SCR November 2020

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By Chris Beardsley

NOV 2020
November 2020 Edition
Editorial by Chris Beardsley
In this strength training section of this edi-
tion, I reviewed two new studies that affect
our understanding of the psychobiological
model of fatigue during exercise. This mod-
el has great explanatory power for central
nervous system (CNS) fatigue, but some
aspects of it remain unclear. These new
studies help to shed light on exactly how
motivation and perception of effort each
might influence the level of central motor
command during exercise, and thereby
affect the level of CNS fatigue.

In the hypertrophy section of the edition, I

reviewed two studies that affect our under-
standing of strength training as a stressor

W elcome to the November 2020 edi-

tion! The lead article this month
reviews a study that measured the force
within the definition used by the general
adaptation syndrome (GAS). Traditionally,
it has been assumed that strength train-
and cross-sectional areas of type I and
ing workouts can always be considered as
type II muscle fibers in bodybuilders and
stressors, and yet recent work by research-
in untrained controls. As in some previous
ers into stress as a more general concept
studies, the researchers found that the
suggests that this may only be possible
bodybuilders displayed larger type II mus-
when the workouts [A] involve certain spe-
cle fibers but lower muscle fiber force rela-
cific elements and [B] produce certain spe-
tive to cross-sectional area in these fibers.
cific physiological responses. Consequently,
Yet, this difference between the bodybuild-
while some strength training programs
ers and the untrained controls disappeared
probably can be modeled within the GAS,
after correcting for swelling that occurred
others almost certainly cannot. Read on to
during the experimental processes, sug-
learn more! See you next month.
gesting that bodybuilding likely does not
cause more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

Published by Strength
and Conditioning
Research Limited
November 2020 Edition

Strength training
Single fiber specific tension in bodybuilders and untrained controls
Does bodybuilding reduce the myofibrillar density of individual muscle fibers?

Why does training closer to failure cause a larger fiber type shift?
During velocity-based training, a greater velocity loss produces a greater shift from type IIX to type IIA

Motivational self-talk can improve exercise performance

What is the role of motivation in the psychobiological model of central nervous system fatigue?

Measuring central nervous system fatigue during low-intensity exercise

Does the perception of effort act as the ultimate limiting factor during long-duration exercise?

Athletic performance
Reducing the force-velocity imbalance enhances gains in maximum strength
How might reducing the force-velocity imbalance affect maximum strength?

Effects of wearable resistance on sprinting biomechanics

Does wearable resistance require the hip extensors and hip flexors to produce more work done?

Can we model strength training workouts as stressors?
Is it appropriate to consider strength training as a stressor and use the general adaptation syndrome?

Effects of training to failure on the rate of recovery from a workout

Does training to failure increase the time it takes to recover from a strength training workout?

Effects of strength training at long and short maximum muscle lengths

Does the seated leg curl produce greater hypertrophy than the lying leg curl in all regions of all of the knee flexors?

Why do muscles have a memory of previous training?

Do muscle fibers retain myonuclei during detraining?

Published by Strength
and Conditioning
Research Limited
Single fiber specific tension in body-
builders and untrained controls

I t is well-known that bodybuilders typically display

a lower level of maximum strength for a given
muscle size compared to strength athletes such as
powerlifters. While this difference is commonly at-
tributed to neural adaptations, there are also indi-
cations that larger muscle fibers may not always
produce the same force per unit cross-sectional
area as smaller muscle fibers. However, it is unclear
whether this finding is the result of real differences
in myofibrillar density or whether it is an artefact of
the experimental process.

Key findings
When comparing bodybuilders with recreationally-active controls, the bodybuilders dis-
played non-significantly larger type I muscle fibers and significantly larger type II muscle
fibers. Specific tension (single fiber force relative to cross-sectional area) of the type II
muscle fibers appeared to be smaller in bodybuilders, but this difference disappeared af-
ter correcting for swelling induced by the experimental process.

Practical implications
Bodybuilding training is unlikely to have negative effects on maximum strength by pro-
ducing muscle fibers with a lower myofibrillar density (and therefore lower specific ten-
sion). The differences in maximum strength between bodybuilders and powerlifters are
likely to arise from differences in neural adaptations (coordination, agonist voluntary acti-
vation, and antagonist coactivation), lateral force transmission, and tendon stiffness.

Are muscle fibres of body builders intrinsically weaker? A comparison with

single fibres of aged-matched controls. Monti, E., Toniolo, L., Marcucci, L.,
Bondì, M., Martellato, I., Šimunič, B., & Reggiani, C. Acta Physiologica, e13557.
OBJECTIVE To compare the specific tension of single muscle fibers taken from
bodybuilders and age-matched control subjects.

Subjects attended two testing sessions. In one testing session, a
vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was provided. In another testing 12 subjects (6 body-
session, subjects performed a maximal isometric knee extension builders and 6 age-
test and their quadriceps muscles were scanned with ultrasound matched, untrained but
for measurements of size and architecture. recreationally-active

Whole muscle size: By quad- Bodybuilders displayed non-significantly greater quadri-
riceps and vastus lateralis ceps CSA and significantly greater vastus lateralis CSA
cross-sectional area (CSA) using than the age-matched controls.

Maximum strength, and Bodybuilders displayed significantly greater knee exten-

strength relative to muscle sion MVIC force as well as non-significantly greater knee
size: By knee extension maxi- extension MVIC force relative to quadriceps CSA than
mum voluntary isometric con- the age-matched controls.
traction (MVIC) force.

Muscle fiber CSA: From vastus Bodybuilders displayed non-significantly greater type I
lateralis biopsies and immuno- muscle fiber CSA, as well as significantly greater type II
histochemical staining. muscle fiber CSA than the age-matched controls.

Single muscle fiber specific Specific tension of type I fibers did not differ signifi-
tension: By placing single mus- cantly between groups. Specific tension of type II fibers
cle fiber segments into an appa- was significantly lower in bodybuilders than in controls.
ratus fitted with a force trans- This difference disappeared after correcting fiber size for
ducer. swelling caused by the experimental treatment.

Myonuclear domain (MND): There was a non-significant tendency for the MND to be
Of single muscle fibers. smaller in bodybuilders than in controls.

Myosin content: Using electro- There was no significant difference in myosin content
phoretic separation and densi- between the muscle fibers of bodybuilders and controls.
tometry to assess the ratio be-
tween myosin content and fiber

When comparing bodybuilders with recreationally-active controls, the
bodybuilders displayed non-significantly larger type I muscle fibers and significantly larger
type II muscle fibers. Specific tension (single fiber force relative to cross-sectional area) of
the type II muscle fibers appeared to be smaller in bodybuilders, but this difference disap-
peared after correcting for swelling induced by the experimental process.

T his study compared bodybuilders with

recreationally-active controls, and
found that the bodybuilders displayed
Additionally, this study found that the spe-
cific tension of type II fibers appeared to
be smaller in bodybuilders, but this differ-
non-significantly larger type I fibers and ence disappeared after correcting for swell-
significantly larger type II fibers. This was ing induced by the experimental process.
largely in accordance with expectations, While this may appear unexpected, it was
since previous research has shown that actually in agreement with the literature,
fast twitch (type II) muscle fibers tend to because of the mechanisms that underpin
grow to a greater extent after strength strength gains after training. To under-
training than slow twitch (type I) muscle stand why this is the case, it is helpful to
fibers (1–6), likely because slow twitch consider the various ways in which ratios
fibers are already somewhat developed by of strength relative to size are measured in
the activities of daily life. exercise science.
1. Exercise strength relative to 2. Involuntary muscle force relative
whole muscle size to whole muscle size
One common measurement of strength A very uncommon (but very informative)
relative to size is the expression of exercise measurement of strength relative to mus-
1RM or a maximum level of isometric force cle size can be calculated by recording
relative to the size of a whole muscle. The involuntary force during assessments of
measurement of muscle size can be either voluntary activation using the interpolated
its volume or its cross-sectional area. In twitch technique (13). This measurement
this situation, the factors that determine can be further refined to remove the influ-
muscle force include: [A] coordination in ence of antagonist muscle coactivation by
the exercise (7,8), [B] the level of volun- measuring the activation of the antagonist
tary activation of the muscle (the number and calculating its force production relative
of high-threshold motor units that can be to its activation during a maximal contrac-
recruited) (9,10), [C] the level of antago- tion of that muscle. Additionally, by mea-
nist coactivation (the extent to which the suring the internal moment arm lengths of
antagonist muscle opposes the agonist the muscle using imaging scans, the actual
muscle) (11), [D] the total size of the mus- agonist muscle force can be calculated, and
cle fibers that are working to produce force not merely the joint torque.
in the exercise (12), [E] the proportion of
force that is transmitted efficiently (later- Ultimately, this process therefore allows
ally) between fibers through costameres the calculation of muscle force relative to
(13), [F] myofibrillar density (14), and [G] whole muscle size (either cross-sectional
tendon stiffness (during isometric or con- area or volume) after removing the effects
centric-only contractions) (15). of [A] coordination, [B] the level of ago-
nist muscle voluntary activation, and [C]
It is clear that when we assess strength the level of antagonist muscle coactivation.
and muscle size in this way, a large num- Consequently, the remaining factors that
ber of factors can alter the ratio between can influence muscle force are: [D] the
strength and size, some of which are locat- total size of the muscle, [E] the propor-
ed in the central nervous system and some tion of force that is transmitted efficiently
of which are located within the muscle. We (laterally) between muscle fibers through
cannot therefore draw conclusions about costameres, [F] the myofibrillar density of
the strength of individual muscle fibers muscle fibers, and [G] tendon stiffness (in
within a muscle based on the ratio of exer- isometric or concentric-only contractions).
cise strength relative to whole muscle size.
3. Muscle fiber force relative to Ultimately, this process therefore allows
muscle fiber size the calculation of single muscle fiber force
Another common measurement of strength relative to its size, and the only factors
relative to size is the expression of single that can contribute are those that affect
muscle fiber force relative to single mus- the number of actin-myosin crossbridges
cle fiber cross-sectional area. This is often that can form at a given contraction veloc-
called “specific tension” in the literature ity. When studying muscle fibers of specific
(although the same term is confusing- types (slow twitch or fast twitch), the only
ly also sometimes used to refer to other factor that can influence muscle fiber force
measurements of strength relative to size). relative to its size is therefore the density
As in this study, researchers calculate this of the myofibrils inside the fiber.
measurement by taking muscle biopsies
and then isolating single muscle fibers. What does this mean?
The cross-sectional areas of these single This study found that the specific tension
muscle fibers are then measured and their (muscle fiber force relative to its cross-sec-
ability to produce force is assessed by plac- tional area) of single muscle fibers was
ing them in a solution that causes them to the same in untrained individuals and in
be activated, while recording the isometric bodybuilders. This suggests that myofibril-
force that is produced with a transducer. lar density does not change substantial-
ly with long-term strength training. This
When we assess muscle fiber strength and agrees largely with the existing literature.
size in this way, only a small number of Older studies found that myofibrillar den-
factors can alter the ratio between strength sity remained unchanged after strength
and size. Obviously, none of the factors training (16,17), and more recent work has
that involve the central nervous system suggested that short periods of strength
can have any effect. Similarly, neither the training might reduce myofibrillar density
antagonist muscle or the tendon can have regardless of the volume or relative loads
an effect, since these are not connected to that are used during training (18,19), while
the muscle fiber when it is producing force. very long exposure to strength training
Also, the amount of lateral force transmis- might cause it to increase slightly (14).
sion is also unable to contribute, because This suggests that differences in strength
the external collagen layer around each between bodybuilders and powerlifters with
muscle fiber (the endomysium) is removed similar levels of muscle mass are likely to
as part of the experimental process. result from one of the many other factors.
Conclusions Practical implications
When comparing bodybuilders with rec- Bodybuilding training is unlikely to have
reationally-active controls, the body- negative effects on maximum strength
builders displayed non-significantly larger by producing muscle fibers with a lower
type I muscle fibers and significantly myofibrillar density (and therefore low-
larger type II muscle fibers. Specif- er specific tension). The differences in
ic tension (single fiber force relative to maximum strength between bodybuilders
cross-sectional area) of the type II mus- and powerlifters are likely to arise from
cle fibers appeared to be smaller in body- differences in neural adaptations (coor-
builders, but this difference disappeared dination, agonist voluntary activation,
after correcting for swelling induced by and antagonist coactivation), lateral force
the experimental process. transmission, and tendon stiffness.
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Why does training closer to failure
cause a larger fiber type shift?

M any studies that have examined velocity-based

training have found that maximal effort strength
training with a greater velocity loss on each set (and
therefore training closer to failure) causes smaller
increases in measures of high-velocity strength and
speed (such as jumping and sprinting). This has
been attributed to the greater velocity loss involving
greater fatigue and therefore greater signaling that
causes a shift away from the very fast (type IIX)
fiber type. These very fast fibers are critical for the
performance of very fast movements.

