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A.A.Ismailov, N .I.M elenevskaya, V .B.Lapshin,

S .G .S h a d ie v a , G .M .A takhojaeva



Many people nowadays travel on business, for pleasure or for study. They often
need help with the language o f “survival” . In this textbook we present the language
thai a traveller most often needs for a visit to a foreign country, where the customs
and language are different. This book will help you pick up the language you will
need while travelling. Emphasis is on everyday real-life situation and provides the
material for several classroom activities.

Intermediate Level

Third Edition Revised and Enlarged

Unit 2 Comm unicating by p h o n e ....................................................... 9

Unit 3 Travelling by p la n e .................................................................. 18

Unit 4 Places to s ta y .............................................................................. 24

Unit 5 Travelling around the c ity ..................................................... 32

Unit 6 Communicating by m a il......................................................... 42

Unit 7 Getting something to eat.................................................... 44

Unit 8 S h opping.................................................................................... 57

Unit 9 Repairs and services................................................................ 64

Unit 10 Sol ing money problem s........................................................ 70

Unit 11 In v«М you fall i l l ............................................................. ....... 75

Unit 12 C ri-лs cultural com m uniriition............................................... 81

Exercise 3. Below in the table you can see the phrases that are commonly used
when people meet or depart. Decide w hether the phrase you have
read is formal or informal, choose the appropriate reply to it from
the given list in the right column and put its figure in the spaces

Formal Infor­ Phrases used when people Possible replies

mal meet or depart
...1.... Good morning 1. Good morning
Good afternoon 2. Good afternoon
Good evening 3. Good evening
Morning 4. Moming
Evening 5. Evening
Good night 6. Good night
Hello 7. Hello
Hi 8. Hi
Good-bye 9. Good-bye
Bye 10 Bye
Bye-bye 11 Bye-bye
See you 12. See you
(Hope to) see you soon 13 (Hope to) see you soon
(again, later) (again, later)
(I'll) be seeing you soon 14 (I’ll) be seeing you soon
My best wishes (best 15 My best wishes (best
regards) regards)
My love to ... 16 My love to ...
So long/good luck!/Keep 17 So long/good luck!/K eep
well well
I look forward to seeing you 18 I look forward to seeing
Farewell you
How do you do? 19 Farewell
20 How do you do?

Exercise 4. Below in th e table you can see the phrases th at are commonly used
straight after the people greet each other. Choose the appropriate
reply to them from the given list and put its figure in the spaces

Phrases № Possible replies

How’ re things? 1 Not too bad 9 Not so well 16 Lot’s o f worries
How’s 2 So-so 10 Can’t 17 (It) could be
everything? 3 As iLSual complain wcrrse/ better
How’s it going? 4 All right 11 I feel fine 18 Very well,
How do you feel ? 5 Tip-top 12 Quite fit thank you.
How are you 6 O.K. 13 Cheer up 19 Fine, thank you
getting on? 7 Fine, thanks 14 Everything is 20 Very well,
Нош are you? 8 Just the all right. thanks
same 15 Lot's of 21 Could be better
Situations Right Wrong
1. Karim doesn’t know anybody at the party, so he goes around
asking people: “W hat’s your name?”
2. Karim sees his friend Erkin who comes over and introduces
him to his wife Lola who is then joined by another friend, О О
3. Karim grabs Lola's hand and begins shaking it. О о
4. Karim is th en introduced to Pete.
о о
5. Karim, who is sitting in a chair, shakes hands with Pete. о о
6. Karim leaves the party without saying anything to anyone. о о

Exercise 9. P u t the lines in the correct order.

Dialogue А Lines Dialogue В Lines

Speakers: Donald and Janine order Speakers: Mr Tursnnov and Mr order
1. Pleased to meet you too. - 1. Yes, th at’s me. -
2. You must be Janine 2. Are you Mr Khojaev, by any
Brown. chance?
3. Hello. I’m Donald Finders. 3. Nice to meet you. -
I’m pleased to meet you. 4. I’m Head of Marketing here.
4. Yes, th a t’s right _ You're from Daewoo, aren’t
5. I’m Sherzod Tursunov. -

Exercise 10. Match the questions w ith the correct replies:

Questions Replies
1 How are you? a Yes, that's right.
2 Pleased to meet you. b Then you must call me Ben.
3 How do you do? с Very well, thank you. And you?
4 Please, call me James. d How do you do?
5 How’s life? e Pleased to meet you too.
6 Hello, are you Roberto? F Not too bad, but very busy.
Dialogues Phrases
a) Mark: Peter, ..... 3 Kate Foster. Kate, this
is Peter Green. Peter, this is Kate 1. is very nice m eeting
Foster. you.
Kale: Hpllo...................
Peter: Pleased to meet you too. 2. Good to see yo u again.
b) Mr Shaw: Excuse me, are you Mrs Price?
Mrs Price: Yes, that's right. 3. ...le t m e introduce you...
Mr Shaw: ..........................I’m Robert Shaw.
Mrs Price: How do you do? 4. P leased to m eet you.
Mr Shaw: ...........................
c) Joe: Hello, Bob. How are things?
Bob: Fine, thanks, Joe............... 5. I look fo rw a rd to seeing
Joe: Nice to see you too. How’s the family? yo u in Paris.
Bob: They are all very well.......................... ? 6. H ow do у зи do?
Joe: Oh, not too bad, but very busy.
d) Julie: I’m afraid I must go now.
Harry: W ell,............................................. 7. M ay I in trodu ce m yself?
Julie: I really enjoy meeting you, too.
Harry: ....................................... 8. How is life?
Julie: I do, too. See you soon.
Exercise 12. You will hear four conversations in which people are meeting
and being introduced to each other. Listen to what they say and
fill in the gaps. Perform the dialogues w ith your partner.
D ialogue I: Jack H opkins in trodu ces Ann C arter to his old frien d Derek.
Jack: Derek! ______________ How are things?
Derek; Oh, hello, Jack. Fine, thanks - very busy - lots of work as always.
Jack: Ann, can I ___________ a good friend of m ine?_________ Derek Slater,
Ann: How do you do?
D e r e k : _______________________.

Dialogue II: A lex Green, a new employee, m eets B ernard G rey.

Alex: I’d just like t o ___________ . My name is Alex Green and I’m the new
export sales co-ordinator.
Bernard: Oh, yes. I’ve heard of you. H ow ________ ? I’m Bernard G rey.______ .

D ialogue III: Claire B ell, a m anager fro m C anada, is v isitin g the o ffic e in
Chris: Mrs Brown, I’d ____________Mrs Bell. Mrs Bell is from our Sales
office in Toronto.
Claire: Hi
Mrs B ro w n :______________ , Mrs BelL I’ve b e e n ______________ to meeting you.
Claire: Oh, please________________ Claire.
Mrs Brown: And I’m Jane,
Claire: ________________________________

D ialogue IV: M iss M arcos, a v is ito r fr o m A rgen tin a, is in trodu ced to Mr

O lim ov.
Mrs Green: Mr O lim ov,_______________ Miss Marcos? She is from Argentina.
Mr Olimov: Yes, I think w e’ve met before. It’s ____________________ !
M iss Marcos: T hat’s right, hello again.
Situations Right Wrong
1. Mr Tursunov is invited to the party. Practically, he knows
nobody. M r Tursunov is first introduced to the Chief ... ...
Executive Officer of the company. They shake hands firmly
and crisply.
2. Then he is introduced to the sales manager of the company.
Mr Tursunov shakes hands through the entire introduction.
3. Mr Alimov (the host) introduces Mr Tursunov to his wife
Shoira. Mr Tursunov offers his hand first.
4. Mr Alimov’s friend joins the group with a glass of wine in his
right hand. He wants to be introduced too.
5. Mr Tursunov greets other guests with a handshake offering
only his fingertips.
6. Mr Tursunov and Mr Grey have known each other since last
autumn. They shook hands with a smile.
7. Mr Tursunov leaves the party saying good-bye to everybody.

Exercise 16. Listen to the short dialogues and tick the required answers.
Discuss your answers in the group.
Dialogues Form al Inform al
D ia lo g u e I
D ia lo g u e 2
D ia lo g u e 3
D ia lo g u e 4
D ia lo g u e 5

E x e rc ise 17. C o m p le te t h e in tro d u c tio n s . D iscuss y o u r ch o ice in th e g ro u p .

1. Michael King intoduces him self to Jim Simpson:
M ic h a e l K in g : Hello,_________________ . My name is Michael King.
J i m S im p so n : ______________________ . I’m Jim Simpson.

2. P h i li p in tr o d u c e s S a r a h to J a m e s :
S a ra h : Philip, I don’t know anyone here. Vou will h a v e _____________
P h ilip : Of course, I’l l ____________to James. He's an old friend of mine.
James, _________________ Sarah, she’s just joined the company.
James: _________________ , S arah .___________________ come from?

3. Rod Burton introduces Peter Taylor to an im portant customer:

P e te : R od,____________ met Mrs Rodgers, the Purchasing Manager
from New York.
R od: I' m sorry. Come and meet her. Mrs Rodgers l e t _____________
Pete Taylor, our Export Sales Manager.
M rs R o d g e rs: (Very) nice to m e e t___. What country___________________?

4. Klaus Fisher introduces him self to an American visitor:

Klaus Fisher: H ow _________________ ? M y ____________________________

American: Pleased/nice to_________ . __________ Brenda Cole.

Exercise 18. Decide how you would greet people in the following five situations.
Match the greeting on the right w ith the situation on the left:

Situation № Greeting
1 You have been in correspondence with a It’s nice to put a face to
someone for some time. Finally you meet ..a.. a name.
face to face.
2 You have had appointments with this b We were very pleased to
person on two or three occasions, but have you with us.
something has always gone wrong. Finaly
you meet. с I’m very pleased to
3 Someone has just arrived in your company welcome you all here.
to spend six months doing some computer
training. d I’m pleased to meet you.
4 A trade delegation from Japan is visiting
your company. e It's very nice to m eet you
5 You are meeting your counterpart in at last.
another subsidiary.

Exercise 21. Read the situations on the left. Match them w ith an appropriate
reply on the right:
Situations № Replies
1. You’re at a party. It’s late and you d a) I really must be going, John. I’ve
want to leave. got another appointment now.
2. Your business meeting has just
finished. You have a train to catch. b) Thanks for the lift, Sue. I must be
3. You’ve had lunch with a visitor. off or I’ll miss my plane.
You have to meet another person c) Well, I really must leave now. I’ve
in fifteen minutes. got to get to the station
4. A friend is talking to you while
driving you to the airport You're d) I must be going. I’ve got to start
afraid you’ll miss your flight tomorrow.

Exercise 22. Supply the correct prepositions.

1 Could you introduce me ..... your Export Sales Manager?
2 How do you do? - Nice to have you ..... us.
3 Are you Mrs Smith, ... any chance?
4 I'm Head ...the Protocol D epartment here. You’re ... the Personnel
Department, aren’t you?
5 The proper shake comes ... eye contact.
6 As you make an introduction, include a brief bit ... information ... those
being introduced.
7 Meet Mr Sultanov, our chief executive officer. He is ... Samarkand.
8 “How do you do?” is the best way to respond ... a formal introduction.
9 Everyone should stand ... when being introduced.
10 Sometimes a title is all the information you need to give ... a person.
11 The proper shake doesn’t continue ... the entire introduction.
12 When making introductions, mention the name ... the most important person
13 When are you ...? - My train goes ... 5 p.m.
14 - I probably won’t be seeing Kate again.
- Never mind. I’ll say good-bye ... her ... you
15 Begin handshake ... fingers together and your thumb ... .
Exercise 23. W hat will you say in the following situations? Write down the
exact words you would use:
1. The customer service manager, Mrs Hudson, doesn’t know Linda Morris, the
new export clerk._______________________________________________
2. Your boss says to you: “This is Tony Watson. He’s visiting us from Canada."

3. Tony Watson says: “Hi, I think you know one of my colleagues, Ann Scott”

4. You’ve been introduced to someone by name, but later in the conversation

you can't remember the person’s nam e.______________________________
5. You enter an office full of strangers one morning. Someone asks if they can
help you.________________________________________________________
6. A visitor arrives after travelling a long distance to see you.

7. It’s time for you to leave. You look at your watch and realize that it’s later
than you thought.

8. You have just finished a meeting with your boss. You want to leave now to
.Tieet a visitor at the airport._________________________________________
9. You are talking to a friend at the platform. Your train is coming into the
10. You are talking to someone you have just met at the conference. Close the
conversation politely._____________________________________________

Exercise 26. a) As you get to know someone better it is useful to find out what
your common interests are. Then you can have a social
conversation. Which of these topics do people often talk when
they meet for the first time? Tick opposite your choice. Discuss it
in the group.

1 the journey О 6 the town/place they are in (from) О

2 the weather О 7 other towns / cities / countries О
3 sport О 8 their salaries О
4 their jobs О 9 politics О
5 holidays О 10 work/jobs in general О
Ъ) Listen to the dialogues and notice how the ‘small talk’ (social
conversation)develops. What topics did people touch? W rite down
the topics given in the previous exercise in the spaces provided.
Remember, there could be more than one choice.
1 . ________________ 4 ______________________
2 5 ______________________

Exercise 28. Match the answers in the right column w ith the questions in the
left. There could be more than one answer.
Questions № Answers
1. What do you think of York? ,.d. a) No. it’s my first visit.
г. How do you find the people? b) I live the old streets.
3. Have you been here before? c) Yes, I have, it’s wonderful.
4. Have you visited the art gallery? d) It’s a lovely place.
5. What do you like best? e) I’d like to see the country.
6. What do you think of the restaurants? f) They're OK - a bit traditional.
7. What are your plans? g) They’re very friendly.
Exercise 2. (b) Tick opposite the activities th at you think are im portant when
you speak on the phone. Discuss your choice in the group.

speaking clearly being brief _

being polite being inform ative _
sound efficient being friendly _
speaking loudly using gestures _

Exercise 3. Choose the required w ord/expressions and complete the sentences.

Remember, there could be more than one choice.
j --------------------------(television, art, electronics-based technology, radio) has
given us connections and clearer conversations over the telephone.
2 People also send letters through phone lines b y ----------------------(fax, E -
mail, post-office).
3 You can communicate at a distance by -------------------------- (telegraph,
mobile phone, telephone) even though you don’t have telephone/telegraph
lines or electricity.
4 You don’t have to look for a phone booth or use coins t o ---------------------
(make a call, send a fax, send a letter), if you’ve got a mobile phone.
5 It is better to prepare for an important call in a foreign language-------------
------------- (in advance, at once, later, beforehand).
6 You sh o u ld -------------------------------- (speak on the phone, give instructions,
make notes) while getting ready for a call and while talking.
7 To avoid misunderstanding when speaking on the phone it is good t o --------
------------- (joke, check information, repeat any important information, ) to
make sure you've got it right.
8 You should ask to ------------------------------(to speak louder, whisper, shout,
spell names and addresses) if you don't understand the message clearly.
g ---------------------------- ("thanks for your help”, “good-bye”, “OK”, “I look
forw ard-’, “Hello", “Thank you for calling”) is a rounding-off stage of a
telephone conversation.
10 While speaking on the phone you shouldn’t ignore the following ru le s :-------
------------------- ------------------------------------------ (be polite, be brief, interrupt,
sound efficient, speak fast, plan your call).

Exercise 4. Choose and match the required means of communication, w hich we

________ can use in the following situations.__________________________
1 While receiving a message by phone there 1. mobile phone;
is no need for me to be at the office or 2. fax machine;
home. I can do it through. 3. answering
2 I can receive a w ritten message by phone machine;
sent at my absence. 4. E-mail;
3 I can receive a spoken message by phone 5. internet;
at my absence. 6. notebook;
4 1 can receive a message with pictures by 7. post office;
phone at my absence. 8. pager.
5 My friend and I can communicate at a
distance face to face.
Exercise 5. Tick under the figure that corresponds to the order of the following
stages of communication by phone.

Stages _____ 1 2 3 4 5

warming up
closing greeting
opening greeting
rounding o ff
giving the message

Exercise 7. Match responses w ith the stages they are related to.

Phrases Responses Stages

1 Good morning. This is .../It’s ... Good morning. This is Opening
2 Good-bye (then). . / i r > .. greetings
3 Thanks for your help.
4 I look forward to meeting Warming
you. up
5 How are you?
6 I’m phoning about .... Giving the
7 Good-bye for now. message
8 I'd like to speak to ... .
9 Fine.
10 OK. Rounding
11 Great. o ff
12 1 look forward to seeing you
13 Could/can I speak to ...?
14 Hello. This is .../It’s ... . Closing
15 Could you give him /her greeting
a message?

Exercise 8. Match the rules you would follow while speaking on the phone in
th e situations below.

Situations Tips
1 You've got a lot of information to deliver 1.4.6,7,9
2 You are going to make an important call
3 You have a very extended message.
4 You don’t understand what is said.
5 You’d like to make a good impression on the person you speak to.
6 You give important information on the phone and want to be
sure the listener completely understands you.
7 There are a lot of details in the message you are receiving.
8 The person who is leaving a message is not sure you’ve got it
9. You’re tired and you have to answer the phone at the very end
of your working day.
10 The person you are addressing speaks very poor English.
11 The speaker can't help talking.
Exercisc 11. Listen and w rite.
a) L isten to the tape a n d correct th ese num bers
1 031 456 9567 .................. 3. 69 60 51 333
2. 22 31 49 02 .................. 4. 236 02 84
b) L isten to the tape a n d f ill in th e numbers.
Office Directory
Alirher Rasulov ............... Nigora S a id o v a .............. Philip B u n ter .....
Rustam O lim o v ..................... Rano A z iz o v a .................... Samantha Sm ith
A ziz Fayziyev ........................ George B ro w n .................... Bill R obertson .......
Roger C lin to n .....
c) L isten to the telephone operator an d w rite th e telephone num bers.
A r e a c o d e s o f s o m e c it ie s in U z b e k is ta n
Tashkent ................................... Khiva ..................................
S am arkand.................................... Namangan .................................
Bilki,ara .................................. Fergana .................................
Andijan .................................
Exercise 13. Fill in the missing inform ation in the dialogue.
Man: ....... -.... ............................Rustam Olimov.
Woman: Can you repeat your name, please?
Man: Rustam Olimov.
Woman: Can you spell it, please?
Man: Sure............
Woman: So, R -u-s-t-a-m O-l-i-m-o-v . Thank you. Good-bye.

Exercise 15. When did the meeting take place? Fill in the time with the correct
1 It w a s ................. (2nd September) 5 It w a s .............. (October 22 and 25)
2 It w a s ....-............ (9.30 a.m.) 6 It w a s .............(13 till 14 November).
3 It w a s .............(Thursday). 7 It w a s ......... 23 ......... 27 April
4 It w a s ................ (lunch) 8 Yesterday it took p lace..... 12.00.

Exercise 17. W here's M r Rustamov? Fill in th e correct prepositions

1 H e 's ...... work. 5 H e’s ..... the restaurant 9. He’s ......New York.
2 H e 's...... lunch. 6 H e’s ...... a mission. 10 He’s .....vacation.
3 H e 's...... a business 7 He’s ...... holiday. 11 He’s .....a conference.
trip. 8. H e’s .....a meeting. 12 He’s ......Tashkent.
4. H e 's ...... an office.

Exercise 18. Supply th e correct prepositions if necessary.

