Writing Assignment Week Four

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Writing Assignment Week Four

 Introduction
 TED talk analysis
 Theory of Erikson
 Attachment theory
 Conclusion

This essay aims to showcase my own personal opinion on the TED talk “A New Theory of
Human Intelligence”, on the theory of Erikson and on the attachment theory.

TED Talk Analysis

In his TED talk titled "A New Theory of Human Intelligence," Scott Barry Kaufman
expertly challenges the conventional perception of intelligence. During the presentation, he
recounts his personal journey of scoring low on standardized tests but ultimately earning a Ph.D.
through his creativity and tenacity. His achievements captivated my interest, given my
inclination to place a high value on intelligence as a determinant of success in life.
However, this video has reshaped my perspective, not only redefining my understanding
of intelligence but also reevaluating its significance. I now believe that intelligence encompasses
more than mere test scores or IQ; it should encompass a broad spectrum of factors, including
emotional intelligence, creativity, innovation, and analytical abilities, among others.
Furthermore, while intelligence undoubtedly plays a role in one's success, factors such as
determination, social support, and socioeconomic status are equally vital contributors to the
In my hypothetical scenario where this expanded view of intelligence is widely accepted,
I envision significant changes in testing, the application process, and public opinion. These
changes would lead to a more inclusive and accepting norm.

Theory Of Erikson
Erikson's theory suggests that ego identity develops continuously throughout one's life in
eight distinct stages. In my personal opinion, these developmental phases, as described by
Erikson, should ideally occur in their chronological order and as separate stages. My reasoning
behind this belief is rooted in the potential consequences of deviating from this order. If a stage
were to develop too early or be skipped entirely, it is likely to lead to conflicts with social norms,
which can have negative implications for the individual.
For instance, consider a couple who has been together since their teenage years and
continues their relationship into their twenties without sufficient time for self-discovery as
individuals. This situation may lead to identity issues, as the couple hasn't had the opportunity to
fully understand themselves independently, possibly resulting in an overreliance on each other
for personal opinions and actions. Similarly, if someone prioritizes their career entirely and
delays seeking a serious relationship until their thirties or forties, they may encounter difficulties
finding a suitable partner, as social isolation tends to increase with age.
While I acknowledge that it's possible for an individual to complete one phase before
another, this can be challenging due to the differing societal expectations associated with each
life stage. Such deviations may result in a lack of support or resources to navigate these
developmental challenges.

Attachment Theory
Attachment theory states that the experiences you’ve had a child create an internal
working model, which is used to relate how others take care of you and how you take care of
yourself. This model is Internalized when we are children, but it can change with time. For
example, when I was a kid, I used to be very anxious and have difficulty relaxing around other
peers. This was most likely because of the self-doubt that was instilled in me during a young age.
Therefore, this would cause me to doubt my actions in friendships and make me feel like I don’t
contribute enough or feel unwanted in certain situations. However, I believe I have matured since
then and now I have more confidence in my self and higher sense of worth, making sure to also
take care of my needs and not to self-doubt my actions.

In conclusion, this essay has explored three interconnected themes: the thought-provoking TED
talk "A New Theory of Human Intelligence" by Scott Barry Kaufman, Erikson's developmental
theory, and attachment theory. Through this exploration, I have come to a deeper understanding
of the intricate interplay between intelligence, identity development, and our early attachment

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