Key findings
In strength-trained males, strength training with a larger velocity loss on each set caused
greater hypertrophy and greater fiber type shifts away from the IIX isoform. These great-
er fiber type shifts away from the type IIX isoform (and to a lesser extent the hypertro-
phy) were associated with an increase in the expression of a phosphorylated isoform of
CaMKII, which has previously been implicated in fiber type shifts.

Practical implications
When training athletes to perform in fast movements (such as throwing, jumping, and
sprinting), it is likely optimal to avoid training close to failure, because this causes a shift
away from the fastest fiber type that is key to the production of force at fast speeds.

Role of CaMKII and sarcolipin in muscle adaptations to strength training with

different levels of fatigue in the set. Martinez-Canton, M., Gallego-Selles, A.,
Gelabert-Rebato, M., Martin-Rincon, M., Pareja-Blanco, F., Rodriguez-Rosell, D.
& Calbet, J. A. (2020). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.
OBJECTIVE To explore the effects of strength training with a smaller (20%) or a
larger (40%) velocity loss on each set on hypertrophy and fiber type
shifts, in strength-trained males.

All subjects trained 2 times per week for 8 weeks, with 3 sets of
the Smith machine full squat, using the same percentage of 1RM 24 males, aged 23 ± 2
in each group (70 – 85% of 1RM). The V20 group stopped each years, with >1.5 years of
set when bar speed fell by 20% from the bar speed in the fastest strength training expe-
(first) rep, while the V40 group stopped when bar speed fell by rience, allocated to 20%
40% from the bar speed in the fastest (first) rep. Bar speed was and 40% velocity loss
tracked constantly by mean propulsive velocity (MPV), which is groups (V20 and V40)
the speed recorded in the concentric phase during which barbell
acceleration is greater than acceleration due to gravity.

Muscle fiber type: By vastus Type IIX fiber proportion reduced significantly only in V40.
lateralis biopsies and myosin
heavy chain (MHC) isoforms.

Muscle size: By quadriceps Vastus lateralis CSA and vastus intermedius CSA both in-
muscle cross-sectional area creased significantly in V40 but not in V20.
(CSA) by magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) scans.

Protein analysis: By vastus CaMKII isoform and phosphorylated (Thr287) CaMKII

lateralis muscle fiber biopsies expression each increased significantly and similarly after
and subsequent Western blot- training in both groups. The expression of phosphorylated
ting to examine changes in (Thr287) CaMKII δD isoform increased significantly after
Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent training only in V40 (and this was moderately associated
protein kinase II (CaMKII). with the number of reps done in training (r = 0.59), the
vastus lateralis and intermedius hypertrophy (r = 0.48),
and the reduction in type IIX proportion (r = 0.72).

In strength-trained males, strength training with a larger velocity loss
on each set caused greater hypertrophy and greater fiber type shifts away from the IIX
isoform. These greater fiber type shifts away from the type IIX isoform (and to a lesser
extent the hypertrophy) were associated with an increase in the expression of a phosphor-
ylated isoform of CaMKII, which has previously been implicated in fiber type shifts.

T his study reported that in strength-

trained males, strength training with
a larger velocity loss on each set caused
Additionally, previous research into the
mechanisms of fiber type shifts has impli-
cated CaMKII signaling events in moving
greater hypertrophy and greater fiber type fibers away from less oxidative isoforms
shifts away from the IIX isoform. These (4). Importantly, this research has shown
greater fiber type shifts away from the that CaMKII signaling events appear to
type IIX isoform (and to a lesser extent the respond to the nature of the muscle acti-
hypertrophy) were associated with an in- vation that is used during training, because
crease in the expression of a phosphorylat- of the way in which this muscle activation
ed isoform of Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent affects the calcium ions that are released
protein kinase II (CaMKII), which has pre- into the muscle fiber cytoplasm by means
viously been implicated in fiber type shifts. of the excitation-contraction coupling pro-
cess. Specifically, since CaMKII is activated
Clearly, there are two key findings of this and deactivated relatively slowly by the
study. Firstly, this study showed that CaM- presence or absence of calcium ions, it is
KII signaling mediates the shifts in fiber therefore most strongly stimulated to pro-
type after strength training, such that duce a signaling response when calcium
when sets involve more reps and are taken ions are produced constantly (for a pro-
closer to failure, this causes a greater fiber longed period of time) or in intermittent
type shift compared to when sets involve contractions with short rests. Brief periods
fewer reps and are stopped short of failure. of muscle activation are too short in length
Secondly, this study appeared to show that to stimulate CaMKII signaling, but longer
CaMKII signaling may also be involved in periods of muscle activation can produce a
stimulating hypertrophy, albeit to a lesser stimulus, and (importantly), the signaling
extent than in the fiber type shifts. magnitude increases cumulatively when
this stimulation is applied for increasingly
1. Muscle fiber type shifts long periods of time with either no rest or
Previous strength training research has with only short rests between contractions
shown that fiber type shifts away from the (4). This would predict that CaMKII signal-
very fast type IIX isoform are greater when ing would be more pronounced as a result
a larger volume of training is performed of performing more total reps (and there-
(1,2) and also when sets are taken closer fore a higher total volume), but only when
to failure (3). Yet, no previous research has those reps were performed with short rests
explored the underlying molecular signal- between them.
ing mechanisms of these effects.

I t is believed that the reduction in type

IIX fiber proportion contributes to a
change in the gradient of the force-velocity
2. Hypertrophy
To date, the only well-established mech-
anism that produces hypertrophy is me-
profile. Indeed, fast twitch muscle fibers chanical tension. This mechanical tension
are actually the only ones that are capable can be produced either by a muscle fiber
of contributing to force production at high itself (by the creation of actin-myosin
speeds (5). This suggests that when the crossbridges) or by an external stretch.
fastest (type IIX) muscle fibers experience Nevertheless, researchers have investi-
reductions in their maximal shortening gated the possibility of other mechanisms
speeds because of shifts in their fiber type, in order to explain situations in which the
the overall force production of the muscle amount of hypertrophy is greater than
at fast speeds will reduce substantially. might be expected for the estimated level
This will cause a reduction in the maximum of mechanical tension.
theoretical velocity of the force-velocity
profile, even as maximum theoretical force For example, it has been suggested that
is increased due to other adaptations. muscle damage might be a mechanism
that produces hypertrophy. This was pro-
Indeed, blocks of heavy strength training posed on the basis that eccentric training
often do shift the force-velocity profile such produces more muscle growth than con-
that maximum theoretical force increases centric training (and also causes more
while maximum theoretical velocity reduc- muscle damage), and because full range of
es (6–9). Yet, this shift does not always motion (ROM) training often causes more
occur when the strength training sets are muscle growth than partial ROM training
structured as clusters (10), which involve (and also causes more muscle damage).
taking short rests within each set. Taking Yet, in both cases, the amount of mechan-
short rests within the set likely reduces ical tension that is experienced by each
CaMKII signaling, which reduces the mag- working muscle fiber is actually greater
nitude of the fiber type shift, which pre- when performing eccentric contractions
vents a large reduction in maximum the- (compared to concentric contractions) and
oretical velocity from occurring. Similarly, when doing full ROM training (compared to
there is evidence that training with lower partial ROM training) because of the in-
volumes (in terms of the number of sets) volvement of passive elements inside the
also reduces the magnitude of the fiber muscle fibers that contribute to force pro-
type shift and maximizes gains in force duction when the muscle is stretched.
production at fast speeds (2).

S imilarly, it has been suggested that the

accumulation of metabolites during
fatiguing contractions (called “metabolic
More recently, researchers have suggested
that muscle activation may be a key fac-
tor that determines hypertrophy, through
stress”) might be a mechanism that pro- its effects on the release of calcium ions
duces hypertrophy. This was initially pro- into the cytoplasm (15). Indeed, several
posed because isometric training caused studies have identified potential roles for
more hypertrophy when contractions were calcium ion-related signaling processes in
performed with short rests compared to causing hypertrophy (4). However, there is
with long rests, while also causing a larger also evidence from studies involving pas-
amount of metabolite accumulation (11). sive static stretching of muscles that mus-
cle activation (and the subsequent calcium
Even so, the accumulation of metabolites ion release) is not necessary for hyper-
is a marker of fatigue. When working mus- trophy to occur (16). Also, some research
cle fibers are fatigued, this requires other has shown that muscle activation may not
muscle fibers to be activated through an enhance the hypertrophy that occurs so
increase in effort leading to an increase long as the amount of mechanical tension
in motor unit recruitment levels (12,13). is kept at the same level (17). Conversely,
Isometric training with short rests would changing the level of mechanical tension
have involved the recruitment of more while keeping the level of muscle activation
high-threshold motor units than isometric the same has a very marked impact on the
training with long rests. Importantly, be- resulting hypertrophy, with greater levels
cause of the force-velocity relationship, the of mechanical tension causing much great-
muscle fibers that belong to low-threshold er muscle growth (18,19). Moreover, when
motor units experience very high levels of studies have identified greater transient
mechanical tension on a daily basis and increases in myofibrillar protein synthesis
therefore are not capable of growing af- (MYOPS) rates as a result of muscle acti-
ter additional training (14). Thus, only by vation combined with mechanical tension
recruiting high-threshold motor units is it (compared to mechanical tension alone),
possible to produce muscle growth. Con- this could very easily be explained by the
sequently, the accumuation of metabolites need to repair the muscle damage that
was never necessary to explain the results is caused by the muscle activation, since
of these early studies, since the greater calcium ions are the main cause of damage
hypertrophy was caused by the application after exercise (20), and since muscle dam-
of mechanical tension to a more responsive age repair is known to require a transitory
group of muscle fibers. increase in MYOPS rates (21).

T his study reported that there was an

association between the calcium ion–
related signaling events and the amount
However, recent research in humans has
shown that the addition of exogenous lac-
tate during a strength training workout has
of hypertrophy that resulted. Given that no effect on the post-workout increase in
the number of reps in this context reflects muscle protein synthesis rates (29).This
an increasing amount of reps performed shows that lactate itself is not involved in
in sequence (and therefore an increasing the signaling processes causing muscle
stimulus for calcium ion-related signaling), growth. This demonstrates that metabolic
this might be presented as further (albeit accumulation can occur in a dose-response
indirect) evidence to link muscle activation way with increasing proximity to failure
with muscle growth. However, this link may and yet be totally unrelated to the process
actually be purely coincidental, in the same that causes muscle growth. Similarly, it is
way as the link between lactate and muscle possible that calcium ion-related signaling
growth has been shown to be coincidental. can also occur in a dose-response way with
Previous studies have found that lactate increasing proximity to failure, and yet
increases in proportion to the proximity to may well be totally unrelated to the pro-
muscular failure (21,22) and many rodent cess that causes muscle growth, although
studies have presented evidence that links it is very likely involved in triggering similar
lactate with hypertrophy (23–28). processes that lead to muscle fiber repair.

Conclusions Practical implications

In strength-trained males, strength train- When training athletes to perform in fast
ing with a larger velocity loss on each set movements (such as throwing, jumping,
caused greater hypertrophy and great- and sprinting), it is likely optimal to avoid
er fiber type shifts away from the IIX training close to failure, because this
isoform. These greater fiber type shifts causes a shift away from the fastest fiber
away from the type IIX isoform (and to type that is key to the production of force
a lesser extent the hypertrophy) were as- at fast speeds.
sociated with an increase in the expres-
sion of a phosphorylated isoform of CaM-
KII, which has previously been implicated
in fiber type shifts.
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Motivational self-talk can improve
exercise performance

D uring sustained exercise, performance is strongly

limited by the central nervous system (CNS).
A popular explanation of how the CNS regulates
exercise performance is the psychobiological model,
which integrates inputs from the brain and from
the body to produce a certain level of voluntary
command to the working muscles, thereby producing
motor unit recruitment. Yet, it is unclear how this
model balances motivation and afferent feedback
from muscles to determine the maximum level of
voluntary command that can be produced.

Key findings
In amateur triathletes, practicing motivational self-talk reduced 750m swimming time
while increasing outcome expectancy and leaving the perceived level of effort unchanged.
It seems likely that the motivational self-talk was effective at increasing motivation, which
allowed a higher level of central motor command to be achieved for a given level of per-
ceived effort, thereby increasing exercise performance.

Practical implications
Techniques that increase motivation during exercise (such as using self-talk, increasing
autonomy, obtaining feedback, and others) can improve performance and this likely oc-
curs through an increase in the level of motor unit recruitment that can be achieved for a
given perceived level of effort. Increases in maximum strength and muscle size will likely
be improved by using such techniques, since the recruitment of more motor units allows
more muscle fibers to be trained.

Motivational self-talk improves time-trial swimming endurance performance in

amateur triathletes. De Matos, L. F., Bertollo, M., Stefanello, J. M. F., Pires, F.
O., da Silva, C. K., Nakamura, F. Y., & Pereira, G. (2020). International Journal
of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-14. (Link)
OBJECTIVE To assess the effects of motivational self-talk on swimming times in
amateur triathletes.

