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Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below.

An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Using Chart Builder in SPSS (Boxplots)

Task 2A: Using the Jiminy Cricket.sav file posted in Module 5 Resources recreate Figure 5.16 Boxplot of
success scores, 5 years after implementing a strategy of working hard or wishing upon a star. Pay special
attention to all features (e.g., grid lines; transparent background). Make sure to add your labels (title, x-axis
label, y-axis label within SPSS) and to change the color of your boxplot to PURPLE. For this boxplot, please
also use the “Show Data Label” feature to display the actual median values for strategies of success. (Hint:
Refer to supplemental material on how this is done). DO NOT include the text written within the graph
displayed below (i.e., Top 25%, Upper Quartile, Median, Lower Quartile, etc.)
Original Graph from the text


What is the median level of success after 5 years for participants who wished upon a star?
What is the medial level of success after 5 years for participants who worked hard?
What is the minimum and maximum level of success for participants randomly assigned to the differing
strategies for success?
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 2B: Using the Jiminy Cricket.sav file posted in Module 5 Resources create a Boxplot of the pre-
intervention success scores. This boxplot should include all the features used in Task 2A (e.g., grid lines
added; background set to transparent). Using the “Show Data Labels” features, display the median value(s) for
strategies of success. Make sure to update your labels (title, x-axis label, y-axis label within SPSS) and to
change the color of your boxplot to GREEN.


What is the median level of success pre-intervention for participants randomly assigned to “wish upon a star”?
What is the medial level of success pre-intervention for participants randomly assigned to “hard work”?
What is the minimum and maximum level of success for participants randomly assigned to the differing
strategies for success?
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 2C: Recall the use of boxplots (Hint: Refer to A. Field’s Chapter 5, “Boxplots (box-whisker diagrams);”
and supplemental material). Compare and contrast the recreated boxplot in Task 2A and Boxplot in Task 2B.
Make sure that your interpretation ties back to what the graphs are intended to represent. For full points, provide
a comprehensive response (i.e., this includes interpreting the top and bottom 25% of scores, and so on).

In 2A the box plot has two outliers that is 229 and 204 in the wash upon a star category while in 2b it has
outliers of 173 and 129 in wash upon a star category and 92,58 and 87 in hard work category. Level of
success before intervention has means closer to each other than that of level of success after intervention
hence we can conclude that level of success before intervention is more precise than level of success after

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