are manufactured by domes-
Sulphuric acid Žpure. Electrolyte 4600 9.6 tic suppliers, whenever possible. Important construction
Polypropylene Cases and covers 3888 8.2 materials are analysed, by collecting available data, from
Sb, Sn, As Grid alloys 1012 2.1
the extraction of resources to the final deposit. Materials
Polyethylene Separators 960 2.0
Polyester Tubular mats 144 0.3 which are recycled and re-used in other products are
Copper Connectors 130 0.3 allocated with the 50r50 method w14x. Post operation, the
Others Expander and oxygen 1440 3.0 system is disassembled and the materials re-used or de-
in PbO 2 posited.
Total 47 974 100.0
The specifications of the systems studied are shown in
4=200 cells. Recycled materials not taken into account. Table 1. The lead-acid battery is of traction design with
antimony grid-alloys for long cycle-life.
gories Že.g., acidification, greenhouse effect.. The EPS
method, on the other hand, is based on the willingness to
pay to restore five safeguarded objects Že.g., human health, 5. Results
natural resources etc.. to their normal status.
5.1. InÕentory

4. Goal definition and scoping The energy and material requirements for the vanadium
battery were based on a hypothetical manufacturing sce-
The scope of this paper is to assess and compare the nario and these data may differ for a future production.
environmental impacts of the vanadium and lead-acid bat- The vanadium electrolyte is assumed to have very long life
teries. The net energy storage capacity and the availability and its only treatment is filtering before re-use. Vanadium
of vanadium and lead resources are compared. can be extracted in different ways, e.g., by mining or
For the lead-acid battery, the influence of 50 and 99% recovery from petroleum residues. Due to the lack of data,
secondary lead-acid use and different maximum cycle-life a scenario for the vanadium recovery from boiler soot
is assessed. The functional unit ŽFU. is defined as an needed to be estimated. This resource was assumed to be a
electricity storage system with a power rating of 50 kW, a secondary material since it would otherwise have been
storage capacity of 450 kW h and an aÕerage deliÕery of deposited.
150 kW h electrical energy per day for 20 years. These Data for the manufacturing of lead-acid batteries were
specifications exemplify the electricity requirements for collected from factories supplying Swedish battery manu-
several remote houses for 10–70 persons w2x and provide facturers. The batteries were recycled at Boliden Bergsoe ¨
an autonomous system for 3 days. The analysis is re- in Landskrona, Sweden, where lead and alloying metals
stricted to the energy storage systems and space require- are recovered. Less than 50% secondary lead is used in

Table 3
Material requirementsa for the operation of the vanadium battery for 20 years
Material Component Mass Žkg. Wt.%
Water Electrolytes Ž1.8 M V, 4.2 M H 2 SO4 . 11 251b 47.7
Sulphuric acid Žpure. Electrolytes 6103b 25.9
Vanadium pentoxide Electrolytes 2369 b 10.0
Steel Pumps, motors, racks, bolts 2516 10.6
Polypropylene Electrolyte containers 600 2.5
Polypropylene, rubber, carbon black Flow frames, bipolar plates 328 1.4
Copper Connectors, end electrodes 184 0.8
Polysulphone and fluoride c Ionic membranes 104 0.4
Carbon felt, graphite Electrodes 60 0.3
Others 86 0.4
Total 23 601 100.0
Recycled materials are not taken into account.
Includes 1–2% addition due to losses during use.
Polystyrene manufacturing assumed.
24 C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29

Table 4
Energy requirements of the battery life cycles and to cover losses during use of the lead-acid and vanadium battery systems Ž20 years and delivering 1095
MW h.
Lead-acid Vanadium
50% secondary Pb 99% secondary Pb 99% secondary V a
Electricity Other primary Electricity Other primary Electricity Other primary
ŽMW h. energy ŽMW h. ŽMW h. energy ŽMW h. ŽMW h. energy ŽMW h.
Ž1. Material 49 118 21 108 7 30
Ž2. Transport 0 18 0 15 0 3
Ž3. Battery production 64 25 96 25 29 10
Ž4. Recycling 6 14 6 14 3 y4
Ž5. The sum of Ž1. to Ž4. 120 175 92 162 39 39
Ž6. Primary energy Ž5. = 0.4 b 70 65 16
Ž7. Electricity losses during use c 365 365 365
Ž8. The sum of electricity Ž5. q Ž6. q Ž7. 555 522 420
Ž9. Net electricity delivered from the 1095 1095 1 095
battery during 20 years
Ž10. Gross energy requirement Ž8. q Ž9. 1650 1617 1 515
Ž11. System efficiency Ž9.rŽ10. 0.66 0.68 0.72
99% secondary vanadium assumed to make the systems comparable.
h s 0.4 Efficiency in the conversion of primary energy to electricity.
At 75% total efficiency Žlosses in batteries and converter. and 1095 MW h.