1 Please ask Mr Rustamov to meet me ......... Samarkand S ta tio n ......... 2nd June
........ 10 o'clock.
2 Farruh is .......... Bukhara ........... a business trip ........... the textile factory this
3 Our phone rings more ............... the morning than ............. the afternoon and
n e v e r ... -.....the evening.
4 You'll find me ........... m y office or ......... the restaurant (at dinner time)
........... Tuesday when you arrive.
5 The company will be closed............ April a n d ............ Easter but it will be open
6 He's com ing.............. L ondon...............Saturday and slaying ..........Tuesday.
7 Please, finish this p ro jec t......... the end of the month.
fl Mr Baxter's accountant is g oing.......... the bank before she g o es............. home.
them in the correct order by w riting the required figures.
Phrases Rustam Sarah Lee's
Olimov secretary
1 Could I speak to Sarah Lee, please? .14.. .3.. J.V-
2 Can I take a message?
3 Who is calling, please?
4 Could you ask her to call me?
5 This is Rustam Olimov.
6 Can you take a message?
7 Hold on th e line, please. ...
8 I’m sorry, she is in the meeting.
9 Can I leave a message?
10 I’m afraid she’s busy at the moment
11 This is Managing Director Rustam Olimov.
12 Could you tell her to call me back later?
13 Wait, please, I’m putting you through.
14 I’d like to speak to Sarah Lee, please.
15 Who is speaking?
16 Would you like to leave a message?

(b) Sit back to back and reproduce the dialogue w ith your partner.

Exercise 21. (a) Construct the dialogue using the notes below. Work in pairs.

Receptionist Caller
Answer the p h o n e ............................ Ask to speak to Sarah Lee....... j..........
A sk who's c a llin g ............................. Give your name and com pany ...........
Ask caller to hold the line ................ Offer to take a message ........................
Say she's at the meeting ................... Give the message.................................
Repeat the message ............................ Rounding o ff ........................................
Rounding o ff ........................................ Closing greetin g .................................
Closing g re e tin g .................................

(b) Sit back to back and reproduce the dialogue w ith your colleague.

Exercise 22. Listen to the conversation between Sarah Lee and Rustam Olimov
and tick the statem ents if they are true or false.

Statem ents True False

1 Rustam Olimov made a phone call.
2 He is at work.
3 Sarah Lee interviewed him yesterday.
4 She left something in his office by mistake.
5 She'll pick up the umbrella today.
6 Rustam was happy to co-operate with Sarah Lee.
Exercise 23. Here are the phrases from (he telephone conversation between
Rustam Olimov and Sarah Lee. Match the phrases with the
stages. Then listen to the dialogue and check your choice.

Phrases № Stages
1. Good morning. DAEWOO Electronics.
2. Sarah Lee.
3. Good morning. Could you put me through to
Rustam Oliinov's office?
Opening greetings
4. All right. I ’ll be in all day long.
Warming up
b Who’s calling, please?
6. Of course, I do. What can I do for you? Giving the message
7. One moment. I’ll put you though.
Rounding o ff
S. I think I left my umbrella in your office
Closing greeting
yesterday. Have you seen it by any chance?
19. Rustam Olimov speaking.
10. Thanks again for being hospitable.
10. Would you mind putting it on the shelf for me? I’m
going to pick it up.
12. Oh, Hello Mr Olimov. This is Sarah Lee here. Do you
remember we’ve met at the seminar?
13. Don't mention it . It was a pleasure.
14. Just a moment. Let me have a look ... . Yes, Mrs Lee.
15. OK. Good-bye, then.
It-' See you later.

Exercise 24. Listen to the dialogues and w rite down the telephone numbers.
I Man; ..........................................
Woman: Let me just check it.............................................
U. Man: ......................................................
Woman: Could you repeat the number, please?
ill Man: ......................................................
Woman: Let me check that, please....................................... ...............
IV Man: .....................................................
Woman: Can you repeat that, please?...............................................
Man: ..................................................................................................
V. Man:
Woman: Let me check that........................................................
Exercise 26. (a) Listen to the dialogue and complete it by inserting the missing
phrases in the spaces provided.

Mr Slater from New Zealand is phoning Rustam Olimov, his business partner.

Secretary: 1326033. Rustam Olimov’s office..........................

Caller: Can I speak ..................................... please?
Sj Let me check. Can you ...................?
Caller: Sure. ... Hello! It’s a bad Une. Are you there?
S.: Sorry, b u t ............................... Can you hear me now?
Caller: Yes, exactly.
S.: .............. but Mr Olimov’s in a meeting right now. May
................................ T
Caller: Well, I do need to speak to him. Do you know w h e n ..................?
S.: He should be free later this afternoon.
Caller: I see. Well..........Mr Slater of Central Trading Company from
New Zealand. I wonder if you could have him call m e ..............
S.: Certainly. What was your name again.......................................... ?
Caller: M y .........................................................................................................
S.: And what number are you on, Mr Slater?
Caller: My number i s ...................... The code for New Zealand i s ..........
Sj R ight So that’s .................................................................................
Mr Olimov can reach you o n .......................... Is th at right?
Caller: ..................................... I’ll be in all afternoon.
S.: Fine, I’l l ................................. Mr Slater. Good-bye.
Caller: Thank you ..................

(b) Listen again and check.

(c) Sit back to back w ith a partner and reproduce the whole dialogue.

Exercise 27. Listen and write down the required notes.

Take the message: Rustam Olimov is phoning Sarah Lee at her Seoul office. Listen
to the conversation and complete the receptionist’s message pad.

Message fo r
C aller's nam e
C om pany
Please call
C aller w ill phone back .................................
Dialogue I
ADC Corporation. Good afternoon!

Can I help you?

I’m sorry, but Mr Taylor is in a meeting at the moment. Any message?

I'll give him your message.

Not at all. Good-bye.

Dialogue II

This is John Grant speaking. Good afternoon!

I’d like to speak lo Mr Taylor, please.

I’d like to clarify some terms of the contract. Can I speak to his assistant?

Can you take a message?

Could you tell Mr Taylor that I’d like to see him on Thursday?

Thank you. Good-bye.

Excrcisc 29. Read the statem ents and choose the most appropriate answer.
1. The day starts with the first telephone call.
a) ADC company, good morning!
b) Hello?
c) Susan speaking!

2. This is Mr G rant speaking, could I speak to Mrs Snyder,'please?

a) I’m afraid she's not in.
b) You've got the wrong number.
c) I'm sorry she's on another line.

3. When can I speak to her?

a) She’ll be back in a minute.
b) She's away for a week.
c) She'll be in this afternoon.

4. It's urgent.
a) Can I take a message?
b) Can I do anything for you?
c) Shall I tell her to call you as soon as she comes back?

5. No, thank you. Is Mr Richardson in by any chance?

a) Let me check
b) He's in a meeting at the moment.
c) He's just gone out.
6. When can I reach him then?
a) I’ll ask his secretary.
b) I'll see. Can you just hold the line please?
c) One moment please.

7. Could you be quick please, I'm calling from a phone box, and my phone card
is running out!
a) Would you like him to call back?
b) I'll do my best!
c) Can I have your number.

8. Hello? Hello?
a) Yes, I'm still here!
b) I can't find his secretary.
c) Mr Richardson is going to call you.

9. Could you ask him to call me back?

a) Yes, I'll tell him.
b) Don't worry, I will.
c) Г11 leave a note on his desk.

10. By the way, could you give me the num ber of your head office?
a) Yes. You have to dial 132-06-50.
b) It’s 595-01-63.
c) 69-01-55.


1. Susan S trip is calling Mr Green.

a) Is th at 97-36-20?
b) Good morning, is Mr Green there, please?
c) Susan Strip here. Could I speak to Mr Green?

2. Yes, it is. Can I ask who is calling, please?

a) You don't know me. I'm Susan Strip.
b) Susan Strip.
c) It's Susan Strip, from ADC Corporation.

3. Who would you like to speak to?

a) I'd like to arrange an appointment with Mr Green
b) Mr Green's secretary, please.
c) To Mr Green, if he is in.

4. Please, hold the line.

a) All right.
b) He is there, isn't he?
c) Shall I tell her to call you as soon as she comes back?

5. W hat is it about, please?

a) Could you take a message, please?
b) I'd like to arrange an appointment.
c) Mr Grant would like to see him.
6. Hello? Sorry w hat were you .saying?
a) Didn't you tell me Mr Green was in?
b) I'd iike to arrange an appointment.
c) One moment, please.

7. When would you like to sec him?

a) Who makes his appointments then?
b) Next week if possible.
c) Can we arrange an appointment on the phone?

8. What about Wednesday at 12.30?

a) It doesn’t suit me.
Ы Son y, I’ll be busy al that time,
r: Wednesday at 12.30 will be all right.

9 ‘ ‘K, madam, Г11 tell Mr G reen about y o v meeting.

a) Could you give him a message?
b) Thank you. Good-bye.
c ) Mr Green will be busy next week.

Ky.crcise 30. Read the conversation and put the lines in the correct order.

: - OK. I’ll call back later. Good-bye. ______________________________

I - The Blueberry Company, can I h e l p ______________________________
'■ you? ______________________________
J- Could I speak to Robert Hill, please? ______________________________
j - I'm afraid h e’s not in at the moment.
; Can I take a message?
- Hello.
- About 3 o’clock.
- Could I have extension 3565?
- Y es
- No, thank you I’ll call back. When do
I you expect him back?
- I'm sorry. The line is busy. Will you
hold on?
- The line is free. I can connect you
Good-bye.___________ ____________ ~ ~
Excrcise 3. Match the means and the places of travelling with the types of
travelling. Discuss your choice in the group.

Exercise 6. P u t the verbs given in brackets in the required form.

1. I p r e f e r ....................... t o ................... by train (travel, drive).
2. People usually p re fe r................. tickets for flights in advance t o ...............
them right before travel (book, buy).
3. He p re fe rs............. rather t h a n .............. by train (drive, travel).
4. I usually p re fe r.................... a window seat rather than an aisle seat (take).
5. - Shall we go by plane?
- sea (go).
6. - Shall we leave now?
- for a few minutes (wait).
7. I’d p re f e r ...............................rather th a n ....................... (walk, go) by car.
8. - W hat would you recommend me eating on the flight?
- You’d better..................... (eat) sandwiches on the flight.
9. I'd rather y o u .....................(follow) the well-being program on the plane.
10. You had better.....................(pack) your things beforehand.
Exercise 7. Match the pictures with the names of places at the Heathrow
a irp o rt
1. London Underground
2. Express Coach & Local Bus
3. Car Hire

5. Smoking а b cV ^^V d
6. Rail/Air Coach Links И В У
7. Parking ........ ........ ........ ........
8. Chemist's ___—.
9. Information g ^ 3 h
10. Buses to terminal ........
Exercise 8. In general, there are two types of flights: Local (domestic) and
International flights. Match the following words whether they are
related to local or international flights, o r both. Discuss your choicc
in the group.

Words Local (domestic) International

flights flights
checking in
customs officer
immigration official/officer
hand luggage
boarding pass/card
duty free shops
to clear/go through the customs
red/green channel
to pay duty on
personal things/belongings
declare/fill in a declaration form

Exercise 11. Listen to the conversation between Sarah and Rustam.

Tick “T” (true) if the following statem ents correspond to the
content of th e above text and “F” (false) if they don’t

Statements T F
1 Sarah’s trip was a holiday.
2 She did the Well-being in the air programme on the flight.
3 She felt very well after the return flight
4 “Well-being" meals are lighter than the normal menu meals.
5 The passengers on Sarah's flight drank more mineral w ater than

Excrcise 13. Match the most suitable answers lo the questions below.
Remember, there could be more than one choice.
Questions a,b_ Answers
1. Why did Mr Alimov ask for an ..b.. (a) because he was going on a
economy class ticket? business trip.
2. Why was he going to buy a (b) because it was much cheaper.
return ticket? (c) because he was coming back
in a fortnight.
3. How did he pay for the ticket? (a) in cash
(b) by credit card
(c) traveller’s cheques
4. What is the advantage of a return (a) it is much cheaper.
ticket? (b) it is the most expensive.
(c) it is convenient.
5. Could Mr Alimov check-in at the (a) Yes.
terminal in Tashkent? (b) No.
(c) No information
Kxcrcisc 14 Listen lo Ihe 3 dialogues and [ill in the required information.
The Caterpillar Company are expecting three visitors. Helen Robeils. office
manager of the company, has to fin d out their travel details. As you listen, fill in
the table below.
Name: Jane Parker M artin Taylor M ichael F reem an
Arrival date

Flight num ber

Arrival time

Exercise 17. Listen to the announcements and fill in the chart.

Flight No Destination G a te Remark

Excrcise 18. Listen to the dialogue. Fill in the missing phrases in it and
complete the boarding pass.

C h eck in g in
A Excuse me. I am flying to London. Can I ------------- f o r ---------- 601 here?
В Yes, you can. Y our--------------- , please.
A Here you are.
В ----------------------- hand luggage?
A ---------------------- bag.
В ------------------------------smoking or non - smoking?
A .................— - .
В A window seat o r ------------------, please?
A ------------ ---------1 please.
В Let me see ... Seat ------------. Board a t ------------ , g a te -------- .
A I'm ------------ , ------------y o u ----------------- that?
It Yes, s e a t-------- , boarding tim e -------- , g a te ------.
A Sorry, which gate is it?
В ------------- n u m b e r------.

Boarding Pass
Name of passen g er______________
fro m _____________t o ___________________

Flight Class Date Time Gate Boarding time Seat Smoking.

Exercise 20. (a) Read th e announcements. Choose from the brackets the most
suitable w ord/phrase that is missing and underline it.

1 On behalf of Uzbekistan Airlines, Captain Jaffarov and his crew ... (would like to
welcome you/hope you have had a pleasant flight) on board this aircraft. Our ...
(tiying time/local time) to London will be six hours, and we shall be flying at a
height of 8,000 metres We hope you will enjoy your ... (flight/flying-time).
2 We’ll be ... (arriving/flying/flying-tim e/taking-off) in London at one o’clock
(local time/flying-time). For your own safety please make sure that seat belts
are ... (fastened/unfastened).
3 Will passengers please remain seated till the aircraft has come to a complete ...
(halt/land/ flight/crew/non-smoking area/local time)? Please remember to
collect your ... (hand luggage/ baggage/seat-belt).
4 We hope you have enjoyed your ... (flight/flying-time).
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of our captain, we would like to
... (welcome you/fasten/unfasten/take-off/land/taxi) on board. We hope you’ll
Have a pleasant flight.
6. Passengers may now ... (unfasten/fasten) seat-belts, and ... (smoking is
perm itted/refrain from smoking).
7 Please, refrain from (flying/smoking/non-smoking/landing).

F.xercise 22 (a) Listen to the dialogue.

(b) Listen to the dialogue again and respond to the Immigration

Going through Passport Control

Immigration Officer: Can I have your passport, please?

Rustam Alimov: _____ __________ _
Immigration Officer: Are you here on holiday?
Rustam A l i m o v : _________________
Im m igration Officer: How long will you be staying in Great Britain?
Rustam Alimov: ________________
Immigration Officer: Have you got a return ticket?
Rustam Alimov: ___________________
Immigration Officer: Thank you.

Exercise 27. Choose from the list the missing words or phrases in the text and
copy them into the spaces provided.

bourdmg pass, terminal, airport, departure, c h e c k -in , air t ic k e t, g a te , e x c e s s

b a g g a g e / l u g g a g e ( o v e r w e i g h t ), s c a l e s ( w e i g h i n g m a c h i n e ) , l u g g a g e ( b a g g a g e ) , k i l o s

Г! istam Alimov took the .............. (1) bus from the .................. (2) to the airport. On
reaching the airport he found “HY” ..................(3) counter, and showed the clerk
his .................. (4). He asked RAlimov to put his .................. (5) on the .................. (6),
and it weighed forty five ................. (7), so he had to pay a lot for .................. (8).
The Clerk gave Rustam Alimov his ..................... (9), which he put in his passport
with the ticket. Then t h e .....................(10) of his flight was announced, so he went
t o .....................(11) ten and out onto the plane. When he arrived he felt jet-lagged.
Exercise 28. Supply the correct prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
1. I’d like to make a reservation....a flight to London..... March 10 th.
2. When does the p la n e ....Boston take ..... ?
3. Passengers should a rriv e .... the airp o rt.... least, an h o u r ....advance.
4. Where can I c h e c k ......... flig h t.... Paris?
5. The plane has just le f t ... Berlin.
6. Passengers who travel abroad must g o .... the Customs.
7. I’d rather f ly ......... the morning and ...........night.
8. Will you p a y .... credit c a rd ,.... traveller's cheques o r .... cash?
9. What flights are th e r e ....schedule?
10. Your reservation i s ... flight HY 605 .... London....T ash k en t..... Thursday.
11. The only seat available ....that flight is ..... the first class, I’m afraid.
12. W hat’s the London airport we'll a rriv e ....?
13. Last call ... flight HY 510 ....Frankfurt boarding ..... Gate 2
14. If you want to make a claim ... lost luggage you’ll have to fill this form.
15. Can I put this suitcase and the travel bag ... my name ... them ... the scales?
Exercise 29. Fill in the Customs Declaration.
Keep (or tbe duration of your stay Persons giving false informationiu the
io Uzbekistan or abroad Customs Declaration, or toCustoms officers shall render
Not renewable in case of loss themselves liable under laws of Uzbekistan
Full name________________________________ _______ ________„_
Arriving from_______________________________________________
Countryof destination___________________;_______________________ _
Purpose of visit______________________________________________
(business, tourism, private, etc )
MyLuggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspectionconsists of
____________________________________________________ pieces.
Withmeand in inyluggage I have:
1 Weapons of all descriptionandammunition ------------------
2 Narcoticsand appliances for the usethereof
3 Antiaues and obiecls of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures, etc
4 Uzbekistan national currency. State Loanbonds, lotterv tickets -------------------
5. Currencyother lhan Uzbekistannational currency (bank notes, exchequer bills, coins). Payment
voucher (cheques, bills, letter of credit, etc) securities (shares, bonds, etc.) in foreign currencies, precious
metals (gold, silver, platinum, metals of platinumgroup) inany fromor condition, crude and processed natural
precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearis), jewels and other articles made of
precious metals and precious stones and scrap thereof, as well as property papers:
Description Amount / quantity For official use
Znfigures In words

6. Uzbekistan national currency, other currency, payment voucher, valuables and any objects belonging to
other persons_______________________________________
I amaware that inaddition to the objects listedintbe Customs Declaration 1must submit for inspection:
printed matter, manuscripts, films, videoand sound recordings postage stamps, pictorial matter etc... as well
as plants, fruits, seeds, alive animals and birds, animal aud poultry products.
I alsodeclare that my luggage sent separately consists of_________________picces.
(date)_________200___ Owuer of luggage.........................
NOTE To be filledin duplicate
(I copy for the owner of luggage)
(I copy for the Customs)
Excrcise 30. Listen and com plete the lorm.
Rustam Olimov hasn’t got his luggage yet. He is speaking to the ‘Luggage Claim’
official. Fill in the form. A sk questions to complete it.
British Airways Luggage Claim
Passenger’s n a m e ------------------------------------------
Flight n u m b e r----------------------------------------------
Arriving fro m --------------------- t o ----------------------
D a te ---------------- --------------------------------------------
Claim for damage/loss (delete as appropriate)
Description of luggage (colour, size):
1 -----------------------------------------------------
2 -----------------------------------------------------
3 -----------------------------------------------------
C o n tents-------------------------------------------------------

Contact address -----------------------------------

Telephone n u m b e r--------------------------------
Staying until ---------------------------------
Passenger’s sig n a tu re----------------------------

Exercise 31. Complete th e dialogues.

Dialogue 1. Buying an Air Ticket Dialogue 2. Checking in for flight.
- I’d like to reserve a ticket to New York. - 7
- Yes. Can I have your ticket, please?
- A roundtrip, please.
_ ................................................? - Have you got any luggage?
- On the l sl of July.
- Put them on the scales, please.
- I prefer business class.................... _ ....................................... 7
- $ 1,800 - No, you needn’t. T hat’s your hand
. ............................................. 7 luggage.
- 8 hours. 7
_ ............................................. ? - No, you don’t have to pay extra
- JFK .................................................? charge, sir.
- July the 7,h. _ ....................................... 7
- Gate 2. Here’s your boarding pass.
- Rustam Alimov. Have a nice flight.

