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Robosoft n.v.

Manual ATL 550

1. How to use the keyboard

1.1. The keyboard layout

ATI_ 550 i:l

trBtrEI B


tr8trril@ l-lt:r,.-l
Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

1.2. The on/off key-switch

This switch is used to turn on/off the control
When the control has been shut down, you have to wait at least 10 seconds before ]'ou restart. I
1.3. The start- and stop-key for the pump I
ffiffi I
These keys are used to start or stop the hydraulic pump.
To start the pump, press the green start-key.
To stop the pump, press the red stop-key. I
1.4. The <mode> key I
This key is used to select one of the different work-modes.
To switch from one mode to another, proceed as follows :
Press the <mode> key.
Enter the number of the desired mode using the numerical keys.
1.5. The numerical keys I
trtrtr I
trtrtr t
trtrtr I
trtrtr T
These keys are used to enter decimal values, both positive and negative.
Values can only be entered in stop-mode (blinking display). To enter a number, press the
according key(s). When finished, press the <enter> key to confirm the value.

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

When you have made a mistake entering the digits, you can erase the last digit with the
<delete> key as long as you didn't confirm with the <entep key. When you did confirm,
press the <stop> key first and enter the new value.

1.6. The <enter> key

The control will need you to confirm when entering a numerical value.
To confirm, press the <enter> key.
The <enter> key is also used to show the next targetvalue for the back-gauge or the depth-
axis in mode 0.

1.7. The <delete> key

This key is used to delete.programs, steps, etc...

1.8. The arrow-keys

The <t> key is used to increment values.
The <J> key is used to decrement values.

These keys are also used to move the back-gauge forwards/backwards manually (jogging).

1.9. The <start> and <stop> command-keys

These keys are used to start and to stop the back-gauge.

To start the back-gauge positioning, press the green start-key.
To stop the back-gauge positioning, press the red stop-key.

@ <start> key

@ <stop> key
Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

When the back-gauge is stopped, the display blinks. Now you can enter/change values.
It is however not possible to bend. Only when <start> is pressed and the back-gauge has
positioned right, you will be able to bend.
When the back-gauge is moving, the display is no longer blinking. You can no longer
enter/change values.

1.10. The <retraction> key


When some part of the work-piece is going under the back-gauge (e.g. Z-bend), a collision
between the plate and the back-gauge could happen while bending. To avoid this, the bac-
gauge is retracted. The retraction starts when the plate is clamped, this is when the beam
reaches the plate (zero-point), This way the plate can't shift.

example of a Z-bend :
To switch on retraction, press the (retraction> key. The point after the last digit on the

display lights up.

To switch off the retraction, press the (retraction> key again. The point after the last

digit on the display goes out.

1.11. The function-keys A-B-C-D

1.11.1. Function-key <A> : Depth-axis

[_]H" t
Press this key to select the depth-axis. All the following actions, e.g. entering a target
value,...are specifically for the depth-axis. For more information, please refer to 3.2. Mode 0 :
Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550 -l

l.ll.2. Function-key <B> : Back-gauge

r-l [#-,-l ,.
I llql-
Press this key to select the back-gauge. All the following action, e.g. enteringatargetvalue,
are specifically for the back-gauge. For more information, please refer to 3.2. Mode 0 :

1.11.3. Function-key <C> : Auxiliary function

Press this key to activate an auxiliary output (optional), for example, pneumatic fingers or
automatic antidefl ection.

l.ll.4. Function-key <D> : Function-key for working on pressurre

This key has two functions :

[--', lI "
- Activating the pressure-function
Press function-key (D) once to activate the pressure-function.
The led lights up when the function is acitavated.
When working on pressure, you only have to give the down-command, depending the selected
operating mode. When the beam reaches the determined pressure, it goes up to the top dead
centre automatically.

- Setting the pressure

Press function-key <D> for longer than one second to set the pressure that has to be reached
before goin up automatically. The led is blinking and the pressure appears on the screen.
Use the arrow-keys to adjust this pressure.
Press function-key <D> again to confirm the chosen pressure.
Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

1.12. The 4-position switch (optional)

With this switch you can select how you want to operate the beam.

position 0 The down-command for the beam is never executed.

position 1 The down-command is given by pressing the two-hand buttons simultaneously.

