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Strengthen Academic Success and Well-being: Steelhawks Study Group



Jamila Aylah J. Lagradante

Pavia, Iloilo

Alexandria B. Garque
Iloilo City

Klaijnil A. Ludivice
Iloilo City

Kyle Audie V. Gregorios

Iloilo City

Submitted as a Performance Task in
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Central Philippine University
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

December 21, 2023


The Steelhawks study group is an initiative that welcomes all students who are
passionate about academic excellence. Members collaborate by sharing their
knowledge, resources, and experiences to help each other overcome challenges and
stay motivated. Through participation, members develop meaningful relationships and
gain valuable life skills that will benefit them long after their university days. In
summary, the Steelhawks study group is an excellent resource for students seeking
academic success while maintaining a healthy balance. Whether you require academic
assistance or wish to connect with like-minded peers, the study group welcomes you
with open arms.


A study group is a collection of individuals who undertake research on a specific

subject and typically get together on a set schedule where you can ask questions, talk
about your findings and readings, practice participation while also getting to know
your classmates and schoolmates in a smaller surrounding.

Steelhawk study groups are formal groups of students pursuing senior high school
education, whose main goal is to work together to improve students' academic
achievement and overall well-being. In order to lessen the negative impacts of heavy
assignments, this program aims to establish a supportive environment where students
may work together to tackle difficult courses, share information, and offer emotional
support. Initiative demonstrates one's capacity for independent thought and, when
called upon, decisive action. It entails applying common sense and ambition to
accomplish goals. It is also one of the five essential life and professional skills, and
self-management is one of them.

The realization of the heavy workload and constant academic pressure that senior high
students experience led to the formation of a study group. In addition to encouraging
academic success, the goal is to address the various issues that may have an impact on
the student's physical and emotional well-being. Students who participate in
collaborative learning can gain from a variety of viewpoints, exchange ideas, and work
together to solve challenging problems in their schoolwork.
This study group seeks to give students a forum for discussion, analysis, and synthesis
of material in order to enhance their comprehension of a variety of topics. Furthermore,
the group will function as a platform for exchanging efficient study methods, time-
management approaches, and stress-reduction ideas. In addition to academic pursuits,
the study group aims to foster camaraderie and reciprocal assistance, enhancing the
general welfare of its participants.

A study from Weimer (2019) reported that more than 60% of students stated that they
learned more in groups than in solo study, which is why they chose group study over
individual study. This highlights the effect study groups have on motivation, with
nearly 70% of participants reporting higher levels of study motivation. A journal article
from Stenberg (2019) shows that the results also suggest that assessed group work has
a significant positive effect on a student's final exam mark, which in contrast to group
assessment. An exploratory study from Brookes (2021) indicates that groups whose
participants position themselves in a more equitable way, are more effective at
completing challenging physics activities and resolving areas of confusion that arise.

Why a study group? Students can share their knowledge and exchange ideas, which
can help them to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This can be
especially helpful for students who struggle with certain topics, as they can receive
guidance and support from their peers. Study groups provide an opportunity for
students to practice their communication and collaboration skills, which are essential
for success in both academic and professional settings. Participating in a study group
can also contribute to personal development. Students can learn from one another's
experiences and perspectives, which can broaden their own understanding of the world
around them. They can also develop important social skills, such as active listening and
empathy, which can help them to form stronger relationships with their peers and


The concept paper seeks to achieve its general objective of assuming study group
methods in cpu senior high school; to gain competitive advantage by focusing on the
following specific objectives:

1.1 To lessen the impact of high workloads by having a time to help each other
whether it be in performance tasks, projects, and other workloads.

1.2 To enhance academic performance by promoting effective study techniques,

peer tutoring, and the exchange of academic resources and insights.
1.3 To improve the overall well-being of students by encouraging a balanced
approach to academics, fostering social connections, and providing emotional

1.4 To mitigate stress levels associated with high workloads through

collaborative learning and shared responsibilities within the study group.