- By credit card.

- Thank you.

Exercise 32. Read the conversation and put the lines in the correct order.

- Do you have just one suitcase?

- T hat’s fine. Smoking or non- smoking?
- Yes, th at's OK. Here’s your boarding
pass. Have a nice flight!
- Can I have your ticket, please?
- Yes. This bag is hand luggage.
- Non-smokirig, please. A nd can I have
a window seat?
- Yes, of course. Here you are.

E xercisc 1 (a) C hoose and copy in lo th e spaccs provided the required words
out of th e list below .
r e s t a u r a n t, h o te l, m o te l, in n , r e s o r t, m o u n ta in s , a ir p la n e s , g y m , t e n n i s c o u r t,
bu ses, s n a c k b a r, p a r k i n g s p a c e , c o n fe r e n c e , c a r s , tr a in s , b ic y c le s , f i t n e s s c lu b

W h a t a r c t h e u s u a l places t o W h a t f a c ilit ie s ca n h o t e ls W h at a re th e u su a l m ea n s
s ta y w h e n tr a v e llin g ? p r o v id e ? fo r tr a v e llin g ?

(b) D iscuss y o u r choice w ith you r partner.

(c) W h en ch oosin g a h o tel for a bu sin ess trip w h ich of th e fo llo w in g factors are
th e m ost im portant for you:

Location of th e hotel 0
Business centre facilities О
Cost О
Recommended by a colleague/friend О
Leisure facilities (gym, fitness centre, О
swimming pool, etc.)
Article in press О

(d) D iscu ss y o u r choice w ith your partner.

E xercise 4. C h oose and u n d erlin e (or tick) th e w ord (or phrase) that refers to
t h e idea of th e statem en t. D iscu ss your choice w ith your partner.

1. If you w an t your services to be known you should ... (advertise, compare,

provide) th em in new spapers, magazines, airports.
2. ... (lodges, resorts, motels, inns) are usually in th e mountains, on th e coast of a
sea or n e a r lakes.
3. If you regularly stay a t th e sam e hotel you will receive (a special custom er
statu s, a cham berm aid, a tip).
4. If your clothes or any of your things are dirty you should:
□ go to a hotel laundry and leave your things th ere
□ call a maid
□ call a bellman
□ call room service
□ put them into a bag you have got in th e room, fill in a laundry
or cleaning slip, and leave it in the room.
5. C h o o s e a n d w r i t e d o w n i n t h e s p a c e s p r o v i d e d t h e f i g u r e , w h i c h r e f e r s t o
th e id e a o f th e s ta te m e n t.
(a) If you w a n t your things carried into your room in th e hotel you should pay
a tip of ... ( $ 2 ; f l ; 1 5 % a n d 2 0 % o f t h e b i l l ) .
(b) You should give a tip of ... to a cham berm aid for a special service.
($ 2 ; f l ; 15% a n d 20% )
(c) If you w an t to have your car parked or get a taxi ready you should give a
tip of ... (f2; f l ; 15% and 20%) to a valet.
(d) You should pay extra money to a w aiter in th e restaurant, to taxi drivers or
for o th er services about ... ($2; f l ; 15% and 20%) oi th e bill (check).
fi Cnoose an d tic k a w ord required fo r the fo llo w in g statem en t fro m th e lis t
g iv e n below. Rem em ber, there cou id be m ore th an one choice.

A .......... doesn 't expect a tip for the usual duties sh e /h e perforins.
□ cham berm aid Q w aiter
□ bellman □ w aitress
П valet □ hotel m anager
□ taxi d riv er □ receptionist

E xercise 6. P u t th e num ber of the w ord op p osite the sen ten ce lo th e idea
o f w h ich it is related. D iscuss you r ch o ice w ith the partner.

1 i:in= Along the highway which connects these two cities there are a lot of...
2 m.r'.r'ls .... and .... usually provide a lot of parking spaces
3 lodges - and .... are usually built near a sea, at the banks of big rivers or
. lesorts lakes and mountains.
... and ... are going to be built in Chimfian in the nearest future.

(Exercise 8. Y ou are g o in g to hear tw e lv e sta tem en ts. Each statem en t is th e

a n sw e r to one of th e q u estion s g iv e n in ex ercise 7. L isten to th e
sta te m en ts and decide w h ich is th e m ost appropriate qu estion .

1.. 2. 3. 4. . 6. 8. 9. 10. . 11. 12..

V xcrcise 9. M ake up your ow n exam ples illu s tr a tin g th e models.

Exercise 10. L isten to th e three dialogues. M atch th e card ( la or lb ) w ith

th e correct inform ation in th e sp aces provided.
l a ........ l b .......
1 Room reservations Room reservations
Name: Joseph Halem Name: George Balem
1 Room type: single Room type: single
! A rrival date: M ay l sl A rriv al date: May 6th

2 a ___ 2 b ___
j Room reservations Room reservations
j Name: Lee Name: Lee
■Poom type: double w ith bath Room type: single with bath

3 a ____ 3 b ........
i Room reservations Room reservations
i Name' Blake Name: Blake
; M ethod of M ethod of
j puyinunt: trav eller’s cheques paym ent: credit card
j Reference C ard
; N um ber: 1236457680 num ber: 1236457680
E xercise 15. In th e first colu m n b elow you w ill read th e statem en ts th a l are
related to th e co n te n t of the d ialogu e you have read. T ick “T ” if
th e y confirm the idea of th e d ialogu e and “F ” if they don:t.

S tatem en ts T F
1. The lady w ants to stay at th e hotel for a night. О о
2. At h er request the lady w as provided a double room. о о
3. The stay fo r a night in a single room includes th ree meals о о
a day.
4. The lady should fill in the registration form herself. о о
5. The receptionist promised to w ake h er up early in the
morning. Э о
6. B reakfast in the hotel is from 7 to 10 o’clock. о о
7. The rules in the hotel allow m aking calls straig h t from
the room. So the lady will be able to call Paris from h er о о
8. She can send a fax from th e business centre of the hotel
and pay by credit card. о о
9. The lady is going to pay cash. о о
10. The lady would probably not be able to have breakfast о о
because she is leaving early in the morning.

Exercise 20. T h ese w ord s describe h otels and fa c ilitie s th ey offer.

W h at is the hotel like?

1 delicious ..е_ 7 f r o n t... 13 hospitable ... 19 cheap ...

2 grand ... 8 c o n v e n ie n t... 14 spacious ... 20 attractiv e
3 hom e-m ade- 9 traditional ... 15 welcoming..: 21 5-star
4 well located... 10 m odem ... 16 beachside...
5 elegant- 11 back ... 17 excellent-
6 quiet... 12 friendly ... 18 famous ...

M atch them w ith th e fo llo w in g w ords. The first on e is done for you.

(a ) lo c a tio n ; ( b ) r o o m s ; ( c ) s e r v ic e ; ( d ) a tm o s p h e r e ; (e j fo o d ; f f ) tr a n s p o r t; (g ) h o te l

Exercise 21. P u t in the m issin g w ords. Som e w ords m ay be used m ore lh an

1 I’d like ..............a double room a t your hoteL
2 T he hotel has a swimming .................... a tennis court, a solarium and other

3 How much is a single room p e r .......................... ?

4 H o w ............. are you p la n n in g ......................... ?
5 The receptionist asked th e g u e s t.................. the registration form.
6 In hotels the follow ing.......................a re available.
7 Could you give me ................ to m y room?
8 G uests a re required to fill i n ........................
9 Will you ............... by credit card or in cash?
10 usually takes the guests’ suitcases up to th eir rooms.
1 I have reserved a double r o o m ..... your h o te ree days.
2. You should fill .... a registration form.
3. B reakfast is s e r v e d ....... 7 .... 10.30.
4. Tf you w ant to get a room at a hotel ..... sum m er, you should reserve
accom m odation....advance.
5 May I hav e th e key ..... m y room, please?
6. W e have reserved a r o o m ...... M r Black.
7. A double room costs $ 65 ............ night.
8. W hen c h e c k in g ..........I alw ays ask if th ere is any m a il............ me.
9. A suite c o n o or th re e rooms.
10.1 w ant to reserve a double room ..........a b a t h ........... a week.
11. The bellm an tu rn ed ...... th e light, checked w h eth er everything was ......order
and asked if th ere w as anything else he could d o me.
12. Will you p a y ....... cash o r card?
13. The bellm an took us ............... o u r room .......... the lift
14. Could you call a t a x i ..... me?
1й W hen you arrive at a hotel, you should c h e c k ..... first

E xercise 23. L isten to tbe sta tem en ts and find ou t w h a t th e se h otel gu ests
w a n t or are com p lain in g about.

1 T he g u e st w an ts to know: 5 The g u e st wants:

О a the porter. О a you to recom m end a shop.
о b 'to find the lift. О b to know if she can walk to the shops.
о с an early morning calL О с th e receptionist to call a taxi.
2 The g u e st is com p lain in g about: 6 The g u e st w an ts to know:
о a the bill. О a w here she can b u y a new spaper.
о b the heat. О Ъ w hat tim e the new sagents open.
о с th e price. О с w ants to give th e receptionist some­
3 T he guest: thing she has found in th e lobby.
о a is going to check out. 7 The g u est w an ts you:
о b has left som ething in th e room о a to give hei' change of 5 dollars.
с w ants to borrow th e m aster key. о b to pay th e taxi d river
4 The g u e st w an ts to know: о с to argue about the fare with the driver.
о a if she can have Mr B row n's key. 8 The guest:
о b if Mr. B row n is at th e h o tel о a is leaving and w ants th e bilL
о с w h at Mr B row n’s room о b w ants to know w here the fast food
num ber is. outlet is.
О с is not well and needs some medicine.
1 2
B eechfield H ouse The M endip H otel

A fine Victorian C ountry House Come and see the ideal facilities
set in 8 acres of law ns and parkland. for a W edding Reception. Your
The bedroom s all have private private reception can be discussed in
bathroom , television and telephone. detail.
T h ere’s я delightful view over
Blagdon lake and the quiet
surroundings of th e Mendip Hills:
P riv ate parties are arranged too.
3 4
T h o rn b u ry C astle Avon G orge H otel
H otel and R esta u ran t Californian Jazz Nights
The m ain ap artm en ts in th e South wing W ednesday until Friday
are being re-equipped to provide 10 John Cooper Jazz Trio
luxurious bedrooms. S aturday
T he re s ta u ra n t is open 7 days a w eek for Blue Notes Jazz Band
luncheons and dinners. PJS. W eather perm itting o ur
T errace Bar will be open

P la n te rs In n
A beautiful 62-room hotel built in 1844.
The inn u n d erw en t a $4 million renovation in 1997.
Executives and corporations can find its large
conference facilities a perfect place for general
meetings. Located in the h e a rt of downtown.
It's also home to H ank’s Seafood R estaurant.

1 Which hotel would you like to stay and w h y ? .........

2 Which hotel will you choose if you w an t to stay a t a luxurious hotel?
3 Which hotel provides facilities for wedding parties? .............
4 Which hotel will you choose if you need to arran g e a conference or a
m eeting?.......
5 W here will you go if you w ant to listen lo music? .........
6 Which hotel will you choose if you w ant a q uiet place to stay? ..........
7 Which hotels will you choose if you p re fe r old-style hotels? ..........
8 Which hotels will you choose if you w ant to have a nice view? ...........
9 Which hotel will you choose if you like se a fo o d ?............
10 Which hotel arranges p rivate p a rtie s ? ............
1 You have been lo o k in g for a hotel tor a lo n g tim e. It's late in th e e v en in g
w hen vou find a h otel.
a) Have you got a room, please?
u) Coukl I reserve a room, please?
c) Have you got an y vacancies?
2 I’m sorrv. w e have no vacancies. W e are fu lly booked.
a) Oh, no! W hat am I going to do?
b) Nothing?
c) Can you help m e find anything nearby?
3 You can try to fin d a h o te l in the cen tre o f the city. T here are a lo t of
h otels there.
a) I have already tried th em all!
b) Do you think I can find a hotel a t this time?
с I Can you recom m end an y hotels?
4 Oh. just a m inute! S o m eo n e has just checked o u t.
a) A re you sure?
b) Really?
c) I am lucky, anyway.
5 You are luckv. W e have o n e room left.
a) Oh good!
b) Is it a single room?
c) Not a front room?
6 There is on ly a d ou b le room left.
a) It doesn’t m atter.
b) T hat will do,
c) T hat will be fine.
7 W ould vou lik e to a te th e room?
a) Yes, I’d like to.
h) I'll get m y suitcase first,
c) Yes, is th a t possible?
8 T h is w av , please. I t ’s o n th e seco n d floor. W e c a n w a lk th e re .
a) Do you have a re sta u ra n t at th e hotel?
b) Is it a front room?
c) W hat tim e is breakfast?
9 B reak fast is from 7 till 10.00.
a) Is th ere room service?
b) Is th ere a sw im m ing pool?
c) Can we have break fast in our room?
10 Yes, vou can. H ere w e are. The room faces th e garden.
a) T here is a nice view, isn’t there?
b) T h a t’s nice.
c) Is th ere a bathroom ?
i.l Yes, th ere is a sh ow er, too.
a) I am dying to have a shower,
h) Fine, I'll take th e room,
c) H ave you got a bigger room?
12 And now , vou sh ou ld fill in th e registration form.
a) How much is th e room?
b) Does it include breakfast?
c) How much does one night cost?
13 T he room is $100 nor night.
a) Tl's very expensive.
b) How much is a single room?
i ) Unfortunately. I have lo lake the room.
14 llo w lorn; w ill vou be sla v in g here?
a) One night.
b) 5 days.
c) 1 haven't made lip inv mind yet.
15 P lease, d on ’t forgel lo leave the key w ith th e receptionist w h en you go
a) I w on't forgel about il.
b) I'll do that
c) I'll do my best
16 Vou m av call room serviee if vou need a n yth in g.
a) Everything is all right.
b) I will.
c) Should I press the button'.'
17 The n e x t m orning vou com e up to the receptionist ti> check o u t.
a) I am leaving.
b) 11 was nice to be here
c) Could I have the hill, please?
18 I>id vou en io v vnur stay?
a) Yes, I'd like to stay longer.
b) Yes. blit I prefer m y own bed.
c) Yes, except for the car alarm system.

E xercise 26. C om plete th e dialogues.

D ialogue 1
Avon Gorge Hotel. Good afternoon, llo w can 1 help yon?

Yes. certainly When do you need the room?

A nd for how long?

Can I have your name, please?

Fine. Y o u r room num ber is 305

You are welcome

D ialogue 11
Hello M y name's Helen Foster. I ’d like a room.

A single room w ith a shower

Could you help me fill in the form, please’

T hank you
I'm from Nissan Company. We have reserved a room for M r Slater at
your hotel

No, we have reserved a suite

T h a i’s all right. W hat floor is the room on?

T hank you.

R xercise 27. Read th e conversation and put the lin e s in the correct order.

- How much is the room?

- Л double room, please. Does the room have
a balli?
- Good morning. Can I help you?
- No, it’s a front room. Y o ur room num ber is 415. j ____
- Does the charge include breakfast?
- Good morning W e'd like a room for 2 nights ------------------------- -----
- $85 per night. ...... ............... -- ■■■
' - Л single room or a double?
- Ts it a back room? '__
- Certainly.
- You are welcome 1 hope you'll enjoy your slay.
- W ill you see lo m y luggage, please"1 -
- Yes. every room has a bath and a shower
- Yes. we tak e credit cards and cheques. H ere is
! your key.
; - Yes. it does
j - Thanks. - ....... ....... — - —
• - Can 1 pay by credit card? - ■- - - - — —
! - T hank you
I - Yes, of course. T h e bellman will take it up to
your loom
Could yo^_ sign Uie re g is te r? ______ _ __________ ____________ ____

l.xcrci.sU 28; P ci'fo tm the follow ing.

H e le n K’o l x T r t К ' t r y i n g 1 6 r e s e r v e a r o o m fo r M r G r a n t. S h e is c a llin g th r e e h o te ls
ro rts/c a b a j i v t h e i r f a c i l i t i e s . E .ist& iV t o t h e t e l e p h o n e c a l l b b n d t n d i c a r e i n t h e t a b l e
i i . '/ u c h h o t e l s m e e t l i e r T l q i i i r e m e t i l s . W r i t e « y e s ' * , i f t h e h o t e l m e e t s t h e
r p q iiir e m e n ls a iid u n i t e r /V о » , i f it d o e s n o t .

j R equirem ents J lo lc l 1 I H otel 2 H otel 3

1 Rooms available
2 Telephone
! ,'J Near the centre of tin 1 city
■4 M eeting room
I Ti llc^tillirHnL
Exercise X. P erform th e fo llo w in g assignm ents.
1) Mark the words, which can be used to make the description of a city.

traffic □ church □ m useum □ famous □

policeman □ climate □ dry □ deep □
storm y □ square □ river □ capital □
ordinary □ space □ quiet □ building □
picturesque □ smoke □ im portant □ wide □
vast □ fog □ dream □ crowded □

2) Explain your choice to the teacher. Prove your choice w ith the sentence of
your own.

E xercise 2. G u ess th e m ean in g of th e fo llo w in g w ord-com binations. If the

m ean in g is related to th e idea o f transport tick under lette r A
an d if it is related to th e idea o f w h ere to go tick under lette r B.

stream of buses □ □ traffic problems □ □
ancient narrow streets □ □ lorries and vans □ □
hotels and offices □ □ pedestrians □ □
underground □ □ netw ork of coaches □ □
taxi and buses □ □ official crossing □ □
m ultistory buildings □ □ no parking □ □
central p a rt of th e city □ □ places of interest □ □
m onum ents an d old churches □ □ crowded and noisy streets □ □

Exercise 5. R ead th e fo llo w in g statem en ts. Tick “T ” if the statem en t corresponds

to th e co n ten t o f th e te x t and “F"- if it d oesn ’t

S tatem en ts T Ғ
1. When we think of Paris, Rome, London, Washington, Tokyo and other
capitals we think of them as towns with equal population.
' 2. Large and important towns are usually called cities.
3. Rome and other cities mentioned in the text have developed so greatly ...

thal narrow and crooked streets have disappeared in them totally.

4. When you are in a big city you will always find interesting places to see.
5. There is a small choice of means of transport except a taxi service in a big
city. ...

6. “Rush hours” is the time when people hurry to their jobs and back home. ...

7. The underground railway in Great Britain is usually called Subway and

in the USA it is called Tube.
8. It is faster to move in the city by bus, trolley-bus or tram routes.
9. Moving downtown in the USA is going to the centre and uptown
- in the opposite direction.
10. In a taxi you pay to a driver by the meter without any additional money. ... j
11. In EDgland the bus has two floors and is called double-decker.
12. The pedestrians should not use the official crossing in the streets.
13. Walking is the quickest way of getting about a city or town.
14. The visitors to a foreign city must leam how to use buses and the
underground. ________ j
1. double-decker oral notice about events that have happened, are happening
or mill happen
2. coach opposite o f wide; small; limited
3. advertisem ent not straight; bent; curved
4. announcem ent a paid notice that tells people about a product or service
5. crooked a lack of something needed
6. narrow an unfortunate case or event
7. shortage money charged fo r journey by bus, ship, taxi
8. subw ay underground railway in England
9. pedestrian underground railway in the USA
10. fare a person who is walking, esp. in an area where vehicles go
11. crowd a bus w ith two decks
12. accident a long-distance bus
13. tube a large group of people who have gathered together

Excrcisc 8. T h e te x t “G ettin g about a c ity ” c on tain s se v e n paragraphs. C hoose the

sta te m en t b e lo w th a l y o u th in k can e n title the paragraphs.

