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of Printed Pages:# 3 Examination October 2020

7265 Family Law -I (Family Relations)
Time: One Hour Max. Marks: 50
solve any 25 questions from Q.1 to Q.30
solve any 25 questions from Q.31 to Q.60

1 Following are the kind’s of Family :

(A)Nuclear Family (B)Joint Family (C)Composite family (D)All the above.
2 Family headed by Female is known as _________
(A)Patriarchal (B)Matriarchal (C)Neither a and b (D)none of the above.
3 The relation of a Hindu Joint family arises from________
(A)Status (B)Contract (C)Agreement (D)none of these.
4 Interest of member in Hindu joint family is decided by_________
(A)Indian constitution (B)Hindu Law (C)Muslim law (D)Income tax Authority.
5 According to the Dayabhaga law, sons can_______
(A)demand Partition (B)call for an account (C)neither a nor b (D)only a
6 Liability of the sons to pay the father’s debt exists ________
(A)during the life time of father (B)after the death of father (C)Irrespective fathers death or alive (D)only b not a
7 Partition under the mistakshara law means________
(A)division of status (B)division of property (C)both a and b (D)only b
8 Who amongst the following are not entitled to partition____________.
(A)adopted son (B)aurasa son (C)Illegitimate son (D)all the above
9 A partition may be effected. . .
(A)by agreement (B)by conduct (C)by arbitration (D)All the above.
10 In the joint property, the right of partition is . .. ..
(A)always there (B)cannot be there (C)Only (b) is correct (D)(a)&(b)are wrong
11 Any Hindu is entitled to dispose of . . . . . at will.
(A)self acquired (B)inherited (C)a & b are correct (D)a & b both are wrong
12 For Hindu, marriage is a . . ..
(A)Custom (B)Contract (C)sacraments (D)None of the above.
13 Hindu marriage Act is . . . . .
(A)Territorial (B)Personal (C)Applied to all (D)None of above
14 Marriage between parties with prohibited degrees is _________
(A)Valid (B)Void (C)Void able (D)Ineffective
15 Cruelty is . . . . … .
(A)Physical (B)Mental (C)Both a & b (D)None of above
16 Hindu marriage Act enacted in the year of _______
(A)1957 (B)1952 (C)1955 (D)1954
17 Hindu marriage Act allowed polygamy _______
(A)True (B)False (C)Partly (D)None of above
18 Under the Hindu Marriage Act, hindu includes . . . …

(A)Buddhist (B)Sikh (C)Jain (D)All the above

19 ‘Sapinda Relationship’ has been defined under .....of Hindu marriage Act_____
(A)Sec.2 b (B)Sec. 2 d (C)Sec. 3 f (D)Sec. 2 g
20 Conditions for valid Hindu marriage have been prescribed under . . . . .
(A)Sec. 4 (B)Sec.5 (C)Sec. 7 (D)Sec. 8
21 A Marriage solemnized between any two Hindus, one of whom is having a
spouse living at the time of marriage shall be -
(A)Valid (B)Void (C)Voidable (D)Invalid
22 A petition under Hindu Marriage Act 1955 can be presented before -
(A)District Court (B)High Court (C)Supreme Court (D)None of these.
23 Sec. 9 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides for -
(A)Ceremonies of marriage (B)Judicial separation (C)Restitution of conjugal rights (D)None of above.
24 A decree of Judicial separation . . ..
(A)Dissolve the marriage (B)Does not dissolve the marriage (C)either a or b (D)Only a is correct
25 Marriage in Muslim Law is . . ..
(A)a Contract (B)a sacrament (C)both a & b (D)None of above
26 Islamic law provides for