new batteries since the lead oxide production requires high dium battery since it uses more and heavier materials. For
purity. both batteries, heat is recovered from the recycling process
The material requirements for the lead-acid battery are when polypropylene containers are incinerated, which gives
shown in Table 2. Over 20 years, 200 cells will be an energy gain for the vanadium battery. For the lead-acid
replaced four times and approximately 25 000 l of water battery, an increase in the use of secondary lead from
will be added intermittently. The data for the vanadium 50–99%, the electricity and primary energy needed in the
battery ŽTable 3. include electrolyte adjustment, pump material production decrease by 43% and 8%, respectively.
maintenance and replacement of ionic membranes every 5 To compare the overall energy requirements, primary
years. energy Žspecific heat value. was recalculated as electrical
energy. The energy efficiencies of the batteries were as-
5.2. Impact assessment sumed to be equal since it varies with the rate of discharge
and no definite values were found for the chosen systems.
Table 4 shows that the energy used for transportation is The net system efficiency values in this study vary with
considerably greater for the lead-acid than for the vana- the chosen allocation method. The lead-acid battery re-

Table 5
Emissions of selected substances and contributions from the different processes during the life cycle of the lead-acid and vanadium batteries
Emitted substances and Lead-acid 50% Lead-acid 99% Vanadium 99%
contributing processes secondary lead secondary lead secondary V a
CO 2 Žton FUy1 . 29.3 25.4 8.5
MtrlrTrprProdrRecyc Ž%. 43r18r19r20 36r19r22r23 67r11r16r6
SO 2 Žkg FUy1 . 215 147 28
MtrlrTrprProdrRecyc Ž%. 38r7r8r48 11r7r11r70 61r23r20ry4
CO Žkg FUy1 . 57 42 5.2
MtrlrTrprProdrRecyc Ž%. 35r38r34ry7 21r42r46ry9 41r87r7ry35
CH 4 Žkg FUy1 . 33 32 8
MtrlrTrprProdrRecyc Ž%. 16r6r20r57 14r5r21r60 102r6r1ry8
NOx Žkg FUy1 . 242 172 45
MtrlrTrprProdrRecyc Ž%. 48r39r6r6 38r45r9r9 47r45r6r2
N2 O Žkg FUy1 . 0.72 0.52 0.15
MtrlrTrprProdrRecyc Ž%. 34r47r16r3 17r57r22r4 19r49r29r2

Emissions from electricity production to charge the batteries are not included.
99% secondary vanadium assumed to make the systems comparable.
FU s 150 kW h dayy1 for 20 years, Ema x 450 kW h.
Mtrl s materials, Trp s transport, Prod s battery production, Recyc s recycling.
C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29 25

Table 6
Results of the characterisation of five impact categories for lead-acid and vanadium batteries Želectricity production to charge the batteries is not included.
Impact categories Lead-acid 50% Lead-acid 99% Vanadium 99% Ratio Ratio
secondary Pb secondary Pb secondary V a Pb50 % rV Pb 99% rV
Global warming potentialb 21 617 17 366 8929 2.4 1.9
Photo-oxidant formationc 116 96 29 4.0 3.3
Eutrophicationd 32 23 6 5.3 3.8
Acidificatione 229 180 59 3.9 3.1
Resources f 648 258 70 9.3 3.7
99% secondary vanadium assumed to make the systems comparable.
Carbon dioxide equivalents ŽCO 2 , CO, N2 , CH 4 ..
Ethene equivalents ŽC 2 H 4 , CO, CH 4 , hydrocarbons..
Chemical oxygen demand equivalents ŽBOD, COD, NH 3 , NO x , Ntot , Ptot ..
Sulphur dioxide equivalents ŽSO x , NO x , NH 3 , HCl, H 2 S..
Use to reserve ratio.