Subjects performed two 750m swimming tests in a 50m pool as fast
as possible. Each test was performed after a standardized warm-up. 21 amateur triathletes
After the first test, subjects wrote down thoughts that occurred to (15 males, 6 females),
them while swimming. According to their group allocation, these aged 21 – 47 years,
thoughts were converted to four statements that had either an in- allocated into a control
structional purpose (e.g. “I will focus on technique”) or a motivation- group or a motivational
al purpose (e.g. “I believe I can swim faster”). Subjects memorized
these thoughts and repeated them during training sessions for the
following 12 days and also during the second test.

Exercise performance: By Subjects in the motivational group achieved a significant
750m test time. reduction in 750m swimming time from the first to the
second test (by 2.8%), while the subjects in the control
group did not.

Perception of effort: By Both the motivational and control groups reported the
self-reported rating of perceived same RPE in the first test (17.2 and 17.3 points, respec-
exertion (RPE) on the (6–20 tively) and in the second test (17.1 and 17.4 points,
point) Borg scale immediately respectively), without any change between tests.
after the 750m tests.

Psychological measures: By Mood

the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) Subjects in both groups displayed similar BRUMS scores
to assess mood (since this can on the days of both tests, indicating that it was unlikely
affect motivation) and by out- that mood affected the results.
come expectancy (self-predicted
time to swim 750m in the test). Outcome expectancy
Subjects in the motivational group achieved a significant
increase in their outcome expectancy from the first to
the second test (by 6%), while the subjects in the con-
trol group did not.

In amateur triathletes, practicing motivational self-talk reduced 750m
swimming time while increasing outcome expectancy and leaving the perceived level of
effort unchanged. It seems likely that the motivational self-talk was effective at increasing
motivation, which allowed a higher level of central motor command to be achieved for a
given level of perceived effort, thereby increasing exercise performance.

T his study reported that in amateur

triathletes, practicing motivational self-
talk reduced 750m swimming time while
The psychobiological model then identifies
that the size of the central motor command
that is sent by the CNS to the muscle is
increasing outcome expectancy and leaving affected by two factors: [A] the level of
the perceived level of effort unchanged. It motivation to perform the exercise task,
seems likely that the motivational self-talk and [B] the perceived level of effort during
was effective at increasing motivation, and the task.
that this allowed a higher level of central
motor command to be achieved for a given Indeed, the effects of motivation on ex-
level of perceived effort, thereby increasing ercise performance can be observed in
exercise performance. strength training as well as during endur-
ance exercise, since interventions such
Currently, there are two popular models as increasing autonomy (8) and providing
for explaining how endurance performance feedback (9) are known to improve the
is limited by the brain. One of these is level of motivation in an exercise task, and
the central governor model (1–3), and its also improve performance. Similarly, the
successor the integrative governor model perceived level of effort during the task
(4), while the other is the psychobiologi- is known to affect the size of the central
cal model (5–7). The key advantage of the motor command, since increased affer-
psychobiological model is that it combines ent feedback from muscles (in the form of
existing physiology and psychology togeth- burning and aching sensations) has been
er without proposing any new components. shown to reduce exercise performance
during high-intensity exercise (10–14).
The psychobiological model identifies that
exercise performance can be limited by the Also, the perceived level of effort during
brain, and that performance is reduced by the task is determined by the size of the
a reduction in the size of the signal from central motor command itself (15). Thus,
the central nervous system (CNS) to the as the size of the central motor command
muscles. This signal, which is often called increases in order to achieve higher lev-
the “central motor command” is what caus- els of motor unit recruitment, it becomes
es the recruitment of motor units. Reduc- progressively more and more difficult to
ing the size of this signal therefore brings achieve incremental increases in neural
about a reduction in the number of motor drive to the muscle. This essentially cre-
units that are recruited and producing force ates a negative feedback loop for motor
during an exercise task. unit recruitment.

I nterestingly, this study reported that in-

creasing the level of motivation reduced
swimming time while leaving the perceived
Consequently, although the psychobiolog-
ical model is often presented as showing
[A] motivation and [B] perceived level of
level of effort unchanged. When using the effort as having independent effects on
psychobiological model, this suggests that the level of central motor command that
increased motivation did not permit a high- can be achieved during an exercise task,
er level of perceived effort to be experi- it seems more likely that the level of mo-
enced, but rather that it reduced the level tivation alters the perception of effort in
of perceived effort that was experienced much the same way as afferent feedback
for a certain level of central motor com- and the current size of the central motor
mand. This fits with other research show- command do. Thus, a revised presentation
ing that interventions that increase motiva- of the model might involve all factors first
tion (such as listening to fast tempo music) affecting the perception of effort before
increase exercise performance but either they influence the size of the central motor
do not affect the self-reported level of command to the muscle, which essentially
perceived effort (16–18) or reduce it (19). suggests that the ultimate limiting factor
This is the exact opposite of what would be for exercise performance is always the per-
expected if motivation permitted a higher ception of effort (albeit this can be altered
level of perceived effort to be experienced. through several mechanisms).

Conclusions Practical implications

In amateur triathletes, practicing motiva- Techniques that increase motivation
tional self-talk reduced 750m swimming during exercise (such as using self-talk,
time while increasing outcome expec- increasing autonomy, obtaining feedback,
tancy and leaving the perceived level of and others) can improve performance
effort unchanged. It seems likely that and this likely occurs through an increase
the motivational self-talk was effective at in the level of motor unit recruitment that
increasing motivation, which allowed a can be achieved for a given perceived
higher level of central motor command to level of effort. Increases in maximum
be achieved for a given level of perceived strength and muscle size will likely be
effort, thereby increasing exercise perfor- improved by using such techniques, since
mance. the recruitment of more motor units al-
lows more muscle fibers to be trained.
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for complex system integration and dynamic neural reg- berger, D., Jessop, J. E., Wang, E., & Amann, M. (2018).
ulation of skeletal muscle recruitment during exercise in Fatigue-related group III/IV muscle afferent feedback
humans. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(6), 797- facilitates intracortical inhibition during locomotor ex-
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central neural regulation of effort and fatigue during exer- E., Richardson, R. S., Morgan, D. E., & Amann, M. (2017).
cise in humans: summary and conclusions. British Journal Group III/IV locomotor muscle afferents alter motor
of Sports Medicine, 39(2), 120. (PubMed) cortical and corticospinal excitability and promote central
fatigue during cycling exercise. Clinical Neurophysiology,
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exercise regulation applied to the marathon. Sports Medi-
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4. St Clair, G. A., Swart, J., & Tucker, R. (2018). The (2014). Spinal μ-opioid receptor-sensitive lower limb
interaction of psychological and physiological homeostatic muscle afferents determine corticospinal responsiveness
drives and role of general control principles in the regu- and promote central fatigue in upper limb muscle. The
lation of physiological systems, exercise and the fatigue Journal of Physiology, 592(22), 5011-502. (PubMed)
process – The Integrative Governor theory. European
Journal of Sport Science, 18(1), 25. (PubMed) 15. De Morree, H. M., Klein, C., & Marcora, S. M. (2012).
Perception of effort reflects central motor command
5. Marcora, S. M. (2008). Do we really need a central during movement execution. Psychophysiology, 49(9),
governor to explain brain regulation of exercise perfor- 1242-1253. (PubMed)
mance? European Journal of Applied Physiology, 104(5),
929. (PubMed) 16. Maddigan, M. E., Sullivan, K. M., Halperin, I., Basset,
F. A., & Behm, D. G. (2019). High tempo music prolongs
6. Marcora, S. M., Bosio, A., & De Morree, H. M. (2008). high intensity exercise. PeerJ, 6, e6164. (PubMed)
Locomotor muscle fatigue increases cardiorespiratory re-
sponses and reduces performance during intense cycling 17. Potteiger, J. A., Schroeder, J. M., & Goff, K. L. (2000).
exercise independently from metabolic stress. American Influence of music on ratings of perceived exertion during
Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Com- 20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise. Perceptual
parative Physiology, 294(3), R874-R883. (PubMed) and Motor Skills, 91(3), 848-854. (PubMed)

7. Marcora, S. M., Staiano, W., & Manning, V. (2009). 18. Bonnette, R., Smith III, M. C., Spaniol, F., Melrose,
Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. D., & Ocker, L. (2012). The effect of music listening on
Journal of Applied Physiology, 106(3), 857-864. (PubMed) running performance and rating of perceived exertion of
college students. The Sport Journal, 14, 440. (Link)
8. Halperin, I., Wulf, G., Vigotsky, A. D., Schoenfeld, B. J.,
& Behm, D. G. (2018). Autonomy: a missing ingredient of 19. Boutcher, S. H., & Trenske, M. (1990). The effects
a successful program? Strength & Conditioning Journal, of sensory deprivation and music on perceived exertion
40(4), 18-25. (Link) and affect during exercise. Journal of Sport and Exercise
Psychology, 12(2), 167-176. (Link)
9. Halperin, I., Ramsay, E., Philpott, B., Obolski, U., &
Behm, D. G. (2020). The effects of positive and negative
verbal feedback on repeated force production. Physiology
& Behavior, 225, 113086. (PubMed)

10. Kennedy, D. S., McNeil, C. J., Gandevia, S. C., &

Taylor, J. L. (2013). Firing of antagonist small-diameter
muscle afferents reduces voluntary activation and torque
of elbow flexors. The Journal of Physiology, 591(14),
3591-3604. (PubMed)

11. Kennedy, D. S., McNeil, C. J., Gandevia, S. C., &

Taylor, J. L. (2013). Fatigue-related firing of distal mus-
cle nociceptors reduces voluntary activation of proximal
muscles of the same limb. Journal of Applied Physiology,
116(4), 385-394. (PubMed)
Measuring central nervous system
fatigue during low-intensity exercise

C entral nervous system (CNS) fatigue occurs during

all forms of exercise, but more so in low-intensity
exercise than during high-intensity exercise (contrary
to popular belief). A popular model of CNS fatigue is the
psychobiological model, in which inputs from the brain
(motivation) and from the body (afferent feedback)
both influence the central motor command to muscles
(which is what causes the recruitment of motor units).
Yet, it is unclear how these effects of these inputs from
the brain and body differ during exercise and during the
testing of fatigue after exercise.

Key findings
When untrained males performed a very low-intensity (10% of MVIC) isometric contrac-
tion to task failure, strength reduced to approximately 50% of the time to task failure,
while central nervous system fatigue increased to approximately 90% of the time to task
failure, and corticospinal excitability and inhibition were mostly unaffected. Rating of per-
ceived exertion increased linearly all the way through to task failure.

Practical implications
Central nervous system (CNS) fatigue arises during long-duration exercise, as measured
by changes in voluntary activation during short-duration, maximal effort contractions. The
accumulation of CNS fatigue seems to be closely related to the increasing perception of
effort, which probably arises due to increasing afferent feedback and progressively de-
creasing motivation to continue the exercise.

Task failure during sustained low-intensity contraction is not associated with

a critical amount of central fatigue. Souron, R., Voirin, A. C., Kennouche, D.,
Espeit, L., Millet, G. Y., Rupp, T., & Lapole, T. (2020). Scandinavian Journal of
Medicine & Science in Sports. (PubMed)
OBJECTIVE To examine the progression of central nervous system (CNS) fatigue
during a very low-intensity isometric contraction performed to task fail-
ure, in untrained males.

Subjects performed a sustained isometric contraction of the quad-
riceps muscles at 90o knee flexion at 10% of maximum voluntary 11 physically active
isometric contraction (MVIC) force to task failure (defined as being males, aged 24 ± 5
unable to maintain the required level of force for 3 seconds). Mea- years
surements of strength, CNS fatigue, and peripheral fatigue were
taken every 3 minutes during the contraction to assess their de-
velopment over time.

Exercise duration The average duration of the contraction was 33 minutes,
with considerable individual variation (13 – 91 minutes).

Maximum strength: By MVIC MVIC force reduced significantly from 20 – 50% of the
knee extension force. time to task failure, but not thereafter. Thus, it appeared
to reduce non-linearly (it reduced more rapidly earlier in
the contraction) At the point of task failure, MVIC force
was reduced by 49%.

Voluntary activation: By stim- Voluntary activation reduced significantly from 40 – 90%

ulation of the motor cortex using of the time to task failure, but not thereafter. Thus, it ap-
transcranial magnetic stimula- peared to reduce largely linearly over time. At the point
tion (TMS) during MVICs. of task failure, voluntary activation had reduced by 21%.

Corticospinal excitability and MEP area and silent period duration reduced significantly
inhibition: By motor-evoked from 20% of the time to task failure, but not thereafter.
potential (MEP) area and cortical They reduced only slightly at the start of the contraction,
silent period duration, by TMS. and then remained constant thereafter.

Rating of perceived exertion: RPE increased almost linearly from 10% of the time to
By a visual analog scale. task failure through to 100% of the time to task failure.

Peripheral fatigue: By electri- Twitch force was significantly decreased at task failure
cal stimulation of the muscle to (by 34%), indicating peripheral fatigue. Also, the ratio of
produce twitches at 10Hz and low-to-high frequency force was significantly decreased
100Hz. at task failure (by 35%), indicating that there was some
excitation-contraction coupling failure.