The beam goes down at fall-speed to the fast/slow point.
Then it .t descending at workspeed. Once the beam has reached the
target position, it remains there. Now you can give the up-command by
pressing the foot-pedal. The beam never goes up automatically.

position 2 The down-command is given by pressing the down-pedal'

The beam goes down at workspeed to the fast/slow point.
Then the beam continues at workspeed. Once the beam has reached the target
position, it remains there. Now you can give the up-command by pressing the
ioot-pedal. When you are working on pressufe, the beam will automatically go
up once the detennined pressure is reached.
In automatic-mode the beam goes up automatically after reaching the target

position 3 The down-command is given by pressing the two-hand buttons simultaneously'

The beam goes down at workspeed to the fast/slow point and continues to the 8
mm point at workspeed. Now the down-command is taken over by the foot-
pedai. Press it ana ihe beam continues going down at workspeed' Once the
t.u* has reached the target position, it remains there. Now you can give the
up-command by pressing the foot-pedal. When you are working on pressure,
the beam will automatically go up once the determined pressure is reached.
In automatic-mode the beam goes up automatically after reaching the target

position 4 The down-command is given by pressing the two-hand buttons simultaneously.

The beam goes down at workspeed to the fast/slow point. Then the beam
continues at workspeed. Once the beam has reached the target position, it
remains there. Now you can give the up-command by pressing the foot-pedal'
When you are working on pressue, the beam will automatically go up once the
determined pressure is reached.
In automatii-mode the beam goes up automatically after reaching the target

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

1.13. The emergency-stop

This button may only be used in case of an emergency. Pressing the button will shut down the
system. To continue after an emergency stop, you will have to restart the system from the
beginning (see 2.1. How to switch on the machine).
To reset the emergency stop, turn the red knob clock-wise till it springs back.

1.14. Description of the display

l-l r-t t-t r-l t-t r-t t-t t-l

l_t.t_t.t_t.t_t. t_t. r_l.t_t.l_t.

The display is used to display values and messages during working with the press-brake.

Depending on if you are in start-mode or in stop-mode, different things are displayed.

The first 5 digits are used to display :
- the actual or the target value
- the program-number

The last 3 digits are used to display :

- the counter
- the steps
- the pressure
Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550
2. Starting up the machine

2.1. How to start the machine

Close all doors and unlock all emergency stops.

Switch the main power-switch to "ON".
Turn te on/off key-switch to the position " 1".
When the message "REFER" appeats on the display, press <start> to take reference.
On some machines you first have to press <reset> in order to take reference.
When the machine has taken reference the actual value of the back-gauge appears on the
Press the <stop> key to skip taking reference.
It is impossible to bend without taking reference first


Some machines are set up to work with preset values. They skip taking reference
automatically. You immediately arrive in mode 0.
2.2.IIow to start the machine after an emergency-stop
When an emergency stop has occurred, the control will shut down. If every-thing is clear to I
start again, switch on the control as described in2.1. How to switch on the machine.



Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

3. The different modes

3.1. In general

The ATL-550 contains 8 modes :

- mode 0 manual-mode
- mode 1 parameter mode
- mode 2 preset-value mode
- mode 3 test mode
- mode 4 program mode
- mode 5 automatische mode
- mode 6 loading new software
- mode 7 safety mode

To switch between the modes, proceed as follows :

Press the <mode> key.

Enter the number of the mode you want to select.

Some modes are protected by a code. These are for our qualified staff only. Do not attempt to
enter these modes are change the data in it. It could lead to damaging the control or hazardous
situations for the user.

3.2. Modus 0 : Manual-mode

3.2.1,.In general

The control automatically starts in mode 0. This is the normal work-mode. In work-mode,
the back-gauge and depth-axis can be positioned automaticalty by entering a target value
(mm / Inch), or manually fiogging), using the arrow keys.