quires 2.9–3.5 times more energy than the vanadium bat- ondary lead use Ž60%.. For the other impact categories, a
tery in the production and recycling phase. The energy doubling of the secondary lead use decreases the environ-
losses of the batteries make up 22–24% of the total energy mental impact by 17–28%.
requirements during the life-cycle. For the vanadium bat- Weighting showed that the vanadium battery had a
tery, the net system efficiency can be increased to 0.89 if lower environmental impact value than the lead-acid bat-
the whole energy storage capacity Ž450 kW h. is utilised tery ŽTable 7., mainly due to less use of oil resources and
daily. A higher utilisation of the potential capacity is not lower carbon dioxide emissions. The largest environmental
possible for the lead-acid battery, since deep discharges impact for the vanadium battery originated from the pro-
shorten its cycle-life. duction of polypropylene tanks and flow frames as well as
Table 5 shows that the carbon dioxide emissions for the steel stacks. For the lead-acid battery, lead mining and
lead-acid battery were mainly due to the production of refining contributed most to the impact, followed by
materials Ž43 and 36%., where lead mining and polypropy- polypropylene production.
lene production were the largest contributors. Also for the In contrast to ET and other weighting methods, the EPS
vanadium battery, the production of materials Ž67%. was method evaluates the outtake of primary resources. The
the largest emission of carbon dioxide, mainly from steel degradation of metals resources is included in the second
production. row in Table 7. The resource weighting is based on the
In the recycling processes, polypropylene is incinerated geochemical occurrence in the Earth’s crust which gives
and the energy is used for district heating, which is scarce metals a high index Ž240 ELU kgy1 for Pb and 28.3
assessed as a decrease in emissions of SO 2 , CO and CH 4 . ELU kgy1 for V, respectively.. Therefore, the extensive
For the lead-acid battery, the smelting process used to use of lead is the dominant contributor to the environmen-
produce secondary lead needs considerable amounts of tal impact value of the lead-acid battery. The use of
primary energy, which also cause large SO 2 emissions. secondary material decreases the environmental impact for
The emission values are multiplied with characterisation the product examined since the burden is shared with
indices w14x to get a value of the impact on a certain Žallocated to. the products which used the material first.
category. The results show that the vanadium battery has a The ratios between the batteries range from 2.9 to 682.
lower impact Ž1.9–9.3. compared to the lead-acid battery When 100% primary vanadium is considered, the EPS
ŽTable 6.. For the lead-acid battery, the use of resources resource ratios are 3.7 and 85 Ž99% and 50% secondary
shows the greatest difference between 50% and 99% sec- Pb..

Table 7
Total environmental impact of lead-acid and vanadium batteries after weighting with the Environmental Priority Strategies ŽEPS. in product design and the
Environmental Theme ŽET long-term goals. method
Lead-acid 50% Lead-acid 99% Vanadium 99% Ratio Ratio
secondary Pb secondary Pb secondary V a Pb50 % rV Pb 99% rV
EPS excluding resource weighting ŽELU. 10 259 7068 2117 4.8 3.3
EPS including resource weighting ŽELU. 1.8 = 10 6 78 084 2639 682 30
ET long-term goals 3.3 = 10 6 2.7 = 10 6 9.4 = 10 5 3.5 2.9
99% secondary vanadium assumed to make the systems comparable.
26 C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29

