Homework 5 - Task4

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Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below.

An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
Using Chart Builder in SPSS (Scatterplot)
Task 4A: Using the ExamAnxiety.xlsx file posted in Module 5 Resources; import the ExamAnxiety.xlsx
Excel file into SPSS. Review the data dictionary provided in the second tab of this excel file. All variable
names, variable labels, measurements, etc., must match the provided data dictionary. Provide a screenshot of
both your Data View and Variable View of your SPSS data file.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 4B: Using the newly created SPSS data file on Exam Anxiety, recreate Figure 5.34 Scatterplot of
exam anxiety and exam performance. Pay special attention to all features (e.g., grid lines; transparent
background; regression line). Make sure to add your labels (title, x-axis label, y-axis label within SPSS).
What variable should you assign as your x-axis?
What variable should you assign as your y-axis?


Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Assign “exam anxiety” to the X- axis and “exam performance(%)” to the Y- axis.

Task 4C: Provide an interpretation of Figure 5.34. What information do we obtain by using a scatterplot?
Provide your interpretation in the context of the study (i.e., what relationship exists between exam anxiety and
exam performance?). For full points, provide a comprehensive response.

Scatterplots are a powerful visualization tool for understanding the relationship, correlation, and distribution of
two continuous variables. They allow for the identification of trends, outliers, and groups within the data,
enabling insights and informing further analysis or decision-making. The exam performance decreases as the
exam anxiety increases but anxiety it does not have so much effect on the performance because the
performance is randomly distributed when the anxiety is at its highest.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 4D: Using the newly created SPSS data file on Exam Anxiety, create a Grouped Scatterplot of time
spent revising and exam performance split by sex. Pay special attention to all features (e.g., add grid lines;
set your background to transparent; add regression line(s); color set for split variable). Make sure to add your
labels (title, x-axis label, y-axis label within SPSS). Hint: Use Elements > Fit Line at Subgroups.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

Task 4E: Provide an interpretation for the grouped scatterplot created in Task 4D. What information do
we obtain by using a grouped scatterplot? How does this compare to the using a simple scatterplot? Provide
your interpretation in the context of the study (i.e., what relationship exists between time spent revising and
exam performance for male and female students? Are men or women’s exam performance more adversely
affected by time spent revising? (i.e., what do the regression lines graphed say about this relationship?) Refer to
5.8.2 for an example description using exam anxiety and exam performance split by sex) as a reference. For full
points, provide a comprehensive response.

A grouped scatterplot provides insights into the relationships between variables, allows for group comparisons,
facilitates the detection of interaction effects, and assists in multivariate analysis. It helps understand the
behavior and patterns within each group and enables the identification of outliers within specific groups.
Grouped scatterplots are particularly useful when exploring complex relationships involving multiple variables
and categories. The performance of both male and female students is randomly distributed i.e. they both
perform equally there is no evidence that one is better than the other. The performance also increase with the
increase in the time spent while revising.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: (+5 points): Recreate a total of 2 graphs (any of the ones completed for
this Homework) in APA format. (Review supplemental material for more detail on APA formatting for


Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.
Homework 5: READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY and complete all tasks assigned below. An option
to provide a response as a file upload will be provided as an assignment to submit on CANVAS.

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