3.2.2. How to program the back'gauge

3.2.2,1. How to enter atargetvalue

Select the back-gauge by pressing function-key <F>.

The LED should come on continuously.
The actual position of the back-gauge appears on the display.
Enter the target.
Press <enter) to confirm.
The actual position of the back-gauge appears again.

3,2.2.2. How to use retraction

To activate the retraction you have to press the <retraction> key before entering the target
value for the back-gauge. When the retraction is activated, a decimal point appears on the
display. Press the <retraction> key again to deactivate it.

Robosoft n.v.
ManualATL 550

The decimal point on the display disappears.
use the same method to apply retraction in the program mode.
The retraction will only happen once the plate is clamped'
The clamping point is determined by means of the cam'
3.2.3. How to program the depth-axis
Ir How to enter atargetvalue

Select the depth axis by pressing function-key <B>'

The LED should come on continuously'
The actual position of the depth-axis appea-rs on the display'
Enter the target.
Press <enter) to confirm.
The actual position of the depth-axis appears again'

3.2.4.How to position the back-gauge manually (iogging) I

In stead of entering atargetvalue for the back-gauge, you can also move it with the arrow-
keys. This is caleJ 'Joggrrrg". To jog, the back-gauge function-key (function-key
<B>) must
be activated.
To move the back-gauge backwards, press the <t> key'
To move the back-gauge forwards, press the <$> key' I
3.2.5. How to display the target value t
It is possible to display the target instead of the actual value of the axis in mode 0. To be
able to, you have to be in start-mode. t
<B> (the back-
Select the axis you want to display with function-key <A> (depth-axis) or
gauge). Then htld the <enter>-key pressed. While you hold it, the target value is displayed.
Wt i" you stop pressing, the actual value appears again'

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

3.2.6. How to bend

Enter atarget value for the depth-axis and the back-gauge.

Press the <start> key.
The back-gauge starts positioning at high speed. When approaching the targte value, it
reduces its speed. Eventually it stops on target.
Now you can give the down-command for the beam, depending the operating mode
(see 1.12. The 4-position switch).
The beam goes down to the prografirmed position and remains there.
Give the up-command using the up-pedal.
However, when working on pressure (firnction-key <D>), the beam goes up automatically
after reaching the determined pressure.


You can stop the movement of the axes at any time by simply pressing the <stop> key.
To continue working, press the <start> key again.

Robosoft n.v Manual ATL 550

3.3. Mode L : the parameter-mode

The parameter-mode should only be used by qualified people. That is why it is protected by a
Certain mismatched parameters could lead to .damaging the control or hazardous situations for
the user.

At the end of the manual there is an (empty) parameter list. When setting up the machine,
the technician can write down the actual parameters of the machine. This facilitates service
in case of machine maintenance or failure.


Via the parameter mode it's possible to consult different machine counters :

- Hour counter of the control

- Hour counter of the pump
- Piece counter

To view these counters, go to the parameter-mode by pressing <M> followed by <1>.

When asked for the code, enter "3126u.

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

3.4. Mode 2: the preset-Yalue-mode

3.4.1.In general

In the preset-value-mode you can calibrate the back-gauge and the depth-axis of the machine
by entering a preset-value. This preset-value is a reference for the CNC-control to calculate
e.g. the target.

3.4.2. The preset-value of the back-gauge

The preset-value is the measured distance between the middle of the V-opening and the front
ofthe fingers ofthe back-gauge.

To enter a preset-value, proceed as follows:

Measure the distance between the middle of the V-opening and the front of the fingers of the
back-gauge in their actual position.
Press function-key <B> to select the back-gauge. The led lights up.
Go to mode 2. Therefore press the <mode> key and press <2>.
Enter the measured value in mm (Inch).
Press (enter) to confirm.

3.4.3. The preset-value of the depth-axis

To calibrate the depth-axis, proceed as follows :

Install the top- and the bottom-tool.
Put a small plate (waste) on the bottom tool.
Press function-key <A> to select the depth-axis.
Go to mode 2. Therefore press the <mode> key and press <2>.
Enter the measured value in mm (Inch).
Press (enter) to confirm.

remarks with 3.4.2. and 3.4.3. :

* A preset-value is only a temporary value. Once taken reference, the preset-value is


* The control needs time to save the new position. When an error occurs, it is possible
that the preset-value is lost. Then it will be necessary to enter it again.