magnetite deposits from which vanadium is extracted as a

by-product of iron.
Vanadium is a trace metal in petroleum products and a
major anthropogenic source of vanadium is the combustion
of fossil fuels. Reserves in oil sands worldwide are esti-
mated to supply vanadium for an exceedingly long time
into the future. Vanadium recovery plants, e.g., in Japan
ŽKashima-Kita. and Germany ŽGfe., have been constructed
to treat fly ash from boiler plants fired by the Venezuelan
crude oil ŽOrimulsion.. Orimulsion has an average vana-
dium content of 310 ppm and its increasing use and
recovery may contribute to an annual production of 4200
tons of vanadium by the year 2000 w20x.
More than 70% of lead production in the western world
is used in batteries and the remaining 30% in chemicals,
Fig. 2. Environmental impact during the life cycle of the lead-acid battery
assuming different operational cycle-lives at 30% DOD and secondary
extrusions and alloys. Stationary batteries account for 15%,
lead use Žweighted with the EPS method including resource out-take.. whereas 75% is used for starting, lighting and ignition
ŽSLI. batteries in cars and the rest Ž10%. in traction
batteries w21x. About 55% of the refined lead production of
Fig. 2 shows how the environmental impact of the
the western world Žtotal 5000 ktons in 1997. consisted of
lead-acid battery, weighted with the EPS method, depends
secondary lead. When secondary lead is used in batteries,
on cycle-life and use of secondary lead. The impact can be
impurities can promote self-discharge and accelerate water
decreased by 94% if the rate of secondary lead use in-
losses due to electrochemical dissociation. For low-mainte-
creased from 50 to 99%, at a cycle-life of 1800 cycles.
nance, high-quality batteries Že.g., submarine and stand-by
power., a maximum of 20 to 60% secondary lead is used
5.3. Use and resources of Õanadium and lead
to fulfil the lead specifications. However, traction batteries
which are regularly discharged and daily overcharged can
The capacity-determining elements in the batteries stud-
be built with up to 100% secondary lead without affecting
ied are the active materials vanadium and lead. Table 8
quality w22x.
shows the theoretical energy storage capacity calculated by
assuming that all reserves were used to build batteries with
the system specifications and thereafter kept in functional 6. Discussion
batteries. This storage capacity is greater for the vanadium
battery if the known vanadium reserves were used. The lead-acid battery is well-established and the inven-
Vanadium has a wide industrial usage, e.g., in metal- tory data were taken from real production which makes the
lurgy, electronics and dyeing. Vanadium gives additional results reliable. The vanadium battery is still under devel-
strength and resilience to alloyed steel and its use in opment and no large scale production data are available.
metallurgical applications accounts for 97% of the total There are considerable uncertainties about manufacturing
use in the USA w19x. The availability of vanadium and the and maintenance, and unidentified impacts can be ex-
economics of its production are intimately connected with pected. To obtain more reliable data on the vanadium
the particular co-product involved. About 60% of the battery, the development and possible future commercial
world’s supply of vanadium originates from vanadiferous introduction of this battery must be followed. The manu-

Table 8
Annual production rates and reserves of lead and vanadium w23x
Primary production Reservea Static reserve Material requirement c Theoretical energy
worldwide 1997 Žktons Žktons. life b Žyears. Žkg pure element storage capacity d
pure element yeary1 . kWy1 hy1 . ŽTW h.
Lead 2900 68 000 24 16 4.2
Vanadium Žmining. 35 10 000 286 3 3.3
Vanadium Žrecovery. 3.4 e 6000 1974 3 2.0

Vanadium can be either mined or recovered from petroleum residues and spent catalysts w23x.
Identified resources mined economically at prevailing prices.
Number of years the reserve will last at present mining rate.
kg material kWy1 hy1 installed capacity of the studied system.
Reserve divided by material requirement.
Partly secondary vanadium from spent catalysts.
C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29 27