When untrained males performed a very low-intensity (10% of MVIC)
isometric contraction to task failure, strength reduced to approximately 50% of the time
to task failure, while central nervous system fatigue increased to approximately 90% of
the time to task failure, and corticospinal excitability and inhibition were mostly unaffect-
ed. Rating of perceived exertion increased linearly all the way through to task failure.

T his study reported that when untrained

males did a very low-intensity isometric
contraction (equivalent to 10% of maxi-
Importantly, voluntary activation only uses
measurements of force to identify the pres-
ence of CNS fatigue. It does not record
mum voluntary isometric contraction force) the electrical signals transmitted to and
to task failure, maximum strength reduced through the muscle by electromyography.
through to 50% of the time to reach task Therefore, the calculation is not subject to
failure before reaching a plateau. In con- the substantial limitations that are involved
trast, voluntary activation reduced more in recording muscle activation (2).
progressively and linearly through to 90%
of the time to reach task failure. This Additionally, as this study clearly shows,
steady, linear increase in the amount of voluntary activation is a very different
central nervous system (CNS) fatigue was measurement from corticospinal excitabil-
matched by a steady, linear increase in the ity and corticospinal inhibition. Measure-
self-reported rating of perceived exertion ments of these properties are often taken
(RPE) over the course of the contraction. after strength training workouts (3), and
after strength training programs (4), but
Voluntary activation is the gold standard there is a lack of agreement regarding
measurement for CNS fatigue during and what they signify. Theoretically, temporary
after exercise (1). It is calculated by com- changes in corticospinal excitability and in-
paring the amount of force that is produced hibition might indicate potentiation or CNS
during maximal, voluntary contractions fatigue, while long-term changes might
(usually isometric contractions) with the reflect adaptations. However, as demon-
amount of force that is produced during strated in this study, corticospinal excitabil-
maximal, voluntary contractions during ity and corticospinal inhibition often display
which an electrical stimulus is provided to very different changes during and after a
the motor point for the muscle or a tran- workout from the gold standard measure-
scranial magnetic stimulus is provided to ment of voluntary activation, suggesting
the motor cortex to produce an involuntary that other factors probably influence them.
contraction. If this stimulus can increase Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that
the force produced during the maximal, changes in corticospinal excitability and
voluntary contraction, then this indicates corticospinal inhibition are greatest when
an inability to recruit high-threshold motor the workouts involve more motor learning
units fully. This inability can reflect CNS (5,6), suggesting that these measurements
fatigue if it has occurred in response to a may also indicate that improvements in
bout of exercise. coordination are occurring.

I n the psychobiological model of exercise,

the brain produces a signal that creates
movement. This signal is called the “central
Increases in perceived effort during low–
intensity exercise seem to result from two
totally different sources.
motor command” and it is sent to the mus-
cles to stimulate motor unit recruitment. Firstly, they occur when peripheral fa-
Large signals create a high level of motor tigue reduces the force produced by the
unit recruitment, while smaller signals cre- working muscle fibers. This necessitates
ate a low level of motor unit recruitment. an increase in the level of motor unit re-
The central motor command also produces cruitment, which is produced voluntarily
a secondary signal, which is our perceived by increasing the level of central motor
level of effort. This perceived level of effort command. Since the level of central motor
therefore increases progressively as the command is a key input into the perceived
size of the central motor command (and level of effort, the perception of effort in-
the level of motor unit recruitment) both creases accordingly.
increase. However, we can only tolerate a
certain level of perceived effort for a given Secondly, increases in perceived effort
bout of exercise (but the exact level might occur because of afferent feedback from
vary according to our level of motivation). working muscles. During high-intensity
Therefore, there is a limit on how large the exercise, this afferent feedback proba-
central motor command can be, and how bly results from metabolite accumulation
many motor units can be recruited. (8). In low-intensity exercise, the afferent
feedback probably arises from other sourc-
In the psychobiological model of exercise es, including inflammation (9). When this
(7), central nervous system (CNS) fatigue afferent feedback contributes to increased
arises when either [A] the level of per- perception of effort, it does so without
ceived effort is increased by other factors altering the size of the central motor com-
(which do not simultaneously increase the mand and the level of motor unit recruit-
size of the central motor command), or [B] ment. Therefore, it creates CNS fatigue.
the level of motivation is reduced (although Interestingly, research has often shown
it is not clear whether motivation acts inde- that CNS fatigue accumulates steadily over
pendently of the level of perceived effort). time during long-distance exercise (10)
To the extent that perceived effort is the (a finding that was noted in this current
primary factor, CNS fatigue should increase study). Other research has similarly found
very closely in tandem with increases in that inflammation builds up gradually over
the rating of perceived exertion (RPE). time in much the same way (11).

I nterestingly, although the isometric

contraction was performed with 10% of
maximum voluntary isometric contraction
Indeed, the psychological demands that
are involved in maintaining force levels
at a certain level indefinitely are different
(MVIC) force, the reduction in maximum from those that are involved in producing
strength at task failure was only 49%. The a maximal amount of force for a very short
reduction in voluntary activation contrib- period of time. This difference might rea-
uted approximately 40% of this reduc- sonably be expected to affect the level of
tion, while peripheral fatigue contributed motivation that is experienced during the
the remaining 60%. This suggests that exercise bout, which in turn influences the
when the subjects tested their maximum size of the central motor command (and
strength and voluntary activation during thus the level of motor unit recruitment).
and then immediately after exercise, their This important finding demonstrates that
central nervous system (CNS) fatigue was a certain amount of CNS fatigue during
lower than during the exercise bout itself. long-duration, aerobic exercise may not be
This discrepancy between the CNS fatigue apparent when measured using changes
that is experienced during the long-dura- in voluntary activation. However, whether
tion, low-intensity exercise and during the there are discrete elements of CNS fatigue
short-duration strength test might arise that can be identified and characterized as
from the influence of motivation on the caused by different mechanisms remains to
perceived level of effort. be established.

Conclusions Practical implications

When untrained males performed a very Central nervous system (CNS) fatigue
low-intensity (10% of MVIC) isometric arises during long-duration exercise, as
contraction to task failure, strength re- measured by changes in voluntary activa-
duced to approximately 50% of the time tion during short-duration, maximal effort
to task failure, while central nervous contractions. The accumulation of CNS
system fatigue increased to approximate- fatigue seems to be closely related to
ly 90% of the time to task failure, and the increasing perception of effort, which
corticospinal excitability and inhibition probably arises due to increasing afferent
were mostly unaffected. Rating of per- feedback and progressively decreasing
ceived exertion increased linearly all the motivation to continue the exercise.
way through to task failure.
1. Todd, G., Taylor, J. L., & Gandevia, S. C. (2016). Mea-
surement of voluntary activation based on transcranial
magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex. Journal of
Applied Physiology, 121(3), 678-686. (PubMed)

2. Vigotsky, A. D., Halperin, I., Lehman, G. J., Trajano, G.

S., & Vieira, T. M. (2018). Interpreting signal amplitudes
in surface electromyography studies in sport and rehabili-
tation sciences. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 985. (PubMed)

3. Mason, J., Frazer, A. K., Pearce, A. J., Goodwill, A. M.,

Howatson, G., Jaberzadeh, S., & Kidgell, D. J. (2019). De-
termining the early corticospinal-motoneuronal responses
to strength training: a systematic review and meta-anal-
ysis. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 30(5), 463-476.

4. Kidgell, D. J., Bonanno, D. R., Frazer, A. K., Howat-

son, G., & Pearce, A. J. (2017). Corticospinal responses
following strength training: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. European Journal of Neuroscience, 46(11),
2648-2661. (PubMed)

5. Leung, M., Rantalainen, T., Teo, W. P., & Kidgell, D.

(2017). The corticospinal responses of metronome-paced,
but not self-paced strength training are similar to motor
skill training. European Journal of Applied Physiology,
117(12), 2479-2492. (PubMed)

6. Siddique, U., Rahman, S., Frazer, A., Leung, M., Pearce,

A. J., & Kidgell, D. J. (2020). Task-dependent modula-
tion of corticospinal excitability and inhibition following
strength training. Journal of Electromyography and Kine-
siology, 102411. (PubMed)

7. Marcora, S. M. (2008). Do we really need a central

governor to explain brain regulation of exercise perfor-
mance? European Journal of Applied Physiology, 104(5),
929. (PubMed)

8. Pollak, K. A., Swenson, J. D., Vanhaitsma, T. A., Hugh-

en, R. W., Jo, D., Light, K. C., & Light, A. R. (2014). Exog-
enously applied muscle metabolites synergistically evoke
sensations of muscle fatigue and pain in human subjects.
Experimental physiology, 99(2), 368-380. (PubMed)

9. Vargas, N. T., & Marino, F. (2014). A neuroinflammato-

ry model for acute fatigue during exercise. Sports Medi-
cine, 44(11), 1479-1487. (PubMed)

10. Place, N., Lepers, R., Deley, G., & Millet, G. Y. (2004).
Time course of neuromuscular alterations during a pro-
longed running exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports &
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11. MacDonald, C., Wojtaszewski, J. F., Pedersen, B. K.,

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from human skeletal muscle during exercise: relation to
AMPK activity. Journal of Applied Physiology, 95(6), 2273-
2277. (PubMed)
Reducing the force-velocity imbalance
enhances gains in maximum strength

T raditionally, strength coaches have programmed

heavy strength training, power exercises, and speed
exercises (such as plyometrics) for athletes, with a
view to enhancing the ability to produce force at various
different velocities. Even so, research has found that
each individual athlete likely has an optimal force-ve-
locity profile for any given athletic movement that
enables them to perform that movement most effective-
ly. Thus, altering a force-velocity profile can enhance
athletic performance in the same way as increasing the
ability to exert force at a fast or a slow velocity.

Key findings
In professional male rugby league players, a training program that was designed to re-
duce the force-velocity imbalance caused a greater improvement in maximum squat
strength and maximum theoretical force in a force-velocity profile test, as well as a great-
er improvement in vertical jump height, compared to a general strength training program
that incorporated both heavy strength training and power training exercises.

Practical implications
Testing athletes for their force-velocity profiles (and calculating force-velocity imbalances)
before starting a training program is a useful way of producing a greater improvement
in various athletic performance measures. However, the improvements are likely to be
greatest in those exercises or movements that are used to calculate the force-velocity
profile, so these should chosen carefully to reflect the demands of the sport.

Optimised force-velocity training during pre-season enhances physical perfor-

mance in professional rugby league players. Simpson, A., Waldron, M., Cushion,
E., & Tallent, J. (2020). Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-10. (PubMed)
OBJECTIVE To compare the effects of general strength and power training with an
individualized training program intended to reduce the force-velocity
profile imbalance, in male rugby athletes.

Subjects did 3 workouts per week for 8 weeks, including 2 lower body
exercises in each workout. GEN did a balanced routine involving heavy 29 professional rugby
strength training exercises, power training exercises, and plyometrics. league athletes, aged 24
IND performed routines that varied between athletes, depending on ± 3 years, allocated into a
whether they were classified as having a low or high force deficit or a
general strength and pow-
low or high velocity deficit. Where athletes were classified as having a
er training group (GEN) or
force deficit, they trained with a greater proportion of heavy strength
individualized training to
training exercises and a smaller proportion of power training exercis-
reduce their force-velocity
es and plyometrics. Where athletes were classified as having a velocity
deficit, they used more power training exercises and plyometrics. profile imbalance (IND)

Maximum strength: By 3RM IND achieved a significantly greater change in 3RM back
back squat. squat compared to GEN.

Sprint running performance: Sprint running performance did not change significantly
By 10m and 20m sprint times, in either group after training.
using timing gates.

Vertical jump height: By squat IND achieved a significantly greater improvement in

jump height using an iPhone squat jump height compared to GEN.

Force-velocity profile: By Force-velocity profile

maximum theoretical force IND achieved a significantly greater change in FMAX
(FMAX), maximum theoretical and GRAD compared to GEN. However, GEN achieved
velocity (VMAX), and the gradi- a significantly greater improvement in VMAX compared
ent of the force-velocity profile to IND. This was probably because the subjects allocat-
(GRAD) during the squat jump ed to IND included a greater number of force-deficient
performed with a range of loads. athletes than velocity-deficient athletes, and therefore
The force-velocity imbalance was would have trained using a larger proportion of heavy
calculated as the difference be- strength training exercises.
tween the optimal force-velocity
profile and the actual force-ve- Force-velocity imbalance
locity profile of each athlete. IND achieved a significantly greater reduction in their
force-velocity imbalance compared to GEN.

In professional male rugby league players, a training program that was
individualized to reduce the force-velocity imbalance caused a greater increase in maxi-
mum squat strength and maximum theoretical force in a force-velocity profile test, as well
as a greater improvement in vertical jump height, compared to a general strength training
program that incorporated both heavy strength training and power training exercises.