T itle s I U 111 IV V VI vn
1. T he m eans of city transportation.
2. T he problem s of tran sp o rtatio n w e face in a city.
! 3. The m ost general things we know about tow ns and
M ultistory buildings is a typical view of a m odern
city .
A ncient tow ns and m odern cities are v ery popular
w ith th e travellers.
How to use transportation m eans in th e city.
T he m ain m eans of transportation for travellers.
The stre e ts are v ery crow ded and noisy in cities and
some ancient towns.
T he signs of direction in th e US cities and towns.
How you should beh av e yourself while walking
in th e streets.
E xercise 10. R ead the sen ten ces. C hoose and fill in the m issin g w ords in the
correct form.

B u ild in g , s k y s c r a p e r s , o u t s k i r ts , b r id g e , a d v e r tis e m e n ts , iv a y , d o w n t o w n ,
in h a b ita n ts , zo o , fa r e , s u b w a y , e x c u r s io n , p a s s e n g e r , p a r k , s ta d iu m .

1. Going about th e tow n to see the places of interest is called a / a n ..................

Such ..............are organized not only for foreigners b u t for the natives too.
2. The money paid for a jo u rn ey in a tram , bus or train i s ........................ But in
th e underground people pay the .................. buying a token.
3. The person w ho travels by tram , bus or train is .........................
B u t ................... can use a pass card for a period of a year, month, week, etc.
4. A large piece of ground in town or city with greenery for public use i s .........
T here a re v e ry m a n y ............. in London such as Hyde Park, St. Jam es Park,
Richm ond P ark and others. St. Jam es P ark is one of the most beautiful
.............of London and it is situated in th e middle of th e city.
5. A park in w hich anim als are k ep t for exhibition is .......... Many families w ith
th eir children p refer to spend th eir free tim e in th e ................... on S atu rd ay
or on Sunday.
6. A field for sports w ith seats around it i s ......................... New ..................arc-
very im pressive and th ey m eet th e requirem ents of international standards.
7. The underground railw ay system in th e USA is c a lle d ...............................It is
very quick and comfortable.
8. Halifax is a town of one hun d red fifty th o u s a n d .......................standing on
th e R iver Calder.
9. I am g o in g ................... to do some shopping.
10. Which is the shortest .'.............. to the nearest town?
11................................. along th e roads are very interesting and informative.
12. Of th e num erous bridges w hich cross the Thames th e W ate rlo o ............... is
one of th e m ost g racefu l
13. London airport is on th e w estern ................of London.
14. The g re a t collection o f ................... towering over M anhattan is the chief
feature of New York.
15. One of th e h ig h e s the USA is th e 102- story Empire S tate
The First p a rt of th e sentence The second p art of the sentence

1. Manufacturers and shopkeepers a ... have m ade th e city th e main

advertise ... “gatew ay" lo th e U nited States,
2. Some new spapers hav e m any ... b ... they are how ever vpry
3. Have you h eard th e announcem ent ... expensive,
4. We boarded one of th e giant double- с ... pages of advertisem ents
deckers an d ... d ... today it is a city in itself, th e
?. In London passengers are carried ... h ea rt and th e pulse of th e
i). The m oney paid for a journey in a coloured population of th e USA.
train, bus, etc. is called ... e ... is usually called “th e C ity”.
7 The financial and business cen tre in During the day it is full of people
London ... b u t at nig h t it is almost a desert,
8 New Y ork’s position on th e A tlantic f ... a fare.
coasts at th e m outh of th e Hudson g ... the goods they want to sell.
river and its convenient h arb o u r ... h... about a lecture on Road Signs
9. Years ago H arlem w as a d istrict of Regulation tonight?
New York, a su b u rb an section w ithin i ... climbed to th e u p p er deck and
the city b u t ... . took o ur seats.
10. Taxis are a quick an d convenient j ... by underground trains, surface
m eans of travel b u t ... trains, buses and m otor coaches.

Exercise 12. Match the word/word-combinations with their meanings.

1. :i technical m eans to reg u late th e movement □ entrance
of cars, tracks, buses an d people □ crossing
2. a place to w ait for a public tran sp o rt □ an underground station
o. a place to w ait for a n u n derground train □ bus stop
1. a person w ho inform s and explains everything
about the city during your visit □ bridge
5. a place w here you can fuel th e transport means □ police station
6. a construction over th e riv er used by
transport and people □ pavem ent
7 a place to apply or call for protection from
hooligans o r crim inals □ guide
8. a place w here you can g et in a train to leave
the city □ exit
9 a place through w hich people are going out
ID. a picture to help th e d riv ers and people in th e □ railw ay station
11. a place through w hich people a re coming in □ traffic lights
15. p part of a road for people to go
13. a part of the street th a t people use for passing □ road sign
from one side to th e oth er
□ p etro l/g as station
Exercise 13. R ead the situ ation s and listen to th e questions. Chouse the appropriate
q u estio n and tick th e letter.
S itu a tio n 1 a b с
You are going along th e street in a small to w n You need to get to ...........
the airport. B ut you don’t know w here it is. How will you ask
anybody in th e street to help you?

S itu a tio n 2 a b С
You are in th e street in a big industrial city. You a re in a h u rry
because th e m eeting at th e company will sta rt in an hour. You know
the num ber of the bus. How will you ask anybody in th e street to
help you?

S itu a tio n 3 a b С
You a re a t th e corner of th e s tre e t You have to go by th e ....................
underground and then take a bus. B ut you d o n 't know w here it is.
How will you ask anybody in th e stre e t to help you?

S itu a tio n 4 a b С
You are going out from the hotel. You are planning to visit th e ...........
City Business Centre. You know th e best w ay to get th ere is by
underground. How will you ask th e receptionist to help you?

S itu a tio n 5 a b С
You are sitting at the table in your room a t th e hoteL You are
looking at th e plan for tomorrow. You'll have th e m eeting with
the bank m anager. You have th e bank’s address. It is on th e crossing
of tw o streets. You w an t to g et th ere tomorrow. How will you ask
the receptionist to help you?

S itu a tio n 6 a b с
You are driving a car in a large city. You w ant to do some shopping. ..........
B ut you don’t know w hether it is th e rig h t way. You stop th e car
near a policeman. How will you ask th e policeman in th e stre e t to
help you?

S itu a tio n 7 a b с
You have arriv ed at the airport. You a re th e leader of th e group of
businessmen. You have a full nam e of the hotel and th e bus num ber
th a t goes stra ig h t to it. How will you ask anybody to help you at the
inform ation desk?

S itu a tio n 8 a b e
You have lost your w ay while looking for the necessary street. It is
the South street. How will you ask anybody in th e stre e t to help you?
S itu ation 9 a b с
You are standing at the bus stop. A lot of buses stop here. You
need to go to th e C entral Railway S tatio n How will you ask anybody
to help you at th e bus-stop?

S itu a tio n 10 a b с
You are at a hotel in Oxfoid city. Tomorrow you are taking p a rt in
the conference at the Oxford University. B ut you don’t know how
to get to it. How will you ask th e receptionist to help you?
E xercise 14. P u t in th e m issing verb from th e box in th e correct tense form . One
w ord can be used m ore th a n once.
to walk, to cross, to change, to get around, to take,
to get off, to get in, to turn, to get, to tell

1. It isn't easy .......... in London.

2. L et’s .......... the stre e t he» e.
3. W e ............. all th e w ay to the underground station yesterday.
4. You’ll have ................ a bus in 18th s tr e e t
5. I u s u a lly ............. to my w ork by bus.
6. W here should I .................? I w ant to do som e shopping.
7. Could you ..............m e th e w ay to th e nearest underground station ?
8. The bus is v ery full. You can’t L et’s w ait for another one.
9. Walk straig h t ahead for two blocks and th en ....... left.
10. H u rry up! .............. bus num ber 11 and you'll be at the railway - station in time.
11. Take bus 51 and th en ....................... to tra m 7.

E xercise 15. S upply th e co rrect preposition w h ere necessary.

1. Will this bus tak e m e ...... th e C entral Square?

2. A re you getting .............. th e next stop?
3. Go straig h t ..... an d t u r n ..... left.
4 W hat is the sh o rtest w a y ....... th e bank?
5. W here do I have to c h a n g e ..... bus 51?
6. You should g e t .............. the last stop.
7. It is th re e blocks ..... here.
8. Buses s t o p ..... special stops to p ic k ....... passengers.
9. His office is the second d o o r ..... the right.
10. Could you s t o p ...... th e snack bar?

Exercise 17. R ead th e state m e n ts and choose th e m ost ap p ro p riate answ er.
Can yo u tell us th e w a y to the N avoi Theatre?
a) No, I can't.
b) W e’ll have to ask somebody else.
c) This is th e w rong way.
A sk th a t man!
a) W here is th e Navoi Theatre?
b) Excuse me, how can w e get to th e Navoi T heatre?
c) Is this th e rig h t w ay to th e Navoi T heatre?
No, you are going th e w ron g w a y.. Y ou sh ou ld tu rn le ft a t th e tra ffic ligh ts.
a) I think so. T hank you.
b) T hank you for help.
c) T h at post office?
You have a rriv e d in S am a rk a n d , but you have a problem . A passer- by asks
w h a t’s w ron g w ith you.
a) W here am I?
b) I have lost m y way.
c) I can’t find my way.
Y ou are in th e centre o f th e city.
a) Is this Navoi S treet?
b) Yes, I know.
c) Yes, b u t w hat stre e t is this?
W h ic h s tre e t a r e y o u lo o k in g fo r ?
a) This street
b) Am ir T em ur Street.
c) It is w ritten here.
W h a t a d d ress a r e y o u lo o k in g fo r ?
a) I have left th e address at the hoteL
b) I don’t know.
c) R egistan Square.
What is th e n a m e o f your h o tel?
a) It’s not far from here.
b) It’s AfrosiaL.
c) It’s in m y bag.
I l l

D o you kn o w ho w to g e t th ere?
a) Is it far?
b) I am not sure.
c) I hope you know w h ere it is.
I k n o w w h e re i t is .
a) Is this th e right way?
b) Is it on left?
c) Is it on right?
I t h in k y o u 'd b e tte r ta k e th e u n d e rg ro u n d .
a) W here is th e nearest underground station?
b) Can I w alk there?
c) Is it th at far?
J u s t go s t r a ig h t a h e a d .
a) Should I turn left?
b) T hen what?
c) Up to w here?
T a k e th e secon d t u r n to th e le f t.
a) Is that far?
b) All right.
c) D on’t I tu rn left?
D o y o u see th e t r a f f i c lig h ts ?
a) No, I d on ’t.
b) Yes, I do.
c) The green light?
T h e n go as f a r as th e t r a f f i c lig h ts .
a) Thank you.
b) I am afraid I'll m iss it.
c) I am not sure I can find it.
A r e y o u s u re y o u c a n f i n d y o u r w a y no w ?
a) W hat did you say?
b) Yes, I think so.
c) I’ll try.
You ca n ta k e a bus, y o u k n o w .
a) The 51 bus?
b) W hich bus?
c) How long will it take?
It 's th e 33 bus.
a) H ow long will it take?
b) H ow often do buses run?
c) H ow m uch is it?
It’ll ta k e y o u 20 m in u te s .
a) Thank you.
b) Can I w alk there?
c) W here should I g e t off?
Y o u ’ d b e tte r get o f f a t th e s u p e r m a r k e t stop.
a) W hat did you say?
b) Thank you.
c) I’ll ask anybody else.

E x e rc ise 18. L ook a t t h e sig n a n d tic k t h e c o r re c t v e rsio n o f its m e a n in g .

1. “N o Left T urn” 1. “Petrol Station”

2. “Cross H ere” 2. “Two -w a y Traffic”
3. “Parking" 3. “No en try”

1. “No Parking” 1. “P rivate”

2. “N o P assage”
2. “Out W hen Crossing”
3. “Turn right" e 3. “No en try”

1. “Used T ickets”
2. “One W ay Only"
3. “Bus Stop Request"
m 1. "Service Station”
2. “O bey Park Regulations"
3. “K eep our tow n clean”

E x e rc is e 19. M a tch th e ro a d s ig n w ith its m e a n in g . P u t th e n u m b e r o i th e

road sig n .
□ □

1. O ne-W ay Street
2. C ycle Route
3. Sp eed Limit □ □
4. S erv ice Station
5. N o L eft Turn
6. Turn R ight
7. Stop
8. No Entry
9. N o U -T u rn □ □
10. Gas Station
11. P arking

®Do D
A sk in g th e w ay

- You are welcome

- Thanks a lot.
- Take this one.
- Excuse me, couldn’t you show m e the
w ay to th e C entral D epartm ent Store?
- Should I go along this stre e t or th a t
- Well, it’s quite a distance. I ’d say
about four blocks. It'll tak e you
tw enty m inutes to get there.
- Is it far from here?
- Yes, I can.__________________________

A t a b u s s to p

- It will tak e not m ore th a n fifteen __

minutes. This is not so fa r from here. __
- T hank you. How long will it tak e m e __
to go there? __
T he Independence Square? L et m e __
see. I th in k you have to ta k e bus __
num ber 51. It stops a t this com er. __
- Will you tell me, please, how I can __
get to th e Independence Square?________

In th e bus

-Yes, sir ... come along, h u rry up, please.

Fares, please.
- sums, please.
- The next stop is yours, sir. ... The
People’s Friendship Square. You should
get off.
- Tell me, please, w hen I will be there.
- One, to the People’s F riendship Square.
- Excuse me, does this bus go to the
People’s Friendship Square?___________

A t a T a x i S ta n d

-Y e s, sir.
- Victoria Station. I have to be th ere in
fifteen minutes. So, drive as fast as you
can, please.
- A re you free?
- O.K, sir.______________________________
Exercise 22. L isten to th e dialogues and tick th e m ost appropriate answ er.
R em em ber, th e re could be m ore th a n one choice.
1 1. T his conversatio n is about: j 2. T h e post-office is:
... 1 Finding the way. Round th e comer.
... j Finding th e w ay to th e bank. Not far from th e museum.
... j Greetings. Opposite the post office.
; Saying gnod-bye. Opposite the museum
... ] M eeting friends in th e street. N ext to th e bank.
3. T his co nversatio n is about: 4. T he hospital is:
Finding the way. A t th e corner.
Finding the w ay to th e book shop. A round the bus stop.
Asking for help. You should go straig h t ahead.
Saying good-bye. N ear th e bus stop.
... ! M eeting friends in th e street You should tu rn to the le ft
1 5. H ow Ear is th e C e n tra l M arket?
... 1It's 25 m inutes by bus. 6. T his conversation is about:
... 1 It’s 10 m inutes by taxi. Finding th e way.
... - I t’s m ore th an 11km. Finding the w ay to Mukimi Street.
... 1I t’s about 2 kilometres. Asking for help.
... j No information. Asking th e time.
7. T he police sta tio n is: Looking for th e turning.
20 m inutes on foot. 8. T his conversation is about:
Opposite th e m useum . Finding the way.
N ear th e square. Asking th e bus stop.
A t th e traffic lights to th e left. Asking for help.
A t th e traffic lights to th e rig h t Asking th e w ay to th e a irp o rt
9. T his co nversatio n is about: M eeting friends in the s tre e t
Going to th e cen tre of th e city.
T he nam es of th e bus - stops.
T he num ber of buses.
- ! C hanging the buses.
■ I T he convenient w ay of getting to th e
i centre o f th e city.
Excrcise 24. C om plete th e dialogues.
L A: Excuse me, is this th e rig h t way to A: T hank you v ery much.
the Independence Square? V. A: Can you tell me w here th e C entral
B : _________________________________ bookstore is?
A: T hank you very much. B : _________________________________
IL A: Excuse me, can you tell m e the best A: O.K. T hank you, anyway.
way to the N ational University? V I A: Does this bus go to the stadium?
B : ________________________________ B : _________________________________
A: Can I get th ere by tube? A: Can you tell me w here to get off?
B : __________________________________ B : _________________________________
A: T hank you. V IL A: Ju s t a m inute, sir. D idn’t you see
III. A: Excuse me, how fa r is the th a t sign?
n earest superm arket? B : ________________________________
B : __________________________________ A: T hen w hy did. you cross the street
A: Which bus goes there? here?
B: _________________________________ B : ________________________________
IV. A: Excuse me, officer, can you tell me A: T h at doesn’t make any difference.
how to g et to th e post- office? You shouldn't cross th e street if
B : ________ __ ______________________ th ere is no traffic coming.
A: Will you say it again, officer?
B: ____________________ ________
E x e r c is e 1. T h e f o ll o w i n g l i s l c o n t a in s t h e w o r d s r e la t e d to t h e id e a o f
c o m m u n ic a tio n a t a d is ta n c e . C o p y th e r e q u ir e d te r m s u n d er th e
t it t e s g i v e n in t h e ta b le .

letter, stam p, envelope, a ir mail, ordinary mail, message, communicate, netw ork,
get an access, exchange messages, photo telegram , ordinary telegram , telegraph
m oney-order, tru n k call, book post, long distance call, file, fax.

In tern et E -m ail Post office Telegraph T elep h on e

postal service

Exercise 4. M atch tb e w ords w ith their m eaning.

W ords Word m eaning

1. letter a to do more detailed and m ore im portant exam ination i
2. note b to m ake safe, to g u arantee i
3. message с to p u t a question ,
4. to inquire d to telegraph |
5 to ask e a short inform al letter j
6 to w ire f a w ritten m essage j
7 to insure g to p u t sm th else in th e envelope w ith the le tte r j
8 to enclose h a w ritten or spoken inform ation for somebody

E xercise 5. E xpress th e fo llo w in g in on e word. W rite it dow n opposite its

d efin itio n .

W ord m eaning W ords

1. a m an w ho collects or delivers the post
2. mail sent by air
3. the w riting on a letter showing w here it is to be sent
4. a w ritten message
5. a box for posting letters
6. the day w hen a letter is w ritten
7. a telegraph dispatch
8. p aper show ing th a t the money has been paid
9. a card conveying a message by post
10. a short w ritten message
E x e r c is e 6. F m is h t h e s t a t e m e n t b y c h o o s in g t h e r e q u ir e d e n d in g in t h e s e c o n d
c o lu m n . K e e p in m in d t h a t m o r e t h a n o n e v a r ia n t i s p o s s ib le .

i P a rt one P a rt tw o
□ )If von want to send a telegram you - 1. ... don’t need to go to the post office.
b) If you want to send a letter you .... 2. ... must go to the post office.
c) The caller’s letter is tlic letter that 3. - is not delivered to your home or office.
4. - is allowed to take your letter.
d) If you want to be aware that your 5. -go to the post-office to the Registered
letter has readied the addressee ... Letters Department, get your letter
e) A Post Restante letter ... registered and leave it there. Be sure, you
1 f) For sending a parcel you ... will receive a note that your letter has
1 g) To pick up the mail in person been delivered to the addressee.
means that nobody except you ._ 6. ... have to hand it to the clerk who weiglis
Ill Mail or any kind of papers it and gives you necessary stamps.
(newspapers, magazines) or parcels .- 7. ... are delivered to the addressee by a
messenger boy.

Exercise 7. M atch th e word or w ord-com bination in B ritish E nglish w ith the

syn onym in A m erican E nglish .
British English (Вт) American English (Am)
1. scales re tu rn address
2. counter assistant. m oney order
3. post-office v an package
4. postm an express mail
5. letter-box / post-box *• scale
6. postbag greeting card
7. delivery by courier postal clerk
8. dispatch-rider m essenger
9. parcel mail truck
10. greetings card mailbag
11. address of sen d er delivery b y m essenger
12. postal order mailbox
13. special delivery m ailm an

E xercise 10. M atch th e w ord s w ith th eir m eaning.

