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Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 1


3 single spaces here


4 single spaces here

This is the
introductory Presented in this chapter is the methodology employed in this study. It
paragraph. Do not
copy verbatim – includes the research design, participants and sampling, ethical considerations,
modify a little.
role of the researcher, data collection, trustworthiness of the study.

3 single spaces

Research Design

3 single spaces

First, state your This study will make use of qualitative phenomenological research
research design.
Next, technique. According to Anscombe (2013), phenomenology is, as the word
your research suggests, the science of phenomena. Phenomenology, then, is the study of things
design with
as they appear (phenomena). It is also often said to be descriptive rather than
citation/s. To end
the paragraph,
explanatory. A central task of phenomenology is to provide a clear, undistorted
explain why your
chosen research
description of the ways things appear. In ordinary waking experience we take it for
design is the most
appropriate for granted that the world around us exists independently of both us and our
your study.

You should be consciousness of it. This might be put by saying that we share an implicit belief in
able to maximize
the independent existence of the world, and that this belief permeates and informs
this page for the
research design
our everyday experience. Anscombe refers to this positing of the world and entities
within it as things which transcend our experience of them as the natural attitude.

In this study, the phenomenon is the experiences of Grade 11 students in studying

for improved comprehension skills.

Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 2
This paragraph
should discuss: Participants and Sampling
Who and how
many are your 3 single spaces
participants for in-
depth individual My target participants will be four Grade 11 students for the individual
interview? What
is the sampling interview and another four Grade 11 students for the FGD. All of them will be
procedure? What
is the inclusion selected using purposive sampling. Singer (2012) described purposive sampling
as a judgmental or expert sample which is a type of nonprobability sample. The
Answer the
same question main objective of a purposive sample is to produce a sample that can be logically
for FGD.
assumed to be representative of the population. The inclusion criteria are as
For this subject
you may have 3 follows: students must be currently Grade 11, their first grading period average is
participants for
Individual 85 percent and their reading comprehension skills is within their Grade level.
Interview and
another 3 for 3 single spaces
Ethical Considerations

3 single spaces
First, describe
what is ethical
Ethical considerations can be specified as one of the most important parts
considerations in
qualitative of the research (Bryman & Bell, 2017). To ensure that I abide by ethical
research. Cite
source/s. considerations in research, I will make sure that research participants are not
discuss how you
subjected to harm in any ways whatsoever. Respect for the dignity of research
plan to meet
participants is prioritized. Full consent is obtained from the participants prior to the
these ethical
considerations in
study. The protection of the privacy of research participants, adequate level of
your own
research. confidentiality of the research data, and anonymity of individuals and organizations

participating in the research are ensured. I will avoid any deception or exaggeration

about the aims and objectives of the research. Any type of communication in

relation to the research will be done with honesty and transparency.

Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 3

Role of the Researcher

First, describe
what is the role of 3 single spaces
the researcher in
qualitative According to Patton (2012), the role of the researcher in qualitative research
research (with
citation). is to attempt to access the thoughts and feelings of study participants. This is not
describe what is an easy task, as it involves asking people to talk about things that may be very
your role in your
personal to them. Sometimes the experiences being explored are fresh in the
own research.
participant’s mind, whereas on other occasions reliving past experiences may be

difficult. Hence, as the data are being collected, it is my primary responsibility to

safeguard participants and their data. Mechanisms for such safeguarding must be

clearly articulated to participants and must be approved by a relevant research

ethics review board before the research begins.

3 single spaces

Research Instrument

3 single spaces

Your instrument is In gathering data for this study, I will use an Interview Guide. According to
an interview
guide. Hence, you Creswell (2012), an interview guide is simply a list of the high-level topics that the
must describe
what is an researcher plans on covering in the interview with the high-level questions. It is
interview guide
(with citation). usually one page so that it is easy to refer to. The process of creating such a guide
Then discuss how
you prepared can help me to focus and organize my line of thinking and therefore questioning.
your interview
guide. Creswell added that it is important to remember that the interview guide really is

only a guide. As a researcher, I do not have to follow the exact ordering and there

is nothing wrong with going off script at times if a particular line of questioning that

I had not anticipated seems worthwhile.

Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 4

Here, discuss the

Data Collection
protocol of data
collection. From
3 single spaces
asking permission
to conduct the I will conduct an informal semi structured interviews to collect data for this
study to the
actual interview study. This process will enable the participants to discuss their experiences while
and FGD.

Mention also that

I assume the role of an interviewer. This approach will also enable me to gather
your data
information regarding their experiences, coping strategies and lessons and
collection is by
means of semi-
insights. These data collected will be used to meet the objectives set for this study.
interview. Explain Prior to data collection, I will go through proper protocol of asking
this as well.
permission from the gatekeepers. I will also explain to the participants the purpose

of the interview and the study. After all queries are answered, I will begin my

recorded data collection. After that, I will prepare the data for data analysis.