T his study reported that in professional

male rugby league players, a train-
ing program that was designed to reduce
Essentially, this study showed that when
athletes have force-velocity imbalances,
then training to remove these imbalances
the force-velocity imbalance caused a is an effective way of improving athletic
greater improvement in maximum squat ability. Previous studies have shown that
strength and maximum theoretical force having a force-velocity imbalance has a
during a force-velocity profile test, as well negative effect on performance in a move-
as a greater improvement in vertical jump ment (1–3) and that reducing this imbal-
height, compared to a general strength ance can improve performance (4–8). It
training program that incorporated both seems likely that testing the force-velocity
heavy strength training and power training profile of athletes before embarking on a
exercises in a standard volume allocation training program is a relatively easy way to
for all athletes. maximize improvements from training.

V arious adaptations result from heavy

strength training that enhance the
maximum strength in a movement. These
Various adaptations occur after fast move-
ment training that enhance maximum
velocity in a movement. These include im-
include improvements in coordination (9), provements in exercise coordination (19),
reductions in antagonist muscle coactiva- reductions in antagonist muscle coactiva-
tion (10), increases in agonist motor unit tion (20,21), increases in agonist motor
recruitment (11,12), increases in muscle unit recruitment (22), increases in motor
fiber size (13) and potentially also myo- unit firing rate (23), and increases in sin-
fibrillar density (14), increases in lateral gle fiber contraction velocity (24). These
force transmission through an addition of adaptations can be categorized into those
costameres (15,16), and increases in ten- that alter the force-velocity gradient (by
don stiffness (17,18). These adaptations increasing maximum theoretical velocity
can be categorized into those that alter more than maximum theoretical force) and
the force-velocity gradient (by increasing those that do not. Improvements in coor-
maximum theoretical force to a greater dination, reductions in antagonist coacti-
extent than maximum theoretical velocity) vation, increases in motor unit firing rate,
and those that do not (since they increase and increases in single fiber contraction
maximum theoretical force and velocity to velocity all improve maximum theoretical
the same extent). velocity, but do not enhance maximum
theoretical force to the same extent. In
Several adaptations that occur after heavy contrast, increases in agonist motor unit
strength training have a large effect on recruitment increase maximum theoretical
maximum theoretical force, but do not force and velocity to the same extent.
affect maximum theoretical velocity to the
same extent. These include improvements In addition to these specific adaptations
in coordination, reductions in antagonist that occur after each type of training, one
coactivation, hypertrophy, and increases in other factor also influences the changes
lateral force transmission. In contrast, oth- in the force-velocity gradient. Since heavy
er adaptations occur after heavy strength strength training tends to involve more
training that improve maximum theoreti- fatigue during each set compared to fast
cal force and velocity to the same extent. movement training, it also tends to cause
These include an increase in the recruit- a larger shift in muscle fiber type, which is
ment of the agonist muscle motor units, known to have a negative effect on max-
and an improvement in myofibrillar density imum theoretical velocity, and thereby
(to the extent that this occurs). shifts the force-velocity gradient (25).

I n this study, the primary exercise for

measuring the force-velocity imbalance
was the vertical jump. Most other simi-
In this study, the researchers found that
reducing the force-velocity imbalance had a
marked effect on maximum strength, such
lar studies have used the same exercise that the group that trained with the indi-
(4–7) and only a small number have as- vidualized (optimized) programs achieved
sessed the force-velocity imbalance during greater improvements in both maximum
sprint running (8). In this study, reducing theoretical force and 3RM back squat than
the force-velocity imbalance was clearly the group that used a general training
very beneficial for improving vertical jump program. This might be taken to indicate
height, and yet had no similar positive ef- that reducing the force-velocity imbalance
fect on sprint running performance. during the vertical jump exercise was also
effective for enhancing maximum strength.
Importantly, the force-velocity imbalance
is probably movement-specific, and some However, it is also important to note that
athletic movements are likely much more the group that trained with the individual-
velocity-dominant than others. Indeed, ized (optimized) programs included a larg-
given that the sprint involves a faster er number of athletes with a force deficit
movement speed and a shorter duration (10 subjects) than with a velocity deficit
of ground contact time in which to pro- (5 subjects), and so the group on average
duce force, it is quite likely that individuals would have trained with a larger volume of
who are velocity dominant (force deficient) heavy strength training than was included
when measured by a vertical jump test in the general training program (the way
may not as velocity dominant (force defi- in which force deficits are addressed is by
cient) when measured in a sprinting test. performing a larger proportion of heavy
Indeed, several studies have shown that strength training exercises and a smaller
sprinting speed tends to improve together proportion of power training exercises and
with either a constant force-velocity profile plyometrics). This may also explain why
or a shift towards a velocity dominant pro- the group that used the general training
file (26–28). This has practical implications program achieved a larger improvement in
for training athletes and for the selection of maximum theoretical velocity compared to
force-velocity profile testing method that is the group that used optimized programs.
used prior to training. When athletes need Indeed, it is unlikely that simply addressing
to prioritize sprinting performance, it may the force-velocity deficit itself was respon-
be a better approach to use a sprint to sible for reducing maximum theoretical
measure the force-velocity profile. velocity.

Conclusions Practical implications

In professional male rugby league play- Testing athletes for their force-veloci-
ers, a training program that was de- ty profiles (and then calculating their
signed to reduce the force-velocity deficit force-velocity imbalances) before starting
caused a greater improvement in maxi- a training program is a useful way of pro-
mum squat strength and maximum the- ducing a greater improvement in various
oretical force in a force-velocity profile athletic performance measures. However,
test, as well as a greater improvement the improvements are likely to be great-
in vertical jump height, compared to a est in those exercises or movements that
general strength training program that are used to calculate the force-velocity
incorporated both heavy strength training profile, so these should chosen carefully
and power training exercises. to reflect the demands of the sport.
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23. Cutsem, M., Duchateau, J., & Hainaut, K. (1998).

Changes in single motor unit behaviour contribute to the
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Effects of wearable resistance on
sprinting biomechanics

S print running is an essential movement within

many team sports, and yet it has proven far
more difficult to improve through physical training
than other movements such as vertical jumping.
Various suggestions have been made for improving
the approach to physical training for sprinting, but
it remains a challenging area for development. Cur-
rently, many researchers are focusing on overload-
ing the sprinting movement itself by using resisted
sprinting in the form of either weighted sleds or
wearable resistance.

Key findings
In well-trained male track sprinters, using wearable resistance placed at the distal end
of the thigh equal to 2% of bodyweight (1% on each leg) during a sprint resulted in an
increase in sprint time but an increase in the angular work done at the hip joint. Howev-
er, there was no change to the hip joint angular range of motion during the sprinting gait
cycle, which suggests that movement patterns were not altered.

Practical implications
Using wearable resistance increases work done at the hip joint during sprinting. Since hip
work done is closely related to sprinting ability, it seems likely that this training method
will be effective for sprinters. Yet, by preferentially developing the hip musculature, it may
alter the relative contribution of the hip muscles during the sprinting movement. While
this is likely to be benefical for most athletes, it may not be ideal for all.

Thigh loaded wearable resistance increases sagittal plane rotational work of

the thigh resulting in slower 50-m sprint times. Macadam, P., Cronin, J. B.,
Uthoff, A. M., Nagahara, R., Zois, J., Diewald, S., & Neville, J. (2020). Sports
Biomechanics, 1-12. (Link)
OBJECTIVE To find out whether adding wearable resistance to the thigh during
sprint running increases hip flexion and hip extension work done, in
male track sprinters.

Subjects did 2 sprints without wearable resistance and 2 sprints
with wearable resistance over a 50m distance from a block start, 15 male athletes, aged
with 10 minutes of rest between sprints. The wearable resistance 21.0 ± 2.5 years, with a
weighed 2% of bodyweight (1% on each leg) and was fitted to the 100m personal best time
distal end of the thigh to a pair of compression shorts using Velcro of 11.3 ± 0.5 seconds
attachments. Approximately two-thirds of each load was placed on
the anterior surface of the thigh, while the remaining one-third of
the load was placed on the posterior surface.

Sprint time: By photocell tim- Sprint times when using wearable resistance were
ing gates positioned at 10m and non-significantly slower at 10m (by 1.4%), and signifi-
50m of the 50m sprint. cantly slower at 50m (by 1.9%).

Hip joint angle movements: Hip joint angular range of motion

By a wearable inertial measure- Hip joint angular range of motion did not differ signifi-
ment unit fitted to the left thigh cantly between the wearable resistance and unresisted
of each athlete. sprints. This suggests that the movement patterns of the
sprints were not substantially affected by the addition of
the wearable resistance.

Hip joint angular velocities

N.B. For analysis, the sprint was With the exception of hip extension angular velocity in
divided into three acceleration the first phase of the sprint, hip extension and hip flexion
phases: (1) steps 1–2, (2) steps angular velocities was significantly reduced in all three
3–6, and (3) steps 7–10. phases of the sprint when using wearable resistance.

Hip work done: By a wearable Work done by the hip extensors and hip flexors was sig-
inertial measurement unit fitted nificantly greater when wearing wearable resistance in
to the left thigh of each athlete. each of the three acceleration phases of the sprint.

In well-trained male track sprinters, using wearable resistance placed
at the distal end of the thigh equal to 2% of bodyweight (1% on each leg) during a sprint
resulted in an increase in sprint time but an increase in the angular work done at the hip
joint. However, there was no change to the hip joint angular range of motion during the
sprinting gait cycle, which suggests that movement patterns were not altered.

T his study reported that in well-trained

male track sprinters, using wearable
resistance placed at the distal end of the
Although several previous studies have
investigated the biomechanics of wearable
resistance during running both overground
thigh equal to 2% of bodyweight (1% on and using treadmills (1–7), this is the first
each leg) during a sprint resulted in an study to show that wearable resistance
increase in sprint time but an increase in increases the work done by the hip flexors
the angular work done at the hip joint in and hip extensor during maximal effort,
the sagittal plane (in both hip flexion and overground sprint running. This is an im-
also in hip extension). However, there was portant finding, because analyses of sprint
no change to the hip joint angular range running biomechanics have shown that hip
of motion during the sprinting gait cycle, flexor and hip extensor work done during
which suggests that movement patterns the sprint running gait cycle are closely
were not altered. related to sprinting performance (8,9).

T he fact that using wearable resistance

resulted in higher hip extension and
hip flexion power outputs (work done over
Nevertheless, previous research has shown
that the FV profile of the body during verti-
cal jumps and squats does not necessarily
time) suggests that maximal sprint running maximize power output at each joint (14–
does not involve optimal power output for 16). Instead, it maximizes power output
these muscle groups. Rather, it seems like- of the whole system, which necessarily
ly that these muscle groups produce opti- requires compromises from each of the
mal power outputs at slower velocities. joints to allow higher overal performance
from all joints working together. In fact,
Several researchers have now shown that power output can be maximized at specif-
athletes have specific force-velocity (FV) ic joints by using loads that do not max-
profiles during vertical jumping (10) and imize power output of the whole system.
during sprint running (11), and that there In this respect, it is very interesting that
is an optimal FV profile for each athlete power output of the hip joint is sometimes
during each of these movements that leads maximized by using a heavier load than
to maximal power output being produced maximizes the power output of the whole
by the overall system. Consequently, if an system (16). This seems to fit well with the
athlete displays a FV profile that is sub- findings of this study, assuming that the
stantially different from the optimal one, majority of the athletes in this study dis-
they can improve their performance in a played a FV profile for sprint running that
movement by altering its gradient (and this was reasonably close to the optimal one.
can change performance even without al-
tering either maximum force or maximum It is interesting to speculate about what
velocity). Training that involves mainly fast might happen as a result of training the hip
movements without load tends to shift the joint at a velocity that maximizes its pow-
FV profile to become more velocity-dom- er output (even though the power output
inant, while training that involves mainly of the whole system may not be similar-
slow movements against heavy loads tends ly maximized). In considering this issue,
to shift the FV profile to become more there are actually two completely different
force-dominant (12,13). By selecting the questions: [A] what adaptations occur as
appropriate type of training, an athlete a result of training at a velocity that max-
can maximize the effects of their training imizes power output? And [B] how does
programs by ensuring that maximal pow- altering the maximum power output of one
er is produced by the body in the targeted joint affect the coordination of the system?
movement at the right speed.
1. Adaptations at maximal power 2. Impact on the whole system
Heavy strength training increases maxi- There are indications that the relative con-
mum strength through mechanisms inside tributions of the muscle groups that con-
both the central nervous system (CNS) and tribute to a movement can alter as a result
inside the muscle-tendon unit. These adap- of training performed for one of the muscle
tations are reflected by increases in maxi- groups. For example, when single-joint hip
mum theoretical force on the force-veloc- extension exercise is performed for the
ity (FV) profile. Fast movement training gluteus maximus, this increases the contri-
increases maximum speed by means of bution of that muscle in multi-joint hip and
mechanisms inside both the CNS and in- knee extension exercise, as shown by an
side the muscle. Such adaptations are re- increase in corticospinal excitability and a
flected by increases in maximum theoreti- reduction in corticospinal inhibition, which
cal velocity on the FV profile. Also, exercise suggests that the motor unit recruitment
can alter the gradient of the FV profile by level of the muscle was increased (17).
performing a balance of strength training Also, research has shown that muscles of
and fast movement training, which alters a group tend to be activated in proportion
the point on the FV profile at which maxi- to their size, with larger muscles receiving
mal power is produced. This third change proportionally higher levels of activation
is caused by a larger or smaller change in and therefore contributing more to a move-
maximum theoretical force relative to the ment (18–20), likely because of the prin-
change in maximum theoretical velocity. ciple of neuromechanical matching (21).
Thus, hypertrophy of a muscle group might
Adaptations are stimulated by high tension be expected to increase the contribution of
(in the case of maximal theoretical force), that muscle group to a movement.
a fast speed (in the case of maximal the-
oretical velocity), or a high effort (in both This observation suggests that when mul-
cases). There are no adaptations that are tiple muscles are involved in a movement
specifically stimuluated by producing a (such as sprinting), then training one of
high power output (which is a combination the major muscle groups (such as the hip
of submaximal force and submaximal ve- extensors) to a greater extent than the
locity). Therefore, it is not clear how simply others will likely increase the proportional
achieving a high power output during an contribution of that muscle to the overall
exercise would produce superior adapta- movement. This is important, since that is
tions to producing either high mechanical probably what happens after we train with
tension or high velocities. wearable resistance.

