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By Andrei Gabor
what are these wars and
when do they take place

• The Napoleonic Wars are a

series of global wars fought
during the reign of Napoleon
Bonaparte in France (1799 –
1815), which ended with the
defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at
the Battle of Waterloo by the
Why did the Napoleonic
wars start ?
• The Wars of the French Revolution, or Wars of
the Coalition, began in 1792 when Revolutionary
France came into conflict with a number of
European states, notably Austria and Prussia.
These wars were sparked by:
• The aggressive expansion of the French
• The desire of other European powers to prevent
the spread of revolutionary ideas and defend
their own interests
• Napoleon
French Revolution

• French Revolution: Began in 1789

with the goal of changing the
political and social system in
France. This led to the
abolition of the monarchy and
the creation of a republic.
Revolutionary ideas such as
liberty and equality alarmed
European monarchies, who feared
that such ideas could be
contagious and threaten their
Who was
How did he take
the power?
success as
• Napoleon's reign was
characterized by internal
reforms in France,
including in the areas of
legislation, education and
administration, which
contributed to the
modernization of the
country. However, he is
best known for his
military ambitions and the
wars he led conquering
almost all of Europe
• Conquest of Italy (1796-1797)
• Conquest of Egypt (1798-1801)
• Conquest of Germany and Austria
• Conquest of Prussia and Poland
• Conquest of Spain and Portugal
• Fairly honorable exile on the
island of Elba, where he was
granted the right to bear the title
of king over a territory of 224
square kilometers : After the defeat
at Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled for
the second time, this time on the
island of Saint Helena in the South
Atlantic. He lived in exile until his
death in 1821.
• LAST WORDS "France, the army, the
head of state...Josephine".
Retreat from Russia (1812)

What were Formation of the Sixth Coalition (1813):after the withdrawal from Russia, several
European powers allied themselves against Napoleon in the Sixth Coalition. This
the reasons coalition included Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden and other European states.

for France's Defeats in Germany (1813) the battles of Lützen, Bautzen and Dresden. These
defeats weakened France's strategic position and strengthened the coalition's

defeat? determination to defeat Napoleon.

Invasion of France and Napoleon's abdication (1814): After the defeats in Germany,
the coalition invaded France. Paris was occupied in March 1814 and Napoleon was
forced to abdicate

The Return and the Battle of Waterloo

The Return and
the Battle of
Waterloo marks

In 1815, Napoleon escaped from exile and

returned to France, initiating the "100 Days
Campaign". However, it was definitively
defeated by the coalition led by Britain,
Prussia and other European powers at the
Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815.
Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 at Waterloo
marked the end of his reign and the Napoleonic

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