W ords______ ___________________________ W ord m ean ing
1 m ail-box th e governm ent system of carrying and delivering
letters, telegram s in Q reat Britain
2 post box letters, new spapers, magazines, parcels, etc, sen t or
pillar-box delivered by post
3. mail s tre e t or home - box for postal services in G reat B ritain
4. the post s tre e t or hom e - box for postal services in the USA 1
3. postage d e p a rtm e n t for letters to be called for
il A ddressee d e p a rtm e n t for letters to be called for in th e USA
7. Post R estante charge for post services
8. the mail low er rates; discount
9 General D elivery nobody lives at th a t address
1П. reduced charge th e governm ent system of carrying and delivering
letters in th e USA
L etter, note, message, e-mail, telegram , post -office

1. Ann gets m a n y ____________ from her pen friends in England.

2. A _________ w as received th a t the plane had been caught up in a severe storm.
3. I left a _____________ for A nn telling h e r th a t th e p arty was fixed for Sunday.
4. You can send all kinds of ______________ and letters at th e post- office.
5. T here a re alw ays a lot of people in o u r _____________ .
6. The secretary has taken t h e ________________for th e m anager about the next
m eeting of th e shareholders.
7. One of the m odern ways of sending a letter a t present is _____________ .
8. In o rd in ary ________________ the ra te per w ord is not v ery high.
9. On h e r b irth d ay the teacher got m a n y ____________ from h er form er pupils.
10. Y esterday I re c e iv e d _____________ from my friend inviting me to the opera.

E x e r c i s e 12. C h o o s e t h e r ig h t v e r b a n d p u t it in th e g a p in a p r o p e r t e n s e fo r m .

to send, to deliver, to ask, to inquire, to get

1. H e _________________ me to telephone him the results of th e interview.

2. H e _________________ two parcels to his paren ts lately.
3. T he p o stm a n _________ _______ these magazines in tw o days.
4. He cam e up to th e counter “Callers' L etters” a n d _____________ for his
le tte r from England.
5. I decided ________________ th e letter by airm ail th a t's w hy I b ought a
special envelope yesterday.
6. T he c u s to m e r_________________ w here one could cash a postal order.
7. He u s u a lly ___________________ to the local post -office by bus.

Exercise 13. S upply th e co rrect preposition.

1. T here is an express le t t e r ______ you.
1. A fter filling ____ th e blank she w e n t ______ th e window m arked «Money
2. W hen I dropped the post-card ______ th e letter box I saw th a t I had not
stuck a s t a m p _____ it.
3. S he f o u n d _____ his address by m aking inquiry ________ the address
4. How m uch will it cost to send a business letter________England?
5. T he m essenger carried a large b u n d le _________ new spapers and magazines
6. H a n d _______your te le g ra m _______ the next window.
7. I t tu rn ed out th a t th e le tte r had been d e liv e re d ______ th e wrong address.
8. th e post office they w ere told th a t th e telegram might y e t come
_______evening delivery.
9. Am I to stick a stam p ______ the bottom _____ th e envelope o r ____ the
top rig h t-h an d corner?
M S ta tem en ts T F
1 One can send a telegram by phone and it isn’t necessary to go to
th e nearest post-office.
<£ If one sends a le tte r to th e most out of the w ay places it w on’t get
3 The staff of each post-office in th e city w orks only a t daytime.
4 If one w ants to buy a stam p or envelope o r to send a parcel or to
receive a money o rd er h e can go to an y counter or window a t th e
5 T he postage on ord in ary letters is differen t from th a t on registered
6 It isn’t necessary to stick the stam p on th e envelope w hen one is
sending a letter to th e o th e r country.
7 It som etimes happens th a t in spite of your legible han d w ritin g your
letter is retu rn ed and m ay read “A ddressee unknow n” or "R eturn
for correct address".
8 The postage depends on th e w eight of th e parcel.
9 T he postm an usually delivers letters, new spapers and m agazines
every morning.
10 T he “P ost R estante” w indow keeps mail until it is called for.
E x e rc ise 15. C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s ch o o sin g t h e r i g h t v a ria n t.
1 Y ou w ill f ill in a fo r m w h en
a) you w ant to send a message.
b) you w ant to send a telegram .
c) you w ant to send a letter.
2 I f you w a n t to re g iste r a le tte r
a) you go to th e w indow "Post R estan te”.
b) you go to th e clerk dealing w ith th e registered letters.
c) you m ust drop th e le tte r into th e le tte r - box.
3 B efore p u ttin g y o u r le tte r in to a letter- box
a) you’ll h av e to be sure th a t it is stamped.
b) you’ll h av e to look a t the nam e 'of th e s tre e t
c) you’ll hav e to ring your friend up.
4 O n w ritin g a letter
a) you’ll have to tell about it to a clerk a t th e post-office.
b) you should know w h at p a rts a le tte r consists of.
c) you'll have to look a t th e notice at th e post-office giving the hours of delivery.
5 W hen I show ed m y p a s s p o rt to th e clerk
a) he gave me a le tter w hich was k ept a t th e “Post R estan te” window.
b) he gave me all inform ation about how m any stam ps a re needed for inland or
foreign letters.
c) he inquired about m y job.
6 W ill y o u drop th is p o stca rd
a) into th e w astep ap er bin u n d er th e table, please?
b) into th e post _ box a t th e corner of th e street, please?
c ) into th e box on th e shelf, please?
7 They retu rn ed h im a le tte r because
a) the addressee w as unknown.
b) the clerk w as out.
c) the envelope w as blue.
8 To cash a m oney order you m u st
a) go to the rig h t counter; if you go to th e wrong one you’ll only w aste your time.
b) go to the m anager of th e post-office and say: “Give m e a money order,
c) go rig h t to th e window “Postal Orders".
9 In th e rig h t-h a n d co m e r o f the envelope
a) th e sen d er’s address should be w ritten.
b) th e stam p is fixed.
c) th e nam e of th e country should be w ritten.
10 A fte r I closed the envelope I rem em bered th a t I had fo rgotten
a) to p u t m y signature in the letter.
b) to put m y pen into th e pencil-box.
c) to enclose th e postcard I had long prom ised to my little son
Exercise 16. L isten to th e dialogue. Tick “T" if th e sta tem e n t confirm s th e idea
of th e dialogue and “F ” if it con trad icts i t R eproduce th e dialogue
___________ w ith your p artn er. Make up a sim ilar one._________________________
S tatem en ts
T г
о о The w om an is looking for a post office.
о о The w om an w ants to drop a letter into a pillar-box.
о о The first m an whom she m eets in the stre e t doesn’t live in this city.
о о The second m an is on th e w ay to th e post office.
0 о The G eneral Post -O ffice is in London Street.
E x e r c is e 1 7 . (b ) T h e f o ll o w i n g s ta t e m e n ts m ig h t r e la t e t o t h e id e a o f t h e
d i a l o g u e y o u h a v e r e a d . T i c k “T " i f t h e s t a t e m e n t c o n f i r m s t h e
____________________ i d e a o f t h e d i a l o g u e a n d UF " i f i t c o n t r a d i c t s i t ____________________
S tatem en ts
T ғ
О о T he m a n w ants to send some books to T ash k en t
О о T he m an w ants to send books by parcel - post.
О о T he clerk doesn’t w eigh th e books.
0 о T he clerk asks th e custom er to w rap and tie up th e books.
О о The clerk asks th e custom er to w rite, his address a t th e bottom of. th e
postal package.
E x e r c i s e '1 8 . ( b ) T h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m e n t s m i g h t r e l a t e t o t h e i d e a o f t h e
d i a l o g u e y o u h a v e r e a d . T i c k “T ” i f t h e s t a t e m e n t c o n f i r m s t h e
____________________ i d e a o f t h e d i a l o g u e a n d “ F " i f i t c o n t r a d i c t s i t ____________________
S tatem en ts
T ғ
0 о The m an is going to send a teleg ram
О о The clerk asks him to fill in th e form legibly and in block letters.
о о The m an w ants to send an ordinary telegram .
0 О The clerk says th a t th e telegram will have to be delivered in one hour.
о о The charge for th e telegram is 52 pence.
E xercise 19. L isten to th e 3 dialogues and find o u t w h at th e m an w an ts to do.
_______________________________ Tick th e rig h t statem en t.____________________
S tatem ents № 1 № II № III
1. The m an w an ts to send a parcel.
2. The m an w an ts to send a registered letter by air.
3. The m an w an ts to cash a postal order.
4. The m an w an ts to know w here the nearest post office is.
5. The m an w ants to know w here th ey weigh and w rap up
the parcels.
E xercise 20. L isten to th e 2 dialogues. Tick th e sta te m e n t w hich corresponds to
one of th e tw o dialogues you have h eard . Som e sta te m e n ts do
not re fe r to any of these dialogues.

S tatem en ts № I № II
1. T he m an w ants to send a parcel.
2. T he m an w ants Lu knuw ilie cost uf llie leiegiaiii lu Germany.
3 T he m an w ants th e cable to reach the addressee today evening.
4. T he m an w ants to send a money order by W estern Union.
5. T he clerk says th a t th e W estern Union is th e w orld famous

E x erc ise 22. R e ad t h e c o n v e rsa tio n s a n d p u t th e lin e s in th e c o rre c t o rd e r.

____________________________ A t th e P o s te R e s ta n te c o u n te r__________________
Excuse me. My nam e is R ustam Jalilov. _____________________________
A re th e re any letters for me? _____________________________
W here's the Poste R estante window? _____________________________
- W hat identity papers have you got? --------------------------------------------
- H ere is th e letter for you. --------------------------------------------
- Ju st to th e right, please. --------------------------------------------
H ere is m y p assp o rt____________________ — ——j -j - ~

___________________________________ S e n d in g a p a rc e l_________________________
- W here do you w an t to send a parcel? _____________________________
W hat a re you sending? _____________________________
To W arsaw. --------------------------------------------
- I w ant to send a parcel abroad. -------------------------------------------
- Fill in th e form , please. --------------------------------------------
I’m sending some books on history. --------------------------------------------
- Yes, do it please. --------------------------------------------
- Shall I pack it for you?
- I w ant to insure th is parceL '
$15 dollars. H ere, is y o u r receipt.
D on't forget to w rite th e address here.
- Oh, th an k you._______________________________________________________

Sending a teleg ram

- H ere's a form to fill in.
- Good afternoon! I w an t to send a telegram.
- H ere’s m y telegram .
- I cannot w rite in English.
- W rite th e tex t in you r language, but use
Roman letters.
- M ake it urgent. W hen will it be delivered?
- How shall I send it?
- You a re welcome.
- $5 dollars. H ere’s you r receip t
- How m uch does it cost?
- It will be delivered during one hour.
- T hank you.
- How сап I send these five books to Tashkent?

- W hat m ust I do to send a parcel?

- W here can I have a form?

- T hank you. A nd w here can Xhave th e books w rapped up?

- Do they also w eigh th e parcel?

- Do they stick stam ps on a book-parcel?

- T hank you v ery much.

Can I help you?

O rdinary, u rg en t or express?

Will you fill in th e form, please?

■You will find teleg ram form s over there.

L et me see how m any w ords th e re are. ... 10 words.

.... cents per word. T h a t’ll b e ...... please.

....hours. How will you pay?

Thank you. H ere’s your receipt. A nything else?

....dollars, please.

Next, please.

C an you show m e any identification card?

OK, just a m inute. Well, you are lucky today - th e re are 2 letters for you
Iixcrcise 1. Match th e w ords and phrases in the left-h a n d co lu m n w ith th eir
d efin itio n s in th e rig h t-h a n d colu m n.

Л M eals
1 B reakfast a T he m idday meaL
2 B runch (breakfast + lunch) b T he first meal of th e day.
3 Lunch с A late b reakfast w ith break fast and
lunch dishes.
4 D inner d A late evening sm all meaL
5 S u pp er e An evening meaL
В Types of ea tin g and d rin k in g places.
i a sandw ich shop a It serves high quality expensive meals.
2 a fast food outlet b A shop which specializes in sm oked
fish, cooked m eat, cheese and salads.
3 a cafeteria с It m akes sandwiches, sells soft drinks,
and potatoes crisps (chips Am.)
1 a coffee shop d A place th at serves sim ple meals th a t
a re easy to cook.
5 a restau ran t e A place th a t serves coffee and desserts
as well as sm all meals.
6 an Ice-C ream shop f A place th a t specializes in ice cream ,
drinks and desserts.
7 delicatessen g It sells p rep ared meals th a t a re cooked
in advance.

E xercisc 5. Read the tex t again. In th e tab le b elo w you w ill se e title s lo the
paragraphs of th e te x t y o u have read. P u t th e req uired num bers
opposite each title . D iscu ss your ch oice w ith a partner.

Places to eat. I
How you should pay fo r the Tneal. _
How you should behave at the beginning and at the end o f eating. _
How you should behave while eating. _
How you should use utensils.
How you should eat. _

Exercisc 7. C h o o s e t h e a p p r o p r ia te w o r d a n d p u t it in t h e c o r r e c t fo r m .
food meal course dish
1 You can alw ays h a v e ..............on a plane.
2 We usually have a f u l l ........................ dinner.
3 I ’m afraid I don’t un d erstan d th e nam es of t h e ................. on th e menu.
4 It took him only a few m inutes to eat all th e ...................
5 I’ll take chicken soup for th e f i r s t ......................
6 W hat is your favourite ................... ?
7 You should tak e this m edicine th re e tim es a day a f t e r ...................
8 W hat ............... shall we o rd er for the first and s e c o n d .....................
9 I hope you'll enjoy y o u r ...................
10 T hey serve very g o o d ................... in this re sta u ra n t and th e prices are
quite reasonable.
Exercise 8. W hat w ill you say if you w an t som ething on th e table and can n o t
g et i t Look a t th e exam ples and w rite dow n yo u r ow n questions in
th e spaces provided using th e follow ing words:
a k n i f e , a f o r k , a s p o o n , a p la te , s a lt, m i l k , s u g a r , s a la d .

E x a m p le : C o u ld y o u p a s s m e s o m e c a k e , p le a s e ?
C a n y o u p a s s m e s o m e c a k e , p le a s e ?
W ill y o u p a s s m e s o m e c a k e , p le a s e ?

Exercise 9. A sk your friend (w rite dow n th e questions in th e spaces provided):

1 how m any meals h e /sh e has a day: ..............................................................................

2 w h eth er h e /s h e is h u n g ry :............. .............................. -.................................................
3 w h eth er h e /s h e is th ir s ty :................................................................................................
4 w h eth er h e /s h e likes eating out: ....................................................................................
5 w h eth er h e /s h e is going to join you for lunch: ...........................................................
6 w hat kind of bread h e /s h e likes: ....................................................................................
7 w hat drinks h e/sh e likes: ..................................................................................................
8 w hat h is /h e r favourite dish is: ............................................................-...........................
9 w h at drink h e /sh e would lik e :........................................................................................
10 w hat h e /s h e will have for dessert: .................................................................................
11 w h eth er h e /sh e will have tea or coffee: ................................................................-.....
12 w h eth er h e /sh e will have tea with milk or lem o n :.......................... .........................
13 w h eth er h e /sh e prefers m eat or fish: .................. ........................................................
14 w h eth er h e /s h e will have soup: ....:................................................................... -...........
15 w h at h e /s h e would like to s ta rt w ith ............................................................................

E xercise 10. L isten to th e dialogues. Tick th e sentences you hear.

D ialogue 1 D ialogue 2 D ialogue 3

Do you have a reservation? □ □ □

Would you like smoking or non-smoking? □ □ □
Would you like to see the menu? □ □ □
A re you ready to order? □ □ □
Would you like anything to drink? □ □ □
Your order will not be long. □ □ □
Exercise 12. H ere you can see som e sam ples of in vitations. Decide w h e th e r th e
in v itatio n is form al o r inform al. Tick in th e req u ired spacc.

S am ples of in vitations Form al In fo rm al

C apital T ran sp o rt C orporation

request the pleasure of your company on the occasion of th e
inauguration of th eir office a t 6, Milestone S tre e t on Sunday
S eptem ber 29, 2002 a t 10.00 a.m.

A light lunch b u ffet will be served after th e ceremony.


To celebrate th e Official B irthday of

H er M ajesty Queen Elizabeth the second
the B ritish A m bassador requests
th e p leasure of th e company of
M r and Mrs A ltm an
at a Reception
on Friday, 16 Ju n e 2002 a t 6.30 pm

The M useum of Applied A rts


D ear Daisy,

You are cordially invited to come to o u r d a u g h te r’s w edding

p arty on Ju n e 15, 2002

Looking forw ard to seeing you!

T he Johnsons

E xercise 15. Read th e fo llo w in g and decide w h e th e r it is rig h t or w ron g

according to th e etiquette! Tick in th e spaces provided. S ay w hat
the m an sh ould do.

._______________________ S itu a tio n s____________________ R ight_________ W rong

1 J a c k is i n v i t e d t o a n i n f o r m a l d i n n e r o n S a t u r d a y a t 7.00
p.m. H e c o m e s a t 7 .3 0 w i t h o u t apologizing f o r b e i n g l a te .
2 H e s its n e x t to th e h o s te s s w h o s it s h e r s e lf.
3 W h e n Ke is about to f i n i s h t h e soup h e l i f t s t h e plate.
4 H e n e e d s p e p p e r , so h e r e a c h e s in f r o n t o f th e w o m a n
s i l t i n g n e x t to h i m t o g e t i t .
5 H e is s m o k i n g a c i g a r e t t e w h i l e w a i t i n g f o r t h e m a i n d i s h I
tu c o m e .
6 When the. dish is served he begins talking.
7 H e f i n i s h e s h is s e c o n d d r i n k a n d a s k s f o r a th ir d .
8 H e h a s a n o th e r a p p o in tm e n t, so h e e x c u se s h im s e lf a n d
l e a v e s . ____________________ ___________ ______
E xercise 20. M atch th e rig h t custom er’s statem en t w ith the m anager’s reply and
w r ite dow n th e required figure.

1. Good afternoon. This is Manager: Hello. Savoy Restaurant

George Slater from Impex Custom er:
Corporation. We’d like to M anager: V ery good, sir. How m any people do
make arrangements with you expect?
you for a small dinner Customer:
party for tomorrow.
M anager: T hen I think the Pink Hall would be
th e m ost appropriate.
2. We’ll have 20 persons.
Custom er:
Manager: W hat would you like to order for
3. It suits m y taste
4. Well .... , I w as thinking
of a four-course dinner M anager: T hen I’d suggest hors-d’oeuvre or
with wines and m ushroom soup, beef fillet or roast,
champagne. tu rk ey A nd ice cream for dessert
Custom er:
5. Good-bye. M anager: A nd w h at about wines?
6. If we a re having soup, I M anager: Good. W hat time do you wish to
think w e’ll ta k e a dry begin?
sherry, a red w ine for th e Custom er:
main course and finish up M anager: T hank you, Mr Slater. Good-bye.
with cham pagne. Custom er:

7. T hat sounds fine.

8. 7 for 7.30

E xercise 21. L isten to-th e d ialogu e "R estaurant reservation ”.

Exercise 22. Y ou h a v e ju st heard th e dialogue, choose th e right m anager’s

sta te m en ts and write down the required figure.

C u stom er’s statem en ts № M anager’s statem en ts

M anager: :....................................................... 1 W hat tim e w ould you like a table?

Customer: Good evening. I'd like to
reserve a table for dinner 2 Good. I'v e got it. Good-bye.
for Friday.
M anager:......................-................................ 3 Very good, sir. Can I have your
Custom er: Four. name?
M anager: .............................. -........................
Customer: I t ’s Jo h n Grant. 4 How m any people?
M a n a g er:................... -..................................
Custom er: A t 8.00. 5 Good evening. The Rossi
M an ager:...................................................... R estaurant. Can I help you?
C ustom er: Good-bye.
D ate j Tim e N u m b er of N ame Special
People R equest
3 ! 1

E xcrcise 26. Supply th e correct prepositions.