T herefore, wearable resistance train-

ing will likely increase the proportional
contribution of the hip extensors and flex-
Nevertheless, given that the sprint running
movement is ultimately limited by the pos-
itive work done by the hip extensors and
ors to the sprinting movement. As with the flexors (8,9), it seems very likely that the
force-velocity (FV) profile of a movement, optimal joint contribution profile for sprint
athletes may also have joint contribution running involves a large contribution from
profiles, since all movements necessari- the more proximal muscles of the body.
ly involve a compromise across all of the Consequently, to the extent that these
joints that contribute. Yet, there may be muscles increase their contributions, this is
an optimal joint contribution profile that likely to bring about an immediate increase
can be attained, in which all joints produce in sprint running performance in most
power close to their optimal level. Thus, it cases, with the end result that wearable
seems likely that wearable resistance may resistance may prove to be a very effective
be very effective if it moves the joint con- training method for most athletes. Even so,
tribution profile towards the optimal one future research will need to compare this
(by increasing the relative contribution of form of training with conventional methods
the hip extensors and flexors), but less such as heavy strength training, plyomet-
effective if it moves the joint contribution rics, and resisted, unresisted, and assisted
profile away from the optimal one. sprint running.

Conclusions Practical implications

In well-trained male track sprinters, Using wearable resistance increases work
using wearable resistance placed at the done at the hip joint during sprinting.
distal end of the thigh equal to 2% of Since hip work done is closely related
bodyweight (1% on each leg) during a to sprinting ability, it seems likely that
sprint resulted in an increase in sprint this training method will be effective for
time but an increase in the angular work sprinters. Yet, by preferentially develop-
done at the hip joint. However, there was ing the hip musculature, it may alter the
no change to the hip joint angular range relative contribution of the hip muscles
of motion during the sprinting gait cycle, during the sprinting movement. While
which suggests that movement patterns this is likely to be benefical for most ath-
were not altered. letes, it may not be ideal for all.
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Can we model strength training
workouts as stressors?

T raditionally, strength training workouts have been

treated as stressors in the context of the general
adaptation syndrome model, which proposes that all
stressors produce similar stress responses, which can
be acclimatized to over time, so long as they are not
excessive. Excessive stressors lead to weakening and
sickness. Stress responses can be categorized into two
pathways: the sympathetic adrenomedullary system
(which can be detected by changes in catecholamines),
and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
(which can be detected by changes in cortisol).

Key findings
When strength-trained males perform a workout, they experience an increase in per-
ceived stress, an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity, and a reduction in
parasympathetic nervous system activity during the workout. Following the workout,
there is a rebound in parasympathetic nervous system activity. Yet, there is no sign of any
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress response after exercise.

Practical implications
While strength training does display a stress response (and might therefore be modeled
as a stressor within the context of the general adaptation syndrome), it does not always
display stress responses in both of the key systems. The sustained fatigue that occurs af-
ter a strength training workout is likely better understood by reference to the mechanisms
of fatigue rather than by reference to the autonomic nervous system.

Resistance training as an acute stressor in healthy young men: associations

with heart rate variability, alpha-amylase, and cortisol levels. Becker, L., Sem-
mlinger, L., & Rohleder, N. (2020). Stress, 1-13. (PubMed)
OBJECTIVE To assess the stress responses in the sympathetic nervous system
(SNS) and in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to a
strength training workout, in young, strength-trained males.

Subjects did a single workout involving 4 self-selected upper or
lower body strength training exercises that were each performed 45 strength-trained
for 4 sets of 10 reps to failure. The load was initially set as a males, aged 22.4 ± 2.0
10RM load, but this was adjusted downwards if 10 reps could not years (of whom 38 sub-
be achieved on any given set. Rest periods of 90 – 120 seconds jects chose to perform
were performed between sets. solely upper body exer-

Sympathetic nervous system Salivary markers of a-amylase increased significantly
(SNS) activation: By salivary from baseline to during the workout, indicating an in-
markers of a-amylase. crease in SNS activation. Levels returned to baseline
immediately after the workout.

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adre- Salivary cortisol levels did not change from baseline to

nal (HPA) axis activation: By during the workout, but reduced from baseline to after
salivary markers of cortisol. the workout. Salivary cortisol levels after the workout
were significantly greater in those lifters who selected
lower body exercises.

Parasympathetic nervous RMSSD decreased significantly from baseline to during

system (PNS) activation: By the workout, which indicates a reduction in PNS activity.
heart rate variability (HRV) root Immediately after the workout, RMSSD increased sig-
mean square of successive dif- nificantly compared to during the workout, indicating a
ferences of successive R-R inter- rebound in PNS activity.
vals (RMSSD), with a heart rate

Level of perceived stress: By Perceived stress increased significantly from baseline

a 10-point Likert scale ranging to during the workout. Levels returned to baseline after
between “not stressed at all” the workout.
and “extremely stressed.”

Level of affect: By the Positive Positive affect increased significantly immediately after
and Negative Affect Schedule the workout, while negative affect did not change.
(PANAS) questionnaire.

When strength-trained males perform a workout, they experience an
increase in perceived stress, an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity, and a
reduction in parasympathetic nervous system activity during the workout. Following the
workout, there is a rebound in parasympathetic nervous system activity. Yet, there is no
sign of any hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress response after exercise.

T his study reported that when strength-

trained males perform a workout,
they experience an increase in perceived
The HPA axis manages cortisol release,
while is a secondary stress response that
occurs after an animal has been exposed
stress, an increase in sympathetic nervous to a stressor. Psychologists have noted
system (SNS) activity, and a reduction in that this stress response occurs in greater
parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) magnitudes when a stressor is perceived to
activity during the workout. After the work- be difficult to either control or predict. In
out, there is a rebound in parasympathetic contrast to the sympathetic adrenomedul-
nervous system activity. Yet, there is no lary system, it is somewhat less involved in
sign of any hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal preparing animals for exercise (4).
(HPA) axis stress response after exercise.
We might reasonably expect strength train-
Traditionally, strength training workouts ing workouts to produce increases in SNS
have been treated as acute stressors with- activity (and reductions in PNS activity) in
in the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) order to permit the body to function opti-
model (1,2). The GAS model proposes that mally during exercise (which requires an
every stressor produces a similar stress re- elevated heart rate and blood pressure).
sponse, and that as an animal acclimatizes Similarly, we might reasonably expect the
to any particular stressor, the magnitude period immediately after strength train-
of this stress response reduces. Failure to ing workouts to involve decreases in SNS
acclimatize to the stressor can lead to a activity (and increases in PNS activity) as
potentially-damaging stress response that the body returns to its resting state. Yet,
weakens the animal, causing it to sicken unless workouts were unaccustomed (and
(3). There are two main stress response therefore unpredictable) or prescribed (and
systems: the sympathetic adrenomedullary therefore not controllable), we might not
system (which involves the SNS and PNS), expect a strong HPA axis response.
and the HPA axis (4). The sympathet-
ic adrenomedullary system switches the Indeed, this study largely confirmed the
body between the “fight or flight” response expected results. There were increases in
(which involves increased heart rate and SNS activity (and reductions in PNS activi-
blood pressure as well as an elevated level ty) during exercise, followed by decreases
of systemic catecholamines) and the “rest in SNS activity (and increases in PNS ac-
and digest” response (which involves re- tivity) immediately after the workout, but
duced heart rate and blood pressure). there was no HPA axis upregulation.

N evertheless, while some studies simi-

larly show little change in cortisol after
a workout, other studies have found that
On the one hand, it seems likely that there
is some feedback to the ANS as a result
of myofibrillar damage, because workouts
strength training workouts can elevate that use electrical stimulation cause very
cortisol levels (5–10). Since such respons- pronounced myofibrillar damage (13) and
es are more pronounced when workouts also cause an elevated SNS response (14).
are higher in volume or use larger muscle Indeed, it is logical that myofibrillar dam-
mass, this may be because of the minor age would provide some afferent feedback
role that cortisol does play in glucose me- that affects the ANS, since it likely causes
tabolism (11). Alternatively, it is possible central nervous system fatigue through
that some of the workouts may have been similar afferent feedback pathways involv-
perceived by the subjects as unaccustomed ing inflammatory mediators (15–17).
(and therefore unfamiliar) or contrary to
their own choices for training (and so they Nevertheless, there is evidence that ANS
therefore lacked control). Indeed, a key recovery and strength recovery do not oc-
strength of this study was the use of a cur perfectly in parallel, and this suggests
self-selected workout by the subejcts. that at least one mechanism of sustained
fatigue does not provide afferent feedback
Some researchers have suggested that to the ANS. Indeed, recent research has
autonomic nervous system (ANS) recovery shown that strength training with the same
(as indicated by an increase in SNS activity number of total reps in a workout but with
and an increase in PNS activity) might be each set taken closer to failure involves
a good way to monitor recovery from all slower strength recovery, but similar ANS
types of exercise. Strength training fatigue recovery (12). Given that full ANS recovery
is caused by excitation-contraction cou- can occur after two similar workouts and
pling failure, myofibrillar damage, and cen- yet one workout can display a more pro-
tral nervous system fatigue that is in turn longed reduction in strength due to fatigue,
caused by the myofibrillar damage. To the it seems likely that at least one mechanism
extent that these fatigue mechanisms send of fatigue does not provide feedback. This
afferent feedback to the brain and spinal is most likely to be excitation-contraction
cord, the strength losses should be reflect- coupling failure, since there is evidence
ed by changes in ANS activity. In contrast, that myofibrillar damage causes afferent
if any of these mechanisms do not provide feedback, and since excitation-contraction
this feedback, then ANS recovery will occur coupling failure is known to be greater
before strength recovery (12). when training closer to failure (18,19).
Conclusions Practical implications
When strength-trained males perform While strength training does display a
a workout, they experience an increase stress response (and might therefore be
in perceived stress, an increase in sym- modeled as a stressor within the context
pathetic nervous system activity, and a of the general adaptation syndrome), it
reduction in parasympathetic nervous does not always display stress responses
system activity during the workout. Fol- in both of the key systems. The sustained
lowing the workout, there is a rebound in fatigue that occurs after a strength train-
parasympathetic nervous system activi- ing workout is likely better understood by
ty. Yet, there is no sign of any hypotha- reference to the mechanisms of fatigue
lamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress rather than by reference to the autonom-
response after exercise. ic nervous system.
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search, 26(10), 2755. (PubMed)
Effects of training to failure on the
rate of recovery from a workout

S trength training workouts cause sustained

fatigue, which is the combined effect of three
fatigue mechanisms (excitation-contraction coupling
failure, myofibrillar damage, and central nervous
system fatigue). Additionally, to the extent that the
workout activates the sympathetic nervous system
(SNS) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis, it may result in a stress response that impacts
on the autonomic nervous system and affects sleep
quality and heart rate variability (HRV). However,
fatigue need not be related to stress responses.

Key findings
In strength-trained males, a strength training workout involving training to failure pro-
duced more long-lasting reductions in maximum strength compared to a workout involv-
ing the same total number of reps but stopping two reps before failure. However, there
were no differences between the two workouts in respect of (objective or subjective)
sleep quality or heart rate variability.

Practical implications
Stopping two reps before failure is a very effective way of reducing the amount of fatigue
that occurs from a strength training workout. However, differences in fatigue between
workouts that involve training to failure and workouts that involve stopping short of fail-
ure may not be observable in measures that assess the magnitude of the stress response,
such as heart rate variability and sleep quality.

Effects of resistance training intensity on the sleep quality and strength re-
covery in trained men: a randomized cross-over study. Ramos-Campo, D.,
Martínez-Aranda, L. M., Caravaca, L. A., Ávila-Gandí, V., & Rubio-Arias, J. Á.
Biology of Sport, 37(1), 81-88. (Link)
OBJECTIVE To compare the effects of workouts involving training to failure and
training while stopping two reps before failure on maximum strength,
sleep quality, heart rate variability, in strength-trained males.