Examination October 2020
(A)Monogamy (B)Unlimited polygamy (C)Controlled Polygamy (D)Bigamy
27 Marriage of Muslim woman with a Non-Muslim shall be
(A)Valid (B)Irregular (C)Void (D)None of above.
28 Muta under Muslim Law means -
(A)A temporary marriage (B)Permanent marriage (C)Joint venture marriage (D)An illegal marriage
29 A marriage with a woman before completion of her iddat is -
(A)Irregular (B)Void (C)Voidable (D)None of above.
30 Indian Christian marriage Act, enacted . . . .
(A)1874 (B)1872 (C)1875 (D)1879
31 Age of marriage as per Christian marriage Act…
(A)Groom 21 & bride 18 (B)Groom 20 & bride 15 (C)Groom 25 & bride 22 (D)None of above
32 Christian marriage must be witnessed by -
(A)Two (B)Five (C)Six (D)One
33 Ceremony for valid Christian marriage is . … .
(A)Ashirvad ceremony (B)Saptapady ceremony (C)Exchanging of Ring ceremony (D)Not necessary
34 Registration of marriage is . . . .. . under Christian law.
(A)Optional (B)Compulsory (C)Not necessary (D)none of the above.
35 The special marriage Act deals with _________
(A)Inter-caste (B)Inter-religion (C)Both a & b (D)only a.
36 Any objections to marriage under special marriage Act must raised before marriage officer within _________
(A)25 days (B)30 days (C)35 days (D)60 days.
37 How many witnesses need to be present at the time of solemnization of
marriage under special marriage Act ?

(A)Two (B)Three (C)Four (D)Five

38 The Special marriage Act enacted in . . ..
(A)1953 (B)1954 (C)1955 (D)1950.
39 Whether husband can demand maintenance from her wife?
(A)Yes (B)No (C)Partly (D)None of above
40 Adopted child become the child of family ___________________.
(A)Yes (B)No (C)Partly (D)None of above
41 Bigamy laws are not applicable to -
(A)Hindus (B)Muslims (C)Sikhs (D)Christians
42 A case related to Registration of Hindu Marriage is -
(A)Sarla Mudgai V Union of India (B)Gurupad V. Hirabai (C)Shastri V. Muldas (D)Seema V. Ashwani Kumar
43 A husband and wife can seek divorce by mutual consent under -
(A)Sec. 13 (B)Sec.13 (C)Sec. 13-A (D)Sec. 13-B
44 Rules relating to Sapinda Relationship are based on -
(A)Principle of endogamy (B)Principle of exogamy (C)Principle of Polygamy (D)Principle of Monogamy
45 Which one of the Acts has Fixed the minimum age of marriage-
(A)Child marriage Restraint Act (B)Hindu marriage Act (C)Special Marriage Act (D)All above
46 Remedy of Restitution of Conjugal rights is available to -
(A)Wife (B)Husband (C)Wife and Husband both (D)Only Husband not wife
47 Under which section of Hindu Marriage Act, judicial separation has been provided ?
(A)Section 19 (B)Section 10 (C)Section 11 (D)Section 13.
48 Under Muslim law, the only natural guardian is -
(A)Father (B)Mother (C)Grandson (D)Grand-mother
49 When is iddat observed -_____
(A)On the death of husband (B)On divorce (C)On invalid Marriage (D)Both a and b
50 Section 13(1) of Hindu Marriage Act provides grounds for divorce -
(A)Adultery (B)Cruelty (C)Desertion (D)All the above
51 . . .. .are bars to matrimonial relief under Hindu marriage Act
(A)Accessory (B)Connivance (C)Collusion (D)All the above
52 Maintenance proceedings under Sec.125 Cr. P. C. apply to persons belonging to-
(A)Hindus (B)Muslims (C)Christians (D)All religions.
53 From whom maintenance can be claimed under sec. 125 of Cr.P.C.
(A)A husband (B)A Father (C)A Son (D)All the above
54 Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act enacted in -
(A)1936 (B)1939 (C)1938 (D)1942

Examination October 2020
55 Following are the extra judicial modes of divorce in Muslim law-
(A)TalaQ –i-tafweez (B)Lian (C)both (D)None of the above.
56 Indian Divorce Act, 1869 is one Indian Personal law governing-
(A)Hindus (B)Muslims (C)Christians (D)None of the above
57 The Court may grant a divorce under Indian Divorce Act on -
(A)Adultery (B)Cruelty (C)Party ceases to be Christian (D)All the above
58 Following are the kinds of guardians -
(A)Natural guardian (B)Testamentary guardians (C)Defacto guardian (D)All the above.
59 Divorce Petition can be presented before -
(A)Supreme Court (B)High Court (C)District Court (D)JMFC Court
60 Hindu Adoption & maintenance Act enacted in
(A)1958 (B)1956 (C)1955 (D)1960.


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