1 T here is a wide c h o ic e ....... d is h e s ........... th e menu.
2 I p refer fish .......... meat.
3 Lunch is served .......... 12.00 ......... 2.30 and consists ....... th ree courses.
4 Can I pay ......... credit card?
5 I'd like to reserve a t a b l e ....... four people ......... W ednesday.
6 Could we have a t a b l e ......... th e corner, please?
7 Could you bring tw o helpings ....... steak, please?
В We a re going ...... lunch. Would you like to join
9 Do you usually have brow n bread ......... th e m eat course?
10 L et’s have m eat and potatoes ....... th e second course and some ice-cream
......... dessert.
11 A re you g o in g ..... th e coffee s h o p ...... lunch o r are you going to h av e a cup
......... tea ...... the office?
12 Do you have any s p ic e s .......... meat?

E xercise 27. C om plete th e dialogues.

~ Good afternoon. W hat would you like to order?

- W hat vegetables would you like?

A nd would you like a salad?

Will you have anything for dessert?

W hat drink would you like?

H ere is your bill.

Yes, you can. W e accept both credit cards an d cash.


I’d like a ham b u rg er and French fries, please.

Yes, I '11 have a sm all salad.

- I'd like a sm all Coke, please.

No, th an k you. I w on’t have dessert. Can I have the bill, please?

In cash, please.
j - French, please
I - Rare, medium or well done?
- And w lia l dressing would you like?
, - No. thank you.
- Would you like anything to drink?
- Well-done, please
- M ay I take your ordpr, please?
- Yes, and would you like a salad?
- Yes. I ’d like a steak, please.
- Yes, black coffee, please.
- Yes, 1 would.
- A n jaJiin t^else? ___________________ 29. H ere is a recipe of «B eef Slew ».

a) Read the rccipc, open the brackets and put the verbs in th e
correct ten se and voice forms.

1 lb* steak, in one piece 1 clove garlic, chopped

2 lb. tomatoes 2 tablespoonful chopped paisley
2 tablespoon fui w ine vinegar Seasoned flour
1 glassful red wine 0.5 teaspoonfu! black pepper
2 oz** b u tter
‘ Ib - pound - фунт = 453.59 r
**oz - ounce - унция = 28.35r

Beef ............ (to cut) m v ery th in slices with a very sh arp knife. Seasoned flour
............... (to toss in) and ......................... (to brown) in hot butter. Tomatoes
.............(lo cut) into slices. Tomatoes, vinegar, wine and garlic .............. (to add).
It ............... (lo bake) a t 275" F for 3 hours. It ...........................(to serve) with
cream ed potatoes.

(b) Your friend asked you for a rccipc i j som e national dish. Choose
a national dish and w rite out com plete instructions on how to prepare it.

Exercise 31. Read th e sta tem en t and choose the most appropriate answer.
1 You want lo have break fast at a hotel. The w aiter com es u u lo your table.
a) Good morning. Could 1 have breakfast, please?
b) I'm hungry
c) Do you serve breakfast?

2 W hal would vou like lo havr?

a) 1 11 have brown bread.
b) Do you have cream cheese0
r) I’ll have a toast and m arm alade

3 Г in sorry, wc don’l have anv.

ii) Whal have you got for breakfast?
b) Wlial would you recom mend, then?
c) Why don't you have it?
i H ow about some eggs?
;.i Nut for me, tliank you.
h) No, thank you.
<! How do you serve them?

5 V o u ca n h a v e th e m fr ie H . b o i l e d a n d s c r a m b l e d .
;i) It's a good idea I'll have 2 soft-boiled eggs
b) A hard-boiled egg, please.
c) Fried eggs and ham. please.

« W lia l w o u ld v o u lik e to d r in k ?
a) Do you have orange juice?
Tea. please
cj i'ii have соГГее.

7 W o u ld v o u lik e le m o n o r m ilk in v o u r te a ?
a) A little milk, please.
b> One slice, please,
c) No, thank yon

S The w a i t e r a s k s y o u i f v o u w o u l d lik e a n y t h i n g e ls e .
a) I ’d like some bread, please.
b| Ko. thank you.
c| I'd like to have some fru it.

9 W e h a v e r o lls , b u n s, b r o w n b r e a d , w h it e b r e a d a n d c r o is s a n ts . W h ic h w o u ld
vou lik e t o h a v e ?
a) 1 .shouldn't eat too much,
h) O ivc m e two buns, please.
li No. th a t w ill be too much

i Y o u a n d v o u r fr ie n d s c o m e t o t h e r e s ta u r a n t.
.-.) I called you yesterday lo reserve a table.
b) Can w e have a table, please?
c) 1 icserved a table yesterday.

С ап I h a v e v o u r n a m e , p le a se ?
a I Dalton.
h) Did w e give your name. Jack?
'■I lie ’s Jack.
j Come t h i s w a v . W i l l t h i s ta b le b e a ll r ig h t ?
a I Ves. I think so.
ii) That's fine,
rj Nu. we don't like it

J H ere . i r e t h e m e n u s . W h a t w o u l d v o u l i k e I» s ta r t w it h ?
a I We haven't chosen yel.
h) WLat is your specialty?
i ) 1 think w e’ ll start w ith shrim p salad.
5 W hat w ill vou have for the second course?
a) W e’ll have m eat
b) I p refer fish.
c) W e’d like to have a local dish.

6 H o w w ou ld vou like vour m eat rnnkert?

a) I alw ays have it rare.
b) Could w e have it well done, please?
c) Medium, please.

7 Y es, sir. W hat w ill vou have for dessert? We have deliciou s ch ocolate cake.
fru it salad, ice cream s and «Baked Apple Surprise».
a) W hat’s that? It sounds nice.
b) Do you have cream chcese?
c) W hat ice cream have you got?

8 A pples stu ffed w ith raisin s and su gar and served w ith a sauce.
a) I shouldn’t have any of this.
b) And w h a t is this?
c) I think w e all will have it.

9 W ill vou h ave som e coffee?

a) Black coffee, please.
b) W hat kind of tea do you have?
c) W e’ll have coffee.

10 W e have m int and orange tea.

a) I won’t have any tea.
b) O range teas, please.
c) M int teas, please. A nd could we have th e bill?

11 H ere is th e bill. I hone vou en ioved the meaL

a) T hank you, we had a v ery good meaL
b) The service was bad.
c) S eparate bills, please.
E xcrcise 4. Look at th e five notices below. W h at does each notice m ean? Choose
the correct answ er an d tick it.
1. Closed fo r lunch lp m -2 p m daily.
a This hotel sprvps lu nrh for one hour every d ay
b This office does not open in the afternoons,
г This restau ran t serves lunch every day before 1pm.
d This shop will not open at lunchtim e b etw een 1 and 2.
2. SALE L ast day!
a This shop will not open today.
b Goods will be sold a t low er prices for a few days only,
с Goods will be sold a t norm al prices again tom orrow,
d This shop will close tomorrow.
3. CIGARETTES not sold to anyone u n d er 18.
a You h av e to be 18 before you can buy cigarettes,
b You cannot buy cigarettes if you are only 18.
с You can buy packets containing few er th a n 18 cigarettes,
d You cannot buy u n d e r 18 cigarettes in a p a c k e t
4. TANDIO portable radios tem p o rarily o u t of slock.
a Tandio portable radios have been sold out b u t m ore will be on
sale a t a later date,
b Tandio portable radios are no longer being m ade and no m ore will
be sold.
с Tandio portable radios will soon be all sold as a lot of people are
buying th e m
d Tandio portable radios should be bought now because no more
will be made.
5. FOR SALE all m akes of w atches from $200 to $2!
a B oth cheap and expensive w atches are m ade here,
b The w atches sold h ere have all been m ade by th e sam e firm,
с Some $200 w atches have been reduced to $2.
a You can get a w atch h ere for as little as $2 or as m uch as $200.

E xercisc 5. Choose th e m ost su itab le word fo r each space.

S h o p p in g in the street

W hen I (1) .................... (like, make, go, do) shopping, I enjoy visiting stre e t (2)
......... (m arkets, trades, shops, sales) looking for (values, cheaper, special,
bargains) things. I w and er around looking a t each ( 3 ) ...................(counter, table,
stall, departm ent), and asking about (4) ...................(costs, prices, values, figures).
M any (5) .................... (producers, shopkeepers, offers, goods) on sale are (6) ..............
(less expensive, cost, priced, worth) than those in high- stre e t shops, though
the (7) ......... (expense, package, kind, quality) is not alw ays good. It also depends
on how m uch you w an t to (8) ............... (spend, use, m ake, cash). Clothes are often
(9) ............... (fashion, cheaper, worn, logical), b u t it is difficult to (10) ....................
(purchase, carry, try, w rap) them on. I t’s alw ays (11) .............. (worth, more, been,
time) looking at second-hand things, because you can (12) .................. (borrow,
spend, save, count) a lot of m oney this way. F resh fru it and vegetables usually
hav e good (1 3 )............ (health, value, time, taste), and th e re is always an excellent
selection. T he main problem is w h eth er you can c arry home lots of (1 4 )...............
(hand, papers, more, heavy) bags.
Exercise 8. (b) H ere is a list of d ep artm en ts in w hich th e item s you have seen in
exercise 8 (a) are sold. D istrib u te th em am ong th e departm ents.

Men’s w ear L adies’ w ear F ootw ear U nderw ear S port goods L eath er

Exercisc 12. L ook a t th e m odel “I t is w o rth doing som eth in g ”. Make sentences
u sin g th e w ords in brackets.

Exam ple: This is an excellent film and it is w o rth seeing.

1. This is a nice s u it J t .................................... . (w orth, to buy).

2. I don’t like this pullover. I t ....................... ... (w orth, to buy).
3. It’s not your size. I t .................................... ... (w orth, to try on).
4. I like this coat, bu t it's too expensive. It ........................ (worth, to buy)?
5. W e have enough money. I t ........................ ... about it (worth, to worry).
6. I’d read the book if I w ere you. I t ...........
7. These clothes are v e ry old. T h e y ............. ................... (worth, to keep).
8. I th in k you don’t need this bag. It ........... ...... th e money (worth, to waste).

E xercise 13. P erfo rm th e follow ing assignm ents.

a) Sarah went shopping fo r some clothes yesterday. She wanted 1o buy a pullover,
a raincoat, a pair of shoes and a skirt. But everything she tried on was wrong -
either too Ыд or too small or there was something else wrong. Find the opposites
of these adjectives in the box.
light, cheap, small,
1. b ig ______________6. light__________
2. wide____________ 7. c a su a l________ sm art, tig h t, short,
3. lo n g __________ __ 8. ex p en siv e__ m odern, dark, low,
4. heavy___________ 9. old-fashioned narrow , form al
5. lo o se____________ 10. h ig h ________

b) Use these adjectives to talk about th e things she tried on.

Example: She tried on a pullover b u t it was too big. She really w anted a
sm aller one.
I'xercise 14. C hoose th e rig h t v a ria n t and u n d e rlin e it.
1 I bought m y C D -player when th e prices w ere reduced. It was
(on sale/in a sale).
2 I'm sorry, but w e don’t accept credit cards, only (cash/coins/m oney).
3 Is it all rig h t if I pay (with ch eq u e/b y ch eq u e/fro m cheque)?
4 We don’t exchange goods unless you still have th e (bill/cheque/receipt).
5 I'm afraid I'v e only got a $50 note. Do you have (change/m oney/rest)?

Exercise 20. M atch th e rig h t salesm an’s reply w ith th e m an ’s sta te m e n t an d

w rite dow n the req u ired figure.

1 The m an’s sta te m e n ts № The salesm an’s replies

j Excuse me. I w onder if 1. Well we have 3 styles - one w ith
you could h elp me.
a V-neck, one w ith a round-neck
1Salesm an: ...........................................................................................
( iVlI r.: I’m looking fo r a sw eater and a polo-neck.
1 for my girl friend.
2. T hey come in small, m edium ,
' Salesm an: ..................................................
! Man: Yes, w ine-coloured if large and X-large.
j possible. 3. No, sir. Sorry, we don’t
! Salesm an: ...............................................
! Rian: How m uch a r e they? 4. Of course sir.
Salesm an: ............................................... 5. You’re welcome sir.
Man: Yes ... th a t's ju st w hat I
w as looking for. P erhaps 6. Do you have any particular
I'll take th e one w ith a colour in mind, sir?
round neck. W h at size are
they, please? 7. The sw eaters w ith a V-neck and
Salesm an: ............................................... a round-neck are the sam e price
Man: Medium, if y o u ’v e got it.
Salesm an: ............................................... .... - 32.99. A nd th e sw eaters w ith a
Man: Do you accept T raveller's polo-neck a re 35.99.
Salesm an: .............................................. 8. No problem... right, th a t’ll be
Man: C an I p ay in cash? 32.99.
Salesm an: ...............................................
Man: T hank you v e ry much. 9. Yes, sir. ... T hank you ... Here
Salesm an: .............................................. you are and h ere’s your receipt

Exercise 21. C om plete th e sta te m e n ts in th e le ft colum n w ith a rem ark from

th e rig h t one.

I a I can’t decide w hether to b u y it or not, so 1) N ot a t all, madam. It's a pleasure.

I I think .......... 2) I’m ju s t looking.
I b llav e you got a p air like this in red ? ........ 3) Could you explain how it works?
с Can I pay by credit-card? ........... 4) How would you like to pay?
! d Can I help you? No thanks, ........ 5) Sorry. W e’re o u t of stock a t the
■a T h a t’s $ 49.99, please................. moment.
f T hanks very m uch for y o u r help.......... 6) I ’ll leave i t
g T here isn’t price label o n this s h irt ....... 7) Sorry, we only accept cash or
h This com puter looks difficult to use.......... cheques.
8) How m uch is it?
E x e r c is e 22. S u p p ly t h e c o r r c c t p r e p o s it io n .
1. T hey h av e a very good selection ...... ties ....... all shades.
2. “W hat can I d o ...... you?”- asked th e shop assistant.
3. I ’d like a silk d r e s s ....... sum m er wear. Can you show me som ething ........
light blue.
4. H e is looking ...... a p a i r ....... jeans.
5. S he asked ...... w inter underw ear but th e y did not have it ........stock.
6. C an I p ay ...... cash or do you accept only credit cards? - You can pay ...
credit card.
7. It is too ex p en siv e...... me. I ’d like som ething cheaper.
8. I ’d like to have a lo o k ..... o n e ....... the hats you have ........ the window.
9. C an I t r y ...... these shoes?
10. D on’t w r a p ...... these shoes. I’ll pu t t h e m .........
10. C an you show me th a t lamb- wool s w e a te r ..........a V-neck, please?
11. These pullovers come .......... small, m edium and large sizes.

E x e r c is e 2 5 . (a ) L is te n t o th e c o n v e r s a t io n a n d tic k w h e t h e r th e s ta t e m e n t is
tr u e (T) o r false (F).
S tatem en ts T F

1 The w om an is looking for a three-piece suit.

2 She p refers dark colours.
3 D ouble-breasted suits are in fashion.
4 The w om an is aw are of E uropean sizes.
5 She is satisfied with th e service.
6 The fitting room is n ex t to th e shoe departm ent
7 The su it sh e finally tried on fitted h er perfectly.

(b) A nsw er th e follow ing questions.

1. W hy w asn’t th e w om an pleased?
2. W as th e salesgirl patient enough?
3. How did she tre a t th e customer?
4. D id the woman behave in th e rig h t way? Give your reasons.

Exercise 26. J a c k is o u t shopping. He calls a t a m en’s w ear shop to buy a

p a ir of socks. L isten to th e conversation betw een Jack and a
salesm an.
(a) Com plete the chart.

T hings C olour M aterial

4 --------------------- -------------------

(b) A nsw er th e questions.

1. Why did Jack go shopping?
2. W hat did Jack intend to buy?
3. How m any item s w ere listed in his receipt?
4. Was he satisfied?
5. Was th e salesm an good at bargaining?
6. Have you ev e r been in th e sam e situation?
7. Have you e v e r bought anything you didn’t intend to buy?
Jixorcisc 27. Read th e sta te m e n ts and choose th e m ost a p p ro p riate answ er.
1. A friend is v isitin g you. H e /s h e w an ts to g o d ow n tow n and asks vou:
“A re vou com ing?”.
a) Ju st a minute.
b) Where?
c) In a minute.
2. Shopping!
a) I’ve got everything I need.
b) Which shop?
c) W hat do you w a n t to buy?
3. We can iu s t have a look around.
a) I have no spare money.
b) And spend some money.
c) I need jeans.
4. L et’s call at th is shop.
a) They have nice shoes.
b) They a re rath e r expensive.
c) I don't like them.
5. I like th ese shoes.
a) Do you w ant to tr y them on?
b) Yes, I do.
с.) I don't know my size.
6. T hese shoes look nice on vou.
a) T hey a re too tig h t
b) Can I tr y on the left one?
c) Do they?
7. I’ll take them .
a) And I ’ll take a n o th er pair.
b) As you like!
c) Don’t forget about shoes cream


1. Y ou en ter a cloth es shop. A salesgirl com es up to vou. S h e savs:

“C an I help vou?"
a) May I try this on?
b) W e’re ju st looking.
c) Do you have them in grey?
2. L ook at th e se shirts!
a) The colour is nice.
b) I don’t like sh o rt sleeves.
c) I have one like this.
3. W hat abou t that one?
a) 1 like it.
b) T here is one b u tto n missing.
c) I don't like it.
4. H ow is it?
a) It doesn’t fit me.
b) I t’s all right.
c) It suits m e perfectly.
5. Do v o u w a n t to try on a bigger size?
a) W hat a re th e sizes?
b) Yes, please.
c) No, th an k you.
6. T his sh irt fits vou perfectly.
a) I t’s too b rig h t
b) I t’s too tig h t
c) Yes, it does, bu t I don’t like th e colour.
7. W e have o th e r colours.
a) Which colours?
b) I w ant blue.
c) Is it 100% cotton?
8. W e have th em in w h ite , yellow , blue and green.
a) No, not green.
b) Can I see the blue one?
c) W here is th e w hite one?
9. T here’s th e fittin g room over there.
a) W here is th e m irror?
b) Can I tr y it on?
c) T hank you.

E x e r c is e 2 8 . L is t e n t o t h e f iv e d ia lo g u e s a n d f in d o u t w h a t t h e s h o p p e r s a r e
c o m p la in in g o f a n d h o w t h e p r o b le m s h a v e b e e n s o lv e d .

D ia lo g u e 1 D ialogu e 2 D ialogu e 3 D ialogu e 4 D ialogue 5

C om plaint

S olu tion of
the problem

E xercise 29. C om p lete th e dialogues.

Can I help you?

W hat’s your size?

We have them in differen t colours. W hat colour do you have in mind?

Would you like to try it on?

Does it fit you?

Here is a larg er size.

It's $ ........How will you pay?

We don’t accept credit cards.

Here is your suit.

Come again. H ave a nice day.

I’d like som ething for w inter wear.

W hat a re th e y m ade of?

I p refer a lam b- wool sweater.

D ark green, please.

F orty- six.

Can I p^y by credit card?

E xercise 30. R e ad th e conversation a n d p u t tb e lines in th e c o rre c t o rd e r.

- Yes, I ’m looking for a dress.

- I’d like a red dress.
- I t’s too big!
- 1 need a medium.
- May I help you?
- Oh, I like it.
- W hat colour are you looking for?
- Can I try it on?
- Do you w ant a long or a short-
sleeved dress?
- No, th a t’s too dark.
- It looks great.
- A nd this one?
- W hat’s your size?
- Do yon like this one?
- Yes, th e fitting room is over there.
- S hort-sleeved, please.
- I’ll take it.
- This one is smaller.