Subjects all performed two workouts involving 40 reps of the back
squat and bench press exercises on separate days. One workout 15 strength-trained
involved training to failure, while the other involved stopping short males, aged 23.4 ± 2.4
of failure. Training to failure involved 4 sets of 10 reps with ap- years
proximately 75% of 1RM and 90 seconds of rest between sets.
Training while stopping short of failure involved 5 sets of 8 reps
with approximately 75% of 1RM and 90 seconds of rest between
sets. Bar speed was measured during each set to ensure that the
intended proximity to failure was attained.

Maximum strength: By 1RM The workout involving training to failure produced a
back squat and 1RM bench significant reduction in 1RM bench press and 1RM back
press. squat when measured 24 hours afterwards, while the
workout that involved the same number of reps but
without training to failure did not.

Sleep quality: By actigraphy, Sleep quality did not alter significantly as a result of ei-
which measures nocturnal activ- ther workout, when measured by the accelerometer and
ity using an accelerometer, and also when measured by the sleep diary. Also, there were
by subjective sleep quality using no differences between the workouts in respect of the
the Karolinska Sleep Diary (KSD) changes in sleep quality.

Heart rate variability (HRV): None of the HRV measures altered significantly as a
By a heart rate monitor worn result of either workout. Also, there were no differences
during sleep. between the workouts in respect of the changes in HRV

In strength-trained males, a strength training workout involving train-
ing to failure produced more long-lasting reductions in maximum strength compared to
a workout involving the same total number of reps but stopping two reps before failure.
However, there were no differences between the two workouts in respect of (objective or
subjective) sleep quality or heart rate variability.

T his study reported that in strength-

trained males, a strength training
workout involving training to failure pro-
The key finding of this study was that the
reduction in strength that was observed
at 24 hours after the workout was actu-
duced more long-lasting reductions in ally not mirrored by any changes in sleep
maximum strength compared to a work- quality or heart rate variability (HRV). This
out involving the same number of reps is important, because such measurements
but stopping two reps before failure. This are often taken by athletes to monitor their
agrees with the small number of previous rate of recovery after workouts. This study
studies comparing volume-matched work- suggests that while such measurements
outs involving training to failure and stop- may be helpful for monitoring autonomic
ping short of failure (1), as well as with nervous system recovery from stress, but
other similar studies involving similar (but they likely do not also capture sufficient
not volume-matched) comparisons (2–6). information about local muscular recovery.

D uring any bout of exercise, motor units

are recruited to activate their muscle
fibers. These muscle fibers then experience
The effect of calpains within muscle fibers
is essentially determined by how many
calcium ions are left to roam free inside
excitation-contraction coupling, which puts the cytoplasm once the fiber is deactivat-
calcium ions into the cytoplasm to trigger ed and the excitation-contraction coupling
the binding of myosin heads to actin, which process has finished. This is affected by the
produces the crossbridges that generate number of mitochondria inside the mus-
force. The calcium ions that are sent into cle fibers, since one important action of
the cytoplasm are usually immediately tak- the mitochondria is to remove these free-
en back up into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. ly-moving calcium ions from the cytoplasm
However, this process is not perfect, and (12). Consequently, since slow twitch
some calcium ions escape, and drift further muscle fibers have many more mitochon-
into the muscle fiber. These calcium ions dria for the same volume of muscle fiber,
trigger multiple fatigue mechanisms both they are far less likely to suffer from either
during and after exercise. excitation-contraction coupling failure or
myofibrillar damage than fast twitch mus-
Two important fatigue mechanisms that cle fibers. While the greater susceptibility
contribute to sustained strength loss after of fast twitch muscle fibers to sustained
exercise are excitation-contraction coupling fatigue after a workout has been known for
failure and myofibrillar damage. Long-last- a long time (13,14), it is only recently that
ing excitation-contraction coupling failure researchers have identifed that this greater
and myofibrillar damage are likely caused fatigue involves a higher degree of exci-
by proteases known as calpains (7–10). tation-contraction coupling failure as well
These calpains are released by the muscle as more myofibrillar damage (15)
fiber in response to the presence of the
calcium ions within the muscle fibers. Exci- Consequently, strength training workouts
tation-contraction coupling failure is caused have the potential to cause more sus-
when these proteases damage the minor tained fatigue after a workout than aero-
triadic proteins that hold the voltage sen- bic exercise bouts, since strength training
sor of the transverse tubules near to the workouts involve the recruitment of more
calcium ion store of the sarcoplasmic re- high-threshold motor units (and therefore
ticulum (11), causing the two structures to the activation of a greater number of more
move apart. Myofibrillar damage is caused easily-fatigued fast twitch muscle fibers)
when calpains damage the myofilaments than aerobic exercise bouts.
and the cytoskeletal structures (7).

C ontrary to popular belief, central ner-

vous system (CNS) fatigue does con-
tribute to sustained fatigue after a strength
Indeed, previous research has shown that
excitation-contraction coupling failure takes
time to occur, and tends to be observed
training workout (16,17). However, this towards the end of a task, close to task
CNS fatigue is not caused by reaching high failure (20,21). This probably happens be-
levels of motor unit recruitment during a cause of the cumulative effects of calcium
workout, as can be identified by looking ion accumulation, which can be terminated
at the recovery of strength after a power once the muscle fiber is no longer being
training workout (18). In fact, CNS fatigue activated.
is most likely caused by an inflammatory
response to myofibrillar damage, in the This study confirms this model of sustained
same way that CNS fatigue during bouts of fatigue after a workout, because it found
aerobic exercise is caused by the inflam- that fatigue lasted longer when training to
matory response that occurs (19). There- failure compared to when training while
fore, CNS fatigue can be considered as a stopping two reps before failure. It seems
secondary effect arising from muscle dam- likely that the levels of motor unit recruit-
age, rather than as an effect that occurs ment would have been fairly similar in
due to any other characteristic of a work- both cases, which suggests that the num-
out (such as training to failure). Put anoth- ber of fast twitch muscle fibers that were
er way, CNS fatigue is not triggered by us- trained in both cases would have been
ing a high level of effort during a workout, similar. Therefore, how many fast twitch
but is instead the result of triggering a high fibers were activated cannot explain the
level of myofibrillar damage. Since myo- differences in the recovery rates after each
fibrillar damage is greater in fast twitch workout. Rather, it seems likely that it was
muscle fibers, CNS fatigue will necessar- the duration of activation of the fast twitch
ily be more pronounced after workouts muscle fibers during each set that caused
that involve a higher level of motor unit the differences in fatigue. When training to
recruitment, but this high level of motor failure, the fast twitch fibers were activated
unit recruitment is not sufficient to trigger for longer during each set, and this pro-
the myofibrillar damage that causes CNS vided a sufficient length of time for calci-
fatigue. Rather, the activation of the mus- um overload to occur and thereby trigger
cle fibers must continue during a set for a excitation-contraction coupling failure and
sufficiently long time to trigger the calpain myofibrillar damage. In contrast, stopping
release that causes excitation-contraction two reps before failure avoided the majori-
coupling failure and myofibrillar damage. ty of these negative effects.

Conclusions Practical implications

In strength-trained males, a strength Stopping two reps before failure is a very
training workout involving training to effective way of reducing the amount
failure produced more long-lasting reduc- of fatigue that occurs from a strength
tions in maximum strength compared to training workout. However, differences
a workout involving the same total num- in fatigue between workouts that involve
ber of reps but stopping two reps before training to failure and workouts that in-
failure. However, there were no differenc- volve stopping short of failure may not be
es between the two workouts in respect observable in measures that assess the
of (objective or subjective) sleep quality magnitude of the stress response, such
or heart rate variability. as heart rate variability and sleep quality.
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Effects of strength training at long
and short maximum muscle lengths

M uscle fibers increase in size after they are

exposed to mechanical tension. This tension can
be provided either by active forces generated by the
muscle fiber, or by passive forces imposed by the
external environment. When muscles reach longer
lengths during a strength training exercise, they typ-
ically experience higher passive forces. This is why
strength training with a larger range of motion (or
more accurately, a more stretched position during
an exercise range of motion) causes greater muscle
growth than a smaller range of motion.

Key findings
In untrained subjects, strength training which involves muscles reaching a long maximum
muscle length on each rep (as the hamstrings do during a seated leg curl) tends to cause
greater hypertrophy than strength training which involves muscles reaching a short max-
imum muscle length (as the hamstring do in a lying prone leg curl). Yet, the two types of
exercise cause similar protection against sustained post-workout fatigue.

Practical implications
Strength training exercises that involve reaching different maximum muscle lengths (ei-
ther because of a difference in a position of the neighboring joint or due to a difference in
the range of motion) are likely to produce differences in regional hypertrophy (both within
muscles and within muscle groups). Bodybuilders may therefore benefit from using a va-
reity of exercises and exercise ranges of motion.

Greater Hamstrings Muscle Hypertrophy but Similar Damage Protection after

Training at Long versus Short Muscle Lengths. Maeo, M., Meng, H., Yuhang, W.,
Sakurai, H., Kusagawa, Y., Sugiyama, T., Kanehisa, H., & Isaka, T. (2020).
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
OBJECTIVE To compare the effects of strength training in which muscles reach long
and short maximum muscle lengths on gains in muscle size and on the
magnitude of the repeated bout effect, in untrained individuals.

Study one: Subjects did 2 workouts per week for 12 weeks. Each
workout involved seated leg curls for one leg and lying prone leg curls 20 young, untrained sub-
for the other leg, for 5 sets of 10 reps with 70% of 1RM, with 2-second jects (study one and two)
lifting and lowering phases, and 2 minutes of rest between sets. and 12 young, untrained
subjects (study two only)
Study two: After the training program, the subjects did a single
workout involving seated eccentric-only leg curls for one leg and lying
prone eccentric-only leg curls for the other leg, for 3 sets of 10 reps
with 90% of 1RM, with 2-second lowering phases. An untrained group of
subjects did the same workout as a comparison group.

Muscle size: By muscle an- Anatomical cross-sectional area (ACSA)
atomical cross-sectional area Training to a longer maximum muscle length (with a seat-
and volume of each hamstrings ed leg curl) produced significantly greater increases in
muscle, using magnetic reso- biceps femoris and semitendinosus proximal region ACSA,
nance imaging (MRI) scans. as well as biceps femoris distal region ACSA.

Muscle volume (MV)

Increases in semitendinosus, biceps femoris (long head),
and semimembranosus MV were significantly greater af-
ter training with a longer maximum muscle length (with a
seated leg curl) but the increase in sartorius MV was sig-
nificantly greater after training with a shorter maximum
muscle length (with a prone leg curl).

Sustained post-workout 1RM reduced significantly more after the test workout in
fatigue: By 1RM of the exer- the untrained subjects than in the trained subjects. How-
cise used in training before the ever, 1RM reduced similarly after the test workout in both
workout and at 24, 48, and 72 the seated leg curl and the prone leg curl.
hours afterwards.

Muscle damage: By the trans- T2 relaxation time increased significantly more in each
verse relaxation time (T2) muscle after the test workout in the untrained subjects
recorded using MRI scanning than in the trained subjects. However, T2 relaxation time
before the workout and at 24, increased similarly after the test workout in both the seat-
48, and 72 hours afterwards. ed leg curl and the prone leg curl.

In untrained subjects, strength training which involves muscles reach-
ing a long maximum muscle length on each rep (as the hamstrings do during a seated leg
curl) tends to cause greater hypertrophy than strength training which involves muscles
reaching a short maximum muscle length (as the hamstring do in a prone leg curl). Yet,
the two types of exercise cause similar protection against sustained post-workout fatigue.

T his study reported that in untrained

subjects, strength training which in-
volves muscles reaching a long maximum
While overall muscle growth was great-
er after training with a longer maximum
muscle length, this was only apparent for
muscle length on each rep (as the ham- the proximal regions of the biceps femoris
strings do during a seated leg curl) tends and the semitendinosus and for the distal
to cause greater hypertrophy than strength region of the biceps femoris. It was not
training which involves muscles reaching apparent for the distal region of the semi-
a short maximum muscle length (as the tendinosus, which was developed similarly
hamstring do in a prone leg curl). Even so, after training with long and short maxi-
there were differences in respect of the mum muscle lengths. This suggests that
muscle growth that occurred both within strength training at different maximum
regions of each muscle and also across all muscle lengths can bring about differences
of the muscles used during the exercise. in regional hypertrophy.

S imilarly, while the increases in semiten-

dinosus, biceps femoris (long head),
and semimembranosus muscle volume
Differences in hypertrophy between regions
of muscles after training at long and short
maximum muscle lengths likely arise from
were significantly greater after training regional differences in sarcomere lengths,
with a longer maximum muscle length which produce differences in the amount of
(with a seated leg curl), the increase in force that muscle fibers in each region can
sartorius muscle volume was significantly produce at any given muscle length, due to
greater after training with a shorter maxi- the length-tension relationship (1,2). Dif-
mum muscle length (with a prone leg curl). ferences in hypertrophy between muscles
This suggests that using different maxi- likely arise because of the principle of neu-
mum muscle lengths altered which of the romechanical matching (3), which causes
knee flexors were most strongly involved in muscles to be activated according to how
producing force during each exercise. much leverage they have for a movement.