* When the emergency-stop is pressed while the back-gauge is positioning, the control
immediately stops but the back-gauge still moves on a bit. Therefore it is possible that,
when restarting the machine, the preset-value slightly differs from the actual position,
which results in inaccurate positioning. Then it will also be necessary to enter a new
preset-value again.

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

3.5. Mode 3 : the test-mode

The test-mode should only be used by qualified people. Certain tests could lead to damaging
the control or hazardous situations for the user when not carried out correctly.

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

3.6. Mode 4: the program mode

3.6.f.In general

With the ATL-550 you can program a maximum of 400 steps. A sequence of steps is called
a program. A maximum of 200 programs is possible.
Each step contains atarget value for the back-gauge and the depth-axis.
In mode 4 you can edit, select and delete those program(step)s.

3.6.2. How to edit a new program

Go.Io mode 4, therefore press the (mode) key and press the <4> key.
Next screen appears :


Enter the number of the program you want to edit.

Press <enter> to confirm. (You can also scroll through the programs with the arrow-keys.)
The number of steps is displayed on the right of the screen. When the program is empty,
is displayed on the right of the screen.
Press <enter) on the program you want to edit.
Next screen appears :

The first 5 digits are used for the target values. The last 3 digits show the step-number.

Enter the targets for the axes for the first step as you would do in mode 0.
You automatically go to the next step.
Enter the data for the second step as described above.
Repeat till all steps are programmed.
If you have made a mistake in a step, just select it with the arrow-keys and overwrite it with
the new data.
Press (enter> to confirm.
When done, press the <delet* key.
Next screen appears :

l_ t ll_t

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550
3.6.3. How to change an existing program

Go to mode 4, therefore press the <mode) key and press the <4> key. I
Next screen appears :



I I.

Enter the number of the program you want to change.

Press <enter> to confirm. (You can also scroll through the programs with the arrow-keys.)
The number of steps is displayed on the right of the screen. When the program is empty,
is displayed on the right of the screen.
Select the step you want to change with the arrow-keys.
Overwrite the data as you would in mode 0.
Press (enter) to confirm.

3.6,4. How to delete a program

Go to mode 4, therefore press the <mode> key and press the <4> key.
Next screen appears :



I t.

Enter the number of the program you want to delete. (You can also scroll through the
programs with the arrow-keys.)
Press the <delete> key.
3.6.5. How to run a program
A program can only be run in mode 5 (see 3.7 Mode 5 : the automatic-mode).
Rdmoftnv- Manual ATL 550

3.7. Mode 5 : the automatic-mode

In automatic-mode you can run the programs that you have entered in mode 4 (see mode 4 :

the program-mode). They will be executed fully automatic, i.e. :

- As soon as you press the <start> key, the back-gauge moves to its target.
- when the beam goes down and reaches the depth, the beam will ALWAyS go up
- As soon as the beam moves up to the top-dead-centre, the back-gauge goes to the target of
the next step.
- When all steps are done, the control returns to the first step and you can start with the next

To run a program automatically, proceed as follows :

Go to mode 5, therefore press the <mode> key and press the <5> key.
Next screen appears :

l_t I

I t.

Enter the number of the program you want to run.

Press <enteP to confirm.
You have now selected your program. Press the <start> key to run it.

You can also use the piece-counter in automatic-mode.

In this case the counter changes only when a complete program-cycle has been executed.

To activate the counter going up :

To activate the counter going down ,
To activate the counter going up from a defined value :

enter the value using the numerical keys, followed

To activate the counter going down from a defined value :

enter the value using the numerical keys, followed by.J>.

Robosoft n.v. Manual ATL 550

3.8. Mode 6 : loading of a new software version

Only for internal use.

3.9. Mode 7 : the safety-mode

Only for internal use.



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