Exercise 1. In the tab le b elow you can see th e qu estion s and th e list o f service
estab lish m en ts th a t provide d ifferen t services. M atch the scrvice
estab lish m en t w ith th e correspondent question. Rem em ber, there
could be m ore than on e answ er. D iscuss your ch oice w ith your

Q u estion s № S ervice estab lish m en ts

1 W here will you go if you w ant your shoes _3_ 1. a b arb er’s shop
repaired? 2.. a h aird resser's
2 W here will you go if you w ant your hair 3. a shoe repairer's
cut? 4. a laundry
3 W here will you go if you w an t your things ___ 5. a L aundrom at
cleaned? 6. a d ry cleaning shop
4 W here will you go if you w ant your things 7. a car rental company
washed? 8. a fitness centre
5 W hat will you do if you need a car to hire? 9. a snack b ar
10. a car park

E xercise 3. L ook at the fo llo w in g group of w ords and phrases and decid e w here
th e giv en services are provided. C hoose the required service
e stab lish m en t opp osite each group of w ords from th e fo llo w in g list
of services:

Hairdresser's shop; Watchmaker's shop; Shoemaker’s; Barber’s shop;

Laundry and Dry Cleaning; Car rental company; Photographer*s.

W ords and phrases S ervice

estab lish m en ts
to have one’s hair done (waved; dyed)
to have a haircut
to have a m anicure (one's nails done)
to have a pedicure (a shampoo; a colour rinse; a facial massage)
colour: blonde, brunette, d a rk e r colour, a lighter colour
Don’t use any hairspray.
I have o ily /d ry hair.
I w ant these clothes cleaned (pressed/ironed; washed; dyed)
T here is a sp o t/stain on ..
T here is a button missing.
to have (to get) a shave, a haircut, a shampoo
You can cut a little a t the back (in front, oil th e sides).
Leave it long.
I have a p art on the left (on th e right, in the middle).
I comb my h a ir straight back (w ithout a part).
Please trim m y hair (my b eard |b iad |, my moustache |m as’ta jj,
m y whiskers).
Please shave the back of my neck.
I don’t w ant eau de Cologne.
I have a ten d er skin.
1 w ant these shoes repaired (soled, half soled, heeled, polished)
le a th e r/ru b b e r soles/heels
; half soles
j to be worn dow n
j a pair оГ shoe laces
! a pair of insoles
1 to regulate a w atch
io clean
to p u t a new glass
My w atch is fast/slow .
My w atch doesn't ru n well.
My w atch has stopped running.
; The glass is broken.
! T h ere's som ething w rong with th e h o u r/m in u te hand, glass).
' Can you replace the battery?
I to have one’s photo taken
: lo develop an d print photos
io hire (Br.); to rent (Am.)
I mileage, petrol (Br.). gas (Am.)
1 petrol station (Br.), gas station (Am.)
: licence (Br.)/license (Am.)

Kxercisc 6. M ake up sentences.

o u r photos made
his car developed
h e r w atch w ashed
I don’t w ant th e ir linen repaired
He w ant to have o u r film cut
She got his sh irt ironed (pressed)
They doesn’t w ant th e ir car ta^cen
We had h e r dress polished
will have (get) h e r nails printed
w ants to have th e ir photos cleaned
h e r shoes
th e ir clothes
his h air
E x erc ise 7. C h a n g e th e se n te n c e s a c c o rd in g to th e m odel.
M odel: He m ade a n ew su it.
He h ad a n ew su it m ade.
1 He developed and printed th e photos y esterd a y ..................
2 T he mail rep aired his w atch......................................................
о She cleaned her dress..................................................................
•J The w om an w ants to wash the linen......................................
;> The girl w anted to do her hair..................................................

K x c r c i s c K. P r a c t i c e t h e f o l l o w i n g a c c o r d i n g t o t h e m o d e l .
Model: M y car has broken dow n , (to re p a ir)
I m u st h ave it repaired.
1 My hair is too long, (to c u t) .....................................................
2 T he suit has a stain, (to dry-clean) ........................................
3 My room looks awful, (to p a p e r)............................................
4 1 don't like your hairdo, (to do in a d ifferen t s ty le ).........
5 SIk - spilt coffee on h er skirt, (to w a s h )................................
ii He npeds a copy of th is docum ent (lo p h o to c o p y )............
1 Shirts and ties have to b e ........................................(to iron).
2 A stained jack et w a n ts ................................... (to clean).
3 Shoes w ith soles w orn down m ust b e ............................ (to repair).
4 Long sleeves have to be ...................................... (to shorten).
5 Buttons th a t come loose need ................................ (to sew).
6 I w ant my h a i r ........................(to cut) at th e back.

Exercise 11. M atch the righ t m an ’s reply w ith th e barber’s statem en t and w rite
dow n th e required figure.

B arber’s statem en ts № M an’s rep lies

B arber: Good moming. W hat can I do for you? ] Yes. B ut be careful, my
Man: ................................................................ skin is ra th e r tender.
Barber: Do you w ant your hair cut short or
just trim med? 2 V ery w ell
Man: ..................................................................
Barber: Y our hair’s ra th e r dry, sir. A shampoo 3 I w ant it cut b u t not
will do it a lot of good. too short.
Man: ...................... ......................................... -
Barber: And now for th e shave. 4 H aircut and shave,
Man: ................................................................. please.
Barber: You needn’t w orry, sir......... T here
you are, sir. 5 H ere you are. And keep
Man: .................................................................. th e change.
Barber: $ .......
Man: .................................................................. 6 How much do I owe you? j
Barber: T hank you, sir. 1
E xercise 14. M atch the righ t cu stom er’s reply w ith th e sh oem ak er’s statem en t
and w rite d ow n th e required figure.

S h oem ak er’s statem en ts № C u stom er’s

rep lies
Shoem aker: W hat can I do for you? IR u b b er heels,
C ustom er: ....................................................................................... of course.
Shoem aker: L eath er or ru b b er soles?
2 Yes, please.
Shoem aker: A nd w hat about th e heels, th e y are w orn dow n
3 I’d like these
Shoem aker: Would you like th e shoes polished? shoes soled. !

Shoem aker: Do you w ant them done while you wait? 4 L eather
C ustom er: ...................................................................................... soles, please :
Shoem aker: H ere is the receipt. Half soles and ru b b er heels. i
It will be $ .... They will be ready in two days 5 No, I'll leave 1
them . 1
Exercise 17. M atch the rig h t c u sto m er’s reply w ith th e assistan t’s sta te m e n t and
w rite dow n th e req u ired figure.

A ssistant's statem en ts № C u sto m er’s replies

A ssistant: C an I help you? 1 Ah yes.

C u s to m e r:............................................................................
A ssistant: Certainly. W hen would you like to collect it? 2 Of course, thank
C u s to m e r:............................................................................ you. How
A ssistant: 6 o’clock. Certainly. Can I have your name, m uch will it be?
C ustom er:.............................................................................. 3 George Slater.
A ssistant: T hank you, sir. H ere’s your receipt.
C ustom er:.............................................................................. 4 My jack et needs
A ssistant: K eep it carefully. You will get your jacket cleaning.
only when you show this receipt.
C u s to m e r:............................................................................ 5 Can it be ready
A ssistant: I t’ll be $ ......... by 6 today?

E xcrcise 20. M atch th e rig h t w om an’s reply w ith the clerk’s statem en t an d
w rite down th e required figure.

J C ar h ire clerk’s statem en ts Ni W om an’s replies

j C ar h ire clerk: Good afternoon. Can I help you, madam ? 1 Does th a t include
! W om an: ............................................ ........................ insurance?
C ar h ire clerk: We have a Ford. 2 How m uch would
W oman: ..................................................................... th a t cost?
C ar h ire c lerk It’s $12 a day plus 12 cents a kilometre. 3 Good afternoon. I
W om an: ..................................................................... w an t lo hire a car.
C ar hire clerk: Yes, insurance is included. Do you have any
W om an: ............................................ ........................ available?
C ar h ire clerk: Yes, you buy th e petrol, b u t w e check 4 Do I h av e to pay
the car before you start. a deposit?
W oman: ......... ,....................................... ................. 5 B ut I h av e to pay
j C ar h ire clerk: Yes, we require a deposit of $ 20. ex tra for the
' W oman: .................................................................... petrol, do I?
j h ire clerk: Yes, th a t’ll be all right. A nd w e need to 6 Right. H ere you
are. C an I see the
1 see your d riv e r’s licence.
1 W oman: ..................................................................... car, please?
7 Do you accept
! C ar h ire clerk: Certainly, madam. This way, please.
credit cards?

Exercise 22. S upply the co rrect prepositions.

1 You can cut a li t t l e ......... th e back and ....... the sides.

2 W hat side do you have a p a rt - .......the left o r e right?
3 I have a p art ...... the middle.
1 W here is a m irror? I w ant to look ...... myself.
э C an I m ake an a p p o in tm e n t...... today?
6 C an you m ake it straig h t ...... th e temples?
7 A s you see m y heels a re w o r n ...........
dry clean in g shop, to dye, laundry, fast, heel, hairdresser’s,
barber's, repairs, lender, hairdo, rcccipl, fashion

1 My w atch is 5 ininutes .....................Could you have a look at it?

2 I w ant this blouse ....................a dark blue.
3 Such hairstyle is v ery popular now. B ut the style she w ears has been
out of .......................... for years.
4 I am sorry, we don’t handle s u c h ....................... here.
5 Your shoes are w orn dow n at t h e .........................They need repairing.
6 Every week she has to have a ...........................
7 Be careful. My skin is ra th e r ............................
8 I w anted to have my jacket cleaned and w ent to t h e ............................ ...............
9 W here is Jane? She has gone to t h e ......................... to have her hair w aved
10 It is essential to have a collect things dry-cle!med or washed.
11 Do you usually wash your linen yourself or do you have it washed in I h e ..... ?

Kxercise 24. L isten to th e d ialogu es and find out w h ere these conversation s t a k e
place. T ick th e righ t answer.
D ia lo g u e 1 D ialogu e 2 D ialogu e 3 D ialogue 4
Camera shop Cl CD U LJ
B arber’s shop □ □ □ □
C ar R ental com pany D D □ □
H airdresser's shop Q □ П П

E xercise 25. L isten to th e tw o dialogu es again and w rite “yes" or “n o ”.

Cut P arting Sham poo Sh ave Hair Sh ave

Sh ort 1 Long Spray lotion
W oman

E xercise 27. C om plete th e dialogues.

I. At the dry cleaning shop

Can 1 help you?

How m any things w ould you like cleaned?

W hen would you like to collect them?

Sorry, they can’t be ready today. You may collect them tom orrow morning.

Can I have your name, please?

H ere's your rc-ceipt.

- I t’ll be $ ........
Yes, I have an appointm ent for today.

T hank you.

I'd like to have my hair w ashed and done in a differen t style.

No, I don’t w ant it cut.

- I w ant it waved.

No, I don’t w ant an y hairspray.

E x e r c is e 2 8 . R e a d th e c o n v e r s a tio n a n d p u t t h e lin e s in th e c o r r e c t o r d e r.

_______________________________________ A t t h e b a r b e r ’s s h o p ____________________________________________
- S hort in back, long in f r o n t . __________________________________
- W hat side do you usually p a rt your hair? ___________________________________
- No, just 5 m i n u t e s . __________________________________
- T hank you. ___________________________________
- How much do I owe y o u ? __________________________________

I - Could you w ait a little? -----------------------------------------------

How do you comb yo u r hair? ___________________________________
Good morning. Can I help you? ______________________ ____________
- W hat would you like? ___________________________________
- OK. No problems.
- Do I have to w ait long?
j - V ery well, sir. A nything else?
j - Good moming. I’d like a shave
! - It’s your tu rn , sir. P lease sit down.
! - Yes, I w ant a h aircu t
j - Do you w ant eau de Cologne?
j - On the left.
! - $ .......
- How do you w ant it cut?
- T hank you.
- H ere you are. And keep th e change.
- No, thank y o u
- With a parting.
; - A shave.

E xercise 1. T h e fo llo w in g situ ation s are related to the idea of paym ents. C hoose
t h e m eans of paym ent lo w h ich th ey refer from th e fo llo w in g list
o f w ords and w rite them dow n in th e table in the spaces provided.
R em em ber, som e situ ation s do not refer to any word in the l is t
D iscu ss your choice in th e group.
cheque, coins, cash, barter

1. In some circum stances people p refer to pay money directly to

the ow ner of the p ro d u ct Usually in these cases they
substantially discount the price of th e thing they buy.
2. In some new developing countries th e ow ners of some products
prefer to exchange them for th e goods they w ant to buy.
3. In th e p a st people used d ifferent m etals for m easuring even big
am ounts of money. In m odern world d ifferent metals are used I
only for sm all am ounts of money. !
4. The m odern world created th e new m eans of payment. In this 1
type of p aym ent you don’t need to carry money in your pocket. j
It is enough to w rite the am ount of money you have to pay for
th e goods you are purchasing on th e special paper.
5. Even now adays some people in th e rem ote areas of th e world
use cakes o f salt as th e m eans of paym ent.
6. People can purchase goods th e y w ant only by m eans of special
paper th a t w e call money.________________________________________________

E xercise 4. T he fo llo w in g statem en ts refer to th e idea of th e t e x t C hoose and

tick th e w ord or th e phrase from the list to fin ish the statem en t. If
you d o n ’t kn ow the word or phrase use a dictionary. D iscu ss you r
ch o ice w ith a partner. R em em ber, there could be m ore lh an one choice.
1. In m odem world people p refer to carry th eir money in T raveller’s Cheques,
Cheque C ards and C redit Cards because they are .... a) safer
b) more dangerous
c) worse
d) easier
2. Cheques, Cheque Cards and C redit Cards can be sold in d if fe re n t...
a) kinds of currency
b). denom inations
c). banks
d) large hotels and restau ran ts
3. These kinds of paym ent a re safe as th ey a r e ....
a) bought in big banks
b) signed by the holder a t th e time of purchase
c) in d ifferent kinds of currency
d) in different denominations
4 T raveller’s Cheques and personal cheques are ... until they are countersigned
by th e sam e person in the presence of th e cashier.
a) not accepted by d ifferent big shops, hotels, restaurants
b) not valid
c) useless
d) cancelled
5. The banks cards if th ey are lost or stolen.
a) cancel
b) protect
c) accept
d) issue
6. W hen you pay for som ething w ith the credit card you arc asked to ..........
a) give a copy
b) leave it a t th e cashier
c) sign the form
d) send to an o th er shop
7. In case you have lost your c h e c k ...
a) let th e local police know this; inform th e local b ran ch of th e bank
b) give a required inform ation to th e branch of th e bank w here you bought
your check
r:) inform th e police office located a t the a rea w here you bought your
d) confirm a refund
Kxercise 6. Read th e follow ing and decide w h e th e r it is rig h t (R) o r w rong
(W). Tick in th e spaces provided. S ay w h a t a person should do.

S itu atio n s R W
1 Mrs K ate Kelly, a businessw om an from th e U K w ent on a trip to the
USA. S he lost h er T raveller's C heques in N ew York. S he didn’t
inform the local police about h e r loss.

2. She called th e bank in M anchester w here th e cheques had been


3. M rs Kelly told th e am ount of money and th e place of h e r signature in

the cheques.

4. U nfortunately she d id n ’t rem em ber th e serial n u m b er of th e cheques.

5 Mrs Kelly described th e situation how h er cheques had been lost.

f i. Mrs Kelly hopes to get a refund for h e r T rav eller’s Cheques through
The branch of the bank in New York. 8. M atch the w ords w ith th e ir defin itio n s.

W ords D efin itio n s

1 note .f.. a a piece of paper w ritte n to a bank to pay money
‘2 traveller's b m onetary unit of th e EU
cheque с money put in a bank
3 denomination d som ething accepted as a m eans of paying for
4 currency goods and services
5 cliequc e issued by a bank for convenience of travellers
fi Euro f a piece of p aper used as money
7 coin g plastic card used in m aking credit purchases
3 deposit h coin and paper money in use in a country
9 credit card i a unit based on value (class of money)
10 money j a piece of m etal used as m oney
check out, deposit, in advance, sales outlet, settle a bill, voucher

Hotels o p erate complex system of guest accounting. Rooms are not usually paid
for ................ (1). It is normal for guests to .................. (2) only w hen they
............... (3) of th e hotel - although usually a ................... (4) or credit card num ber
is taken as security. A guest will probably buy a num ber of hotel services during
h is /h e r stay , for example, drink in th e bar, room service, and so on. These are
either paid for at the tim e or added to th e gu est’s final bill. In this case the
...................... (5) m ust issue a sig n e d ...................... (6) to th e accounts departm ent.

E x e r c is e 1 2 . (a ) L o o k a t th e lis t b e lo w , a n d th e n lis t e n t o t h e 3 d ia lo g u e s ta k in g
p la c e in a h o te l. T ic k t h e a p p r o p r ia te o p e r a tio n .

O perations Dialogues
1 2 3
Paying th e bill in the restaurant.
Buying goods a t a hotel shop.
Checking in.
Changing money.
Checking out.
Leaving a tip.

(Ъ) L isten to th e dialogues again and answ er th e follow in g questions.

E xercise 14. S u p p ly th e correct prepositions.

1. A cheque is m ore convenient f o r m ...... p a y m e n t........ large-num bered

purchases. Cheques reduce th e possibility .... th eft or loss .... currency.
2. Uzbek m oney comes :.......cpins w orth 5 tiyins, 10 tiyins, 20 tiyins, 50 tiyins;
paper m oney i s ..... denomination .... 1 sum, 3 sums, 5 sums, 10 sums,
25 sums, 50 sums, 100 sums, 500 sum s and 1000 sums.
3. T raveller’s Cheques are more convenient as th ey are insured ............. loss.
4. - I’d like to change 5,000 s u m s .......dollars. W hat is the r a t e
today? - I t ’s 30 sums ..... a dollar.
5. - How m uch do you c h a r g e ...... room s e rv ic e s .......your hotel? - $40 p e r night.
6 - Can you cash m y credit c a r d ....... $100? - Of course.
7 - Good m orning. I'd like to open a savings a c c o u n t.........your bank.
- No problem. You are welcome.
8 Service c h a r g e s ...... th e restau ran t are usually added ... the final bill .:.
a g u est
9 Many hotels operate a complex s y s te m ...... guest accounting.
n e w s papers:
T o d ay ’s e x c h a n g e r a te
C o u n try C u rre n c y (to y o u r c u rre n c y )
B u y in g r a te S e llin g ra te

T he USA Dollar
T he UK
Jap an
South K orea
T urkey
G erm any
E gypt
D enm ark
Sw itzerland
Saudi A rabia

(b) A ct o u t a d ia lo g u e . O n e s tu d e n t w o rk s in th e e x c h a n g e office, th e o t h e r is a
to u r is t. D ecid e w h a t c o m m issio n y o u a r e g o in g to c h arg e .

E x crc ise 17. R e ad th e c o n v e rs a tio n a n d p u t th e lin e s in th e c o rre c t o rd e r.

- I t’s 2%. '

- I’d like to cash some T raveller’s
Cheques. Can I have sums?
- OK.
- You a re welcome!
- Sum s? I am afraid you can't.
- Two fifties, 3 tw enties, 4 tens. W hat
is th e service charge?
- H ere you are.
- W hat denom inations w ould you like1.
20. 50 or 10 dollar notes?
- T hank you.
- Can I have dollars?
- 200.
- O f course, you can. How much would
you like to cash?
Exercise 18. C om plete a dialogue. A custom er is opening a savings account
w ith Ihe bank.

C lerk: Good afternoon! Can I help you?

