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Past expressions

Last Ago Yesterday

● Last night ● 10 minutes ago ● Yesterday morning

● Last week ● An hour ago ● Yesterday afternoon
● Last weekend ● 3 days ago ● Yesterday evening
● Last month ● A week ago ● The day before yesterday
● Last year ● A month ago ● Yesterday night
● Last Monday ● A year ago
When did you start learning English?

How did you come to school this morning?

What movies did you watch this month?

Where were you last Sunday?

When did you last check your e-mail?

What was the last book you read?

● You will have 30 seconds to think about the topic. You can ask
questions (vocabulary, grammar, etc) and you can take simple
● Then, You will talk about it for 1 minute. NON STOP!
● After the feedback, you’ll have one more chance at it.

Describe the house
you lived in when you
were a kid

You should say:

Where the house was;

The characteristics of the


What you used to do there.

Describe your last trip You should say:

● The place you traveled to ● Who you were with

● How long you stayed there ● What you did on this trip
Talk about the last time You should say:

you bought something ● What you bought

● Why you bought it
over R$100 ● What you did with it

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