Homework 5 - Task 1

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Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below.

An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
Using Chart Builder in SPSS (Histograms)
Task 1A: Using the Jiminy Cricket.sav file posted in Module 5 Resources recreate Figure 5.11 Histogram
of the post-intervention success scores below. Pay special attention to all features (e.g., grid lines added;
background set to transparent). Make sure to add your labels (title, x-axis label, y-axis label within SPSS) and to
change the color of your histogram to GREEN. An example is provided below of the recreated histogram in
Original Graph from the text Recreated Histogram in ORANGE

PROVIDE YOUR RECREATED GRAPH BELOW IN GREEN (Make your version slightly larger than the
ones provided here, all features used should be clearly visible – a smaller scale was provided in the above
demonstration to fit side by side. Also, DO NOT provide a screenshot of your entire screen, right click on the
graph produced in SPSS > COPY > paste it into the specified sections, as required):
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 1B: Using the Jiminy Cricket.sav file posted in Module 5 Resources create a Histogram of the pre-
intervention success scores. This histogram should include all the features used in Task 1A (e.g., grid lines
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
added; background set to transparent). Make sure to update your labels (title, x-axis label, y-axis label within
SPSS) and to change the color of your histogram to RED.


Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 1C: Recall the use of histograms (Hint: Refer to A. Field’s Chapter 1, “the frequency distribution;” and
supplemental material). Compare and contrast the recreated histogram in Task 1A and Histogram in Task 1B.
Make sure that your interpretation ties back to what the graphs are intended to represent. For full points, provide
a comprehensive response (this includes interpreting the mean(s), standard deviation(s), total number of
subjects the information is based on; assessing normality and discussing potential limitations with using a
simple histogram when an underlying grouping variable is present (i.e., “Strategy for Success”; refer to Figure
5.13 Population pyramid Frequency Level of Success After Intervention (out of 100) by Strategy for Success
Strategy for Success).
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Descriptive Statistics

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Statistic

Level of Success Before

250 55 23 78 50.06 .599 9.463 89.555
Intervention (out of 100)
Level of Success After
250 98 2 100 57.42 1.157 18.286 334.382
Intervention (out of 100)
Valid N (listwise) 250

In task 1A the graph clearly shows that the frequency of the level of succession after intervention increases
steadily to a frequency of 40 then decreases as the levels increases while the level of succession before
intervention are high in between 38- 64 where they fluctuate as they remain high. Before intervention the mean
level of succession is 50.06 while after intervention the mean is 57.42.

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