M any previous studies have found that

muscle activation can differ between
regions of a muscle (4–9), and between
Essentially, this means that Henneman’s
size principle is still followed so long as
measurements of motor unit recruitment
muscles of a group depending on the exer- order are made in the same movement
cise (10–13) or exercise variation (14–18) pattern each time. In contrast, when motor
that is used. unit recruitment is measured in two differ-
ent movement patterns, a different order
While the muscle fibers that are controlled of motor units recruitment occurs. This is
by single motor units are distributed ran- important, since full motor unit recruitment
domly within a muscle, they do tend to be is rarely reached, even during maximal
located in certain regions (19). This means voluntary isometric contractions (20,21).
that the motor unit recruitment order can And, given that central nervous system
affect the pattern of regional muscle ac- (CNS) fatigue increases over the course
tivation that occurs during a muscular of a set (22,23), motor unit recruitment is
contraction. Nevertheless, if regional mus- likely lower than this in the final reps of a
cle activation differs between tasks, this strength training set to failure. Thus, the
necessarily means that motor unit recruit- high-threshold motor units (and their mus-
ment order must differ between tasks. This cle fibers) that are left untrained by train-
appears to conflict with Henneman’s size ing to failure with one exercise will likely
principle, which states that motor units are be different from the high-threshold motor
always recruited in a size order (3). To rec- units that are left untrained by training
oncile this inconsistency, researchers have to failure with a different exercise. This is
proposed the principle of neuromechani- likely the main reason that muscle growth
cal matching. This principle explains that occurs to a greater extent in some regions
when a motor unit has many muscle fibers than in others after strength training with
in a certain area of a muscle, and that certain exercises (24–26).
area of the muscle has the ability to con-
tribute substantially to joint torque (either Moreover, the same principle of neurome-
because of a long internal moment arm chanical matching that determines which
length or because of other features that al- region of a muscle is more active during an
low the region to produce high forces, such exercise (depending on their leverage) also
as the length-tension relationship), this determines which muscles within a group
motor unit will be recruited preferentially are more active, again according to how
compared to motor unit of a similar size much leverage each muscle has at a given
with worse leverage (3). point in the exercise range of motion.

T his study showed that both exercises

(the seated and prone leg curls) had
similarly protective effects on post-work-
This is why changes in fascicle length can
affect the RBE (28). A change in fasci-
cle length alters the amount of calcium
out fatigue. The protective effect of previ- ions that can enter muscle fibers through
ous exercise on post-workout fatigue after stretch-activated ion channels. Similar-
a subsequent bout of similar exercise is ly, this is why making muscle fibers more
termed the “repeated bout effect” (RBE). oxidative alters the RBE (29). More oxida-
The exact mechanisms underlying the RBE tive fibers have more mitochondria, which
are not known and many possibilities have act to remove calcium ions from the cyto-
been suggested (27). Nevertheless, it is plasm. Interestingly, by identifying that the
likely that the mechanisms all ultimately magnitude of the RBE is similar after train-
work through a common pathway, which is ing at long and short maximum muscle
to alter either [A] the susceptibility of mus- lengths, this study suggests that changes
cle fibers to the presence of calcium ions, in fascicle length (and therefore alterations
or [B] the amount of calcium ions that can in the amount of calcium ions introduced
enter the muscle fiber during or after exer- into muscle fibers) are less important than
cise. These factors are what determine the changes in muscle fiber type (and there-
losses in strength after a workout, either fore alterations in the amount of calcium
through excitation-contraction coupling ions removed from muscle fibers), since it
failure or myofibrillar damage (and the would be reasonably expected that training
subsequent central nervous system fatigue at a long maximum muscle length would
due to the inflammatory response). cause greater increases in fascicle length.

Conclusions Practical implications

In untrained subjects, strength training Strength training exercises that involve
which involves muscles reaching a long reaching different maximum muscle
maximum muscle length on each rep (as lengths (either because of a difference in
the hamstrings do during a seated leg a position of the neighboring joint or due
curl) tends to cause greater hypertrophy to a difference in the range of motion)
than strength training which involves are likely to produce differences in re-
muscles reaching a short maximum gional hypertrophy (both within muscles
muscle length (as the hamstring do in and within muscle groups). Bodybuilders
a prone leg curl). Yet, the two types of may therefore benefit from using a va-
exercise cause similar protection against reity of exercises and exercise ranges of
sustained post-workout fatigue. motion.
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Why do muscles have a memory of
previous training?

M uscles tend to grow more quickly as a result of a

retraining period (following a period of training
and then detraining) compared to as a result of an
initial training period (from an untrained state). This
phenomenon is commonly called “muscle memory”
and has been attributed variously to the retention of
myonuclei gained after the initial training period and
to an epigenetic memory. However, while several
studies have found that myonuclei are retained after
an initial training period, other studies have shown
that myonuclei are actually lost during detraining.

Key findings
In a rodent model, detraining caused fast twitch muscles (and fibers) to reduce in size,
to display a shift towards a less oxidative type, and to reduce the number of myonuclei,
suggesting that a retention of myonuclei might not contribute to any “muscle memory”
effect in these muscles. In contrast, there was no loss of muscle size or myonuclei or any
reversal of fiber type shifts after detraining in the slow twitch muscle.

Practical implications
Although many studies have observed the muscle memory effect, it is still unknown how
gains in muscular strength and size are faster during retraining compared to during an
initial training bout. This study suggests that detraining may produce a smaller impact on
muscles that contain a greater proportion of slow twitch muscle fibers, although the exact
reasons for this are unclear.

Muscle memory: myonuclear accretion, maintenance, morphology, and miRNA

levels with training and detraining in adult mice. Murach, K. A., Mobley, C. B.,
Zdunek, C. J., Frick, K. K., Jones, S. R., McCarthy, J. J. & Dungan, C. M. (2020).
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. (PubMed)
OBJECTIVE To explore the changes in myonuclear number after two months of
training and six months of detraining, in the slow twitch (soleus) and
fast twitch (gastrocnemius) muscles of rodents.

Female mice were assigned to various training (and detraining)
and control groups to enable assessment of the effects of both HSA-GFP female adult
training and detraining. Training involved 2 months of progres- mice, produced by cross-
sive weighted wheel running, which has previously been shown to ing C57BL/6J mice with
produce hypertrophy and myonuclear addition in adult mice. The HSA-rtTA mice
detraining period involved 6 months without access to a wheel for

Muscle size: By muscle mass Soleus muscle mass, type IIA (but not type I) fiber CSA
and by muscle fiber cross-sec- increased after training, and these changes were retained
tional area (CSA) of muscle after detraining. Gastrocnemius muscle mass, type I fiber
fibers of each type by immuno- CSA, and type IIX/B fiber CSA did not change after either
histochemistry. training or detraining. Gastrocnemius type IIA fiber CSA
increased after training, but this change was reversed after

Muscle fiber type: By immu- Soleus fiber type shifted to type I and away from type IIA
nohistochemistry. after training, and this shift was retained after detraining.
Conversely, gastrocnemius fiber type shifted to type I and
type IIA and away from type IIX/B after training, and this
shift was reversed after detraining.

Myonuclear number: By Soleus myonuclear number (and the number of central-

measuring the number of myo- ized nuclei, which are indicative of muscle fiber damage)
nuclei per muscle fiber, using increased after training in both type I and type IIA fibers.
immunohistochemistry These changes were retained after detraining. Conversely,
gastrocnemius myonuclear number increased only in type
IIA fibers, and this increase was reversed after detraining.

In a rodent model, detraining caused fast twitch muscles (and fibers)
to reduce in size, to display a shift towards a less oxidative type, and to reduce the num-
ber of myonuclei, suggesting that a retention of myonuclei might not contribute to any
“muscle memory” effect in these muscles. In contrast, there was no loss of muscle size or
myonuclei or any reversal of fiber type shifts after detraining in the slow twitch muscle.

T his study used a rodent model to iden-

tify that detraining caused fast twitch
muscles (and fibers) to reduce in size, to
1. Retention of myonuclei
Myonuclei are key for myofibrillar pro-
tein synthesis (MYOPS). Therefore, when
display a shift towards a less oxidative there are more myonuclei, it is possible
type, and to reduce the number of myonu- to achieve faster MYOPS rates during the
clei inside each muscle fiber. This suggests post-workout period. Consequently, when
that a retention of myonuclei during de- a muscle fiber contains a higher density of
training does not contribute to any “muscle myonuclei, each workout has the poten-
memory” effect in fast twitch muscles or tial to stimulate it to grow more than if the
fast twitch muscle fibers (which as those same muscle fiber contains a lower density
muscle fibers that are most easily altered of myonuclei. The myonuclear domain hy-
by strength training). In contrast, detrain- pothesis suggests that muscle fibers gen-
ing did not cause a loss of muscle size or erally contain a constant density of myo-
myonuclear number in slow twitch muscles nuclei, and that new myonuclei are added
(and fibers). This suggests that a retention in conjunction with increasing muscle fiber
of myonuclei during detraining might con- size, while existing myonuclei are lost with
tribute to a “muscle memory” effect in slow decreasing muscle fiber size. Even so, this
twitch muscles or slow twitch muscle fibers relationship between muscle fiber size and
(which can be controlled by high-threshold the number of myonuclei is not perfect,
motor units and therefore modified after and muscle fibers have been observed to
strength training). increase somewhat in size without adding
new myonuclei, as well as decreasing in
The “muscle memory” effect is the ob- size without losing myonuclei. Indeed, it
servation that increases in strength and has been suggested that the muscle mem-
muscle size occur at a faster rate during ory effect could arise when myonuclei are
retraining (after detraining) compared to not lost during detraining, and can there-
during an initial training period (1–6). This fore provide a faster MYOPS rate after each
has traditionally been explained by way of workout during a retraining period than
the retention of myonuclei during detrain- was achieved in the original training peri-
ing. More recent research has identified od. Yet, while many studies have found ev-
that epigenetic changes during training idence for myonuclei being retained during
could contribute. Alternatively, improve- detraining (7–9), other studies have found
ments in voluntary activation during train- that myonuclei are lost during detraining
ing (and retained during detraining) could (10,11), or otherwise do not explain the
affect adaptations during retraining. muscle memory effect (6,12).
2. Epigenetic changes Consequently, when we compare the train-
More recent research has identified that ing effects of the same lifter undergoing
epigenetic changes during training could the same training program on two separate
contribute to the muscle memory effect occasions (once when training for the first
(13–15), and this might occur either with time and once when training for the second
or without an effect on the number of myo- time, after undergoing a period of detrain-
nuclei inside each muscle fiber. Even so, ing), the number of high-threshold motor
only a small number of studies have been units that can be used will be different in
performed in this area to date. each iteration of the training program. In
the retraining period, the same lifter will
3. Maintained voluntary activation have access to more high-threshold motor
One possibility that is rarely discussed in units, and will therefore be able to train a
the literature is that changes in volun- larger number of highly-responsive muscle
tary activation could contribute to muscle fibers, which will stimulate greater overall
growth during retraining. Voluntary acti- hypertrophy.
vation is a measurement of the ability to
access high-threshold motor units. The Nevertheless, this study was important,
high-threshold motor units of a muscle because it suggested that the myonuclear
control large numbers of highly-respon- response to training differed between slow
sive muscle fibers, which adapt quickly and twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers. The
easily to strength training. Untrained lifters slow twitch muscles (and fibers) gained
have access to far fewer of these motor myonuclei both to support hypertrophy
units than well-trained lifters. Indeed, an and also to increase myonuclear density,
increase in voluntary activation is one of which the increased number of centralized
the key adaptations to strength training nuclei suggest may have been in order
that contributes to increased maximum to mediate damage repair. Moreover, the
strength. Crucially, increases in voluntary increased muscle size, myonuclear number,
activation that are obtained through train- and increased number of centralized nuclei
ing are not easily lost during detraining were not lost after detraining. In contrast,
(16–19). Therefore, lifters who experience the fast twitch muscles (and fibers) gained
detraining (and muscle loss) will rarely lose myonuclei only to increase muscle fiber
access to any of the high-threshold motor size, and these were lost in tandem with
units that they gained access to as a result losses in muscle size during detraining.
of an initial training block.

Conclusions Practical implications

In a rodent model, detraining caused fast Although many studies have observed the
twitch muscles (and fibers) to reduce muscle memory effect, it is still unknown
in size, to display a shift towards a less how gains in muscular strength and size
oxidative type, and to reduce the number are faster during retraining compared to
of myonuclei, suggesting that a reten- during an initial training bout. This study
tion of myonuclei might not contribute suggests that detraining may produce a
to any “muscle memory” effect in these smaller impact on muscles that contain a
muscles. In contrast, there was no loss of greater proportion of slow twitch muscle
muscle size or myonuclei or any reversal fibers, although the exact reasons for this
of fiber type shifts after detraining in the are unclear.
slow twitch muscle.
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