facturing and recycling of lead-acid batteries in Sweden as lead, vanadium is considered to be essential for a number
well as electricity production are considered to have low of organisms. The toxicity of vanadium compounds de-
emissions compared to other production sites in the world. creases with both decreasing oxidation state and solubility
Thus, the environmental impact of the lead-acid battery w27x. The toxic effects have been reported to be acute,
has to be classified as a low impact scenario in comparison never chronic.
to a lead-acid battery life cycle in another country. Extraction of resources from the lithosphere increases
Depending on the type of electricity production Že.g., the risk of future contamination. The EPS weighting
coal fired boiler or hydropower. to charge the batteries, the method tries to include this impact by evaluating the
environmental impact to cover energy losses over a battery outtake of resources. As indicator of global sustainability,
life cycle is often higher than the energy used in the the ratio between anthropogenic extraction from the litho-
manufacturing of a battery. If the production of electricity sphere Ži.e., mining, fossil fuels. and natural flows Ži.e.,
for charging the battery causes high emissions, the devel- weathering and volcanic processes. gives an index of the
opment of a more efficient battery requiring greater energy human impact on bio-geochemical cycles. If this ratio
in the production phase could prove worthwhile. exceeds one, anthropogenic extraction can have a major
The vanadium battery had a higher net energy storage influence on the natural flows and quantities in the ecosys-
capacity than the lead-acid battery. The difference would tem. The ratios were calculated to be 12 and 0.32 for lead
increase more if the greater specified energy efficiency of and vanadium, respectively w28x. Materials accumulated in
the vanadium battery had been considered and if the whole the technosphere tend to leak to the ecosphere and these
potential capacity would have been fully utilised. values suggest that we can expect increasing background
The results of the impact assessment indicate that the lead concentrations in the future.
vanadium battery provides energy storage with lower envi- The batteries studied consist of relatively pure active
ronmental impact than the lead-acid battery. System im- materials which makes these batteries more suitable for
provements with regard to the environmental impact of the recycling than many others. The recycling rate of used SLI
lead-acid battery would be most effective with greater use batteries in many European countries is 80–95% w29x and
of secondary lead and improved battery life. This may be even higher for industrial batteries. Metals can be locked
achieved by the development of less expensive secondary up by their use in batteries, keeping them concentrated in
lead refining techniques and by new lead specifications the technosphere and thus preventing them from being
w24x. The cycle-life may be improved by optimised lead dispersed in uncontrolled flows ŽHoover technology. w30x.
alloys and charging regimes as well as by introducing However, this requires high recycling rates, low process
mechanical pressure on the electrodes. losses and high levels of re-use. The technological oppor-
In a stationary application, the weight of the battery tunities to achieve a closed technospheric flow of lead
system is of limited importance. However, process and were investigated by Karlsson w31x. He concluded that,
transport emissions are almost proportional to weight and with very high recovery of lead-acid batteries in Sweden,
environmental benefits are achieved by reducing the mate- the lead losses to the environment from production and
rial requirements and transportation needs. The mass of the recycling processes were very small compared to natural
vanadium battery system is mainly made up by water Ž48 lead flows and historical lead losses during industrialisa-
wt.%.. This water can be distilled and added to a concen- tion.
trated electrolyte at the site of use. The development of Provided that no other means for SLI batteries than
electrolyte with higher concentration can reduce the vol- lead-acid becomes commercially available, the increase in
ume of the storage tanks and the space requirements for cars worldwide will compete with stationary batteries for
the installation. lead reserves. However, by utilising a dual battery system
For both batteries, the use of fossil fuels and release of in cars, the use of lead can be reduced substantially w32x.
carbon dioxide, mainly in the processes of metal extraction Lead in other products will probably decrease in accor-
and plastic production, have a significant impact. dance with political policy. The Swedish Parliament has
Improvements should be directed towards sustainable adopted government bill 1990r91:90 w33x with the aim of
processes if the batteries are to be competitive in the long phasing out the use of lead in the long run, mainly through
run. This implies material substitution to the least harmful voluntary measures.
alternative and higher efficiency in material and energy A large-scale introduction of vanadium batteries would
utilisation. Measures should also be taken to sustain or increase the demand for vanadium and its mining. Vana-
improve long-term productivity and biodiversity w25x. dium recovery from boiler soot has great potential and is
The toxic properties of lead have been known for growing in importance due to stricter environmental legis-
thousands of years and this has led to strict environmental lation. This treatment gives better resource utilisation and
regulations. Mayer and Wilson w26x have reviewed the may substitute the need for vanadium Žand e.g., nickel.
exposure ways and health effects of lead, concluding that mining and reduce the need for landfill areas and the risks
lead-in-blood levels have decreased during recent decades, of contamination. On the other hand, the combustion of oil
at least in the more industrialised countries. In contrast to does release, for example, huge amounts of carbon dioxide
28 C.J. Rydh r Journal of Power Sources 80 (1999) 21–29

and some of its environmental impact could be allocated to knowledged. This project was funded by Elforsk and the
products using vanadium, in order to indicate that the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical De-
resource is not free of pollution. velopment ŽNUTEK..
The result of this environmental assessment provides no
definite answers since it changes with the analysed system.
New processes developments and environmental findings
can change the evaluation of certain emissions and materi-
als. The LCA methodology can, however, be used to find
w1x C. Setterwall, Miljokonsulterna,
¨ ¨
Nykoping, ELFORSK project 2080,
processes where significant improvements can be made, as in Swedish, 1998.
well as new questions generated. In this study, the vana- w2x R. Wagner, J. Power Sources 67 Ž1997. 163.
dium battery was found to make less environmental impact w3x D.J. Rand, J. Power Sources 64 Ž1997. 157.
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Acknowledgements w26x M.G. Mayer, D.N. Wilson, J. Power Sources 73 Ž1998. 17.
w27x G. Bauer, V. Guther, H. Hess, A. Otto, O. Roidl, Vanadium and
Information supplied by Professor Maria Skyllas- Vanadium Compounds, in: Ullman’s Encycl. Ind. Chem., VCH,
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Kazacos, University of New South Wales, Australia, Mr. w28x C. Azar, J. Holmberg, K. Lindgren, Ecological economics 18 Ž1996.
Akira Shibata, Kashima-KitarMitsubishi Chemical Japan 89.
and Mr. Arne Hansen, Tudor, Sweden, is gratefully ac- w29x F. Ahmed, J. Power Sources 59 Ž1996. 107.
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