3 single spaces

Data Analysis
You can Google,
“data analysis for 3 single spaces
research”. You Qualitative data analysis involves the identification, examination, and
can cite what you
find in google as a interpretation of patterns and themes in textual data and determines how these
means to analyze
your data. patterns and themes help answer the research questions at hand (Anscombe,

Be sure to use the 2013). Hence, in analyzing my data, I will first develop and apply codes. Coding
first person (I).
can be explained as categorization of data. Next, I will identify common themes,

patterns and relationships within responses of sample group members in relation

to codes that have been specified in the first step. In the last stage, I will link

research findings to my research aim and objectives. When writing data analysis

chapter, I will use noteworthy quotations from the transcript in order to highlight
Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 5

major themes within findings and possible contradictions. It is important to note

that the process of qualitative data analysis described above is general and

different types of qualitative studies may require slightly different methods of data


3 single spaces

Trustworthiness of the Study

In this section,
3 single spaces
describe first the
four components
Trustworthiness or rigor of a study refers to the degree of confidence in
Trustworthiness data, interpretation, and methods used to ensure the quality of a study (Pilot &
(with citation).
Afterwards, Beck, 2014). In this study, I will establish the protocols and procedures necessary
explain how you
will adhere to for a study to be considered worthy of consideration by readers
each of the four.
Credibility. Triangulation and member checks help establish credibility and

contribute to trustworthiness. Other factors include prolonged engagement with

and persistent observations of research subjects (Pilot & Beck, 2014). Hence, I will

achieve credibility by means of individual in-depth interview and focus group


Transferability. This generalizes study findings and attempts to apply them

to other situations and contexts. Although I cannot prove definitively that outcomes

based on the interpretation of the data are transferable, but I can establish that it

is likely by employing purposive sampling, form of nonprobability sampling, which

is used to maximize specific data relative to the context in which it was collected.

This differs from the aggregate information that would be the outcome in
Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 6

quantitative research. Purposive sampling considers the sample subjects'

characteristics, which are directly related to the research questions.

Dependability. Many qualitative researchers believe that if credibility has

been demonstrated, it is not necessary to also and separately demonstrate

dependability (Pilot & Beck, 2014). However, if a researcher permits parsing of the

terms, then credibility seems more related to validity, and dependability seems

more related to reliability. Also, at times data validity is assessed through the use

of a data audit. Hence, before presenting my final output, I will do data audit. A

data audit can be conducted if the data set is both rich-thick so that an auditor can

determine if the research situation applies to their circumstances. Without sufficient

details and contextual information, this is not possible. Regardless, it is important

to remember that the aim is not to generalize beyond the sample.

Confirmability. Qualitative research can be conducted to replicate earlier

work, and when that is the goal, it is important for the data categories to be made

internally consistent (Pilot & Beck, 2014). As a qualitative researcher, I will discuss

comprehensively discuss my method so that other researchers can replicate the

results to show that those results are a product of independent research methods

and not of conscious or unconscious bias.

Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 7

Appendix A

Interview Guide

Research Objectives Interview Question Probing Question

• To describe the • How do you • What do you do

experiences of study? to improve your
Grade 11 comprehension
students in skills?
studying for
improved • What are your
comprehension study habits?

• To explore the • What do you do • What are your

coping when you have techniques when
mechanisms of difficulties studying at
Grade 11 improving your home?
students in comprehension
studying for skills? • What makes
improved study habits
comprehension easier for you?
skills; and

• To discover the • What have you • What is your

lessons and learned in terms advice to others
insights Grade 11 of making your who would like to
students in study habits more improve their own
studying for efficient? comprehension
improved skills?
skills. • How should one

Write at least one Write at least two

Write your
main interview probing questions
question here per here per research
objectives here.
objective. objectives.

Studying for Improved Comprehension Skills: Experiences of Grade 11 Students 8

Lastly, do not
forget the
References. Anscombe, P. (2013). Graphs in statistical analysis. The American
Statistician. 27 (1): 17–21. doi:10.2307/2682899. Retrieved of September
21, 2020 from

Connelly, (2020). Trustworthiness in qualitative research. MedSurg Nursing, (6)25.

Creswell, J. (2012). Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Pilot, B. & Beck, A. (2014). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for
qualitative research. Chicago, IL: Aldine.

Patton M. (2012). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Thousand Oaks

(CA): Sage Publications.

Singer, W. (2012). Scaled correlation analysis: a better way to compute a cross-

correlogram. European Journal of Neuroscience. 35 (5): 1–
21. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07987. Retrieved on September 21,
2020 from

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