1.5 To create an environment that promotes positive mental and physical health
by offering a supportive community where students can share concerns and seek



Study groups may help students in avoiding procrastination, enhance their

comprehension of material, and reduce test anxiety. They facilitate speedier learning
and personal growth by enabling clarifications, material reviews, and idea exchanges.
Study groups also provide you the chance to try out different study techniques and
hone your organizational and note-taking abilities. Because each group member
contributes a unique perspective, the topic is understood in a more varied way.
Studying is made more pleasurable by the pleasant social environment that study
groups offer. By fostering creativity and communication, they also improve
participants' personal and professional skills by boosting their self-assurance and
comfort level in achieving their academic objectives. All things considered; study
groups are a great way to get ready for the working world because most professional
jobs include teamwork on projects. Lastly, study groups can give you better grades.

Academic performance: Analyze improvements in grades, test scores, and overall

academic achievements.

Attendance participation: Evaluate how consistent the students who are part of the
study group participate throughout time.

Well-being metrics: Measure improvements in stress levels, mental health, and general
well-being by using surveys or questionnaires. This can be done online.

Instructors Evaluation: Establishing rubrics for student evaluation, assessing

performance, providing feedback, determining criteria for final evaluations, and
adjusting grades based on peer evaluations for better understanding and progress.

Peer Evaluations (For students): A rubric facilitates consistent peer evaluations of

participation, quality, and quantity of work, potentially identifying issues, encouraging
student involvement, and enabling early improvement.

To ensure effective group projects, integrate assessment throughout the project,

assessing individual progress through quizzes and group meetings. There will be
interviews to assess outcomes. Encourage group effectiveness by asking members to
fill out group or peer evaluations. We encourage self-evaluation by asking students to
complete surveys on their contributions and learning experiences. Establish a grading
system that encourages teamwork, positive interdependence, and individual
accountability. Encourage independent and confidential evaluation of each group
member's work to ensure a positive learning environment.



1. SPACE: SHS building provided by the organization


Bond Papers 200 pesos x 10 reams= 2000 PHP

Pencils 100 PHP X 5 Boxes = 500 PHP
Ballpens 150 pesos x 5 boxes= 750 PHP

Intermediate Pad Papers 230 PHP x 1 ream = 230 PHP

Total: 3480 PHP


Educators 600 PHP x 4 = 2400 PHP

Coordinators 700 PHP x 7 = 4900 PHP

Staffs 500 PHP x 7 = 3500 PHP

Total: 10,800 x 4 = 43,200 PHP (monthly)


OVERALL MONTHLY BUDGET: An estimate of 62,000 PHP

For the educators, they are professionals. Hence, the rate is a bit higher. They also
teach in Central Philippine University, but they are not part of the University Senior
High School faculty. This is to prevent any biases from happening. The exact location
where the study group is not yet determined but there are a lot of vacant rooms in the
Senior High building, it could be where the students prefer to study the most. The cost
for the study materials could be also reduced because the students can provide for their
own materials, like their ballpens and intermediate pad papers. We have allotted a
budget for upcoming expenses. This could be also used for emergency funds when
there are instances we need money for the project. The overall monthly total for the
project is just an estimate of the cost.

Admin. (2023, May 18). 10 reasons why you should form a study group - Florida

National University. Florida National University.


Amberstudent. (2023, November 28). Top 15 benefits of group study. Amber.

Brookes, D. T. (2021). Social positioning in small group interactions in an

investigative science learning Environment Physics class.


Graham, A., Powell, M. A., & Truscott, J. (2016). Facilitating student well-being:

relationships do matter. Educational Research, 58(4), 366–383.

Gueldenzoph, L. E., & May, G. L. (2002). Collaborative peer evaluation: Best

practices for group member assessments. Business Communication Quarterly, 65(1),


How to evaluate group work | Center for Teaching Innovation. (n.d.).


Johnston, L., & Miles, L. (2004). Assessing contributions to group assignments.

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6), 751-768.

Oakley, B., Felder, F. M., Brent, R., & Elhajj, I, (2004). Turning student groups into

effective teams. Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2(1) 9-34.

Stenberg, L. (2019). Group Work and Student Outcomes among First Year

International Students.



University of Nebraska Omaha. (n.d.) Benefits, Tips, and Pitfalls of Study Groups.


Weimer, M., PhD. (2019, November 25). The benefits of study groups. Faculty Focus |

Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.


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