C ustom er: Good afternoon._____________________________________________
C lerk: You are welcome. Do you know our regulations?
C u s to m e r : __________________________________________________________

C lerk: To open a saving account you have to m ake a deposit of 100

C ustom er: ______________________________________ _____________________ ?
C lerk: I t’s 2%. B ut custom ers pay no charges as long as th ey keep a
minim um of 100 pounds.
C u s to m e r:_______________________________________________________________
C lerk: Please, fill in th e form: w rite your full name, address and p u t your
C u sto m e r :__________________________________________________________________
Clerk: T he in terest rate depends on th e term and th e type of the deposit.
C u sto m e r:______________________________________________________________
C le rk The m inim um of deposits is 3 months. For how long are you going
to deposit your money?
C ustom er: ________________ ____________________________________________
Kxercise 1. A nsw er the follow ing q u estio n s using th e w ord-com binations below.
______W rite down Ihe req u ired fig u re of the an sw er in th e spaces provided.
a) th e y hav e a cold? 7 1. take vitamin С
2. go on a diet
b) th e y feel ill?
3. lie down
c) th e y can ’t g e t to sleep? 1. see a doctor
W hat do people 5. drink some w ater
d) th e y have flu?
do if ... 6 go to the dentist
e) th e y have a toothache? 7. take an aspirin
8. count to 100
f) th ey w ant to lose weight? - 9. get some fresh air
I 10 go to bed

Kxercise 4. Com plete the sentences. Use th e w ords from the list below.
physician; children’s doctor; surgeon; psychiatrist; oculist; gynecologist; dentist;
nurse; г’лт. nose and throat specialist; health insurance; treatment, neurologist
If you have a toothache you consult a ..........................
If som ething has got into your eye you go to see a n ..........................
If you have a sore th ro a t you consult a ..........................
If you have a h eart attack you call a ..........................
If you catch flu you a re atte n d e d by a ..........................
6 If your nerves are o u t of o rd er you consult a ...........................
7 If your little son or d a u g h te r h as a high tem p eratu re you send for a ............
Я If you go abroad an d have no .......................... you should be p rep ared to pay
f o r ......................... if you fall ill.
Kxercise 6. M atch th e w ords w ith th e ir definitions,
l em ergency a sh a rp an d su d d en suffering of m ind or body
th e state pf being ill
an y substance used in medicine
disease physical and m ental well-being; freedom from disease,
prescription p ain or defect
a p articu lar k in d of illness w ith special sym ptom s
illness a specially equipped autom obile or o th e r vehicle for
ache carry in g sick or w ounded people
a n y su b stan ce used to tre a t or p rev en t a disease
health a sudden or unforeseen situation th a t requires im m ediate
pain action.
a doctor’s w ritte n direction for prep aratio n and use
medicine of medicine
ambulance a continuous pain

Kxercise 7. M atch the verbs w ith th e ir definitions.

1 1. to treat a to be form ed into ice
j 2. lo heal b to take care of w ith medicine; th e process of curing
j lo be ill/sic k с to advise or o rd er th e use of
4. lo cure d to m ake h ea lth y a fter wounds of any kind
1 ~i. lo feel e to be aw are through th e senses
1 fi to examine f
! 7. to prescribe К
8. to freeze h to change rap id ly from a liquid to a vapour by heating
1 lo cough i to bring back to health
j 10. to boil to be in bad health
Exercise 9. Choose the ap p ro p riate w ord and p u t it in th e correct form .
illness, to cure, ill, to treat, sick, disease
1. The nurse mixed th e medicine w ith a tea-spoon and gave it to th e ................
m an w ho sat up in bed to take it.
2. W hen people a r e ...............and have a tem p eratu re of over 39 degrees we say
they a re in a high fever.
3. He suddenly f e l l............
4. W hat did Mr Cage die of? Did he suffer from any c h ro n ic....................... ?
5. T h e ..............w as catching and the doctor said he would p u t m e on th e sick list.
6. The open air life on the f a r m ....................him of his headaches.
V. The doctor said th a t if I followed his instructions, I should soon b e .... ......of
the disease.
8. The grippe, scarlet fever and measles are c a tc h in g .....................
9. W hen I go on board a ship or a boat I f e e l...............
10. A fter scarlet fever complications developed, th e patient had to b e .................
for a m onth before he was co m p letely ...................

E xercise 10. Supply th e co rrect prepositions o r adverbs.

A. 1. He w as th e first surgeon to try new m e th o d e a tm e n t....... h ea rt
2. We shall have to send ...... a children’s doctor if th e baby’s tem p eratu re
doesn’t fall, said the nurse shaking down the therm om eter.
3. His w ork has m ade it possible to operate patients suffering ..... severe h e a rt
4. - I have b ut a slight headache. - Have you got a p il l..... it?
5. “I’ll p u t y o u ..... a sick-list for th ree days,”- th e doctor said “K e e p .... b e d
Y ou’ll b e ......good health ....... th e end e week, I hope”.

B. A t b reak fast Mrs Brow n noticed th a t h er husband didn’t look well. “W hat’s
th e m a t t e r ....... (1) you?"- she asked “You are not ill, are you”?
“I am afraid I am. I don’t feel well. I think I’ll s t a y ..... (2) home. I have pains
....... (3) my legs and arm s”.
“Your eyes are red and b r i g h t...... (4) fever. G o .......(5) bed and let me tak e
your tem perature. I’ll p h o n e ......... (6) th e doctor. W hen the doctor arrived, he
exam ined Mr Brown. He listened ....... (7) his h ea rt and chest, lo o k e d ........ (8)
his tongue and thro at ahd finally said: “It's ju st th e flu. S t a y ...... (9) bed, eat
plenty ....... (10) fru it and no m eat, drink some tea and lemon and ........ (11) a
few days you will be all right again. I’ll give you a b o ttle ...... (12) medicine
w hich will help you”.

Exercise 11. G ive all possible an sw ers and tick opposite th e req u ired statem en t.
____________Prove your choice to a teacher._____________________________
W hat do you do w hen (if) _
I ask about th e health of the
you w itness an accident in the victim.
evening? _ I telephone for an ambulance.
- I rush off to th e hospital.
I disappear in the darkness.
__ I ask: "How do you feel?"
__ I nurse him (her).
your friend has a heart attack? _ I give him (her) some drops.
_ I call a doctor.
_ I p u t a compress on h is/h e r heart.
_ I ask for some money.
1_ I send for a doctor.
11 - I bandage it.
you cut your finger? 1- I ask to be put on a sick lis t.
I take my tem perature.
I lie in bed and sleep.
_ I keep a diet.
I take long walks.
you have stom ach trouble? _ I go to th e doctor.
I go to th e re s ta u ra n t
_ 1 lie in bed and sleep.
_ I k’o to a sanatorium .
you begin to remove from an _ I te.1) everybody I am better.
illness? _ I p u t on weight.
_ I tharu'< th e doctor for h is /h e r job.

Exercisc 13. L isten to th e dialogues. R esto re th e m by p u ttin g th e re q u ire d

figu re o f the statem en ts in th e sp aci's provided.
D ia lo e u e 1
№ The lis t of phrases
1. W hat's the m a tte r w ith you?
2. Of course, I would, b u t th e d ru g sto re is n ext to t/he superm arket.
3 I t’s next to th e gas station.
4 . Tom, how do you feel today?
5. Oh, not so good.
6. I have a headache.
7 . R obert, would you go to th e dru g sto re?
8. T h at's a pity

D ia lo g u e 11

№ T he lis t of phrases
1. R obert, would you go to th e drugstore?
2 Tom, how do you feel today?
3. I t ’s next to th e gas station.
4 . Of course, I would, b u t th e d rugstore is next to th e su p e rm a rk t’t-
5. Oh, not so good.
6. T h a t’s a pity.
7. W hat’s the m a tte r w ith you?
8. I havp a hpadarhe.

D ia lo g u e HI

№ The lis t of phrases ___

1. R obert would you go to th e drugstore?
2. Tom, how do you feel today?
3. W h at’s th e m a tte r w ith you?
4 . Oh, not so good.
5 . I'm sorry to h e a r th a t
6. I have a toothache.
7 . I feel terrible.
8. Hi, how do you feel today? 1
D octor’s replies
D octor:........................................... 1 Do your ears ache?
P atien t: I h aven’t been feeling well 2 Let me examine you. Open your
for some days. I’ve lost m y mouth. ...You have a sore throat. Will
appetite. I have a splitting you strip to the waist, please? B reathe
headache, it h u rts w hen I deeply. ... Hold your breath. ... Let out
swallow and I have a your breath. Let me check your blood
running nose and a bad cough. pressure. ... It is slightly above normal.
D octor:.................................................... Well, you have an attack of flu.
P atient: No. 3 Good morning. Will you tak e a seat,
Doctor: .................................................. please? W hat’s the trouble?
P atient: I t ’s 37.8. 4 Take one teaspoonful of it th ree times
D o c to r :................................................. a day after meals. And buy a m ixture
P atien t: W hat kind of tre a tm e n t do I for your throat. Gargle every two hours.
need? 5 Did you take your tem perature?
D octor: .................................................. 6 No, you don’t Stay in bed for some
P a tien t: How m any times a day days, otherwise th ere m ight be
should I take th e medicine? complications. Come again to see me in
D o c to r :.................................................. seven days.
P atient: Do I need a prescription for 7 You should go through th e necessary
it? analyses and you have to have your
D o c to r :.................................................. chest X-rayed. Have a lot of hot tea
P atient: T hank you, doctor. Good-bye. w ith lemon. I'll prescribe a medicine for
your cough.

E xercise 17. M atch the patient’s reply w ith th e doctor’s statem en t

D octor’s statem en ts № P a tien t’s rep lies

D r B ell: D r Bell's speaking. 1. Good-bye.
Mr Slater: ............................................. 5 2. Well, Doctor. I
D r B ell: Hello, M r Slater. How do you feel today? probably have a
Mr Slater: ............................................. backache because I
D r B ell: I am sorry to h ear that.' W hat’s the planted trees and
m a tte r with you? flowers all d ay long
M r Slater: ............................................. yesterday.
D r Bell: Do you have any idea why? . 3. Yes, I dp. W hen can
Mr Slater: . . . ___ _________________ you come over?
D r Bell: Do you usually plant trees and 4. T h at’s fine. T hank
flowers all day long? you.
M r Slater: ............................................. 5. Hello, Doctor Bell.
D r Bell: Do you w ant m e to come to see you? This is Mr. Slater.
M r Slater: .............................................. 6. No, I don’t. B ut I did
D r Bell: How about tom orrow at 11 o'clock? all day yesterday.
Mr Slater: ............................................. 7. Not so good.
D r Bell: See you tomorrow. 8. I have a terrible
Mr Slater: ........................................... backache.
E x e rc ise 19. Y o u a re g o in g to h e a r a c o n v e rsa tio n b e tw e e n a m an a n d a d o c to r
a n d w ill h a v e to fill in th e r e le v a n t in fo rm a tio n o n th e d o c to r's
n o te pad.
Dr Margaret Lewis
35, Park Lane
P atient's nam e .....................................................................
A ddress .....................................................................
P atient's Complaints .....................................................................
Diagnosis ....................................... -............................
P rescripton .............-.......................................................
E x e rc is e 21. C hoose th e a p p ro p ria te w o rd a n d fill in th e gaps.
strained, overtired, complaining, breakdown, exaggerate,
checkup, thorough, bored, way, с are, m ind, catch
1. W hy a re you constantly --------------------------of headaches? Your blood
pressure is normal.
2. She was to finish typew ritten bills w hen she suddenly felt herself a b i t ---------
- and ----------------- .
' 3. You w ork a lot. You should t a k e ------------------ of y o u r health. O therw ise y o u ’ll
have a -----------------.
4. People a lw a y s ------------------- w hen th e y are telling some stories about
5. P roper diet is an im portant ----------------------to keep our health.
6. I w as sen t to th e hospital to tak e a f u ll---------------------- for th e m ilitary
7. The classes w ere not in teresting a t all and I w a s ------------------------ a t th e end
of th e day.
8. I don’t ---------------------- if you go on business trip in May. You m ay have a
rest a little later in June.
9. You should have a ---------------------examination.
10. I think you m a y -------------------------- cold. T he n o rth ern wind is blowing h a rd
and you hav e only.a T - sh irt on.
E x erc ise 28. L is te n to th e c o n v e rs a tio n w ith a d o c to r. T h e c o rre sp o n d e n t is
a s k in g th e d o c to r a b o u t f ir s t aid . T h e n fill in th e tab le . D iscuss y o u r
_____________ a n s w e rs w ith a p a r tn e r.______________________________________________
In ju ry F irst aid and tre a tm e n t
No breathing


Burns: a) m inor
b) bad
a broken leg or arm
th e lin es in the correct order. Act ou t th e dial ogue.
- I’m quite ill. I think i ’ve got flu.
- I feel very weak and dizzy. I have
a cold in th e head and a sore throat.
- W hat’s the m atter?
- W hat is your tem peratu re?
- Tell me, doctor, is it very serious?
- V ery likely. W hat are the symptoms?
- I ’ve been running a high te m p e ra tu re
since yesterday. Today it ir 37.9.
- Please strip to the waist. I m u s t
examine you. Your th ro a t is
- It will be serious if you d o n 't follow
my instructions. Vou’ve only c au g h t
cold. You h av e to lie down
immediately. I’ll prescribe you a
gargle and some medicine.
- No, I th in k you'll recover in a few
- Shall I have to stay in bed long?
- T hank you ever so m uch, doctor.

E xercise 30. C om plete th e dialogues:

D ialogu e 1 D ialogue 2
- Hi! How a re you?
- W h a t’s th e trouble?
W hat’s th e m atter?
- Have you tak en your tem p eratu re?
- Really? T h a t’s too bad. Have you
taken anything for it? - Let me examine you. ... Y ou’ve
caught cold.
Well, dp you know w h at you
should do? T a k e ............ and You should sta y in bed for 2 days.
It really works. I ’ll prescribe you some medicine.

- N ot at alL - Take one pill 3 tim es a day

after meals.

D ia lo g u e 3
At th e pharmacy
Good moming. Can I help you?

Let m e see. This is f o r ........................... Do you w ant a large or sm all bottle?

Take 25 drops 3 tim es a day before meals. A nything else?

Yer, sir/m adam . H ere you are.

E xercise 3. M atch th e w o rd s w ith th e ir definitions.

I U nknow n wor ds, phrases № D efinitions

‘ 1 requirem pnt a) the art of dealing with people; a system of
actions based on knowledge, understanding or
judgem ent of o th er cultures
2. form al relations b) to give hospitality to, receive people as guests,
give food and d rink to
3. rules of etiquette c) a person who is closely resem bling another, as
in form or function
4. hum an relations skills d) sm th obligatory or dem anded as a condition
e) done or m ade according to prescribed or fixed
5. social behaviour customs, rules, ceremonies
f) th e way the person acts in a society
6. offence g) rules for form al relations or polite social
behaviour among people
7. to entertain h) the act of creating displeasure, resentm ent, or
h u rt feelings
8. counterpart

E xercise 4. A gree or d isag ree w ith th e statem ents. Give y o u r reasons. The
follow ing p h rases may be helpfuL

You may be right here; True; It’s partly true; Exactly; Quite so;
I (fully) agree w ith you; I don’t think so (at all); I shouldn't say so;
I’m afraid you are wrong here; I don’t agree w ith you.

S tatem en ts T rue False

1 To learn the etiq u ette of different countries is not necessary.

2 In m any European countries handshaking is an autom atic


3 In France good m anners req u ire shaking hands w ith everyone

you meet.

4 People in B ritain and Scandinavia shake-hands as m uch as people

in Belgium and Italy.

j G erm an business people p re fe r to be called by th eir surnam es

and titles.

G The Japanese are less polite w hen they don’t shake

hands when they m eet people for the first time.

7 Italian professionals don’t like to be called by th e ir titles.

8 Good m anners are alw ays adm ired all over th e world.
Exercise 7. A re these statem en ts tru e a b o u t social custom s in your country?
Tick under “Yes”, “ N o” o r "It depends”. Discuss y o u r choicc w ith
th e group.

S tatem en ts Yes No It depends

1 People shake hands when th ey m eet for the first time.
2 People sh ak e hands when they m eet a fter a long time.
3 Colleagues don’t shake hands every day.
4 In professional situations people usually exchange
business cards at a first meeting.
5. It is v e ry im portant to arrive punctually for a
professional meeting.
6 Colleagues generally use first nam es a t work.
7 People p re fe r to keep their w ork and private life
8 T hey d o n ’t usually socialize w ith colleagues outside
w orking hours.
9 W hen you a re invited to a person’s hom e for a
social occasion, it’s usual to arrive ten or fifteen
m inutes late.
10 W hen people give flowers as a present, they give an
odd, not an even, num ber, and w ithout w rapping

Tips to rem em ber

Don’t get to th e office too early on your first day.
Make sure you a re dressed on th e occasion.
Be careful about w h at you w ear to the office.
Be careful not to smoke w ithout permission.
Take flowers if you a re invited to dinner.
You shouldn’t take alcohol for your host.
Take a box of chocolate to his wife.

Exercise 9. Perform the following.

а) Л B ritish m anager is talking about social customs. He is giving advice

ab o u t th ree different countries to a group of trainee international
m anagers. Listen to three extracts from his talk. Tick the topics he is
talking about in each extract:

Topics E x trac t 1 E x tract 2 E xtract 3

Shaking hands
F irst/fam ily nam e
Business lunches
H um our an d jokes
Business cards
Making decision
M lAstv.n and tick the country you tltin k the manager is talking about in
each extract.

iOxtract 1 USA 0 G erm any О France 0

T x lracl 2 C.ermany CT~ Spain 0 Italy 0
E x trac t :t I ndia О Jap an О China О

l.x c r r is o 1Г» C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g p a ssa g e u s in g th e w o r d s fro m t h e lis t

b e lo w . C h a n g e th e fo rm o f ( h r w o r d s w h e r e n c c c ss s ir y .

relationship. ТП-Пtuigev, m otivate, pru/i/e. mccUiujx, suit, rule, attitude

M o tiv a tin g a M u ltin a t io n a l T e a m

Several organizations have been carrying o u t research to d eterm in e th e best
way U) ........................... (1) a m ultinational team of employees. T he resu lts of this
work show th a t the* principal problem s are caused by cultural differences. Kor
example, one .study, in which m em bers of ten nationalities a tte n d ed regular
............. (2) together, revealed th a l the French could not un d erstan d th e principal
.British ...................... (3) lo conducting business, which th ey th o u g h t in dicated a
! j . !< of preparation. On tho o th er hand, th e A m ericans found it difficult to accept
:.«i.King hands with the l'Yenrh every m orning, w hich th e y saw as a sign of a
■ n p ' Гоп tia I ...................... (4). Language can also cause m isunderstandings: lake
1.he case of an A m erican ...................... (5) w ho w rote ‘quite good’ on a rep o rt
prepared by ih e Uritish :>uboidinate. Tins was in terp reted as m eaning ‘not very
iiood’ w hen in fact the A m erican had m eant ‘b e tte r than good.* To overcom e these
problem s the successful m ultinational Irani should be composed of m anagers who
have the right ......................... (tf) in term s of attitu d e and experience and who
(7) the positions they are appointed to. It should also he a team th at
understand:; the basic ...................... (И).
А.А. Ismailov, N.I.Melenevskaya, V.B.Lapshin,
S.GShadiyeva, G.M.Atakhojayeva


W o rk B ook

I n te r m e d ia te L ev el
Third Edition R ev ised a n d E n larg ed

M uharrir: P ro fesso r Irisk u lo v M.T.

Rctssom: B a y n a za ro v J.T.
T ex n ik m uharrir: M u ratova K.T.
X .T “Gulyamov A.” bosmaxonasida bosildi.

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